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Having an affair. Is it a cunt?

Guest deebom

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Think for a minute how you would feel if someone was fucking your missus behind your back.

If it doesn't bother you then either fuck her off or have a threesome.

If it does bother you,don't do it.

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You're missing the whole point of an illicit affair, Cat.

No Scotty, I'm really not.  Any man who plays outside of a relationship is usually not making his current partner happy either, just kowtowing to his ego.  Same goes for a woman doing the same.  I'm no Mary Poppins, but I've seen it destroy people when they have found out about their partner having an affair.

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Guest nobgobbler

Think for a minute how you would feel if someone was fucking your missus behind your back.

If it doesn't bother you then either fuck her off or have a threesome.

If it does bother you,don't do it.

Affairs rarely end well - and that threesome you're on about, I know a bloke who persuaded his wife to have a threesome with the woman next door, only to discover one day when he returned home from work his wife had ran off with the lezza and took the kids with her. The sad cunt never got over it.

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Affairs rarely end well - and that threesome you're on about, I know a bloke who persuaded his wife to have a threesome with the woman next door, only to discover one day when he returned home from work his wife had ran off with the lezza and took the kids with her. The sad cunt never got over it.


Affairs rarely end well - and that threesome you're on about, I know a bloke who persuaded his wife to have a threesome with the woman next door, only to discover one day when he returned home from work his wife had ran off with the lezza and took the kids with her. The sad cunt never got over it.


Did his wife stuff tubes of cheese and onion Pringles down her suburban gob night after night? Does she scoff buckets of fucking Franzia, then stagger along the seafront thinking of what might have been? Did she marry an obese council minkey for a third time, lose her looks and binge to the point of oblivion? 

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Guest nobgobbler

Did his wife stuff tubes of cheese and onion Pringles down her suburban gob night after night? Does she scoff buckets of fucking Franzia, then stagger along the seafront thinking of what might have been? Did she marry an obese council minkey for a third time, lose her looks and binge to the point of oblivion? 

Hello Frank, I love it when you talk dirty :wub:

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No Scotty, I'm really not. Any man who plays outside of a relationship is usually not making his current partner happy either, just kowtowing to his ego. Same goes for a woman doing the same. I'm no Mary Poppins, but I've seen it destroy people when they have found out about their partner having an affair.

Just as many women as men play away from the marital bed, almost by definition. The point I was making is that the taste of forbidden fruit is a major part of the attraction of an affair.
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An affair is indeed a cunt. Well it was for my ex-husband cos he lost the house, car and half his business to me. The cunt!


judge said it it was worth it though; he was an excellent fuck

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Guest KuntaCunty

It crosses well into the realm of cuntbreedery.  If you have made a promise or vow, then as a man, you should keep it.  Nothing wrong with looking, women are a magnificent species, and incredibly thought provoking, even if that thought ends up being, "what a fucking twat!"  But, you should either honour your vow, or as Cuntwoman says, divorce and then move on to something more to your liking.  Either way, be a man.  

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Lots of good advice people. You're not really a bunch of cunts are you? You're all just pretending. I'm not going to have an affair, I just said I'd like to. I'd like a lot of things I cant have/do. Not for any moral reasons, just because as several people have pointed out, it would most likely end badly and cause a world of of shit for everyone involved.

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Lots of good advice people. You're not really a bunch of cunts are you? You're all just pretending. I'm not going to have an affair, I just said I'd like to. I'd like a lot of things I cant have/do. Not for any moral reasons, just because as several people have pointed out, it would most likely end badly and cause a world of of shit for everyone involved.

At the end of the day deboom, I'm guessing most of us keep it in our trousers through apathy and the thought that its not quite worth the trouble.
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