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Chinks are consuming more and more coal

White Cunt

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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

Vitas Gerulaitis might disagree with that last sentence if he’d survived.

I didn't know who he was, so I googled the foreign sounding cunt and found out his middle name was Kevin. He should have dropped 'Gerulaitis' as well, sounds like a throat infection. 

If he'd been better at tennis, he could have had a better pool heater, like the really nice one John McEnroe has got. (probably) It's his own fault he's dead.

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17 hours ago, Wolfie said:

It's a shame your modesty has (yet again) prevented you from acknowledging your error, instead choosing to focus on something pointlessly trivial. :rolleyes:


I'm not sure what you mean by "yet again" but yes, I made a five word comment which is considerably less than the word-count you've expended on grammar and spelling nazism. Personally, I rarely involve myself in such antics as I am prone to make typos as much as the next punter so it would be hypocritical to correct other peoples' spelling and grammar. IMO, making such corrections is just petty point-scoring by beta males.

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17 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I didn't know who he was, so I googled the foreign sounding cunt and found out his middle name was Kevin. He should have dropped 'Gerulaitis' as well, sounds like a throat infection. 

If he'd been better at tennis, he could have had a better pool heater, like the really nice one John McEnroe has got. (probably) It's his own fault he's dead.

A lot of really clever people think it was either climate change or racism that killed him, but  I reckon it must have been Donald Trump, because they’re both from New York and not one of the millions of people in NYC has ever stated on the record that they saw Trump not do it.

Lt. Columbo would have reached the same conclusion probably.

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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

A lot of really clever people think it was either climate change or racism that killed him, but  I reckon it must have been Donald Trump, because they’re both from New York and not one of the millions of people in NYC has ever stated on the record that they saw Trump not do it.

Lt. Columbo would have reached the same conclusion probably.

The man was unvaccinated. That would most likely be the cause of death.

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2 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

The man was unvaccinated. That would most likely be the cause of death.

Silly cunt refused his 14th Tennis Elbow booster jab and whaddya know…..found dead the following morning with ‘Bill Gates did it, the evil bastard’ scrawled on the wall in his own blood and his blood soaked finger stuck to the skirting halfway through his unfinished autograph/signature and a tennis ball wedged in every orifice.

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On 02/08/2022 at 19:39, King Billy said:

A lot of really clever people think it was either climate change or racism that killed him, but  I reckon it must have been Donald Trump, because they’re both from New York and not one of the millions of people in NYC has ever stated on the record that they saw Trump not do it.

Lt. Columbo would have reached the same conclusion probably.

Talking of Columbos: the powers that be had been perusing Trump’s drawers with great fervour. 
Personally, I would hire a top team to scan the property for implanted devices top to bottom after the impromptu visit. 
Desperate measures - sad cunts.

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3 hours ago, White Cunt said:

Talking of Columbos: the powers that be had been perusing Trump’s drawers with great fervour. 
Personally, I would hire a top team to scan the property for implanted devices top to bottom after the impromptu visit. 
Desperate measures - sad cunts.

They’ve crossed the rubicon with this desperate act. They really have sunk to levels never seen before. Six years of relentless and unsuccessful persecution, simply because the American people had enough of the corrupt DC politicians and deep state, and voted for a President who promised to put them first and the USA first. They fear him so much that they’re now prepared to go to any lengths to keep him off the ballot paper in 2024. What these criminals at the highest level of the FBI and DOJ have done here is the biggest mistake they could have made. 

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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

They’ve crossed the rubicon with this desperate act. They really have sunk to levels never seen before. Six years of relentless and unsuccessful persecution, simply because the American people had enough of the corrupt DC politicians and deep state, and voted for a President who promised to put them first and the USA first. They fear him so much that they’re now prepared to go to any lengths to keep him off the ballot paper in 2024. What these criminals at the highest level of the FBI and DOJ have done here is the biggest mistake they could have made. 

It’s deliberate shit stirring by the commies; so desperate for civil unrest and some harsh lockdowns with food and energy shortages for good measure. They are playing dirty and this is just the starters.

