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Unsolicited private medical checks

Guest Lady Penelope

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Guest judgetwi
38 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

More holes in this argument than your liver by the sound of it Eddie. 

So Taxpayers go to the top of the list for treatment, do they?

How many children pay tax?

How many pensioners currently pay significant tax?

What about those for whom their lifelong genetic illness has rendered them unable to work and pay tax? 

The mentally ill can presumably just be left to die, I suppose?

Just as long as some Stella-swigging gobshite paying PAYE on his £190 a week warehouse job can start laying the law down about when he gets his ingrown toenail removed, then slag off the highly skilled staff who will pander to his entitlement, that’s just fine and dandy. 

An “illegal” who hacks his thumb off cabbage-cutting because our local low skilled classes can’t be arsed to get up before Loose Women is in my view every bit as deserving of treatment as Vicky the town bike who’s Fallopians look like they are coated in Nacho cheese but who demands NHS IVF cos she’s paid her stamp on the 10 hours a week till job at Tesco for five years. 

The world is not black and white, Eddie. Hate to break it to you. 

Children pay tax every time they buy a Mars bar in the corner shop. It’s called VAT. I’m surprised that a Doctor does not understand the difference between direct and indirect taxation. I’m also surprised that such an educated man is unaware of the tax dodging by rich cunts and corporate capitalism , not to mention his political naivety in general. 

But my biggest surprise of all is that any cunt thinks that this snowflake wanker is a Doctor in the first place! Do you really think that a medical doctor would come on here and brag about the fact?  

Fuck me, you are having a fucking laugh. Having said that, most of you are living in a fantasy world anyway and have never really left the playground.

Fuck all this bollocks.


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As far as I can see every cunt has their dick in the hole, native or off the back of a fucking lorry. Those who shout loudest seem to get heard. If I thought money would not go into the pockets of profiteers, I would make it £50 minimum to see a GP and £200 for an A&E visit. Only exemption are those claiming state pension and children under 3 months. I find it rather odd there is a confusing internal funding system in the NHS that costs hundreds of millions per annum to administrate, but no wanker has the fucking political guts to suggest charging people for convenience care.

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Guest Bill Stickers
11 hours ago, Eddie said:

The NHS is being privatised, one step at a time, the beardy cunt Branson is behind every move.

You voted Conservative. I'm afraid you're partly complicit.

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7 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Children pay tax every time they buy a Mars bar in the corner shop. It’s called VAT. I’m surprised that a Doctor does not understand the difference between direct and indirect taxation. I’m also surprised that such an educated man is unaware of the tax dodging by rich cunts and corporate capitalism , not to mention his political naivety in general. 

But my biggest surprise of all is that any cunt thinks that this snowflake wanker is a Doctor in the first place! Do you really think that a medical doctor would come on here and brag about the fact?  

Fuck me, you are having a fucking laugh. Having said that, most of you are living in a fantasy world anyway and have never really left the playground.

Fuck all this bollocks.


It might surprise you Judge but I’m no snowflake. As a dispensing doctor (look it up) I pay a six figure sum in VAT every year, so I am well aware of direct vs indirect taxation, and indeed how regressive VAT can be. 

My point - though sadly it seems to have not lingered long in your cortex - is that provision of NHS treatment in this current model is complex and not simply related to how much tax you might have paid, which for most people is hugely less than the cost of treatment they receive. 

Perhaps it is better that we do indeed move to a system of direct payment, even though after 20 years in this model this would make me instinctively queasy, for at least we all now understand our roles in the consumer society and no cunt risks my scalpel in their eye when they tell me “I’ve paid my stamp”. A charge for services is a natural brake on demand as any economist knows. I’m quite happy to go from a flat £12 per month for every registered punter - less than Sky Sports - to £25 for every appointment when Doris can whine about her bunions again. 

As for tax dodging corporate types, I’m not sure how you’ve concluded I am unaware of them, but there we go. The likes of that fat bastard Phillip Green should be slopping out in Belmarsh. If HMRC stopped cutting deals with people and simply confiscated their assets we’d all be happier. Clear?

