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More Utter Shit From The Labour Party


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Comrade Corbyn has taken time out from his busy schedule appearing as a Nazi Albert Steptoe impersonator to put forth his vision for a future Britain under his benevolent dictatorship.

Despite the myriad of problems facing our country, this fucking Catweazle cunt seems to be fixating on creating jobs in the green energy sector that nobody has asked for or cares about. Apparently, Labour will create 400,000 new jobs to form his vision of a UK that resembles the armpit of Swampy, although he hasn't stated where he will find 400,000 eco warriors with the experience or credentials to do these jobs. Unless there are a few hundred thousand hippys just waiting around for the promised Politburo to come, perhaps he is thinking of shipping a load of immigrants over to try and irrevocably change the demographic of the UK and create a legion of voters loyal to the Labour party. It's not like they've pulled that shit before, is it? I assume that a large number of these eco-friendly jobs will include tree surgeons adept at nurturing and growing money trees, because even at a low estimate of £20,000, the annual wage bill for this new legion of conscientious soap dodgers would be astronomical.

Oh, and apparently he will nationalise everything and we'll all be happy again, or some such shit.


What an utter, utter cunt.


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17 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Comrade Corbyn has taken time out from his busy schedule appearing as a Nazi Albert Steptoe impersonator to put forth his vision for a future Britain under his benevolent dictatorship.

Despite the myriad of problems facing our country, this fucking Catweazle cunt seems to be fixating on creating jobs in the green energy sector that nobody has asked for or cares about. Apparently, Labour will create 400,000 new jobs to form his vision of a UK that resembles the armpit of Swampy, although he hasn't stated where he will find 400,000 eco warriors with the experience or credentials to do these jobs. Unless there are a few hundred thousand hippys just waiting around for the promised Politburo to come, perhaps he is thinking of shipping a load of immigrants over to try and irrevocably change the demographic of the UK and create a legion of voters loyal to the Labour party. It's not like they've pulled that shit before, is it? I assume that a large number of these eco-friendly jobs will include tree surgeons adept at nurturing and growing money trees, because even at a low estimate of £20,000, the annual wage bill for this new legion of conscientious soap dodgers would be astronomical.

Oh, and apparently he will nationalise everything and we'll all be happy again, or some such shit.


What an utter, utter cunt.


The Left embraced a cause that attracts people from a culture in which anti-semitism is mother’s milk. Labour saw no reason to criticise any aspect of this culture no matter how misogynistic or homophobic, as with its anti-semitism all was swept under the carpet.

The Labour Party has been rewarded with their loyalty and their votes.

Yes there is anti-semitism on the far right but it has always been a very small group not representative of the larger population as the reaction to Mosley and the black shirts demonstrated.

In November last year OFSTED reported concern that anti - semitism and misogyny were being taught in some Muslim faith schools but the matter was once again brushed over. The reason? Probably that there are nearly 4m Muslims in this country as opposed to 300k Jews and votes matter. I’m not suggesting all Muslims are anti-semites but for many it is a default setting put in place during childhood. We reap what the Labour Party has sown regarding rampant anti-semitism.

I'm sure this electoral arithmetic has an input, but it isn't the only factor. Corbyn was propelled to power and is sustained in power by Momentum. Momentum is a Labour version of the brownshirts. Many in this movement might well have supported BNP if they'd been born at the time (just listen to Ruth Smeeth's quotes).

Far right movements are often as anticapitalist and anti-'banker' as the hard left. And both the hard left and the far right -  both possessed by ideology - personalise what they hate most by drawing a Jewish face on it. Corbyn won't abandon his brownshirts

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23 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Despite the myriad of problems facing our country, this fucking Catweazle cunt seems to be fixating on creating jobs in the green energy sector that nobody has asked for or cares about. Apparently, Labour will create 400,000 new jobs to form his vision of a UK that resembles the armpit of Swampy, although he hasn't stated where he will find 400,000 eco warriors with the experience or credentials to do these jobs.


