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Ukraine 67.7 billion

Guest entitled little cunt

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Guest entitled little cunt

That most trustworthy of countries , Ukraine is receiving 67.7 billion euro of aid from the EU not to mention the billions from the demented old fool in the US and lastly the idiotic UK who  again has given billions and has pushed British born couples who need a council property to the back of the que behind Ukranians and  immigrants who entered the country illegally. (Who said crime doesn't pay ).The "comedian " turned saint Selensky must be rubbing his hands together at all that wonga being literally thrown at him whilst people in the  UK  rely on food banks and many are  living hand to mouth .Its hard  for even the British to imagine the amount of corruption prevalent  in the  Ukraine and equally hard to imagine the amount of Ukrainian  goverment officials along with property developers and other sinister characters benefitting from UK taxpayers cash  in that god forsaken hole .The  British public  time and again demonstrate naivety of the highest order .They really believe the Ukrainian goverment and the country overall is some shining beacon of all that is good and pure,  just as they do with the Palestinians .They really do believe  these uncivilised countries are true to their word  peace loving  and honest . The opposite is true and is there for all to see  with little effort.An Australian or Indian engineer has to jump through hoops to be able to work and add to the  UK economy. An individual deemed surplus to requirements by their own  country of birth jumps on a dinghy,  no qualifications,  no language  skills,  totally  uncivilised and a possible danger to the UK population and  gets an RNLI uber and a hotel stay.There is virtually zero  chance of  them being beneficial to the host country  in any way what so ever.

What the fuck is going on.


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28 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

That most trustworthy of countries , Ukraine is receiving 67.7 billion euro of aid from the EU not to mention the billions from the demented old fool in the US and lastly the idiotic UK who  again has given billions and has pushed British born couples who need a council property to the back of the que behind Ukranians and  immigrants who entered the country illegally. (Who said crime doesn't pay ).The "comedian " turned saint Selensky must be rubbing his hands together at all that wonga being literally thrown at him whilst people in the  UK  rely on food banks and many are  living hand to mouth .Its hard  for even the British to imagine the amount of corruption prevalent  in the  Ukraine and equally hard to imagine the amount of Ukrainian  goverment officials along with property developers and other sinister characters benefitting from UK taxpayers cash  in that god forsaken hole .The  British public  time and again demonstrate naivety of the highest order .They really believe the Ukrainian goverment and the country overall is some shining beacon of all that is good and pure,  just as they do with the Palestinians .They really do believe  these uncivilised countries are true to their word  peace loving  and honest . The opposite is true and is there for all to see  with little effort.An Australian or Indian engineer has to jump through hoops to be able to work and add to the  UK economy. An individual deemed surplus to requirements by their own  country of birth jumps on a dinghy,  no qualifications,  no language  skills,  totally  uncivilised and a possible danger to the UK population and  gets an RNLI uber and a hotel stay.There is virtually zero  chance of  them being beneficial to the host country  in any way what so ever.

What the fuck is going on.


I thought that was blocked by Hungary? Anyway it's 76 billion euros, and the Yanks was 62 billion dollars blocked by Congress. So poor old Zelensky and his gang of thieves inc the knuckle duster Mayor of Kiev ex boxing cunt Klitsko are stymied. Apparently the Russians are retaking land now on the front and I reckon in the back room of Washington and the Pentagon they're already planning for defeat. 

Why the fucks couldn't settle for a neutral buffer state in Ukraine is beyond me. As far as I can see there's been no fucking progress in that shithole part of the world since the Soviets left. They have irresponsibly pissed it all away. All the fucking infrastructure was built by the Soviets but they opted for the fast dollar and the backhand corruption with the West and cunts like Hunter Biden. 

Looks like NATO and the EU will be getting the poorest part of Ukraine in the WEST, no fucking agriculture or minerals, power supply etc so a 150 billion isn't going very far to prop that crock of shit up. A fucking black hole. 