Meanwhile, their compatriots- the CCP, are prepping up a small Taiwan distraction/entertainment for the natives, before solemnly throwing them into the grinder.

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5 minutes ago, White Cunt said:

It’s deliberate shit stirring by the commies; so desperate for civil unrest  and some harsh lockdowns with food and energy shortages for good measure. They are playing dirty and this is just the starters.

Meanwhile, their compatriots- the CCP, are prepping up a small Taiwan distraction/entertainment for the natives, before solemnly throwing them into the grinder.


The Chinks have been known to hold grudges since before the days Ghengis Khan slapped them around like the bunch of uppity little yellow bitches they are, so Taiwan is the perfect distraction to get the cunts riled up with national outrage whilst Xi sneaks up from behind and nicks their wallets.

They'll all end up living in state funded cardboard boxes by the end of it, but the divs will convince themselves it was worth it for a quick ego wank.

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1 hour ago, Roadkill said:


The Chinks have been known to hold grudges since before the days Ghengis Khan slapped them around like the bunch of uppity little yellow bitches they are, so Taiwan is the perfect distraction to get the cunts riled up with national outrage whilst Xi sneaks up from behind and nicks their wallets.

They'll all end up living in state funded cardboard boxes by the end of it, but the divs will convince themselves it was worth it for a quick ego wank.

Their wallets had already been picked clean by the industrious comrades higher up in the pecking order.

They can only dream of cardboard boxes, as the corrupt regime wipes them out by the million.

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7 hours ago, White Cunt said:

Talking of Columbos: the powers that be had been perusing Trump’s drawers with great fervour. 
Personally, I would hire a top team to scan the property for implanted devices top to bottom after the impromptu visit. 
Desperate measures - sad cunts.

I am not a fan of the honey monster Trump, but this raid seems a bit off to me. The reason given about documents seems a bit amateurish.


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59 minutes ago, White Cunt said:

Their wallets had already been picked clean by the industrious comrades higher up in the pecking order.

They can only dream of cardboard boxes, as the corrupt regime wipes them out by the million.

You reckon there might be another convenient famine on the horizon, or will they all just be black bagged and written off as COVID victims?

I still find it a hell of a coincidence that the virus suddenly popped up right at the peak of their ageing population crisis and just before a huge real estate crash that had been predicted for years and will make 2008 look like losing a fiver in the couch. And I'm not just saying that to excite @King Billy.

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1 hour ago, Roadkill said:

You reckon there might be another convenient famine on the horizon, or will they all just be black bagged and written off as COVID victims?

I still find it a hell of a coincidence that the virus suddenly popped up right at the peak of their ageing population crisis and just before a huge real estate crash that had been predicted for years and will make 2008 look like losing a fiver in the couch. And I'm not just saying that to excite @King Billy.

China is a goner. 
A massive and growing tsunami of the elderly, whose pensions and investments have been stolen or sunk into complete dog shit, collapsing food, water, cheap energy resources and shrinking market for landfill products in the West (also ageing and not  spending)  - so they are doing the lockdown insanity all over the country, again.

The collapse of the rotten housing market and other garbage industries is indeed making the 2008 looking rather silly.

 I expect more of the same insane building and colonial projects in Africa and Asia to keep the Titanic on an even keel, but given their track record, things will collapse even faster. They are utterly fucked.

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15 hours ago, White Cunt said:

China is a goner. 
A massive and growing tsunami of the elderly, whose pensions and investments have been stolen or sunk into complete dog shit, collapsing food, water, cheap energy resources and shrinking market for landfill products in the West (also ageing and not  spending)  - so they are doing the lockdown insanity all over the country, again.

The collapse of the rotten housing market and other garbage industries is indeed making the 2008 looking rather silly.

 I expect more of the same insane building and colonial projects in Africa and Asia to keep the Titanic on an even keel, but given their track record, things will collapse even faster. They are utterly fucked.

It saddens me deeply to think of the Chinese suffering. Perhaps I could arrange for an old, fully-laden Boeing 747 to deliver some products to mainland China to assist, starting with Beijing. While respecting their ongoing international coronavirus restrictions, this could therefore be dropped directly over the city. All I can say is that it involves millions of poo bags, some serious pavement-scooping, and some much valued overtime from our resident canine philanthropist @cunt

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19 hours ago, Roadkill said:

You reckon there might be another convenient famine on the horizon, or will they all just be black bagged and written off as COVID victims?

