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The Holocaust in Gaza Continues


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3 hours ago, peglegtwo said:

25,00 0+ Palestinians now dead .

Thank you israel , now lecture me about the Jewish Holocaust of World War Two .

How happy will you be if you, or one of your family, goes to a concert, and ends up dead?

You really haven't thought it through, have you?


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Guest entitled little cunt
4 hours ago, peglegtwo said:

25,00 0+ Palestinians now dead .

Thank you israel , now lecture me about the Jewish Holocaust of World War Two .

Here we are again.25,000  according to Hamas and just about every other antisemitic pro Muslim propaganda peddling terrorist sympathising shit shower , including the BBC.Would any of those people be dead had not Hamas launched a terrorist attack on Israel .No.Hamas are still holding hostages,  including  women , children and adolescents . They are believed murdered .The young girls raped. Lastly , 6, 000,000 count the zero's  Jews, Romany  and those deemed expendable , this is what you wish to compare to .The list of heinous crimes just in the past 20 years carried out by Islamic terrorists , justified by some medieval  cult  that in its undiluted form  self is pro pedophilia,  hugely  misogynistic , cruel and really quite deadly to any of those who dont agree ie.Charli Hebdo . Just because they published a cartoon , an image of a character said to be hanging  around 2000 years ago of which there is no proof of existence,  no one knew what this person actually  looked  like if they did exist.He was  apparently wandering around an uncultured,   totally uneducated , uncivilised population in a sandy shitehole .Strangley enough 2000 years on they know everything about the bloke including his inside leg measurement .The people YOU  support kill British kids for that.You're  either young  and deluded or a total imbecile of gigantic proportions.


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1 hour ago, entitled little cunt said:

Here we are again.25,000  according to Hamas and just about every other antisemitic pro Muslim propaganda peddling terrorist sympathising shit shower , including the BBC.Would any of those people be dead had not Hamas launched a terrorist attack on Israel .No.Hamas are still holding hostages,  including  women , children and adolescents . They are believed murdered .The young girls raped. Lastly , 6, 000,000 count the zero's  Jews, Romany  and those deemed expendable , this is what you wish to compare to .The list of heinous crimes just in the past 20 years carried out by Islamic terrorists , justified by some medieval  cult  that in its undiluted form  self is pro pedophilia,  hugely  misogynistic , cruel and really quite deadly to any of those who dont agree ie.Charli Hebdo . Just because they published a cartoon , an image of a character said to be hanging  around 2000 years ago of which there is no proof of existence,  no one knew what this person actually  looked  like if they did exist.He was  apparently wandering around an uncultured,   totally uneducated , uncivilised population in a sandy shitehole .Strangley enough 2000 years on they know everything about the bloke including his inside leg measurement .The people YOU  support kill British kids for that.You're  either young  and deluded or a total imbecile of gigantic proportions.



I think he's making a point about proportionality. You and most people including the extremists on both sides would prob agree that both Jews and Palestinians are locked into a fight to the death with no compromise, so it beehives the international community to do a sort of refereeing act and fucking break it up. That's the first stage. The next stage is fucking live up to the UN Charter and put boots on the ground to FORCE a two state solution then POLICE it afterwards for AS LONG AS IT TAKES. It was done in Cyprus. What is so special about Israel... The only special thing I can think of is the amount of political and economic power the Jewish lobby has in Washington. You don't have to be an anti-semitic to to see that while the Yanks are throwing this blanket protection round Israel not one jot of progress can be made. On that basis I don't blame the Arabs for fucking attacking whenever they can like true freedom fighters. At the end of the day, the British should NEVER have left the mandated lands in that state with only one clear winner establishing a state for itself with its greedy Jewish eyes on all the rest of it as future purchases or conquests. 

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3 hours ago, and said:

How happy will you be if one of your family, goes to a concert, and ends up dead?

If my mother-in-law goes to a concert and ends up dead I'll be fucking delirious!

Les Dawson, RIP.

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1 hour ago, ChildeHarold said:

On that basis I don't blame the Arabs for fucking attacking whenever they can like true freedom fighters.

H, are you undergoing some sort of crisis of faith? I'll pop over to yours and shove my cock right up your ronson like a Hamas freedom fighter. See you how you like it (& don't offer any pre-payment).

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Guest entitled little cunt
16 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

They do have a habit of bombing pop concerts though... Manchester Arena? 

Fucksake , radical islamists fly planes into buildings,  bomb pop concerts,  rape , pillage , drive parties into Christmas markets and behead people on the street  with the majority support of non radical  muslims. Jews  in the other hand walk around in long coats with ringlets and make nice bagels .Who the fuck would you rather live next door to .I rest my case .

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1 hour ago, entitled little cunt said:

Fucksake , radical islamists fly planes into buildings,  bomb pop concerts,  rape , pillage , drive parties into Christmas markets and behead people on the street  with the majority support of non radical  muslims. Jews  in the other hand walk around in long coats with ringlets and make nice bagels .Who the fuck would you rather live next door to .I rest my case .

On the other hand what Netanyahu has just said about there being no chance of Palestinian state and that Israel must control all the land from the Jordan to the sea (which is a security reason given by Russia regarding Ukraine!) and the West's more or less going along with it means these people are forced into terrorism. If Germans had occupied Britain in 1940 you'd expect the same from British freedom fighters. 

