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Modern Men

Stubby Pecker

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The complete and utter lack of balls in todays so called men is a fucking disgrace.

Today, I was forced to tear a strip off a checky young cunt regarding attitude and manners. I did it in a way normal, real-world men do by at first pointing out his wrong doings and shitty demeanour in a polite way. However, when this was met by an ‘I’m always right’ attitude the average millennial seems to have, I had to escalate to the ‘listen up you little cunt’ level of man speak.

Needless to say, the no nuts toad went dripping to others. Thankfully no other fucker likes him and knows a bullshitter when they see one.

This episode has conveniently led me to a topic I’ve been thinking about for some time. Lets face it, in the event of another war, todays youth would be as much defence against invading tyrants as the all Eastbourne over 80s lawn bowls club, wheelchair division. 

When one looks at how the modern male is represented on telly and film it’s easy to see how today’s youth, both men and women, are indoctrinated into seeing blokes as ineffectual, effeminate beings, more worried about talking their feeling and insecurities than actually fucking getting on with it. They are of course always put in their place by a strong and confident woman, usually an ethnically diverse one or a lesbo.

This is the complete opposite way to how actual real men in the real world act. We’re evolved to be doers who don’t need to bother with female style emotional outbursts and are happy to act like total cunts when the situation calls for it. Watch any stupid superhero or the new Star Wars films to see this on screen. Fuck me, if John McClane had acted like a modern male he’d have surrendered in the first 10 mins and let Hans Gruber do him up the shitter whilst raiding the Nakatomi Tower for every penny. I can’t begin to imagine what a modern remake of Zulu would be like.

In summary, todays men below about 30 are pretty much fucking poofs who deserve the hate and contempt of the manly generations that came before them.

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An overload of trite and very poorly written. You cover what needs to be said in the seventh and final paragraph. if you must string it out over 370 words, add some humour you thick fucking pleb. 

Your teenage colleague gimp has challenged you because you come across as weak. You always have done. 

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35 minutes ago, Frank said:

An overload of trite and very poorly written. You cover what needs to be said in the seventh and final paragraph. if you must string it out over 370 words, add some humour you thick fucking pleb. 

Your teenage colleague gimp has challenged you because you come across as weak. You always have done. 

"1) Frank. You are not capable of producing any content other than repeated insults. I asked you to put a nom up, you had time, but you failed. It's over."

Your reply fits the above statement very well. 

When is your long awaited Nomination going to land you simpering old poof?

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36 minutes ago, Frank said:

An overload of trite and very poorly written. You cover what needs to be said in the seventh and final paragraph. if you must string it out over 370 words, add some humour you thick fucking pleb. 

Your teenage colleague gimp has challenged you because you come across as weak. You always have done. 

You forfeited the right to opine on all matters masculine the day you posted Malcolm McLaren’s Ebonette’s video. 

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1 hour ago, Stubby Pecker said:

The complete and utter lack of balls in todays so called men is a fucking disgrace.

Today, I was forced to tear a strip off a checky young cunt regarding attitude and manners. I did it in a way normal, real-world men do by at first pointing out his wrong doings and shitty demeanour in a polite way. However, when this was met by an ‘I’m always right’ attitude the average millennial seems to have, I had to escalate to the ‘listen up you little cunt’ level of man speak.

Needless to say, the no nuts toad went dripping to others. Thankfully no other fucker likes him and knows a bullshitter when they see one.

This episode has conveniently led me to a topic I’ve been thinking about for some time. Lets face it, in the event of another war, todays youth would be as much defence against invading tyrants as the all Eastbourne over 80s lawn bowls club, wheelchair division. 

When one looks at how the modern male is represented on telly and film it’s easy to see how today’s youth, both men and women, are indoctrinated into seeing blokes as ineffectual, effeminate beings, more worried about talking their feeling and insecurities than actually fucking getting on with it. They are of course always put in their place by a strong and confident woman, usually an ethnically diverse one or a lesbo.

This is the complete opposite way to how actual real men in the real world act. We’re evolved to be doers who don’t need to bother with female style emotional outbursts and are happy to act like total cunts when the situation calls for it. Watch any stupid superhero or the new Star Wars films to see this on screen. Fuck me, if John McClane had acted like a modern male he’d have surrendered in the first 10 mins and let Hans Gruber do him up the shitter whilst raiding the Nakatomi Tower for every penny. I can’t begin to imagine what a modern remake of Zulu would be like.

In summary, todays men below about 30 are pretty much fucking poofs who deserve the hate and contempt of the manly generations that came before them.

Much as I respect your opinions a good friend the hard fact id that the you chappie might be right.

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Madonna can keep her toyboys, they talk daft.

Big K & I was in Morries getting our/her girlie drinks, the light on self ass starts flashing, putting big Kazza  & I well into the party mood - she (big K) parked her arse on the scales to take the weight off her feet - Add your own bag message appeared. Well, long story short - we are now barred from Morries. A under 30 chap, started harping on - big K gave him - the length of her tongue & said what she'd like to do to his mother. 🤐

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8 hours ago, Frank said:

An overload of trite and very poorly written. You cover what needs to be said in the seventh and final paragraph. if you must string it out over 370 words, add some humour you thick fucking pleb. 

Your teenage colleague gimp has challenged you because you come across as weak. You always have done. 

You tell him Frank. Without wishing to appear rude though, when can we expect some news regarding your next and widely anticipated offering?

Just asking.

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