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Guests flying the flags of terror organisations

Guest entitled little cunt

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Guest entitled little cunt

The london  Jewish  community  are  behaving in a dignified manner considering terrorists have attacked and murdered 260 of their young in cold blood .Muslim hamas terrorists have also taken hostages , women and young kids .Its no surprise , it does seem to be their speciality. 

By comparison  celebrations on the streets of London by pro terrorist organisation supporters has been unsurprisingly far from dignified. They have intimidated and instilled fear into law abiding londoners .Jewish businesses have been smashed reminiscent of crystalnacht.

This has been allowed  to happen under the nose of Khan .Groups of openly anti semitic barbarians hanging  out of vehicles in Central London screaming death to Jews.

How can Khan allow this to happen with just a few chosen words of pretend condemnation.Khan is really going to get himself into trouble , police send in the heavy squad to break up a group of ladies protesting about violence against women  and assault and batter .

In the events of the past few days the met  stand back and allow openly racist and anti semitic threats of violence and criminal damage against Jewish owned business. Quite possibly under that disgusting despot Khan the Met  police is openly racist. It certainly seems that way to Jewish people .



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18 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

The london  Jewish  community  are  behaving in a dignified manner considering terrorists have attacked and murdered 260 of their young in cold blood .Muslim hamas terrorists have also taken hostages , women and young kids .Its no surprise , it does seem to be their speciality. 

By comparison  celebrations on the streets of London by pro terrorist organisation supporters has been unsurprisingly far from dignified. They have intimidated and instilled fear into law abiding londoners .Jewish businesses have been smashed reminiscent of crystalnacht.

This has been allowed  to happen under the nose of Khan .Groups of openly anti semitic barbarians hanging  out of vehicles in Central London screaming death to Jews.

How can Khan allow this to happen with just a few chosen words of pretend condemnation.Khan is really going to get himself into trouble , police send in the heavy squad to break up a group of ladies protesting about violence against women  and assault and batter .

In the events of the past few days the met  stand back and allow openly racist and anti semitic threats of violence and criminal damage against Jewish owned business. Quite possibly under that disgusting despot Khan the Met  police is openly racist. It certainly seems that way to Jewish people .



When you say "guests" I assume you are referring to the Muslims of different ethnic backgrounds who are in support of Hamas?

A fair and tongue in cheek description, bravo. But if you think the average Jew is a salt of the earth Cock-er-ney then you're hugely mistaken. Just because they don't blow you up doesn't mean they look at you as anything other than a piece of sub-human scum unequal to them. Don't believe me? Try and marry the daughter of some cunt with ringlets and you'll soon see what these particular "guests" think of their hosts.


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Guest entitled little cunt
1 minute ago, Decimus said:

When you say "guests" I assume you are referring to the Muslims of different ethnic backgrounds who are in support of Hamas?

A fair and tongue in cheek description, bravo. But if you think the average Jew is a salt of the earth Cock-er-ney then you're hugely mistaken. Just because they don't blow you up doesn't mean they look at you as anything other than a piece of sub-human scum unequal to them. Don't believe me? Try and marry the daughter of some cunt with ringlets and you'll soon see what these particular "guests" think of their hosts.


They can think what the wish .

As you state, and correct me if I'm wrong, I don't think there has been a  terrorist attack instigated  by those of the  Jewish faith in Great Britain.Thats enough for me .They are in general law abiding citizens and tend not to cause carnage  or social unrest. Jolly bloody good .Infact the same can be said for all other faiths apart from one .


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42 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

They can think what the wish .

As you state, and correct me if I'm wrong, I don't think there has been a  terrorist attack instigated  by those of the  Jewish faith in Great Britain.Thats enough for me .They are in general law abiding citizens and tend not to cause carnage  or social unrest. Jolly bloody good .Infact the same can be said for all other faiths apart from one .


The answer to Islamic shenanigans in our cities, is to aggressively recruit Sikhs into the police forces, tool them up and let them deal with it. The race card would at least be redundant at that point. And if my grandad was telling the truth, most Sikhs can whoop some arse. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
1 hour ago, Cuntybaws said:

I've got a Porsche.


8 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

The answer to Islamic shenanigans in our cities, is to aggressively recruit Sikhs into the police forces, tool them up and let them deal with it. The race card would at least be redundant at that point. And if my grandad was telling the truth, most Sikhs can whoop some arse. 

