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WOT, no Brexit plan!!


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6 minutes ago, Frank said:

You stupid fucking thick little Mick. I know who you are.. with your Yamaha tenor sax and 70’s albulance-mobile. I’m going to do you in, Panz. 

Fucking hell, Frank...I think you must have woken up with a bit of a start there. You’ve spilled the quality street every where.

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7 hours ago, Trucking Funt said:

Quite a lot when there's no sneaky sweetheart deals like there is in Ireland. Did you ever get that £13 billion from Apple they didn't pay to the countries where they actually sell their shit? Of course you didn't because your government shit itself and held their hand in court. No worries, Article 116 is coming so everyone will get what they're owed in future.

I doubt Panzy and his Potato Brothers Appreciation Society will accept the truth starring them in the face until Merkel and Co starts putting their balls in the vice. 

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31 minutes ago, White Cunt said:

I doubt Panzy and his Potato Brothers Appreciation Society will accept the truth starring them in the face until Merkel and Co starts putting their balls in the vice. 

We're good European citizens..no hassle to anyone..theyll all be watchin you ready to cudgel ya with fines n tariffs if ya stray off the narrow path whitey baby


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Just now, White Cunt said:

I doubt Panzy and his Potato Brothers Appreciation Society will accept the truth starring them in the face until Merkel and Co starts putting their balls in the vice. 

I had a couple of the cunts make a piss poor attempt at trolling me on youtube a few days back over Brexit. One of them sent me a fucking essay on why Ireland has more wealth and geopolitical power than the UK now it has left the EU. This of course was low hanging fruit that I couldn't ignore. By the time I had pointed out the fucking obvious about Ireland's fantasy economy and how it was about to be subjected to the kind of abuse by their EU masters that would make Jimmy Savile weep with pity with links to back it up, the prick fell back onto the traditional Irish defence mechanism of banging on about tales of British brutality in Ireland. Suffice to say, I fucking mangled him after that.

They just can't grasp that they are not equals in the Franco/German co prosperity sphere and the absence of the UK at the top table has left them entirely at the mercy of Berlin who is hellbent on curtailing the the theft of tax revenues and foreign investment by upstarts like Ireland, Luxembourg, Cyprus and Malta.

Germany will get its way eventually because they will attach conditions to every post covid recovery package that minnows cannot live without.

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2 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

I had a couple of the cunts make a piss poor attempt at trolling me on youtube a few days back over Brexit. One of them sent me a fucking essay on why Ireland has more wealth and geopolitical power than the UK now it has left the EU. This of course was low hanging fruit that I couldn't ignore. By the time I had pointed out the fucking obvious about Ireland's fantasy economy and how it was about to be subjected to the kind of abuse by their EU masters that would make Jimmy Savile weep with pity with links to back it up, the prick fell back onto the traditional Irish defence mechanism of banging on about tales of British brutality in Ireland. Suffice to say, I fucking mangled him after that.

They just can't grasp that they are not equals in the Franco/German co prosperity sphere and the absence of the UK at the top table has left them entirely at the mercy of Berlin who is hellbent on curtailing the the theft of tax revenues and foreign investment by upstarts like Ireland, Luxembourg, Cyprus and Malta.

Germany will get its way eventually because they will attach conditions to every post covid recovery package that minnows cannot live without.

We will seek to fill the position of interlocutor tween the united states and the European union...a position you held since 1945 ..we prefer wielding soft power..it lasts longer


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Just now, PANZER MURPHY said:

We will seek to fill the position of interlocutor tween the united states and the European union...a position you held since 1945 ..we prefer wielding soft power..it lasts longer


Bollocks! The US will attempt to use Ireland as a proxy at the EU table but it doesn't have anywhere near the same gravitas as the UK. You have nothing to offer the French and Germans because beyond your veto, which is hastily being diluted by qualified majority voting, you're barely paying your way. Ireland just makes up the numbers and its pretty obvious that with the hard times ahead, you're fast becoming a liability.

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21 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

I had a couple of the cunts make a piss poor attempt at trolling me on youtube a few days back over Brexit. One of them sent me a fucking essay on why Ireland has more wealth and geopolitical power than the UK now it has left the EU. This of course was low hanging fruit that I couldn't ignore. By the time I had pointed out the fucking obvious about Ireland's fantasy economy and how it was about to be subjected to the kind of abuse by their EU masters that would make Jimmy Savile weep with pity with links to back it up, the prick fell back onto the traditional Irish defence mechanism of banging on about tales of British brutality in Ireland. Suffice to say, I fucking mangled him after that.

