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Americans and Guns. Another School hit.


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Guest Wizardsleeve

Fuck me, another easy obvious target. If it isn't the mussies or fatties it's the fucking yanks. Everybody knows they're trigger happy thickos, it's old fucking news.

You simply must raise your game. 

Edited by Wizardsleeve
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Here we go again , 13 dead in Oregon College shooting. That's unlucky. Round up all these gun toting, trigger happy, screwed up cunts and give them a one way ticket to Syria and boxes of ammo. Save the tax payers a fortune and problem solved. Americans really are cunts.

Cunts indeed. It's fine to carry guns and murder innocents, but give them a little bit of diesel smoke and they're up in arms.

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They summed it all up on the news just now. They spoke about improved gun control and then mentioned the National Rifle Association as an 'extremely powerful organisation'. 

And there you fucking have it.

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Guest Gong Farmer

 If I lived in the states I want a gun to protect me from the other gun toting, trigger happy, screwed up cunts with guns. Guns are like cars, it's some of the cunts driving them that kill people not the cars themselves. So how about banning cars that kill proportionately more people than guns are purported to do?


So that's that put into perspective once and for all.

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Guest luke swarm

 If I lived in the states I want a gun to protect me from the other gun toting, trigger happy, screwed up cunts with guns. Guns are like cars, it's some of the cunts driving them that kill people not the cars themselves. So how about banning cars that kill proportionately more people than guns are purported to do?


So that's that put into perspective once and for all.

ah the old car vs guns ploy....well it wont work my friend......its cunts that kill people not... err.. people.

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Obama's been on tv with his most concerned and sincere face on saying how terrible this event was.

They might as well just keep it for the next shooting and replay it because they're going to do fuck-all about gun control.


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They summed it all up on the news just now. They spoke about improved gun control and then mentioned the National Rifle Association as an 'extremely powerful organisation'. 

And there you fucking have it.

Someone they were interviewing pointed out that you can buy high-powered assault rifles in the same American supermarkets that banned Kinder eggs for being a health & safety risk.

Not big on irony, the Yanks.

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Someone they were interviewing pointed out that you can buy high-powered assault rifles in the same American supermarkets that banned Kinder eggs for being a health & safety risk.

Not big on irony, the Yanks.

Humpty Dumpty was a cunt.

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Guest DingTheRioja

It has been established time and again that the Swiss have more guns per person that the Yanks, yet don't go around trigger happy, unless there is a shortage of fondue base.



Yes, but isnt there something about the Swiss legally required to have arms and do training? A bit like Isreal.....

The Yanks are just a bunch of pricks...


Oh and the cars vs guns argument... how many of the car deaths are intentional murder?

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Guest nobgobbler

ah the old car vs guns ploy....well it wont work my friend......its cunts that kill people not... err.. people.

I was just about to say that. If it wasn't guns it would be another weapon of choice. Death penalty for anyone carrying a lethal weapon. As for cars, I would think that most deaths caused are accidental. But if deaths are caused by drunk drivers or drugged up cunts, death penalty for them cunts as well. I'm in a bad fucking mood today.

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Someone they were interviewing pointed out that you can buy high-powered assault rifles in the same American supermarkets that banned Kinder eggs for being a health & safety risk.

Not big on irony, the Yanks.

it's 2050 .... just imagine the tv,press and street adverts for guns and you can bet the murdoch and trump cunts and brooks slag are working on it as we type  

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Guest Wizardsleeve

Surely we should defend the right to bare arms, since when has having your sleeves rolled up been a controversial issue?

I sincerely hope you were already wearing your coat, you cunt!  

Obama had a gun control bill with 89% popular support, but his worthless shit cunt congress blocked it. The republicans there started up on the lad as a tyrant out to take their guns away and put sharia law in place, the usual utter bollocks

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Guest Wizardsleeve

Surely the natural culling of yankee cunts (however piecemeal) can only be a good thing?

Thanks be to God.....I hate Gays and all that

Apparently the gunman had some mental health issues. Since when has being Atheist and against organised religion been a mental health issue? 


If you thin the yank herd, our own instinctual and boundless cuntishness will become even more pronounced and obvious. Like it or not, the yanks are needed to keep our collective morale and sense of utter superiority high. 

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Guest Gong Farmer

Ah but the death penalty amounts to state sanctioned killing. If we can't trust our government officials to shake their own dicks and wipe their own fannies after taking a piss how could we possibly trust them with a legal right to kill? 

Rappers do. Calling the police, Woo woo woo!


I was just about to say that. If it wasn't guns it would be another weapon of choice. Death penalty for anyone carrying a lethal weapon. As for cars, I would think that most deaths caused are accidental. But if deaths are caused by drunk drivers or drugged up cunts, death penalty for them cunts as well. I'm in a bad fucking mood today.

But the death penalty amounts to state sanctioned killing. If we can't trust our governments to shake their dicks and wipe their fannies after taking a piss how can we then trust them with a legal right to kill a member of the public?

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