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17 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Fuck Ukraine. Condemn fucking Russky attacks on civilians? What about the fucking two faced black pig the American Defence Secretary condemning attacks on Gaza leaving 20,000 civilians dead. Does anybody really buy the fucking Western media lies over Ukraine and how its"all Russian's fault" news coverage? 

Zelensky is a Jew.

Need I say more?

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58 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

That most trustworthy of countries , Ukraine is receiving 67.7 billion euro of aid from the EU not to mention the billions from the demented old fool in the US and lastly the idiotic UK who  again has given billions and has pushed British born couples who need a council property to the back of the que behind Ukranians and  immigrants who entered the country illegally. (Who said crime doesn't pay ).The "comedian " turned saint Selensky must be rubbing his hands together at all that wonga being literally thrown at him whilst people in the  UK  rely on food banks and many are  living hand to mouth .Its hard  for even the British to imagine the amount of corruption prevalent  in the  Ukraine and equally hard to imagine the amount of Ukrainian  goverment officials along with property developers and other sinister characters benefitting from UK taxpayers cash  in that god forsaken hole .The  British public  time and again demonstrate naivety of the highest order .They really believe the Ukrainian goverment and the country overall is some shining beacon of all that is good and pure,  just as they do with the Palestinians .They really do believe  these uncivilised countries are true to their word  peace loving  and honest . The opposite is true and is there for all to see  with little effort.An Australian or Indian engineer has to jump through hoops to be able to work and add to the  UK economy. An individual deemed surplus to requirements by their own  country of birth jumps on a dinghy,  no qualifications,  no language  skills,  totally  uncivilised and a possible danger to the UK population and  gets an RNLI uber and a hotel stay.There is virtually zero  chance of  them being beneficial to the host country  in any way what so ever.

What the fuck is going on.


Look on the bright side. They’re all nazis, so if we have a few of them running around putting the cold steel to the muzzie-wuzzies, (who will not like it up ‘em) then so be it. 
 I know they talk gobbledygook but if you know any friendly Polish cunts, they can translate all those unloved Russian bastard tribes’ gibberish.

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Guest entitled little cunt
23 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Look on the bright side. They’re all nazis, so if we have a few of them running around putting the cold steel to the muzzie-wuzzies, (who will not like it up ‘em) then so be it. 
 I know they talk gobbledygook but if you know any friendly Polish cunts, they can translate all those unloved Russian bastard tribes’ gibberish.

Bark it out wilson , bark it out ."Will you all kindly step this way please  !!"sublime script and casting. As for that part of the world drop a nuke on it and start again.

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Guest entitled little cunt
45 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Fuck Ukraine. Condemn fucking Russky attacks on civilians? What about the fucking two faced black pig the American Defence Secretary condemning attacks on Gaza leaving 20,000 civilians dead. Does anybody really buy the fucking Western media lies over Ukraine and how its"all Russian's fault" news coverage? 

It seems the whole of the west and the majority of the population  buys the   Ukraine shite .Fucking idiots if you ask me. As long as they can have 2 weeks in the sun and lease  a Nissan Quashkai or whatever those fucking things are called they'd  believe black is white if they're told so .I think its something they put in the water .

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19 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

It seems the whole of the west and the majority of the population  buys the   Ukraine shite .Fucking idiots if you ask me. As long as they can have 2 weeks in the sun and lease  a Nissan Quashkai or whatever those fucking things are called they'd  believe black is white if they're told so .I think its something they put in the water .

Forgive me for thinking that what you are saying that the man in the street's political intelligence has shrunk at the same time his superficial standard of living has increased. Back in the London I knew and grew up in which was then full of (dare I say it) Londoners, though a lot were already moving out to Dartford etc, you had TWO London evening newspapers, one Left one Right, you had a fucking pub on every street corner, where educated discussions of the "news" took place and opinions exchanged, when arguments were settled mainly with fists and perhaps the odd bit of wood or metal lying around but never a fucking knife, and if you saw two or three on one even a cop you fucking stepped in to even the odds. That's the fucking difference. Those days were good. Today is shit. Our politicians know it and they can lie unabashed to our fucking faces surround themselves with their army of bodyguards and snoopers, fines and regulations. 