They just can't grasp that they are not equals in the Franco/German co prosperity sphere and the absence of the UK at the top table has left them entirely at the mercy of Berlin who is hellbent on curtailing the the theft of tax revenues and foreign investment by upstarts like Ireland, Luxembourg, Cyprus and Malta.

Germany will get its way eventually because they will attach conditions to every post covid recovery package that minnows cannot live without.

In terms of tax “minimisation” they certainly take the top spot. The Netherlands will be next under a Franco/German steamroller and the little tit fiefdoms last.

Next stop - begging at the door of IMF or ECB if the latter is still open for business with the tax dodgers. Every paddie should take an off-season trip to Greece to familiarise himself/herself with their future economic conditions.

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9 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

Bollocks! The US will attempt to use Ireland as a proxy at the EU table but it doesn't have anywhere near the same gravitas as the UK. You have nothing to offer the French and Germans because beyond your veto, which is hastily being diluted by qualified majority voting, you're barely paying your way. Ireland just makes up the numbers and its pretty obvious that with the hard times ahead, you're fast becoming a liability.

We bring to the role an understanding of the American way of thinkin..a shared language  the fact that their political system is rammed with plastic paddys ..a bridge tween east n west that the UK blew up n then burned ..save yer gravitas for the africans..they love ribbons n medals n ceremony 


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25 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

We will seek to fill the position of interlocutor tween the united states and the European union...a position you held since 1945 ..we prefer wielding soft power..it lasts longer


A very bendy interlocutor, with spread out legs, leaning on a worktop...

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12 hours ago, White Cunt said:

In terms of tax “minimisation” they certainly take the top spot. The Netherlands will be next under a Franco/German steamroller and the little tit fiefdoms last.

Next stop - begging at the door of IMF or ECB if the latter is still open for business with the tax dodgers. Every paddie should take an off-season trip to Greece to familiarise himself/herself with their future economic conditions.

Ireland owes £163 billion to the ECB which is part of the IMF-EU bailout that it received in 2010. It's in absolutely no position to refuse German demands for tax reform and if they think that running to the plastics in America for help against the big bully in Berlin will change anything, then they're going to be in for a huge disappointment because Biden will continue the courting of Franco/German co-operation that Obama sought. Ireland's tax haven will be sacrificed on the alter of Biden's ambition of a US-EU alliance.

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3 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

Ireland owes £163 billion to the ECB which is part of the IMF-EU bailout that it received in 2010. It's in absolutely no position to refuse German demands for tax reform and if they think that running to the plastics in America for help against the big bully in Berlin will help them then they're going to be in for a huge disappointment because Biden will continue the courting of Franco/German co-operation that Obama sought. Ireland's tax haven will be sacrificed on the alter of Biden's ambition of a US-EU alliance.

The US must balance their trade loss position to the EU benefit, for the alliance against China and the fertile soil for their military provisions. Ultimately the entire western alliance has to deal with the same tax dodging and product dumping issues, as chinks will be pursuing their own interest relentlessly.

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22 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

We bring to the role an understanding of the American way of thinkin..a shared language  the fact that their political system is rammed with plastic paddys ..a bridge tween east n west that the UK blew up n then burned ..save yer gravitas for the africans..they love ribbons n medals n ceremony 


Come on Paddy! Do you really believe that shit? You sound like the naive cunts here in the UK who bang on about the "special relationship". The US doesn't give a bollocks about anything unless it benefits them and quite frankly, Ireland's veto doesn't buy that. The plastic paddies don't have the clout they used to have because the Hispanics are taking over. Extreme ends of this is the brilliant centre right Ted Cruz and the mediocre hard left Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The lobbyists have more power in Washington than the plastic paddy brigade. The UK got wise to this under Cameron which is why we told Obama to piss off over a ground war in Syria. The simple fact is, US power is waning and it needs alliances to maintain its ability to project power in the way it once did on its own.

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31 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

Ireland owes £163 billion to the ECB which is part of the IMF-EU bailout that it received in 2010. It's in absolutely no position to refuse German demands for tax reform and if they think that running to the plastics in America for help against the big bully in Berlin will help them then they're going to be in for a huge disappointment because Biden will continue the courting of Franco/German co-operation that Obama sought. Ireland's tax haven will be sacrificed on the alter of Biden's ambition of a US-EU alliance.

