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Is Netanyahu an inverted Nazi?


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41 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

I don't see any turn out on the streets because I think they realise the average person isn't with them. Yet again our political leaders are for reasons not made clear not representative of public opinion. It may be a very deep conspiracy that more or less validates Hitler's wildest theories about worldwide jewry. I am struck at Sunak's brown nosed following of Biden to Israel and his comments being the same as Blair marching Britain by any and all means including breaking the law and lying behind America into Iraq. Same for Syria and Yugoslavia and now Ukraine. I had an Irish grandfather who once war broke out in 39 fucked off back to neutrality in Eire which is what I'd do. They are all cunts. 

Their greatest success, other than controlling the financial markets and mainstream media, is creating the convenient golem of Islamic fundamentalism. 

After two thousand years of being the whipping boys of Europe, there's no better way of taking the heat off than creating an enemy for the goys to be distracted by whilst you pull the same old strings from the shadows. 

I'm not defending Islamists, I don't think there is any place for them in civilised western society. But they only started blowing shit up after the Jews started running roughshod over the Middle-East with the backing of their American lapdogs. 

It's easy to hate the swarthy Muslim who explodes himself in a public space. But hiding behind him in the smoke and ashes is an unseen Jew laughing his fucking arse off as he rings his bell to get the Pavlovian goyim frothing at the mouth over Jewry's convenient, patsy boogeyman.

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29 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Their greatest success, other than controlling the financial markets and mainstream media, is creating the convenient golem of Islamic fundamentalism. 

After two thousand years of being the whipping boys of Europe, there's no better way of taking the heat off than creating an enemy for the goys to be distracted by whilst you pull the same old strings from the shadows. 

I'm not defending Islamists, I don't think there is any place for them in civilised western society. But they only started blowing shit up after the Jews started running roughshod over the Middle-East with the backing of their American lapdogs. 

It's easy to hate the swarthy Muslim who explodes himself in a public space. But hiding behind him in the smoke and ashes is an unseen Jew laughing his fucking arse off as he rings his bell to get the Pavlovian goyim frothing at the mouth over Jewry's convenient, patsy boogeyman.

In the 1940s Americans were alive to any opportunity to empire build and partnership with the dying embers of the British seaborne empire (look at disgraceful treatment of the Chagos islands and it's inhabitants) and building a military proxy in Palestine was too good to be true. Another thing is I don't think America has had a competent leader since Nixon who they got rid of because he was building a live and let live world with the Russians and Chinese. It's all fucked up now be a use that's how they want it. The media is also playing a role by creating a high anxiety culture where people are under constant stress and pressure. This instability is designed to be self perpetuating and is controlled and benefiting a small cabal of people who seem to be based in Washington and Tel Aviv. I am sure that's what is going on. I haven't forgotten Kelly "suicide" or that Labour critic of the Iraq War who surprise surprise had a "heart attack" walking in Scotland. It was just too fucking slick the excuses and cover up. 

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Imagine how great it will be when the lovely followers of the ‘religion of peace’ finally rid the world of the horrible four by twos? No more machete wielding Jewish terrorists butchering random people on London Bridge, no more Jewish suicide bombers blowing up crowded London buses and tube trains or mowing down innocent Brits in a stolen Fiat Uno, no more Jewish hijackers flying airliners into huge skyscrapers, no more Jewish ‘paedophile grooming gangs’ raping and abusing tens of thousands of English schoolgirls then scurrying back in their taxis to the safety of their filthy kebab shops with total impunity from ever being held to account, no more need for the RNLI and U.K. Border Force to taxi thousands of illegal Jewish immigrants (99% undocumented males under 30 years old) into Dover harbour every day and make sure they’re fed and watered, then safely loaded onto waiting luxury coaches to take them to 4 star hotels (all free of course) , and no more British ex-servicemen who’ve fought for this country being told they’ll have to sleep in a shop doorway for a few more years because all the available council houses have been allocated to Jewish illegal immigrants and their huge families who will be joining them very soon, no more waiting years in the queue behind all the Jewish immigrants for an NHS operation or trying to find a school place for your kid that hasn’t already been taken by a recently arrived Jewish kid etc. etc. etc. 



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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

Imagine how great it will be when the lovely followers of the ‘religion of peace’ finally rid the world of the horrible four by twos? No more machete wielding Jewish terrorists butchering random people on London Bridge, no more Jewish suicide bombers blowing up crowded London buses and tube trains or mowing down innocent Brits in a stolen Fiat Uno, no more Jewish hijackers flying airliners into huge skyscrapers, no more Jewish ‘paedophile grooming gangs’ raping and abusing tens of thousands of English schoolgirls then scurrying back in their taxis to the safety of their filthy kebab shops with total impunity from ever being held to account, no more need for the RNLI and U.K. Border Force to taxi thousands of illegal Jewish immigrants (99% undocumented males under 30 years old) into Dover harbour every day and make sure they’re fed and watered, then safely loaded onto waiting luxury coaches to take them to 4 star hotels (all free of course) , and no more British ex-servicemen who’ve fought for this country being told they’ll have to sleep in a shop doorway for a few more years because all the available council houses have been allocated to Jewish illegal immigrants and their huge families who will be joining them very soon, no more waiting years in the queue behind all the Jewish immigrants for an NHS operation or trying to find a school place for your kid that hasn’t already been taken by a recently arrived Jewish kid etc. etc. etc. 