Peace loving souls until roused .Then they turn into tasmainian  devils .Could be very handy to have around and on side  over the next few years .

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Personally, I can’t hate Islam enough. I’m no fan of the other lot either, anyone who doesn’t like bacon isn’t to be trusted. But what he says is true. You may have problems with your Jewish neighbours branching off your electric supply, or claiming the 4 inch strip of land that your fence sits on as their property, but at least you don’t have to worry about them chopping your head off and marrying your 6 year old daughter.

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1 hour ago, entitled little cunt said:

They can think what the wish .

As you state, and correct me if I'm wrong, I don't think there has been a  terrorist attack instigated  by those of the  Jewish faith in Great Britain.Thats enough for me .They are in general law abiding citizens and tend not to cause carnage  or social unrest. Jolly bloody good .Infact the same can be said for all other faiths apart from one .



"All other faiths apart from one", eh? I suppose you are referring to Muslims? How about you count how many acts of terrorism have been committed on British soil by the followers of Islam compared to, I don't know, the IRA? The last time I checked they weren't wearing towels around their heads and screaming Allahu akbar when they were blowing up London in the 70s, 80s and 90s. And all these Muslims who are being radicalised anyway, why do you think that is? It couldn't have anything to do with their exasperation at the situation in the middle east, which has been orchestrated by your good friends at Marks and Sparks, Tesco's and Sainsbury's et al?

As for the Jews committing acts of terrorism on British soil, maybe not. But neither have the Chinese, and would you class them as models of restraint and tolerance? 

On their own soil and beyond the Jews have murdered British soldiers through acts of terrorism, sank an American naval vessel with no provocation, used biological warfare against civilians within their own country, and carried out numerous assassinations on foreign soil without the explicit consent of any of the governments concerned. And all this is without taking into account what they have done to the Palestinians, or their pernicious influence on almost every aspect of your financial life whether you choose to believe it or not.

You may get your average white van man frothing at the gash with your poorly thought out vitriol, but I know full well who the real enemy is.

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1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

The answer to Islamic shenanigans in our cities, is to aggressively recruit Sikhs into the police forces, tool them up and let them deal with it. The race card would at least be redundant at that point. And if my grandad was telling the truth, most Sikhs can whoop some arse. 

What about those little chaps from Nepal?

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Guest entitled little cunt
28 minutes ago, Decimus said:


"All other faiths apart from one", eh? I suppose you are referring to Muslims? How about you count how many acts of terrorism have been committed on British soil by the followers of Islam compared to, I don't know, the IRA? The last time I checked they weren't wearing towels around their heads and screaming Allahu akbar when they were blowing up London in the 70s, 80s and 90s. And all these Muslims who are being radicalised anyway, why do you think that is? It couldn't have anything to do with their exasperation at the situation in the middle east, which has been orchestrated by your good friends at Marks and Sparks, Tesco's and Sainsbury's et al?

As for the Jews committing acts of terrorism on British soil, maybe not. But neither have the Chinese, and would you class them as models of restraint and tolerance? 

On their own soil and beyond the Jews have murdered British soldiers through acts of terrorism, sank an American naval vessel with no provocation, used biological warfare against civilians within their own country, and carried out numerous assassinations on foreign soil without the explicit consent of any of the governments concerned. And all this is without taking into account what they have done to the Palestinians, or their pernicious influence on almost every aspect of your financial life whether you choose to believe it or not.

You may get your average white van man frothing at the gash with your poorly thought out vitriol, but I know full well who the real enemy is.

Thanks for your response .What you  explain does make me think. There are a  couple of points I'd like to raise though .

What is wrong with white van man , do you think you are more worthy , more intelligent  or his opinions unimportant.?

The term popularist  is banded around like  confetti .Poplularism is popular for a reason. Are those persuaded by the popularist argument thick or does it just  reflect their experiences ?.

Another thing , I'm more than aware of past troubles in this country and those who instigated atrocities. I was clearly stating about the situation in the here and  now, not in the 70s or any other decade where quite correctly  you state many  terrorists  were home grown.Just who do you believe the real enemy to be , people like me ?, people of my bent ?.I haven't beheaded anybody , I haven't driven trucks into Christmas markets  or detonated bombs .