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

Zelensky is a Jew.

Need I say more?

And Golda Meier was a Ukrainian Jew. They're still not getting that EU money I think. Though Brussels will probably try to rat weazle funding into Kiev for "reconstruction", that catch all "humanitarian assistance", blah blah blah. Later it wil be "ecological transition" meaning a fucking NATO hand grenade factory. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
7 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

Forgive me for thinking that what you are saying that the man in the street's political intelligence has shrunk at the same time his superficial standard of living has increased. Back in the London I knew and grew up in which was then full of (dare I say it) Londoners, though a lot were already moving out to Dartford etc, you had TWO London evening newspapers, one Left one Right, you had a fucking pub on every street corner, where educated discussions of the "news" took place and opinions exchanged, when arguments were settled mainly with fists and perhaps the odd bit of wood or metal lying around but never a fucking knife, and if you saw two or three on one even a cop you fucking stepped in to even the odds. That's the fucking difference. Those days were good. Today is shit. Our politicians know it and they can lie unabashed to our fucking faces surround themselves with their army of bodyguards and snoopers, fines and regulations. 

Agreed.To make my point more precise I believe the the general public to be  totally apathetic to everything that really matters  and obsessed with everything that doesn't. I think that is because of the way society has been engineered over  the past 20 years or so.Subliminal messaging of a higher  level of freedom available to us  as long as we do and think as we are instructed to has relegated society to  an oxymoron, we live and breathe  it .  A higher level of material wealth available as long as we sell our soul and work  the longest hours in Europe  and are willing to enter into a dog eat dog mentality that allows zero apathy to those who are perceived to  not strive for to  same purpose .The working classes (those who would be in the shit after 3 months of no Sallary) are openly despised by the political and academic classes as has always been the case .The difference now is the general public believe that if they can sign a lease agreement on an Audi Q7 they are middle to upper class and are the   movers and shakers rather than the plebiscite and are some how immune to the effects of what I have stated above.As long as you know what's happening you can give a one finger to it but it doesn't make life any easier to live.


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9 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

Forgive me for thinking that what you are saying that the man in the street's political intelligence has shrunk at the same time his superficial standard of living has increased. Back in the London I knew and grew up in which was then full of (dare I say it) Londoners, though a lot were already moving out to Dartford etc, you had TWO London evening newspapers, one Left one Right, you had a fucking pub on every street corner, where educated discussions of the "news" took place and opinions exchanged, when arguments were settled mainly with fists and perhaps the odd bit of wood or metal lying around but never a fucking knife, and if you saw two or three on one even a cop you fucking stepped in to even the odds. That's the fucking difference. Those days were good. Today is shit. Our politicians know it and they can lie unabashed to our fucking faces surround themselves with their army of bodyguards and snoopers, fines and regulations. 

Can't say the great Jello Biafra didn't warn us... 

Efficiency and progress is ours once more, 
Now that we have the neutron bomb, 
It's nice and quick and clean and gets things done. 
Away with excess enemy, 
But no less value to property, 
No sense in war but perfect sense at home. 
The sun beams down on a brand new day, 
No more welfare tax to pay, 
Unsightly slums gone up in flashing light. 
Jobless millions whisked away, 
At last we have more room to play, 
All systems go to kill the poor tonight. 
Gonna kill, kill, kill, kill, kill the poor, 
Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill the poor, 
Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill the poor tonight.

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7 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

Can't say the great Jello Biafra didn't warn us... 

Efficiency and progress is ours once more, 
Now that we have the neutron bomb, 
It's nice and quick and clean and gets things done. 
Away with excess enemy, 
But no less value to property, 
No sense in war but perfect sense at home. 
The sun beams down on a brand new day, 
No more welfare tax to pay, 
Unsightly slums gone up in flashing light. 
Jobless millions whisked away, 
At last we have more room to play, 
All systems go to kill the poor tonight. 
Gonna kill, kill, kill, kill, kill the poor, 
Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill the poor, 
Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill the poor tonight.

