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New World Order or One World Government? ‘And here it is folks. The Great Reset’ coming to your neighbourhood on the 22nd of May 2022. Prepare your arseholes.

King Billy

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27 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I think I've got the gist of it, Bend, but correct me if I've misinterpreted anything that you've said.

You believe that the leaking of the draft decision re the Roe vs Wade abortion situation was a deliberate smoke screen to cover up for the FDA following the court ruling that they must release the Pfizer data? 

I can see a few glaring issues with your line of thinking. If the lizard people who control the world and want this Great Reset thingamajig are so powerful, surely their minions within the US judiciary would have stopped this? Alternatively, if they are part of a sinister shadow government, would they not just simply fake the data? As for the abortion shit being leaked, do you not think that this has more to do with the deep political and ethical divisions within a broken and bi-partisan America? That a democrat, left wing sympathiser at the supreme court would not have been tempted to leak this information because they were utterly appalled that backward, conservative bible bashers were seeking to deny women autonomy over their own bodies? Do you genuinely believe that this was a false flag operation, and that like cats distracted by a laser pen, people are incapable of focusing on two separate things, especially if the Pfizer files are as damning as you assume?

It might just be my limited duck brain, but I really don't think you've thought this through. Put down your crack pipe and revisit this again when you're not off your fucking nut.

Why are you talking about lizard people, you fucking stupid cunt.

Surely you mean the world is controlled by duck people, you once told me you run a cabal that hides in the shadows.

The best we can do Duckie, is assume we know nothing but the truth is out there, trust no one.

David Duchovny is a cunt.

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21 hours ago, Neil said:

I did have to see the doctor and he said to me "you really need to stop wanking" and I said "why?" and he said " 'cos I'm trying to examine you, you dirty bastard!"

A kid walks in and catches his dad wanking. 

"Dad what are you doing'?

"I'm masturbating son and soon you'll be doing it"

"Whys that dad"?

"Because my hand's getting tired"


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4 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:


A kid walks in and catches his dad wanking. 

"Dad what are you doing'?

"I'm masturbating son and soon you'll be doing it"

"Whys that dad"?

"Because my hand's getting tired"


Gypps. I went to Knowsley Safari Park last week to visit Jake’s family. I saw a gorilla with a banana in one hand and a can opener in the other. I shouted ‘you don’t need that to open that.’ The cheeky cunt shouted back…‘it’s for the custard, dickhead!’ 

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11 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:


A kid walks in and catches his dad wanking. 

"Dad what are you doing'?

"I'm masturbating son and soon you'll be doing it"

"Whys that dad"?

"Because my hand's getting tired"


When I was 14 I asked my dad "Is it right dad that wanking makes you go blind?" He said " I don't know son but don't stop now I'm almost there"

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18 minutes ago, Neil said:

When I was 14 I asked my dad "Is it right dad that wanking makes you go blind?" He said " I don't know son but don't stop now I'm almost there"

Sounds about right, and would actually explain a lot about your posts. I don't think CuntsCorner is the right place to disclose this sort of information though.

Edited by Cunty BigBollox
I've made you look a right cunt there Neil 😁
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On 13/05/2022 at 21:37, King Billy said:

Just when you thought the world was returning back to a normal precovid way of life, and the sheeple are cautiously emerging from two years under their beds, wringing the piss out of their pyjamas and taking their face panties off to see if Grannies corpse is still rotting in the spare room, the goalposts have shifted again. The WHO, which we all know to be totally trustable,  always acting honourably to protect us all, and not in any way corrupt and on the payroll of the Chinese Communist Party or the Saint Billiam and Melinda Gates Foundation will proudly host the signing of the WHO Pandemic Treaty by almost every government puppet leader across the world. This international treaty will give the WHO the authority to mandate lockdowns, face nappies, and all the other abuses of your liberties which have proved so successful in the fake Covid plandemic Great Reset rehearsal which has been more successful than thought possible.

This smoke and mirrors treaty ‘to keep us all safe’ gives all the puppet cunts the excuse in future  that we must comply as we’re obligated by this international treaty. 
Wake up for fuck sake or I’ll come round your house, mutilate your granny and then shove a pallet load of masks up your fucking arse without sanitising my hands or my Omichron infected cock.

Fuck off.