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Guest entitled little cunt
16 minutes ago, Penny Farthing said:

What about those little chaps from Nepal?

The Ghurkhas , or the Burphas and their glorious leader Bernard Bresslaw

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53 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Personally, I can’t hate Islam enough. I’m no fan of the other lot either, anyone who doesn’t like bacon isn’t to be trusted. But what he says is true. You may have problems with your Jewish neighbours branching off your electric supply, or claiming the 4 inch strip of land that your fence sits on as their property, but at least you don’t have to worry about them chopping your head off and marrying your 6 year old daughter.

My daughter’s seven now, thankfully. And she seems to have grown up really quickly since her birthday party last week which Ahmed kindly hosted for her and her friends above his kebab shop. It must have been some party as her and four of her friends had such a great time that they fell asleep and stayed the night. Ahmed’s cousin drove them all home the next morning in his taxi and even gave my daughter a big hug and a traditional Afghan squeeze on her arse as she got out of the car. She’s having a sleepover with Ahmed’s wife who’s in her class at school on Saturday night. She’s a lovely kid and it’s such a tragedy that Ahmed had to chop one of her hands off that time when she drew a picture of Mohammed with her crayons at school.

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Guest entitled little cunt
56 minutes ago, Dick Fiddler said:

I don't have an issue with his argument, it's just the imbecile keeps nominating it over and over again.

I'm starting to think he's some sort of mencap hire by mossad's online warfare unit.

@entitled little cunt explain yourself, do you work for the state of Israel?

Fuck , I've been rumbled .OK I do work for Mossad .Part of a small team who deals with those who , such as you,  have anger management issues and a narcissistic  bent .

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18 minutes ago, Dick Fiddler said:

Have you watched any of the kidnap videos? I have. There's a couple of particularly spiffing ones showing delightfully nublile Israeli hotties being dragged away by a load of peacefuls for some good ol' fashioned war rape.

If you want I'll PM you some links. Interested?

Liam Neeson will find them and he will kill them.

No thanks for the videos as I make my own in the basement when the missus is down there shovelling coal into the boiler with her 9” stilettos and yellow marigolds on.

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Guest entitled little cunt
26 minutes ago, Dick Fiddler said:

Have you watched any of the kidnap videos? I have. There's a couple of particularly spiffing ones showing delightfully nublile Israeli hotties being dragged away by a load of peacefuls for some good ol' fashioned war rape.

If you want I'll PM you some links. Interested?

No thanks , that kind of content seems to attract a particular sort of person of which, I am not .

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3 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

The london  Jewish  community  are  behaving in a dignified manner considering terrorists have attacked and murdered 260 of their young in cold blood .Muslim hamas terrorists have also taken hostages , women and young kids .Its no surprise , it does seem to be their speciality. 

By comparison  celebrations on the streets of London by pro terrorist organisation supporters has been unsurprisingly far from dignified. They have intimidated and instilled fear into law abiding londoners .Jewish businesses have been smashed reminiscent of crystalnacht.

This has been allowed  to happen under the nose of Khan .Groups of openly anti semitic barbarians hanging  out of vehicles in Central London screaming death to Jews.

How can Khan allow this to happen with just a few chosen words of pretend condemnation.Khan is really going to get himself into trouble , police send in the heavy squad to break up a group of ladies protesting about violence against women  and assault and batter .

In the events of the past few days the met  stand back and allow openly racist and anti semitic threats of violence and criminal damage against Jewish owned business. Quite possibly under that disgusting despot Khan the Met  police is openly racist. It certainly seems that way to Jewish people .



Again again with the Mayor Khan assassination.... 

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Guest entitled little cunt
16 minutes ago, Dick Fiddler said:

You want to see them really I bet. It'll be your guiltiest wank ever. 

Definitely a case of projection   going on .The deflection of feelings of inferiority and guilt can be eased by identifying such behaviour in others, even if they are not doing it . This isn't the sort of thing  covered in your normal reading material, Holly Willoughby's autobiography is somewhat light on human behavioural issues .


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Guest entitled little cunt
28 minutes ago, Dick Fiddler said:

You want to see them really I bet. It'll be your guiltiest wank ever. 


1 minute ago, Dick Fiddler said:

I've already cum like a freight train over it. What do you make of that?

I'd say along with Huw Edwards you're probably kleenex tissue's best customer. 

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