Incidentally, if our hypothetical child bought a 51g Mars Bar each and every school day, how long would it be before she was a net contributor to the NHS, given that at our surgery in a relatively well off rural area the average child consumes £18,650 in healthcare before they leave school?

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I do sometimes wonder how the human race survived through all the long millennia of its existence prior to 1948, without antibiotics, grief counsellors, gender identity clinics, dentists or, indeed, middle managers. Come the zombie apocalypse there will be a reckoning for sure.

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1 hour ago, Cuntybaws said:

I do sometimes wonder how the human race survived through all the long millennia of its existence prior to 1948, without antibiotics, grief counsellors, gender identity clinics, dentists or, indeed, middle managers. Come the zombie apocalypse there will be a reckoning for sure.

Agreed. The week before my recent holiday, I had a 20 year old girl wander into my office to tell me she was feeling sad because she had failed her driving test, thus endangering her goal of being a mobile hairdresser, and wanting me to dish out the SSRI/CBT combo that had gotten her through her previous run of tragedies as documented on her computer record; highlights included parental divorce, poor GCSE results, her teenage boyfriend demanding anal or he’d leave, and worries her chin was lopsided or her hair too brittle. 

I asked her whether she felt 18 GP attendances in three years was normal for her age, and invited her to reflect on why she kept feeling sad for a few weeks every so often, and see me in 2 weeks to discuss further. The Coroner didn’t ring me on my sun lounger, so I’m guessing in my absence she’ll have seen one of my colleagues who will have given her sertraline to shut her gob.

Thus goes the iphone generation, where every twinge or cough demands an answer, where uncertainty is never tolerable, and where waiting to see if it goes away is akin to offering leeches.

As a species, we are fucked. 

But I wouldn’t worry, antibiotic resistance will soon thin the herd. 


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Guest Lady Penelope
9 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Agreed. The week before my recent holiday, I had a 20 year old girl wander into my office to tell me she was feeling sad because she had failed her driving test, thus endangering her goal of being a mobile hairdresser, and wanting me to dish out the SSRI/CBT combo that had gotten her through her previous run of tragedies as documented on her computer record; highlights included parental divorce, poor GCSE results, her teenage boyfriend demanding anal or he’d leave, and worries her chin was lopsided or her hair too brittle. 

I asked her whether she felt 18 GP attendances in three years was normal for her age, and invited her to reflect on why she kept feeling sad for a few weeks every so often, and see me in 2 weeks to discuss further. The Coroner didn’t ring me on my sun lounger, so I’m guessing in my absence she’ll have seen one of my colleagues who will have given her sertraline to shut her gob.

Thus goes the iphone generation, where every twinge or cough demands an answer, where uncertainty is never tolerable, and where waiting to see if it goes away is akin to offering leeches.

As a species, we are fucked. 

But I wouldn’t worry, antibiotic resistance will soon thin the herd. 


What about people who foocough?

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Guest Earl Albert of Ross (Bt)
23 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Agreed. The week before my recent holiday, I had a 20 year old girl wander into my office to tell me she was feeling sad because she had failed her driving test, thus endangering her goal of being a mobile hairdresser, and wanting me to dish out the SSRI/CBT combo that had gotten her through her previous run of tragedies as documented on her computer record; highlights included parental divorce, poor GCSE results, her teenage boyfriend demanding anal or he’d leave, and worries her chin was lopsided or her hair too brittle. 

I asked her whether she felt 18 GP attendances in three years was normal for her age, and invited her to reflect on why she kept feeling sad for a few weeks every so often, and see me in 2 weeks to discuss further. The Coroner didn’t ring me on my sun lounger, so I’m guessing in my absence she’ll have seen one of my colleagues who will have given her sertraline to shut her gob.

Thus goes the iphone generation, where every twinge or cough demands an answer, where uncertainty is never tolerable, and where waiting to see if it goes away is akin to offering leeches.

As a species, we are fucked. 

But I wouldn’t worry, antibiotic resistance will soon thin the herd. 


Where did you go on holiday?

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Guest Earl Albert of Ross (Bt)
26 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Agreed. The week before my recent holiday, I had a 20 year old girl wander into my office to tell me she was feeling sad because she had failed her driving test, thus endangering her goal of being a mobile hairdresser, and wanting me to dish out the SSRI/CBT combo that had gotten her through her previous run of tragedies as documented on her computer record; highlights included parental divorce, poor GCSE results, her teenage boyfriend demanding anal or he’d leave, and worries her chin was lopsided or her hair too brittle. 