What do you call a jewish rapper?

Dr Dreidel. 

Lol fuck off already. 

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23 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I'm sure you'll get cunts flying the Israeli flags in the garden and having "We're with Isreal" on their FaceFuck page.

The hypocrisy make me want to puke

All the democratic leaders are calling Putin a war criminal, and rightly so, but Israel’s levelling of Gaza and slaughtering of people trapped in a goldfish bowl is even worse.

Sanak is a fucking disgrace 

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29 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

The hypocrisy make me want to puke

All the democratic leaders are calling Putin a war criminal, and rightly so, but Israel’s levelling of Gaza and slaughtering of people trapped in a goldfish bowl is even worse.

Sanak is a fucking disgrace 

“Children come outside to see. Quickly!” 

“What is it Father?”

“Look up to the sky my children and praise The Lord for these beautiful rockets he sends us from heaven!

”Thank you Moses! Thank you Abraham!”

”We are truly blessed Father.”

”Does this mean God is a Nazi now Father?”

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36 minutes ago, King Billy said:

“Children come outside to see. Quickly!” 

“What is it Father?”

“Look up to the sky my children and praise The Lord for these beautiful rockets he sends us from heaven!

”Thank you Moses! Thank you Abraham!”

”We are truly blessed Father.”

”Does this mean God is a Nazi now Father?”

I like the line from Cross of Iron: when he is asked if he believes in God, Sergeant Steiner says "I believe that god is a sadist but probably doesn't know it". 

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18 hours ago, King Billy said:

“Children come outside to see. Quickly!” 

“What is it Father?”

“Look up to the sky my children and praise The Lord for these beautiful rockets he sends us from heaven!

”Thank you Moses! Thank you Abraham!”

”We are truly blessed Father.”

”Does this mean God is a Nazi now Father?”

Once again events show there is no such thing as ideology only power. 


Nightie night🌃

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3 hours ago, peglegtwo said:

Netnayahu is a  nazi and israel is much like nazi Germany 

It's odd to my perverted mind that we are always being instructed (indoctrinated) about the Holocaust and the injustice done to Jews but the injustice done to Palestinians in 1944 firstly by Britain then the West and reinforced by armed Jewish terrorists, is skipped over as if it never happened. This is Palestine denial epitomised in the far right Smoterich in Netanyahu's government who denies the existence of a Palestinian people. 

PLUS the fucking charming arrogance of the cunts who first demand changes at OUR BBC for not buying into their narrative... then... demand the resignation of the head of the UNO for venturing to mention the context or background to this crisis. 

It doesn't all start with Saturday 7th - it has roots in the way Israel was created on pinched land and the way Israel has continued to pinch land illegally using poor settler Jews from Yankee land with Yankee money. 

These people are cunning cunts on the whole and I feel sorry for the straightforward Jews of which there are millions in the West for their actions which are likely to overturn all the antisemitic laws and taboos that have evolved since the War. The Palestinians were barbaric cunts but what CAUSED this? All we get off the media is because they're terrorists or no answer at all. Do they think we are fucking stupid and are we to digest the same fucking line of childish shit over Israel as we are being bombarded with about Russia and Ukraine. 

It's incredible, like Vietnamese War WHICH, I guess, no American kid is taught AMERICA LOST, the USA and Israel will drown in their own blood if they stick to this path. 

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15 minutes ago, DonGaargonphalusflavius said:

speil the beanz....



11 minutes ago, DonGaargonphalusflavius said:

then again beanz meanz Heinz!!! 

Hit lair german link

full circle


6 minutes ago, DonGaargonphalusflavius said:

seams Gews r Germed up fi Lyf

no amount ah hand sanitiser will cleanse em of tha

they did try soap but look wer tha got em /.


4 minutes ago, DonGaargonphalusflavius said:

Yews ar in nd of the Blues


Shut up you cunt. 

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10 hours ago, Dick Fiddler said:

Jewz having the bluz.. they lose, they always lose. They needs to get a noose an quit wi all the clues (feat. Martin Clunes), and spunk thier juice (still on the loose aboot this hoose) till they no more, no more than a memory of shit from a goose, then maybe, I mean maybe, just fucking maybe, we won't have no more prejudiduce.

Fucking WORD from your friendly neighborhood fiddler.

That was quite a good imitation of Dongargoyleflopidocus.

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7 hours ago, Dick Fiddler said:

Thanks, a shedload of drink and drugs helped in that regard. Although I think I also alleged Churchill was a peado.

I don't think Steve Bell was wrong with his portrayal of Netanyahu as a cross eyed cunt - the cunt's currently on trial for several counts of corruption which he has unsuccessfully tried to block by changing judges, laws and what else and it seems to me everything he has done since then and now in Gaza is his attempt to save his cunning neck via his political skin. It's a testament to how far gone down the shite hole Israel is as a "democracy" that they put up with him. 

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