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The Takeover is Complete

Guest Parabolic Cunting

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Guest Parabolic Cunting

Sunak, Zahawi, Tugendhat, Braverman, Patel, Javid, Mordaunt, Shapps. Notice anything about these folk?

Muslims, Jews and fucking Frenchies. Nothing quite like representing British interests with leadership candidates whose parents couldn't say the word 'Briton', let alone claim to be one. I can already feel the North squirming at their breakfast tables as they settle into a feast of buckled railway line and woodlouse infested sleepers as one of these priveleged little backstabbers details the couple of hundred quid extra they'll get a year to help them buy the processed dogshit poisoning their kids.

Whilst I am not a cultural nazi, I reckon a British Caucasian PM with British Caucasian parents and grandparents would more effectively represent a country made up of predominantly British Caucasian citizens, and preferably one from a working class background.

I mean, where the fuck are we? Frenchies are trying to infiltrate! Fucking do something you cunts!

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Guest Parabolic Cunting
Just now, Penelope Alive said:

My bets are on Zahawi.

He'll have your cock and balls in a jar for voodoo before you know it.

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Guest Parabolic Cunting
3 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Ill throw my thruppence ha'pennys worth in...i say the lovely pritti for PM and the lovely raverwoman for deputy PM



I find her kind of sexy, good for a bukkake party, not much else though P.M.

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Britain will not want a Muslim running the gaff, so that rules out Zahawi and peanut head Javid, the thick bastards up north probably think Sunak is a Muslim also, so that rules him out. Like a lot of men Sunaks Mrs has ruined his life and prospects, what with the tax issues and being super rich, so even if he wasn't a lollipop looking, big earred posh wanker, he still wouldn't win it.

The choices are all shite, I think if Priti lost a few stone and sucked me off, I could be pursuaded to vote for her. 

The future is fucking shite, what a pile of cunt.

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Guest Parabolic Cunting
17 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

What about liz shes got the tart factor 


She's from fucking Norfolk. The candidate needs to be homosapien.

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I DO NOT want a foreigner running our government. Diversity these days mean we're odds on to get a tanned one but I really really hope not. Most of them have a fucking great chip on their shoulder and 'Black Privelage' will be even more in our pale white faces. R.I.P England, It was good while it lasted.

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23 minutes ago, Neil said:

I DO NOT want a foreigner running our government. Diversity these days mean we're odds on to get a tanned one but I really really hope not. Most of them have a fucking great chip on their shoulder and 'Black Privelage' will be even more in our pale white faces. R.I.P England, It was good while it lasted.

Neil you daft old racist cunt, you did know Boris is of Turkish Muslim descent? There's a picture of him on the wall in Fez Mangal in Ladbroke Grove... picture the scene, Raas ordered a lamb shawarma with extra chilli, about to tuck in, only to see the fat albino looking cunts picture on the wall with some cunt who works there. It put me right off and in an attempt to become British I went and got some pie and mash... and that was fucking awful. 

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1 hour ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Let's face it, watch any ad break on TV nowadays and the amount of dusky people you see you'd think white British was the minority in this country. 

It's ridiculous CG, it's like the first thing these (mostly white) advertising wankers agree on before casting is that the actors have to be black. This became the 'right on' thing to do after George Floyd's murder and the subsequent rise of BLM, however it's now embarrassing. These black actors are riding this wave of discrimination, which ironically was the very thing they were probably against in the first place. 

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30 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

It's ridiculous CG, it's like the first thing these (mostly white) advertising wankers agree on before casting is that the actors have to be black. This became the 'right on' thing to do after George Floyd's murder and the subsequent rise of BLM, however it's now embarrassing. These black actors are riding this wave of discrimination, which ironically was the very thing they were probably against in the first place. 

I hope it causes a global race war. Which is probably the reverse psychology method that whoever is pushing this agenda are using. It can't be as simple as it looks. It seems to be structured manipulation. The white population is being forced to accept inferiors as superiors. Sooner or later that's going to boil over.

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5 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I hope it causes a global race war. Which is probably the reverse psychology method that whoever is pushing this agenda are using. It can't be as simple as it looks. It seems to be structured manipulation. The white population is being forced to accept inferiors as superiors. Sooner or later that's going to boil over.

Raasclaat's right. It seems that every cunt ad person decides that they have to use black actors probably to look 'right on' and not be accused of being racist. It seems the only white on family adverts is married to a black person with the requisite coffee coloured son and daughter. It's got to the point now that it seems Britain is a predominantly black country. 

I blame these cunts

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22 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I hope it causes a global race war. Which is probably the reverse psychology method that whoever is pushing this agenda are using. It can't be as simple as it looks. It seems to be structured manipulation. The white population is being forced to accept inferiors as superiors. Sooner or later that's going to boil over.

I think it is Eric, it's simply these 'right on' types reacting to current affairs and trends. I see these TV production types often, and they all look similar and I imagine think along similar lines. I remember Channel 4 were thinking of broadcasting the Muslim call to prayer, that mincing, big poofter in denim shorts and high heels twirking like a woman. They've been pushing various minorities and 'right on' agendas for ages now, it'll be the gender neutrals/transbenders next...  Debenhams new bikini advert featuring 'Debra' strolling down the beach, with 'her' meat and two veg stuffed in its bikini. 

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It's a nice analogy for the current state of British politics. Once the thin layer of vaguely relatable faces have fucked off out of frustration, you're left with the ones who actually stand to gain the most by keeping the shit circus running and, surprise surprise, they're all a bunch of cunts who a generation earlier would have been considered foreigners.