I asked her whether she felt 18 GP attendances in three years was normal for her age, and invited her to reflect on why she kept feeling sad for a few weeks every so often, and see me in 2 weeks to discuss further. The Coroner didn’t ring me on my sun lounger, so I’m guessing in my absence she’ll have seen one of my colleagues who will have given her sertraline to shut her gob.

Thus goes the iphone generation, where every twinge or cough demands an answer, where uncertainty is never tolerable, and where waiting to see if it goes away is akin to offering leeches.

As a species, we are fucked. 

But I wouldn’t worry, antibiotic resistance will soon thin the herd. 


Legally as she is over 18 she is a woman. Oh fuck, another pedantry attack, can you prescribe me some pills to fight it?

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5 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Agreed. The week before my recent holiday, I had a 20 year old girl wander into my office to tell me she was feeling sad because she had failed her driving test, thus endangering her goal of being a mobile hairdresser, and wanting me to dish out the SSRI/CBT combo that had gotten her through her previous run of tragedies as documented on her computer record; highlights included parental divorce, poor GCSE results, her teenage boyfriend demanding anal or he’d leave, and worries her chin was lopsided or her hair too brittle. 

I asked her whether she felt 18 GP attendances in three years was normal for her age, and invited her to reflect on why she kept feeling sad for a few weeks every so often, and see me in 2 weeks to discuss further. The Coroner didn’t ring me on my sun lounger, so I’m guessing in my absence she’ll have seen one of my colleagues who will have given her sertraline to shut her gob.

Thus goes the iphone generation, where every twinge or cough demands an answer, where uncertainty is never tolerable, and where waiting to see if it goes away is akin to offering leeches.

As a species, we are fucked. 

But I wouldn’t worry, antibiotic resistance will soon thin the herd. 


I'd love to tell the fuckers who present with a sniffle that "I've had for the last two days" to fuck off and come back when they have a proper illness, but we can't. Or to tell the fat fucker who has obesity related illness he's too fat and needs to lose weight, but we can't because it might hurt their feelings.  Its these fuckers that clog the primary care appointment system up that stops people who genuinely need to see a clinician. Too many cunts using it who don't need to. 

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20 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Agreed. The week before my recent holiday, I had a 20 year old girl wander into my office to tell me she was feeling sad because she had failed her driving test, thus endangering her goal of being a mobile hairdresser, and wanting me to dish out the SSRI/CBT combo that had gotten her through her previous run of tragedies as documented on her computer record; highlights included parental divorce, poor GCSE results, her teenage boyfriend demanding anal or he’d leave, and worries her chin was lopsided or her hair too brittle. 

I asked her whether she felt 18 GP attendances in three years was normal for her age, and invited her to reflect on why she kept feeling sad for a few weeks every so often, and see me in 2 weeks to discuss further. The Coroner didn’t ring me on my sun lounger, so I’m guessing in my absence she’ll have seen one of my colleagues who will have given her sertraline to shut her gob.

Thus goes the iphone generation, where every twinge or cough demands an answer, where uncertainty is never tolerable, and where waiting to see if it goes away is akin to offering leeches.

As a species, we are fucked. 

But I wouldn’t worry, antibiotic resistance will soon thin the herd. 


I retired several years ago as the Matron (yes, that’s right) of a Camhs Service. Your description of Uber entitlement is everywhere now in   society. This coupled with the Munchausenesque zeal of parents to have their progeny pathologised is a serious concern, one which was picked up on recently by Mike Shooter, and commented on here.  Your description of the tragic case described above automatically transports me back five years to out patient’s clinics where I was constantly being asked to sort out undisciplined 7 year old boys whose parents simply would not or could not keep them in line . Cue then the opening of a discussion with them on what constituted effective parenting. Their response to this was always negative and outraged at the idea that should accept any responsibility for exercising parental control over the young Master. You would think that my actions would be supported and replicated in the service, but, no. I was often indirectly criticised for denying children access to a service. What utter bollocks.

