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Reflections of an old cunt.


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I merely refuted the points you raised. Its noted that instead of providing any counter-argument you lamely resort to "well, I'm younger than you". Be that as it may, I calculate a 15 year age gap between us, however given that we have all witnessed how highly strung you are and that by your own admittance you are a regular smoker who indulges in binge drinking and drug taking (no doubt to anesthetize yourself from the awful monotony of your lot) I'm confident you'll predecease me.

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54 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

I merely refuted the points you raised. Its noted that instead of providing any counter-argument you lamely resort to "well, I'm younger than you". Be that as it may, I calculate a 15 year age gap between us, however given that we have all witnessed how highly strung you are and that by your own admittance you are a regular smoker who indulges in binge drinking and drug taking (no doubt to anesthetize yourself from the awful monotony of your lot) I'm confident you'll predecease me.

Hmmm I'm not so sure about that, even taking into account the supposed reduced life expectancy associated with alcohol, narcotic and tobacco usage. Even so, it's a much more enjoyable way of winding down your days than exposing your naked body to countless internet perverts.

Your 15 (adjusted to 20 as you are a narcissitic woman) plus years on me will ensure that you are dead long before me. And that's not taking into account your sedentary lifestyle. One that involves an endless amount of time sat on your increasingly aged and sagging arse and trawling Google in order to try and win arguments with strangers on the internet. 

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6 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Firstly, this is hardly "from the early days of the Corner", in fact the nom was conceived after you joined!. Secondly, contrary to what you say, there seems to be a fair sprinkling of abuse, even though the purpose of the site is to abuse the subject rather than each other, moreover the Corner is better for having a diversity of subjects, content and style. Maybe you're acting twenty years older that you are 'cos you know the subject nom is you in later life and whilst you have the wit and intelligence to do something about it you aint got the balls to escape the rut of being a form-filling, flexi-time driven jobsworth.

Decs Have a word with Bill as I believe he received a similar burns injury recently

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Guest Bill Stickers
9 minutes ago, Neil said:

Decs Have a word with Bill as I believe he received a similar burns injury recently

Roops very kindly recommended me some Savlon cream to help soothe it.

She then sent a picture of her minge to me, asking if I had any recommendations in return.

Unfortunately I thought it was a blocked plughole at a Turkish bath house and suggested pouring caustic soda down it. We haven't spoken since.

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3 minutes ago, William T.D. Stickers said:

Roops very kindly recommended me some Savlon cream to help soothe it.

She then sent a picture of her minge to me, asking if I had any recommendations in return.

Unfortunately I thought it was a blocked plughole at a Turkish bath house and suggested pouring caustic soda down it. We haven't spoken since.

Bill, your theme tune. You Dick Van Dyke sounding,  London loving privileged cunt.


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Guest judgetwi
1 hour ago, ratcum said:

Oi Jewdy, I've just noticed Carillion's ex chairman shyster is called Philip Green. Not tax dodging uber capitalist and Tory wankfodder Sir Philip Green, but still.


Judenknecht, Herr Oberst. We all know that.......thanks to your tireless efforts.

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Guest Wizardsleeve
3 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Ouch! It’s turning into a right bitchfight now.

Indeed.  Claws are out, fur is flying, and the kidney punches are getting out of hand.

That's quite enough of that, you lot! 


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3 hours ago, Decimus said:

Hmmm I'm not so sure about that, even taking into account the supposed reduced life expectancy associated with alcohol, narcotic and tobacco usage. Even so, it's a much more enjoyable way of winding down your days than exposing your naked body to countless internet perverts.

Your 15 (adjusted to 20 as you are a narcissitic woman) plus years on me will ensure that you are dead long before me. And that's not taking into account your sedentary lifestyle. One that involves an endless amount of time sat on your increasingly aged and sagging arse and trawling Google in order to try and win arguments with strangers on the internet. 