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2 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

On the other hand what Netanyahu has just said about there being no chance of Palestinian state and that Israel must control all the land from the Jordan to the sea (which is a security reason given by Russia regarding Ukraine!) and the West's more or less going along with it means these people are forced into terrorism. If Germans had occupied Britain in 1940 you'd expect the same from British freedom fighters. 

Isn't saying 'from the river to the sea' apparently a hate crime? As usual it seems the Kikes get a pass because allegedly six million of them got wiped out 80 odd years ago.

Just how long are they going to dine out on that? They're like fucking wives who bring up their husbands infractions from decades ago in an argument.

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19 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Isn't saying 'from the river to the sea' apparently a hate crime? As usual it seems the Kikes get a pass because allegedly six million of them got wiped out 80 odd years ago.

Just how long are they going to dine out on that? They're like fucking wives who bring up their husbands infractions from decades ago in an argument.

Western foreign policies are so fucked up it's become clear to even the most docile citizen that everything is being run for the benefit of a handful of rich fuckers and their allies chief amongst them being Jewish business and finance and any pther system that dares to doffer is branded Public Enemy Number One. It's interesting now is that the Zionists have shown their hand and the Antisemitism or Holocaust arguments can no longer carry any weight. 

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We did have a sit down with the brown man on upper leeson st and tell him hes got political recognition and land and money..take yer chips n leave the casino..but unfortunately they did the ballys mob ting n hated the joo more than they hated being bombed to fuk and like ballys mob they're been dry rode...lol


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4 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I once went to a Motorhead concert and ended up deaf. 

Believe it or not, the loudest band I've seen was Blue Oyster Cult.

A guy I met a few years later, said exactly the same thing when I asked him what was the loudest concert he'd been to.

I've read in the music press about Motorhead, but I've never actually met anyone who said it, maybe they're all dead?

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1 hour ago, and said:

Believe it or not, the loudest band I've seen was Blue Oyster Cult.

A guy I met a few years later, said exactly the same thing when I asked him what was the loudest concert he'd been to.

I've read in the music press about Motorhead, but I've never actually met anyone who said it, maybe they're all dead?

.....or deaf! 

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4 hours ago, and said:

Believe it or not, the loudest band I've seen was Blue Oyster Cult.

A guy I met a few years later, said exactly the same thing when I asked him what was the loudest concert he'd been to.

I've read in the music press about Motorhead, but I've never actually met anyone who said it, maybe they're all dead?

I think it was actually at a ‘Carpenters’ concert. Karen left her microphone switched on when she went backstage to ‘cough up’ her dinner.

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On 17/01/2024 at 18:09, and said:

How happy will you be if you, or one of your family, goes to a concert, and ends up dead?

You really haven't thought it through, have you?


What puzzles me with Pegleg and the rest of his yank mates is how they allow these botched executions and keep searching for more "humane methods" when Young Fred Shipman come send old dears on their quickly and painlessly with a dose of morphine. If they used morphine the dopey cunts would be lining up to be executed.

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On 28/01/2024 at 07:57, Penny Farthing said:

What puzzles me with Pegleg and the rest of his yank mates is how they allow these botched executions and keep searching for more "humane methods" when Young Fred Shipman come send old dears on their quickly and painlessly with a dose of morphine. If they used morphine the dopey cunts would be lining up to be executed.

At least they'd go out semi-happy, with a (dopey, blissed-out) smile on their faces. 🤪

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On 28/01/2024 at 07:57, Penny Farthing said:

What puzzles me with Pegleg and the rest of his yank mates is how they allow these botched executions and keep searching for more "humane methods" 

Another death row injustice is that Texas banned last meal requests in 2011. Surely a man on his way to the gurney deserves his last supper?

"Texas prison officials stopped the practice of letting condemned inmates choose their last meal after a prominent state senator complained about the expansive request from a man executed this week for his role in a notorious dragging death. Lawrence Russell Brewer, who was executed Wednesday for the hate crime slaying of James Byrd Jr. more than a decade ago, asked for two chicken fried steaks, a triple-meat bacon cheeseburger, fried okra, a pound of barbecue, three fajitas, a meat lover's pizza, a pint of ice cream and a slab of peanut butter fudge with crushed peanuts. Prison officials said Brewer didn't eat any of it."

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37 minutes ago, Greg said:

Another death row injustice is that Texas banned last meal requests in 2011. Surely a man on his way to the gurney deserves his last supper?

"Texas prison officials stopped the practice of letting condemned inmates choose their last meal after a prominent state senator complained about the expansive request from a man executed this week for his role in a notorious dragging death. Lawrence Russell Brewer, who was executed Wednesday for the hate crime slaying of James Byrd Jr. more than a decade ago, asked for two chicken fried steaks, a triple-meat bacon cheeseburger, fried okra, a pound of barbecue, three fajitas, a meat lover's pizza, a pint of ice cream and a slab of peanut butter fudge with crushed peanuts. Prison officials said Brewer didn't eat any of it."

He thought that he had a peanut allergy and the peanuts might kill him.

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1 hour ago, Penny Farthing said:

Most countries that did have the death penalty did take pried in dispatching cunts as quickly and painlessly as possible .. the yanks seem to take pride in taking as long as possible.

The relatives of the murdered like to see they're getting their money's worth out of the criminal justice system, after all, it is one of the USA's biggest, and most profitable, businesses. 🤑

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