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5 hours ago, cuntspotter said:

I retired several years ago as the Matron (yes, that’s right) of a Camhs Service. Your description of Uber entitlement is everywhere now in   society. This coupled with the Munchausenesque zeal of parents to have their progeny pathologised is a serious concern, one which was picked up on recently by Mike Shooter, and commented on here.  Your description of the tragic case described above automatically transports me back five years to out patient’s clinics where I was constantly being asked to sort out undisciplined 7 year old boys whose parents simply would not or could not keep them in line . Cue then the opening of a discussion with them on what constituted effective parenting. Their response to this was always negative and outraged at the idea that should accept any responsibility for exercising parental control over the young Master. You would think that my actions would be supported and replicated in the service, but, no. I was often indirectly criticised for denying children access to a service. What utter bollocks.

Cunts should stop breeding if they can't handle the consequences, science already cloned sheep, who needs children?

Procreation should be for recreation, not population.

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On 9 February 2018 at 10:54 PM, Last Cunt Standing said:

Not really, no.

Professionally I treat whoever is in front of me without fear or favour. 

Checking entitlement is for border guards, minimum wage clipboard wielders with sociology degrees and wannabe hard men who cut-and-paste their world view from Mail online. 

I don’t treat many immigrants any more, but I will say that from memory I found the average Pole or Afghan infinitely more polite, respectful and grateful for the treatment they had than the typical entitled loudmouth Brit, many of whom have “contributed” enough to cover about two aspirin and a 40 minute lie down in a hospital trolley. Many of whom bleat to me that they “couldn’t understand that Paki doctor you sent me to”, completely deaf to my reply through gritted teeth that the Indian Professor of Cardiothoracic Surgery they saw for 30 minutes had dictated a detailed treatment plan and emailed it to me before their ignorant arse made it back to the Astra in the hospital car park they object to paying £3 in. 

As for “just because they have cancer and it’s terminal”, that’s not really a Friday night half bottle of Merlot subject. These days I suggest these unfortunate people move to France and farm Geese. 

There’s a lot of anger in you Eddie. When did you last check your blood pressure?

Minimum wage clipboard wielders? @Decimus?

You've got Eddie pegged right doc, he does have a nasty drink problem so will be off to Goa soon to detox with a couple a bottles of arrack a day and have a laugh at the expense of the local curry wallahs. You do know he claims free health care extras from his man Friday @Fatty? There was a scam getting pain killers and sending them out to Egypt for "boyfriends" but after seeing what happened to that rancid northern slag, he doesn't want fatty ruined in some Cairo jail and effecting his saleable value.

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On 12/02/2018 at 12:11 AM, Stubby Pecker said:

Minimum wage clipboard wielders? @Decimus?

You've got Eddie pegged right doc, he does have a nasty drink problem so will be off to Goa soon to detox with a couple a bottles of arrack a day and have a laugh at the expense of the local curry wallahs. You do know he claims free health care extras from his man Friday @Fatty? There was a scam getting pain killers and sending them out to Egypt for "boyfriends" but after seeing what happened to that rancid northern slag, he doesn't want fatty ruined in some Cairo jail and effecting his saleable value.

Stubby, you're one step above a volunteer. A zero hour contract polishing marble and quartz at the Gloucester museum of rocks does not a geologist make.

Also, please stop name dropping me. With the advent of LCS, I've moved onto bigger game. You can't seriously expect to remain my toy when you offer absolutely no challenge when compared to the good doctor.

I'm sorry but we're over. Move on.

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39 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Stubby, you're one step above a volunteer. A zero hour contract polishing marble and quartz at the Gloucester museum of rocks does not a geologist make.

Also, please stop name dropping me. With the advent of LCS, I've moved onto bigger game. You can't seriously expect to remain my toy when you offer absolutely no challenge when compared to the good doctor.

I'm sorry but we're over. Move on.

While I admire you being the bigger man and moving on before you cheat, its best to ignore the messages from your ex otherwise you give them a false sense that your still interested.

Next minute you know your balls deep in man ass as they  bite down on the pillow and your screaming who's digging for rocks now you bike riding cunt and you gotta explain that it was just sex

Each to their own I guess.

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