Before the cyborg commies complete their agenda, the banks will have any remnants of humanity over the barrel with cryptos, soon after their crafted energy and food holocaust reduced world’s population to a small number.  
But there are always unknown angles; Sri Lanka is entertaining now.

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On 13/05/2022 at 22:24, Penelope Alive said:

Do you use a white stick and guide dog?

Why aren’t you blind yet? You’ve been bullshitting about your failing sight for years you 300 year old fucking goofball freak cunt.

Don’t bother waiting any longer for your eyes to fail. Kill yourself now. Fuck off.

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18 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Why aren’t you blind yet? You’ve been bullshitting about your failing sight for years you 300 year old fucking goofball freak cunt.

Don’t bother waiting any longer for your eyes to fail. Kill yourself now. Fuck off.

I have still got my own teeth .. now fuck off igor you boring cunt.

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21 hours ago, Decimus said:

backward, conservative bible bashers were seeking to deny women autonomy over their own bodies?

Which is not the case at all. The overturning of Roe v Wade simply gives the elected administrations in each of the 50  states the power to pass their own abortion  laws, which is exactly what the Constitution states. Autonomy over your own body doesn’t mean murdering a baby right up to the second it emerges from the cunt imo, which is happening in some cases right now and celebrated by the same cunts who say ‘follow the science’ re climate change but ignore science re gender and abortion.

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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

Which is not the case at all. The overturning of Roe v Wade simply gives the elected administrations in each of the 50  states the power to pas their own abortion laws. Which is exactly what the Constitution states. Autonomy over your own body doesn’t mean murdering a baby right up to the second it emerges from the cunt imo, which is happening in some cases right now and celebrated by the same cunts who say ‘follow the science’ re climate change but ignore science re gender and abortion.

Bollocks. That's exactly what it means. And I don't think your opinion in this matter counts for much, considering you've never had a womb gremlin growing in you.

I think if the father is willing to care for the child afterwards, then maybe that should be considered if the birth isn't going to cause health problems for the mother, but other than that cunts should keep the fuck out of it. If a young woman is desperate enough to go through with an abortion then the chances are she'll simply find other, far more unsafe ways of going about it if political/religious grandstanding blocks off more reasonable options.

Why the fuck should a woman be left with a money and life consuming little tumour for making the exact same mistake the (often completely absent) father did? And, more importantly, what gives you or any other cunt not involved in the conception any right to dictate what does or does not come out of her chuff?

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3 hours ago, Roadkill said:

Bollocks. That's exactly what it means. And I don't think your opinion in this matter counts for much, considering you've never had a womb gremlin growing in you.

I think if the father is willing to care for the child afterwards, then maybe that should be considered if the birth isn't going to cause health problems for the mother, but other than that cunts should keep the fuck out of it. If a young woman is desperate enough to go through with an abortion then the chances are she'll simply find other, far more unsafe ways of going about it if political/religious grandstanding blocks off more reasonable options.

Why the fuck should a woman be left with a money and life consuming little tumour for making the exact same mistake the (often completely absent) father did? And, more importantly, what gives you or any other cunt not involved in the conception any right to dictate what does or does not come out of her chuff?

So murdering viable babies and then harvesting their organs which is a multi billion dollar industry in the US is just fine now? As for stating that my opinion doesn't count for much, then giving your opinion in detail seems rather odd RK.

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2 minutes ago, King Billy said:

So murdering viable babies and then harvesting their organs which is a multi billion dollar industry in the US is just fine now? As for stating that my opinion doesn't count for much, then giving your opinion in detail seems rather odd RK.

Your opinion is based on conspiracy theory and political meddling - mine is basically the status quo, apart from the bit about the father getting a say in the matter if he hasn't done a runner. And even that bit I don't give an entire fuck about.

So you don't like it when the government try to force you to wear a simple mask, but you'd be OK giving birth to a child you don't want if you were a woman, just because they told you to do so? Bollocks.


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19 minutes ago, King Billy said:

So murdering viable babies and then harvesting their organs which is a multi billion dollar industry in the US is just fine now? As for stating that my opinion doesn't count for much, then giving your opinion in detail seems rather odd RK.

Don't you fuck off to the Saint Billiam thread. Debate me, bro!