This is what happens after decades of political backroom deals designed solely for those in power at the time to profit from selling off and outsourcing the various production and manufacturing industries of a once independent nation to foreign entities, until the largest surviving service we can offer operates mainly out of a single geographical location and focuses entirely on cleaning other people's blood money.

In a way, it really doesn't matter what your skin colour is now, just how much dirty money you can offer up as tribute for the squealing little Parliament piggies to roll around in. Keep them happy and they'll make sure the electorate foots the bill and after a while, if you've greased enough palms, you might even get invited to join the club.

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5 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

It's a nice analogy for the current state of British politics. Once the thin layer of vaguely relatable faces have fucked off out of frustration, you're left with the ones who actually stand to gain the most by keeping the shit circus running and, surprise surprise, they're all a bunch of cunts who a generation earlier would have been considered foreigners.

This is what happens after decades of political backroom deals designed solely for those in power at the time to profit from selling off and outsourcing the various production and manufacturing industries of a once independent nation to foreign entities, until the largest surviving service we can offer operates mainly out of a single geographical location and focuses entirely on cleaning other people's blood money.

In a way, it really doesn't matter what your skin colour is now, just how much dirty money you can offer up as tribute for the squealing little Parliament piggies to roll around in. Keep them happy and they'll make sure the electorate foots the bill and after a while, if you've greased enough palms, you might even get invited to join the club.

Its weird RK, most voting people can see they have, are and continue to take the piss. Track and trace, bailing out the banks and selling off the shares at a masive loss etc, everything fucking thing sold off to foreign companies who simply want to make profit at our expense. The list of piss taking is almost endless, yet we still vote for these self serving utter cunts.

Tory, Labour and the Lib Dems can all go fuck themselves. It's the same old shite under a different name. 

I need to get into Politics. 


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49 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Its weird RK, most voting people can see they have, are and continue to take the piss. Track and trace, bailing out the banks and selling off the shares at a masive loss etc, everything fucking thing sold off to foreign companies who simply want to make profit at our expense. The list of piss taking is almost endless, yet we still vote for these self serving utter cunts.

Tory, Labour and the Lib Dems can all go fuck themselves. It's the same old shite under a different name. 

I need to get into Politics. 


I couldn't agree more, just look at your road tunnels, bridges, and water companies. A great part of which are owned by fine French companies. Added to that is the fact that most of your electricity is generated by EDF, another great French company. Surely, instead of moaning, you should be grateful. Before the French took over, you were on the verge of having to canoe across rivers, dig wells for water, and pedal a bike generator to produce electricity, beneath a yum yum tree. Mind you, with your ancestry, you'd love that.


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3 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Neil you daft old racist cunt, you did know Boris is of Turkish Muslim descent? There's a picture of him on the wall in Fez Mangal in Ladbroke Grove... picture the scene, Raas ordered a lamb shawarma with extra chilli, about to tuck in, only to see the fat albino looking cunts picture on the wall with some cunt who works there. It put me right off and in an attempt to become British I went and got some pie and mash... and that was fucking awful. 

There are more angles to this bleached wanker:


Born Charlotte Offlow Fawcett in Oxford, Charlotte Johnson Wahl (mother of Boris J) was the daughter of Frances (née Lowe) and James Fawcett.[5] She was the granddaughter of Americans Elias Avery Lowe, a palaeographer of Lithuanian Jewish descent,[6] 



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15 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

I couldn't agree more, just look at your road tunnels, bridges, and water companies. A great part of which are owned by fine French companies. Added to that is the fact that most of your electricity is generated by EDF, another great French company. Surely, instead of moaning, you should be grateful. Before the French took over, you were on the verge of having to canoe across rivers, dig wells for water, and pedal a bike generator to produce electricity, beneath a yum yum tree. Mind you, with your ancestry, you'd love that.


You make many points Witheredscrote and I'll respond later... I decided to visit the Zoo and couldn't resist hanging out with the monkeys. 

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16 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

I couldn't agree more, just look at your road tunnels, bridges, and water companies. A great part of which are owned by fine French companies. Added to that is the fact that most of your electricity is generated by EDF, another great French company. Surely, instead of moaning, you should be grateful. Before the French took over, you were on the verge of having to canoe across rivers, dig wells for water, and pedal a bike generator to produce electricity, beneath a yum yum tree. Mind you, with your ancestry, you'd love that.


Withers, you utter cunt. Your EDF is being nationalised as we speak. You may think it’s a great idea, but I shit you not - that electricity is going to the highest bidder - meaning us. Not that your liberally perfumed mannequins will tell you this to your faces. Some deep assurances that it was done for France’s energy security lie will be parroted by the main stream media.

Time to turn those excessive migrant lard into candles.

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Sunak is a slimey back stabbing cunt out to create his own agenda to get in at No 10, I'd have accepted his resignation letter and told him that he can never come back into Parliament. A snake,lying,two-faced cunt bag,he'll make a very apt replacement. 

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2 hours ago, White Cunt said:

Withers, you utter cunt. Your EDF is being nationalised as we speak. You may think it’s a great idea, but I shit you not - that electricity is going to the highest bidder - meaning us. Not that your liberally perfumed mannequins will tell you this to your faces. Some deep assurances that it was done for France’s energy security lie will be parroted by the main stream media.

Time to turn those excessive migrant lard into candles.

I give not one fuck for your opinion.  The fact is,  in the last 12 months, the French government have sent me a total of 465€ in energy relief cheques. Normally I would put this toward paying for electric, but, as indirectly you saps are paying me, I am going to buy lots of good wines (French of course) instead.

A vive to you.

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