What an utter, utter cunt.


You forget Swampy Tim of the five valleys and his hiappy band of warriors.

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57 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Comrade Corbyn has taken time out from his busy schedule appearing as a Nazi Albert Steptoe impersonator to put forth his vision for a future Britain under his benevolent dictatorship.

Despite the myriad of problems facing our country, this fucking Catweazle cunt seems to be fixating on creating jobs in the green energy sector that nobody has asked for or cares about. Apparently, Labour will create 400,000 new jobs to form his vision of a UK that resembles the armpit of Swampy, although he hasn't stated where he will find 400,000 eco warriors with the experience or credentials to do these jobs. Unless there are a few hundred thousand hippys just waiting around for the promised Politburo to come, perhaps he is thinking of shipping a load of immigrants over to try and irrevocably change the demographic of the UK and create a legion of voters loyal to the Labour party. It's not like they've pulled that shit before, is it? I assume that a large number of these eco-friendly jobs will include tree surgeons adept at nurturing and growing money trees, because even at a low estimate of £20,000, the annual wage bill for this new legion of conscientious soap dodgers would be astronomical.

Oh, and apparently he will nationalise everything and we'll all be happy again, or some such shit.


What an utter, utter cunt.


Yet more nonsense figures plucked from Cuntweazels arse

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Guest 'eavensabove

The main worry is of course that Labour has slim chance of winning the next general election which will then give-way to their secret-weapon 'New Leader' who by all accounts has a hooter akin to Concord which almost hooked the eyes out of all those in front of the rostrum whilst she lisped & spluttered her way through her abysmal and unimpressive speech. On the other hand, is a far greater concern that the Tory's will win again with a vote of no confidence backed-up by the North of Isle of Wight to gain a majority.  It's a no win situation as always.  No cunt worth jack-shite to govern and no cunt worth jack-shite in opposition.

How the fuck did we win WWII?  I'll tell you how: It was the people of this country and not some pen-pushing know-it-all away from the field.  It was the people also that built over 1million homes when the country was bankrupt and bombed to fuck. Our infrastructure was built through sweat & guts and not by some white-collared smart arse quoting intentions without any real intention of doing the slightest thing. ALL parties have been droning on and on about the same old desires to, and the same bull-shit promises, but delivering the square root of sweet naff-all for at least 40+ years.      

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You dimwits have to decide what you want. We have a country that has been sold off lock stock and barrel. A national lottery that that pays Canadian teachers pensions, a potentially profitable rail system that in effect subsidises loss making foreign railway systems, utilities owned by foreign governments, the NHS being cherrypicked by Beardie Branson and co, housing that cost five times its true value and lunatic financial system that cannot comprehend the 12x12 multiplication table.

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Guest 'eavensabove
5 minutes ago, Wybunbury Bertie said:

You dimwits have to decide what you want. We have a country that has been sold off lock stock and barrel. A national lottery that that pays Canadian teachers pensions, a potentially profitable rail system that in effect subsidises loss making foreign railway systems, utilities owned by foreign governments, the NHS being cherrypicked by Beardie Branson and co, housing that cost five times its true value and lunatic financial system that cannot comprehend the 12x12 multiplication table.

Should we all relocate? 

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25 minutes ago, 'eavensabove said:

The main worry is of course that Labour has slim chance of winning the next general election which will then give-way to their secret-weapon 'New Leader' who by all accounts has a hooter akin to Concord which almost hooked the eyes out of all those in front of the rostrum whilst she lisped & spluttered her way through her abysmal and unimpressive speech. On the other hand, is a far greater concern that the Tory's will win again with a vote of no confidence backed-up by the North of Isle of Wight to gain a majority.  It's a no win situation as always.  No cunt worth jack-shite to govern and no cunt worth jack-shite in opposition.

