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Adam West - Dead

Guest Ollyboro

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Guest Ollyboro

Batman's fucked off to the bat crypt.

I'm off out wearing a mask, with my pants over my tights, accompanied by a similarly attired youth. Afterwards I'll try and think of a suitable tribute to Adam West.

Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb.

Edited by Ollyboro
Bat utility wit
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Guest Ollyboro

Tragic news. He was only 88. Which coincidentally is the same age as the bloke Spunkface lost his virginity to. He was found underground too.

Edited by Ollyboro
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Guest Spanky
3 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:


Those were the days when crooks were crooks. Lived by a code. None of that sideways holding of a gun or hurting women and children. Especially when batman was around. Danananananananananananananananananananananananananana........ Oh, wait... he's dead.. :(

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Guest Wizardsleeve

Oh, that's just fucking it!  Between the wife gassing me, burning food, and this///it is time for the tree chipper!!  

Adam West and Burt Ward were known for their back stage sexcapades with the ladies!  They made men want to wear tights for it!

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Guest nobgobbler
2 hours ago, The Lady Penelope said:

Was it the best?

It rhymes with vest. Only consumed by string vest wearing cunts. ... fucking hell I sound like punkape.

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Guest Spanky
9 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:

Yes, and it's a pity you aren't as well you treacherous cunt

I'm sorry Withers, I was just bored. Have a like and shove it up your arse you whinging French wanker.

Edited by Spanky
In case this wasn't clear, what I meant was... Fuck off Withers you faux French cunt.
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Guest nobgobbler
15 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

It pissed me off to read he died peacefully in his sleep. I would have wanted him to die noisely going "KERPOW!!!!" "PLAAAK!!!!" "BOCKO!!!!!" "WAAAAACK". 

I wonder if his last meal was, dinner dinner dinner dinner dinner dinner dinner dinner BATMAN!

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18 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

It pissed me off to read he died peacefully in his sleep. I would have wanted him to die noisely going "KERPOW!!!!" "PLAAAK!!!!" "BOCKO!!!!!" "WAAAAACK". 

He died in Gotham city hospital...............In the Burt Ward


I'm 'ere all week

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9 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:

You arse licking  cunt.  Decs sent me a p.m, he said he would like to come back, but he is concerned that you will attach yourself to him again, like the Welsh sheep tick that you are.


Sure as night follows day, and a Frenchman shits his pants at the mere hint of a battle, a mind-numbingly repetitive post from our resident flannel. 

I've noticed you've been bounding around like a petulant child on here for the last few days, hoping someone would pay attention, "ooh, punkers, look at me, I said 'tesco'". What a bona fide fucking tool you are. 

Sadly, old snatch has fallen into your simpleton trap, although it's good to see he's got a hobby now he's not able to hang on the coat tails of the better posters here, berating other cunts at our will, whenever we fancied using him like a toilet brush.

Anyway, now that's off my chest, I'm up decs way in a few weeks so we're meeting for a pint, be sure to make your annual* trip over from France so that we can make it a ménage a trois and glass you as soon as your spineless body slithers into the pub. 




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Guest Snatch
4 minutes ago, Bubba C said:

Sure as night follows day, and a Frenchman shits his pants at the mere hint of a battle, a mind-numbingly repetitive post from our resident flannel. 

I've noticed you've been bounding around like a petulant child on here for the last few days, hoping someone would pay attention, "ooh, punkers, look at me, I said 'tesco'". What a bona fide fucking tool you are. 

Sadly, old snatch has fallen into your simpleton trap, although it's good to see he's got a hobby now he's not able to hang on the coat tails of the better posters here, berating other cunts at our will, whenever we fancied using him like a toilet brush.

Anyway, now that's off my chest, I'm up decs way in a few weeks so we're meeting for a pint, be sure to make your annual* trip over from France so that we can make it a ménage a trois and glass you as soon as your spineless body slithers into the pub. 




When you say better posters you obviously don't include yourself.

Talking of being used,Decs never noticed that when we set him up to have a metdtown,making himself look a cunt and getting coolered then eventually getting banned. He bit every time the fucking idiot.

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