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Another boat crossing tragedy


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Guest entitled little cunt
28 minutes ago, Neil said:

Just four of the cunts.

That fucking RNLI uber was obviously late .That's 4 less doctors and engineers this country desperately needs lost. 

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3 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

That fucking RNLI uber was obviously late .

I can't understand why the other dusky cunts that were left standing on the French coast don't take the hint.

Just because you've paid some cunt an awful lot of money for a dinghy, it doesn't automatically guarantee you're going to be eating your next meal in a four star English hotel, at the British taxpayers expense. 

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1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Conjoined twins hoping to find a British tailor that could knock up a double-double-breasted suicide vest.

What would happen if one of them bottled it at the last minute? Would he still get his 72 virgins or just be collateral damage when his sibling pulls the string?

Is it mentioned in Sunna?

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30 minutes ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

What would happen if one of them bottled it at the last minute? Would he still get his 72 virgins or just be collateral damage when his sibling pulls the string?

Is it mentioned in Sunna?

I imagine they would amicably agree that the other one could detonate the suicide vest next time.

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2 hours ago, and said:

I can't understand why the other dusky cunts that were left standing on the French coast don't take the hint.

Just because you've paid some cunt an awful lot of money for a dinghy, it doesn't automatically guarantee you're going to be eating your next meal in a four star English hotel, at the British taxpayers expense. 


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Doesn't help that Muslims who capsize can't really swim. I emailed an Artificial Intelligence Imam & got the response below.

Question: I am a Muslim woman aged twenty-eight years, and I want to go swimming so that I can lose some weight. Is this allowed?

Answer: Praise be to Allah. Islam takes complete care of the Muslim woman and preserves her modesty, conceals her and keeps her away from places of fitnah (temptation). Muslim women going out to public centres and swimming pools is something that is emphatically forbidden, because it involves a number of evils and negative consequences. 


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2 minutes ago, Greg said:

Doesn't help that Muslims who capsize can't really swim. I emailed an Artificial Intelligence Imam & got the response below.

Question: I am a Muslim woman aged twenty-eight years, and I want to go swimming so that I can lose some weight. Is this allowed?

Answer: Praise be to Allah. Islam takes complete care of the Muslim woman and preserves her modesty, conceals her and keeps her away from places of fitnah (temptation). Muslim women going out to public centres and swimming pools is something that is emphatically forbidden, because it involves a number of evils and negative consequences. 


Keep the fucking pigs covered up. Nobody wants to watch a bruised and miserably unattractive moustachioed brown woman waddling down a beach with Brian May trying to escape from the gusset of her cossie.

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Guest entitled little cunt
1 minute ago, Greg said:

Doesn't help that Muslims who capsize can't really swim. I emailed an Artificial Intelligence Imam & got the response below.

Question: I am a Muslim woman aged twenty-eight years, and I want to go swimming so that I can lose some weight. Is this allowed?

Answer: Praise be to Allah. Islam takes complete care of the Muslim woman and preserves her modesty, conceals her and keeps her away from places of fitnah (temptation). Muslim women going out to public centres and swimming pools is something that is emphatically forbidden, because it involves a number of evils and negative consequences. 


Fucking freaks .I thought it was 2024. When it comes to evils and negative consequences I'd say male muslims have quite a bit to answer for .

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Guest entitled little cunt
3 hours ago, Neil said:

5 now, maybe they had to eat one of the little cunts.

Fingers crossed they'll be more .

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What I want to fucking know is, even our media knows the exact number of the cunts that drown when things go wrong, or right depending on your viewpoint. But our own government can't tell you how many of the cunts actually arrive on our shores. Why do you think that is??

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5 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

What I want to fucking know is, even our media knows the exact number of the cunts that drown when things go wrong, or right depending on your viewpoint. But our own government can't tell you how many of the cunts actually arrive on our shores. Why do you think that is??

They’re easy to keep track of. They’re all sitting in big grey Amazon Prime vans, parked blocking the road and staring at a smartphone with a bemused expression on their face. And they fucking stink.

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Guest entitled little cunt

The BBC have been wringing their hands in angst at this latest "tragedy".They really need to understand the majority of the British population really couldn't give a fuck , infact its saved us at least a million.Their own country didn't want them , what use are they to us ?.

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14 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

The BBC have been wringing their hands in angst at this latest "tragedy".They really need to understand the majority of the British population really couldn't give a fuck , infact its saved us at least a million.Their own country didn't want them , what use are they to us ?.

I'd be more kindly inclined towards immigrants if we could exchange them for Scousers.

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Guest entitled little cunt
On 17/01/2024 at 14:46, peglegtwo said:

How do you get  500 Africans in a plastic cup ?

Tell them it's headed to Dover

How do you get 250 Africans in a holiday Inn?. Who gives a fuck as long as the British taxpayer is buying breakfast.

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2 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

How do you get 250 Africans in a holiday Inn?. Who gives a fuck as long as the British taxpayer is buying breakfast.

I'm a bit confused over HMGOV's claim it is processing claims which implies people are being rejected and sent back? Does anybody ever get sent back to their point of origin? 

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Guest entitled little cunt
On 14/01/2024 at 20:00, Greg said:

Is Lineker not putting them up in his pad in Barnes? All senior BBC employees should be forced to take in a minimum of 50 boat people each. 

I think Bill Nighy  has got a few in his holiday homes  and good old Gary,  what a working class hero he has turned out to be .British born homeless on the streets and illegals in a Holiday Inn and eating a Harvester every day .The blokes obviously an inverted racist .

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