How the fuck did we win WWII?  I'll tell you how: It was the people of this country and not some pen-pushing know-it-all away from the field.  It was the people also that built over 1million homes when the country was bankrupt and bombed to fuck. Our infrastructure was built through sweat & guts and not by some white-collared smart arse quoting intentions without any real intention of doing the slightest thing. ALL parties have been droning on and on about the same old desires to, and the same bull-shit promises, but delivering the square root of sweet naff-all for at least 40+ years.      

Is that Jerusalem I can hear in the back ground? 

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2 hours ago, Decimus said:

Comrade Corbyn has taken time out from his busy schedule appearing as a Nazi Albert Steptoe impersonator to put forth his vision for a future Britain under his benevolent dictatorship.

Despite the myriad of problems facing our country, this fucking Catweazle cunt seems to be fixating on creating jobs in the green energy sector that nobody has asked for or cares about. Apparently, Labour will create 400,000 new jobs to form his vision of a UK that resembles the armpit of Swampy, although he hasn't stated where he will find 400,000 eco warriors with the experience or credentials to do these jobs. Unless there are a few hundred thousand hippys just waiting around for the promised Politburo to come, perhaps he is thinking of shipping a load of immigrants over to try and irrevocably change the demographic of the UK and create a legion of voters loyal to the Labour party. It's not like they've pulled that shit before, is it? I assume that a large number of these eco-friendly jobs will include tree surgeons adept at nurturing and growing money trees, because even at a low estimate of £20,000, the annual wage bill for this new legion of conscientious soap dodgers would be astronomical.

Oh, and apparently he will nationalise everything and we'll all be happy again, or some such shit.


What an utter, utter cunt.


Of all the subjects to have a pop at Cor-bin, this surely has to be the least laudable. Comrade jiggers pointed the way to attack these polarised shitcunts- the very nature of their entrenched dogma that harks back to Lenin, and on both sides, the inability to listen to any cunt who disagrees and wants adult debate .

The figure of 400,000 is of course bollocks but to suggest anyone with an interest in sustainable living is hippy with dreads in their beard and makes their own soap from oak bark and yak spunk shows what a small minded little Luddite you are. Scientists, engineers, economists and your average cunt who see's an opportunity to make some money in a sector which is going to be massive won't all be idealistic hippies. I can just see you now in your filthy hovel, stocking up on coal and peat and slabs of lard for the winter. I bet you flush your man nappies down the bog as well.

What stupid fucking wankstain.

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400000 people on £20k a year - 8 weeks holiday, 4 day week, retire at 45 , all on non stop training courses for gender awareness and disability evaluation could produce nearly enough electricity to replace 4 street lamps at a cost of only £47 million per Kilowatt Hour. This could cure the unemployment the UK doesn't have at a stroke.

Chopping off the bearded windbags scrawny shite filled head would create a job - utter cunt.

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31 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Of all the subjects to have a pop at Cor-bin, this surely has to be the least laudable. Comrade jiggers pointed the way to attack these polarised shitcunts- the very nature of their entrenched dogma that harks back to Lenin, and on both sides, the inability to listen to any cunt who disagrees and wants adult debate .

The figure of 400,000 is of course bollocks but to suggest anyone with an interest in sustainable living is hippy with dreads in their beard and makes their own soap from oak bark and yak spunk shows what a small minded little Luddite you are. Scientists, engineers, economists and your average cunt who see's an opportunity to make some money in a sector which is going to be massive won't all be idealistic hippies. I can just see you now in your filthy hovel, stocking up on coal and peat and slabs of lard for the winter. I bet you flush your man nappies down the bog as well.

What stupid fucking wankstain.

I'm not sure what planet you are on Stubby, but it isn't Earth.

The vast majority of people in this country are grounded and sensible, and don't have their noses buried in "A Dummies guide to Maintaining Hedgerow Habitats". The only people who fixate on the environment to a point where they give it the sort of pre-eminence in current affairs that you do, are those too rich to have to worry about little things such as the economy, or those who obtained a BTECH qualification in a third rate science at a polytechnic (you).