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7 hours ago, King Billy said:

Which is not the case at all. The overturning of Roe v Wade simply gives the elected administrations in each of the 50  states the power to pass their own abortion  laws, which is exactly what the Constitution states. Autonomy over your own body doesn’t mean murdering a baby right up to the second it emerges from the cunt imo, which is happening in some cases right now and celebrated by the same cunts who say ‘follow the science’ re climate change but ignore science re gender and abortion.

If the individual states are allowed to impose bans on abortion, we could be looking at fifty percent of those states effectively taking away a woman's right to terminate a pregnancy. 

It's a complex issue with various ethical and medical considerations to take into account. Would a blanket ban mean a rape victim has to give birth to the perpetrator's child? If the child had little chance of surviving once born, or the mother's health would be put into jeopardy if the pregnancy was carried to term, would this also be legislated against?

I'm not sure what caveats, if any, would be put in place and would totally oppose a blanket ban. Do I agree with women aborting foetuses because they've had a one off shag and don't want to deal with the consequences? No, I personally don't, but I also agree with her right to terminate a pregnancy up to a certain point. The maximum limit in some states and in this country seems to be excessive, but again, a number of factors and individual circumstances need to be taken into account.

I don't know what the answer is, and I think both sides have some valid points of view. I'd be open to reform but I definitely don't advocate a total ban under any circumstances.

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1 hour ago, Roadkill said:

So you don't like it when the government try to force you to wear a simple mask, but you'd be OK giving birth to a child you don't want if you were a woman, just because they told you to do so? Bollocks.


1 hour ago, Roadkill said:

Don't you fuck off to the Saint Billiam thread. Debate me, bro!

The mask comparison is a bit strange RK. Wearing or not wearing a face nappy is hardly comparable to knowingly and willingly murdering a helpless baby imo. The evidence on face coverings is starting to come out after 2 years of censorship and suppression by the big tech oligarchs and the fakestream media.

As I’ve said, the pro choice v pro life debate is just another example of the lefts long and undeniable agenda. That being the destruction of all the historical building blocks of society by dividing the population into defined pigeon holes of race, gender, sexual orientation, class etc. and creating tensions, stoking up hatred and manufacturing tje perception of oppression of one by the other. The left hand side of the political elite are truly the most vile disgusting humans to ever walk this Earth.

All the pink haired, flat chested or fat arsed ‘pro choice’ protestors with their anaemic,  skinny jeaned, ‘soy boy’, micro dicked partners nodding their man buns or pony tails in agreement behind them have one glaring flaw in their juvenile rantings. They’ve already been born and not been violently murdered, mutilated and had their body parts sold off before they were able to say ‘No thanks’.

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22 minutes ago, King Billy said:


The mask comparison is a bit strange RK. Wearing or not wearing a face nappy is hardly comparable to knowingly and willingly murdering a helpless baby imo. The evidence on face coverings is starting to come out after 2 years of censorship and suppression by the big tech oligarchs and the fakestream media.

As I’ve said, the pro choice v pro life debate is just another example of the lefts long and undeniable agenda. That being the destruction of all the historical building blocks of society by dividing the population into defined pigeon holes of race, gender, sexual orientation, class etc. and creating tensions, stoking up hatred and manufacturing tje perception of oppression of one by the other. The left hand side of the political elite are truly the most vile disgusting humans to ever walk this Earth.

All the pink haired, flat chested or fat arsed ‘pro choice’ protestors with their anaemic,  skinny jeaned, ‘soy boy’, micro dicked partners nodding their man buns or pony tails in agreement behind them have one glaring flaw in their juvenile rantings. They’ve already been born and not been violently murdered, mutilated and had their body parts sold off before they were able to say ‘No thanks’.

Think about it, you get angry for being told to wear a mask, how would you feel if you were forced to give birth to a baby by the same people?

Why do you discourage the government for mandating something like a mask, but then demand their action when it comes to other people's decisions about their bodies? A child that was born as a mistake isn't going to live a very fulfilling life if it was forced upon its mother, and the US childcare services seem to be just as damaging as an abusive parent most of the time, even if their intentions are good.

Plus the chances of getting a shag are vastly improved if she knows she can just get the business end of a Henry shoved up there instead of being forcefully dragged off to the birthing cells to deliver the unwanted consequence.


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41 minutes ago, Decimus said:

If the individual states are allowed to impose bans on abortion, we could be looking at fifty percent of those states effectively taking away a woman's right to terminate a pregnancy. 