C'mon now, you have a wheezing fit every time you reload the stapler. As for the more sedentary lifestyle, the post count simply does not back you up. I have been on this site nineteen months longer than you, yet you have posted 5600 times compared to my 2300, factor in cooler time, "sabbaticals", time spent Googling me, silly plotting, flouncing, having tantrums & meltdowns, fretting about the leaderboard etc and I wager I spend a fraction of time compared to you on recreational cyber surfing. On a more personal note Decs, you used to be a mildly entertaining if tricky adversary but now you just spout gibberish. Take a bit of older sister advice, cut down on the artificial stimulants.

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Guest judgetwi
41 minutes ago, Cap'n Cunt said:

I only read this nomination because I thought Pen might have posted a photo of her fanny, taken with the aid of a mirror. Not that I actually wanted to see it, really. 

Cut the crap. It’s £1.25. How many copies do you want?

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On 10/23/2014 at 5:48 AM, deebom said:

I went to see my dad a few weeks ago. Now i havnt seen this cunt since 1988, and I thought he might like to know that he has 3 grandchildren. So I open a Facebook account and do some hunting for a few days, find some people who are were likely candidates for cousins and messaged them. Couple of weeks later I get a messeage from my cousin Emma saying "bla bla bla, how do you do." I say "how do you do" and we get chatting. She informs me that yes she talks to my old man and she'll let him know I'm about. So, I get his number and give him a ring, we chat for a while and I arrange to drive to fucking Crewe (shithole.) I arrive in Crewe and make my way there. The door is opened by some Scouse cunt, looking like a fucking skelelton, he says "I'm so and so, I'm your dads carer (He's old and infirm, I know this as My cousin told me.) So I enter the abode and move to the front room which full of empty cans of Special Brew. Dad is sitting on the couch, I say "wotcha, how are ya?" He mumbles some shit in reply, I sit down and spend some time chatting to the scouse cunt because the old man seems incapable of saying very much due to having only 3 teeth and a can of brew permanently in front of his cakehole. So I'm chatting away to scouse cunt and the old man mumbles some shit to scouse cunt, scouse replies and then turns back to me.

"Do you mind giving us a lift down the road?" He says. "Yeah, no probs." I reply and off we go.

We pull up at some park and wait a few minutes, then some other northern monkey turns up and mumbles something unintelligable, scouse git counts out £200, hands it over to other northerner, he hands scouse cunt a small weed bag and off we go.

I'm thinking to myself "£200 is a lot of money to be spending on weed, maybe it's a celebration because the long lost son has come to visit or something?"

So we arrive back at the flat and scouse git hands the old man the bag. Now I'm curious to see what the fuck this is here. Old man opens the bag and tips the contents on the table. 10 £20 rocks of fucking crack the filthy fucking crack smoking loser. He then pulls out a home made crack pipe, crushes up a rock and proceeds to smoke the fucker.

This went on for the rest of the night and was boring as fuck. He livened up a little once the crack had taken hold and he preceeded to regale me with tales of drug related escapades from the 70s.

I fucked off at 7.30 the next morning and wont be going back.

That's what a life of being free does for you. He's never had a job and spent his entire life wandering around drinking and taking drugs. Now he's a 68 year old man with a £200 a night crack habit and housebound.

Frankly I'd rather have a job.

Did the old cuntbreed rob a bank in his youth, where the fuck is the dingy old crackheaded fuck getting the wedge from ?

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps
4 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

C'mon now, you have a wheezing fit every time you reload the stapler. As for the more sedentary lifestyle, the post count simply does not back you up. I have been on this site nineteen months longer than you, yet you have posted 5600 times compared to my 2300, factor in cooler time, "sabbaticals", time spent Googling me, silly plotting, flouncing, having tantrums & meltdowns, fretting about the leaderboard etc and I wager I spend a fraction of time compared to you on recreational cyber surfing. On a more personal note Decs, you used to be a mildly entertaining if tricky adversary but now you just spout gibberish. Take a bit of older sister advice, cut down on the artificial stimulants.

In my opinion it all went downhill for him quite rapidly after his disastrous nom about roundabouts.

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