People want alternative ways of dealing with the big issues from Her Majesty's official party of the opposition. They want a coherent economic strategy, an increase in living standards, higher wages and cheaper houses, more police on the street and more hospitals being built. What they don't want to hear is how a bunch of useless tossers with irrelevant qualifications such as yourself, will be paid with public funds to wank off newts and whisper to owls, when the money could be better spent elsewhere.

You dirty, stinking hippy cunt.


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25 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I'm not sure what planet you are on Stubby, but it isn't Earth.

The vast majority of people in this country are grounded and sensible, and don't have their noses buried in "A Dummies guide to Maintaining Hedgerow Habitats". The only people who fixate on the environment to a point where they give it the sort of pre-eminence in current affairs that you do, are those too rich to have to worry about little things such as the economy, or those who obtained a BTECH qualification in a third rate science at a polytechnic (you).

People want alternative ways of dealing with the big issues from Her Majesty's official party of the opposition. They want a coherent economic strategy, an increase in living standards, higher wages and cheaper houses, more police on the street and more hospitals being built. What they don't want to hear is how a bunch of useless tossers with irrelevant qualifications such as yourself, will be paid with public funds to wank off newts and whisper to owls, when the money could be better spent elsewhere.

You dirty, stinking hippy cunt.


Newt wanking notwithstanding, I was merely suggesting that investment (which of course they'll never do) in forms of energy which are essentially free and limitless as compared to the current model, ain't the best angle to attack labour; they have a whole raft of frankly daft and dangerous bullshit they'd more than happily force upon the proletariat. A BTECH in tree hugging isn't the basis to design a wave powered energy system or processing technology to turn waste plastics into petrol and waste humans into fertiliser/food.

This latest missive regarding green energy is simply headline grabbing tactics when their wet stance on everything else has more holes than the main reactor at Sizewell, which by the style of the incessant whining is where you holiday. Inbred mutant.

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Guest killemall

didn`t blairs govt do something similar?created loads of useless civil service jobs that were a complete waist of time & were just used to fudge the employment statistics.i was sort of hoping komrade corbs might die before the next election as i bet the hoardes of unwashed bone idle cunts & gullible student twats will just be queing up to vote for this dodgy cunt.

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5 hours ago, killemall said:

didn`t blairs govt do something similar?created loads of useless civil service jobs that were a complete waist of time & were just used to fudge the employment statistics.i was sort of hoping komrade corbs might die before the next election as i bet the hoardes of unwashed bone idle cunts & gullible student twats will just be queing up to vote for this dodgy cunt.

New labour was a lot more destructive to the economy than Tories’ industrial “adjustment” and the initial banks free for all take off, via the enhanced and encouraged casino City deregulation and of course the Iraq war. We are left with a massive debt craftily transferred onto public sheet, thanks Tony, while our old boys keep safely cashing in their overseas incomes. Giving Mr Average a shit job in a pubicle has at least an upside. He has to get dressed and get out of the house, rather than spending his doll money on scratch cards and chips for breakfast at 8 pm.

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Guest 'eavensabove
1 hour ago, White Cunt said:

New labour was a lot more destructive to the economy than Tories’ industrial “adjustment” and the initial banks free for all take off, via the enhanced and encouraged casino City deregulation and of course the Iraq war. We are left with a massive debt craftily transferred onto public sheet, thanks Tony, while our old boys keep safely cashing in their overseas incomes. Giving Mr Average a shit job in a pubicle has at least an upside. He has to get dressed and get out of the house, rather than spending his doll money on scratch cards and chips for breakfast at 8 pm.

Blair, did at least cure mad cow disease. Well, almost... Roops still lives. 

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Guest judgetwi
13 hours ago, Decimus said:


Oh, and apparently he will nationalise everything and we'll all be happy again, or some such shit.


What an utter, utter cunt.


Having committed themselves to the EU fascist state ( for the time being at least ) is there no BBC “journalist” who can tell Catweazle’s Labour Party that the EU don’t actually allow nationalisation? It’s against the fucking rules! It seems a very basic contradiction to me........but no cunt wants to mention it.

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