It's a complex issue with various ethical and medical considerations to take into account. Would a blanket ban mean a rape victim has to give birth to the perpetrator's child? If the child had little chance of surviving once born, or the mother's health would be put into jeopardy if the pregnancy was carried to term, would this also be legislated against?

I'm not sure what caveats, if any, would be put in place and would totally oppose a blanket ban. Do I agree with women aborting foetuses because they've had a one off shag and don't want to deal with the consequences? No, I personally don't, but I also agree with her right to terminate a pregnancy up to a certain point. The maximum limit in some states and in this country seems to be excessive, but again, a number of factors and individual circumstances need to be taken into account.

I don't know what the answer is, and I think both sides have some valid points of view. I'd be open to reform but I definitely don't advocate a total ban under any circumstances.

The SCOTUS is simply reversing a highly controversial ruling which was made at a time when ultrasound scans and modern medical  technology was Hollywood science fiction. Even the lefts Mother Theresa of the Supreme Court Ruth Bader Ginsburg stated many times that Roe v Wade was in her opinion wrong. 
No one is going to be forced to give birth against their will. Each state elect their own congress and senate to enact and repeal state law. Every citizen is free to travel to another state for any purpose they choose, including for the purpose of terminating pregnancy if they can’t access that past a certain time frame in their home state. The SCOTUS exists purely to uphold the constitution of the USA, plain and simple. The USA is exactly what it says, a collection of individual sovereign states who elect the politicians they want to govern them and have the opportunity every  2 years (yes every 2 years) to replace most of them if they choose. The federal government in DC is much less powerful regarding domestic matters than most people think. The irony of the WH press Secretary Jen Psaki dishonestly saying that SCOTUS could soon be banning mixed race and gay marriage, and refusing  to condemn violent mobs outside the home of Justice Clarence Thomas, a black man married to a white woman as a ‘white supremacist’ should be enough  evidence of the clown world which is 2022.


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1 minute ago, King Billy said:

The SCOTUS is simply reversing a highly controversial ruling which was made at a time when ultrasound scans and modern medical  technology was Hollywood science fiction. Even the lefts Mother Theresa of the Supreme Court Ruth Bader Ginsburg stated many times that Roe v Wade was in her opinion wrong. 
No one is going to be forced to give birth against their will. Each state elect their own congress and senate to enact and repeal state law. Every citizen is free to travel to another state for any purpose they choose, including for the purpose of terminating pregnancy if they can’t access that past a certain time frame in their home state. The SCOTUS exists purely to uphold the constitution of the USA, plain and simple. The USA is exactly what it says, a collection of individual sovereign states who elect the politicians they want to govern them and have the opportunity every  2 years (yes every 2 years) to replace most of them if they choose. The federal government in DC is much less powerful regarding domestic matters than most people think. The irony of the WH press Secretary Jen Psaki dishonestly saying that SCOTUS could soon be banning mixed race and gay marriage, and refusing  to condemn violent mobs outside the home of Justice Clarence Thomas, a black man married to a white woman as a ‘white supremacist’ should be enough  evidence of the clown world which is 2022.


Well you are talking about fucking America, Billy. They've all got chlorine brain and diabetes.

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18 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Think about it, you get angry for being told to wear a mask, how would you feel if you were forced to give birth to a baby by the same people?

Why do you discourage the government for mandating something like a mask, but then demand their action when it comes to other people's decisions about their bodies? A child that was born as a mistake isn't going to live a very fulfilling life if it was forced upon its mother, and the US childcare services seem to be just as damaging as an abusive parent most of the time, even if their intentions are good.

Plus the chances of getting a shag are vastly improved if she knows she can just get the business end of a Henry shoved up there instead of being forcefully dragged off to the birthing cells to deliver the unwanted consequence.


I’m very much pro life RK but I do believe that in truly exceptional circumstances abortion is the only solution. I’m not talking about rape, physical deformity or any of the admittedly heartbreaking reasons that many women murder their unborn sprogs. 
Imagine the indescribable horror of a wizened old pregnant hag shuffling in to her GP and the doctor saying ‘Hello Mrs Kleftiko. Have you decided on a name yet for the little lad when he pokes his wig out of your manky old doner kebab?’

’Yes Doctor. I think it’s going to be Frank’

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