We haven't and never would refuse to pay our debt . Now when itll be paid is another matter..we're good Europeans..not like the greeks who dragged up the war n in the process made the nails for their own cross..our taxation system can only be changed by public referendum 


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9 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

Come on Paddy! Do you really believe that shit? You sound like the naive cunts here in the UK who bang on about the "special relationship". The US doesn't give a bollocks about anything unless it benefits them and quite frankly, Ireland's veto doesn't buy that. The plastic paddies don't have the clout they used to have because the Hispanics are taking over. Extreme ends of this is the brilliant centre right Ted Cruz and the mediocre hard left Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The lobbyists have more power in Washington than the plastic paddy brigade. The UK got wise to this under Cameron which is why we told Obama to piss off over a ground war in Syria. The simple fact is, US power is waning and it needs alliances to maintain its ability to project power in the way it once did on its own.

You were the ones that swallowed the special relationship tale..we know its ballax..but we know they love optics ..we do that well with the bowl o shamrock every march..the Irish american vote is second only to the Jewish one..Neither sympathetic to the UK Tory  partay 


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9 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

You were the ones that swallowed the special relationship tale..we know its ballax..but we know they love optics ..we do that well with the bowl o shamrock every march..the Irish american vote is second only to the Jewish one..Neither sympathetic to the UK Tory  partay 


Future US administrations won't have the fifth column of British EU membership to help them deal with Europe as a piece of their global strategy. They are very uneasy with the EU 's developing ties with Russia. NATO is a fucking spent force and a C20 out of date organisation. 

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14 minutes ago, White Cunt said:

The US must balance their trade loss position to the EU benefit, for the alliance against China and the fertile soil for their military provisions. Ultimately the entire western alliance has to deal with the same tax dodging and product dumping issues, as chinks will be pursuing their own interest relentlessly.

For all his faults, Trump has highlighted the systematic abuse of American goodwill. The EU facilitates tax dodging by US multinationals that deprives their economy of hundreds of billions while at the same time expects the US to defend them from possible Russian military aggression in Eastern Europe. As the Hunter Biden scandal unfolds, his daddy will be expected to continue Trump's hard line against China and the weakest link with that at the moment is the EU which is signing mini deals with Beijing to hoover up the agricultural trade created by its boycott of Australia. The only way this can be reversed is through the direct co-operation of the French and Germans, not Ireland's mickey mouse veto.

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22 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

We haven't and never would refuse to pay our debt . Now when itll be paid is another matter..we're good Europeans..not like the greeks who dragged up the war n in the process made the nails for their own cross..our taxation system can only be changed by public referendum 


Your taxation system will be changed because you will be offered the choice of compliance or EU pariah with Franco/ German malevolence attached.

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2 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

For all his faults, Trump has highlighted the systematic abuse of American goodwill. The EU facilitates tax dodging by US multinationals that deprives their economy of hundreds of billions while at the same time expects the US to defend them from possible Russian military aggression in Eastern Europe. As the Hunter Biden scandal unfolds, his daddy will be expected to continue Trump's hard line against China and the weakest link with that at the moment is the EU which is signing mini deals with Beijing to hoover up the agricultural trade created by its boycott of Australia. The only way this can be reversed is through the direct co-operation of the French and Germans, not Ireland's mickey mouse veto.

The mini trade deals with Beijing are directly undermining US’ important agricultural exports and those of Australia. How the fuckers are planning to create a real “level playing field” without pissing more people off, I don’t know. Just recently krauts were complaining about the loss of parts of their engineering and tech industry to the chinks, yet shit like this is going on.

What’s worse, with the changing climate, the west has to protect their food supply. In case of heat waves, floods, etc, the US has much higher storage capacity than the EU. Short-termism, typically preferred by corporations.

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5 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

Your taxation system will be changed because you will be offered the choice of compliance or EU pariah with Franco/ German malevolence attached.

Doubtful, believe it or not the EU position on yer exit didnt change from the first sit down ..ya'll just didnt know what ya wanted but continue to believe that they had it in for you ..i think they were very fair considering the disgraceful n disrespectful behaviour of strings tory ministers..yer theatrics will no longer go without reprimand now that the lines have been drawn 


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