I still find it a hell of a coincidence that the virus suddenly popped up right at the peak of their ageing population crisis and just before a huge real estate crash that had been predicted for years and will make 2008 look like losing a fiver in the couch. And I'm not just saying that to excite @King Billy.

Fuck China.

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17 hours ago, White Cunt said:

They are trying their best to provoke the people and/or eliminate Trump via deception of some kind. 

They’ve gone too far with this latest attempt to provoke a violent reaction from the half of the population who support ‘The Donald’, so they could have their fake news MSM demonise him and his ordinary, law abiding supporters as ‘domestic terrorists’ and ‘a threat to our democracy’ all over again. That’s not going to happen, they’re going to be disappointed again. The only reaction they’re getting is that millions of voters who until now were either anti Trump Republicans or even old school Democrats, waking up to the fact that the future of their country really is at stake when the Democrat administration is prepared to politicise the law enforcement agencies to destroy their political opponents to cling on to that power at any cost whatsoever.

The fear that they have of Donald Trump and what he stands for ie ‘Making America Great Again’ and the absolute fucking clown show in the Whitehouse currently for all the world to see has driven them to this desperate course of action. In reality they couldn’t have helped more to get Donald Trump  elected for the third time if they’d conceded the 2024 election today.

🇱🇷 TRUMP 2024 MAGA 🇱🇷

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2 hours ago, King Billy said:

They’ve gone too far with this latest attempt to provoke a violent reaction from the half of the population who support ‘The Donald’, so they could have their fake news MSM demonise him and his ordinary, law abiding supporters as ‘domestic terrorists’ and ‘a threat to our democracy’ all over again. That’s not going to happen, they’re going to be disappointed again. The only reaction they’re getting is that millions of voters who until now were either anti Trump Republicans or even old school Democrats, waking up to the fact that the future of their country really is at stake when the Democrat administration is prepared to politicise the law enforcement agencies to destroy their political opponents to cling on to that power at any cost whatsoever.

The fear that they have of Donald Trump and what he stands for ie ‘Making America Great Again’ and the absolute fucking clown show in the Whitehouse currently for all the world to see has driven them to this desperate course of action. In reality they couldn’t have helped more to get Donald Trump  elected for the third time if they’d conceded the 2024 election today.

🇱🇷 TRUMP 2024 MAGA 🇱🇷

I don't think he won in 2016. I think Clinton won, but was too toxic and had too much baggage. I don't think 34 million more people voted last time and I certainly don't believe 80 million plus voted for Biden. I don't think Trump will stand again.

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5 minutes ago, The Beast said:

I don't think he won in 2016. I think Clinton won, but was too toxic and had too much baggage. I don't think 34 million more people voted last time and I certainly don't believe 80 million plus voted for Biden. I don't think Trump will stand again.

Clinton got 2 million more votes than Trump .. Biden got about 3 million more votes than Trump. There were some question, about who got the most votes back in 2000. There nothing new in this Here in the UK I think that Labour have only actually got more votes than the Tories on a couple of occasions.

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7 minutes ago, The Beast said:

I don't think he won in 2016. I think Clinton won, but was too toxic and had too much baggage. I don't think 34 million more people voted last time and I certainly don't believe 80 million plus voted for Biden. I don't think Trump will stand again.

Strange comments. Are you saying that the last 2 elections were fixed? Was it just the Democrats turn in 2024? Even I  can’t agree with that theory. The Democrats have been taken over by the crazy far left radicals who are hell bent on destroying everything that Western civilisation has been based on historically, no matter what carnage they inflict on the people. Pure Marxist ideology which is headed towards its inevitable destination, full on communism, and the fucking indoctrinated sheep supporting this madness but who’ve never looked at the historical precedents deserve all the buyers regret that’s coming their way when their socialist Utopia becomes a reality. Fuck them. I hope they’re ecstatic in the gulag, owning nothing and being happy.

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