Are you referring to the Enoch? 

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8 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

Agreed.To make my point more precise I believe the the general public to be  totally apathetic to everything that really matters  and obsessed with everything that doesn't. I think that is because of the way society has been engineered over  the past 20 years or so.Subliminal messaging of a higher  level of freedom available to us  as long as we do and think as we are instructed to has relegated society to  an oxymoron, we live and breathe  it .  A higher level of material wealth available as long as we sell our soul and work  the longest hours in Europe  and are willing to enter into a dog eat dog mentality that allows zero apathy to those who are perceived to  not strive for to  same purpose .The working classes (those who would be in the shit after 3 months of no Sallary) are openly despised by the political and academic classes as has always been the case .The difference now is the general public believe that if they can sign a lease agreement on an Audi Q7 they are middle to upper class and are the   movers and shakers rather than the plebiscite and are some how immune to the effects of what I have stated above.As long as you know what's happening you can give a one finger to it but it doesn't make life any easier to live.


Ask Alex. It's all in his Sun exclusive "Why I came home" The meaning of modern life is in there. Farm Foods (shit food shops only in pleb and chav areas) for the brain. You couldn't make it up. 

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35 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

If, and it's a big if, the russkies do pull out and leave Ukraine alone, who do you think the midget will come to with cap in hand for the few quid it will take to restore his shithole to its former shithole glory? I'd say they should nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure. 

I don't think Russia will pull out. They'll probably just keep throwing meat into the grinder until they can secure the territory they've managed to capture then declare it a victory whilst conveniently forgetting the infamous "three day plan".

Ukraine doesn't have the man power or the equipment now that western interest is starting to wane to win a war of attrition. Few years time and it'll be the Ruskies begging for help against the smiling Chinks on their doorstep. If we're lucky they'll just nuke each other and microwave Germany a bit in the process.

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1 hour ago, camberwell gypsy said:

If, and it's a big if, the russkies do pull out and leave Ukraine alone, who do you think the midget will come to with cap in hand for the few quid it will take to restore his shithole to its former shithole glory? I'd say they should nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure. 

There's only one way this is going and that's another fucking Korea situation with a fucking red hot border right down the middle of Ukraine with no real settlement and the whole of Europe placed under a nuclear shadow - just what the Pentagon and it's defence establishment wants to keep their economy going. The current puppet govt in Kiev couldn't care less. I noticed it came out on the ITV News this country is subsidising an Iranian dissident radio station (and what else) in this country run by basically cunts on the run advocating terrorist opposition to the govt in Tehran from a base in London. The double standards are incredible. I say good luck to Iran getting nuclear weapons because it is the only thing that puts these cunts off in the West from meddling in other countries for their own advantage. How dare the fucking Israeli's have control of the coast next to the Gaza Strip. The UN should never allow it. It's a cunt. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sunak "pledges" £2.5 billion to Ukraine. That's money fucking well spent, like the fucking Post Office fiasco that's heading towards £2 billion just in legal fees and £6 billion overall. 

This is the bedroom tax, no NHS dentists, worst cancer death rates in Europe, longest waiting times on record, pot holes galore, cost of living crisis government.  What a fucking record and look at the pile of shit that's going to take over. Is it worth voting this year? 

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30 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Sunak "pledges" £2.5 billion to Ukraine. That's money fucking well spent, like the fucking Post Office fiasco that's heading towards £2 billion just in legal fees and £6 billion overall. 

This is the bedroom tax, no NHS dentists, worst cancer death rates in Europe, longest waiting times on record, pot holes galore, cost of living crisis government.  What a fucking record and look at the pile of shit that's going to take over. Is it worth voting this year? 

I'm heartened to find that you appear to have taken my warning with the severity of which it was intended.

More insightful posts like this please and less of the abject fucking bollocks that the majority of your content has been thus far. Count yourself lucky you have been given a second chance.


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On 23/12/2023 at 20:57, camberwell gypsy said:

If, and it's a big if, the russkies do pull out and leave Ukraine alone, who do you think the midget will come to with cap in hand for the few quid it will take to restore his shithole to its former shithole glory? I'd say they should nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure. 

As far as I know our only real interest in The Ukraine (that is actually what it is .. not  real country) is it the wheat that is can no longer grow. Fifty years ago we got out wheat mostly from Canada and the wheat was of a better quality. I don't see that The Ukraine can fight of the Russians. A further danger when the Russians win is that we will leave the remains of all sorts of modern military behind that the Russians will be able to examine and make copies of and sell to other tinpot countries who will then use it in the same way as those rebels from Yemen have been doing in the Red Sea.

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5 hours ago, Decimus said:

I'm heartened to find that you appear to have taken my warning with the severity of which it was intended.

More insightful posts like this please and less of the abject fucking bollocks that the majority of your content has been thus far. Count yourself lucky you have been given a second chance.


I quite like you in your Provost Sargeant Tim Weston role. How about this for seconds? 


I'm no Aubrey Manning (Earth Story and that was sitting on the fence shit too) but forgive me Mister Nasa! 

2023 definitely wasn't the hottest on my record which includes the legendary summer of '76. In fact, 23 was a fucking damp squib, a write off and another typical abysmal waste of time in the UK. So why I are we being incessantly inundated with this shit? 

Possible answers :

# it's a new level of brainwashing background threat to keep us all under control

#it provides default excuses for private companies to blame their incompetence, mismanagement and greed (eg the Water Industry is already reaching for this to justify price increases) 

#there is a sector of firms, individuals, professional and academic groups with powerful lobbying to carve out some economic advantage for itself now and in the future and who have recruited politicians of all shades to their cause (the green industry in Spain seems to be constantly in receipt of EU funding for clean hydrogen, solar etc while they carry on building golf courses, new hotels, urbanisations crammed with second homes and ramping up mass tourism numbers) All seems a bit hypocritical. 

#once said people accept the lie and as long as the lie is repeated enough it gets taken by most people as the truth while they watch Gladiators on BBC (is this what the BBC has come to?) 

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4 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:


2023 definitely wasn't the hottest on my record which includes the legendary summer of '76. In fact, 23 was a fucking damp squib, a write off and another typical abysmal waste of time in the UK

Possible answers :

# Because, much as some might like it to be, and without straining the boundaries of multidimensional set theory, the "World" and the "UK" are not the same thing.

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52 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

# Because, much as some might like it to be, and without straining the boundaries of multidimensional set theory, the "World" and the "UK" are not the same thing.

Well fuck my old boots so then why does we in the UK have to be brainwashed with this twaddle incessantly on our fucking media. It's become a fuckng mantra that's chanted out every time you switch on local news, national news or any newspaper. So pedantically minded as you are Cuntyhands you can go and fuck yourself in the Maldives. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
1 hour ago, mobiduck-the-third said:

...rather than given them money, why don't we round up and send them all the illegals and asylums to expand their shrinking military?? #Rawenda


Ukraine's Muslim Crimea battalion yearns for lost homeland | Reuters

What a brilliant idea , instead of a council flat , hotel room , mobile phone  and pocket money give the cunts a steel helmet and tell them to keep their heads down.

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Guest entitled little cunt
On 12/01/2024 at 12:01, Penny Farthing said:

As far as I know our only real interest in The Ukraine (that is actually what it is .. not  real country) is it the wheat that is can no longer grow. Fifty years ago we got out wheat mostly from Canada and the wheat was of a better quality. I don't see that The Ukraine can fight of the Russians. A further danger when the Russians win is that we will leave the remains of all sorts of modern military behind that the Russians will be able to examine and make copies of and sell to other tinpot countries who will then use it in the same way as those rebels from Yemen have been doing in the Red Sea.

I quite like Putin , sorted Syria when no one else had the balls to admit better the devil you know .

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