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Michael Moore


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Anyone over the age of 16 who wears a baseball cap needs to be covered in chum, have their scrotum/labia nailed to an enraged Bull shark and thrown into the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

If being a hat wearing fat wanker who looks like the sort of cunt you'd keep a close eye on at a kids party was the limit to his faults, I'd be willing to ignore him. However, he's back on the scene whingeing like the little bitch he is with a new film, which has the oh-so original idea of attacking Trump. 

Everyone with a few brain cells to rub together is completely aware that there is a mental cunt in the White House, who's tiny hands when not grabbing pussy are scarily poised over a big red button. We don't need yet another hand-wringing load of shit from Moore where he states the fucking obvious whilst sweating profusely under studio lights.

If you were in any doubt about what a stupendously hideous cunt this fucker is, he is hero worshipped by professional bender and bleeding heart cunt, Owen Jones.


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Guest Queefer
4 hours ago, Decimus said:

Anyone over the age of 16 who wears a baseball cap needs to be covered in chum, have their scrotum/labia nailed to an enraged Bull shark and thrown into the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

If being a hat wearing fat wanker who looks like the sort of cunt you'd keep a close eye on at a kids party was the limit to his faults, I'd be willing to ignore him. However, he's back on the scene whingeing like the little bitch he is with a new film, which has the oh-so original idea of attacking Trump. 

Everyone with a few brain cells to rub together is completely aware that there is a mental cunt in the White House, who's tiny hands when not grabbing pussy are scarily poised over a big red button. We don't need yet another hand-wringing load of shit from Moore where he states the fucking obvious whilst sweating profusely under studio lights.

If you were in any doubt about what a stupendously hideous cunt this fucker is, he is hero worshipped by professional bender and bleeding heart cunt, Owen Jones.


Attention seeking Yank cunt 

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I genuinely believe that to be in any way radical or edgy in the Arts today, you have to be centrist.

I guarantee no one watching this film will walk out and go 'Swelp me, I'm going to have to completely re-assess my attitude to the man. He's a misogynistic racist huckster with an ego the size of Kentucky? Who knew?' It'll simply re-enforce the opinion of his detractors and his supporters will go 'Fake News / Snowflake / He's doing what he said he would'.

Widening this out, go on any social media and display signs of moderation, toleration, empathy with someone else's viewpoint and generally don't act all Alpha, by golly, even apologise occasionally or acknowledge someone may know more about a particular subject than you - and you're online fellated and greeted like a ruddy visionary.

Maybe I should try it someday.....

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Guest Wizardsleeve
15 hours ago, Decimus said:

Anyone over the age of 16 who wears a baseball cap needs to be covered in chum, have their scrotum/labia nailed to an enraged Bull shark and thrown into the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

If being a hat wearing fat wanker who looks like the sort of cunt you'd keep a close eye on at a kids party was the limit to his faults, I'd be willing to ignore him. However, he's back on the scene whingeing like the little bitch he is with a new film, which has the oh-so original idea of attacking Trump. 

Everyone with a few brain cells to rub together is completely aware that there is a mental cunt in the White House, who's tiny hands when not grabbing pussy are scarily poised over a big red button. We don't need yet another hand-wringing load of shit from Moore where he states the fucking obvious whilst sweating profusely under studio lights.

If you were in any doubt about what a stupendously hideous cunt this fucker is, he is hero worshipped by professional bender and bleeding heart cunt, Owen Jones.


Every time I see this cunt in the news, I am reminded of a grown up Keith.  I can't explain why.  

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9 minutes ago, Wizardsleeve said:

Every time I see this cunt in the news, I am reminded of a grown up Keith.  I can't explain why.  

You agonizingly awful and unfunny piece of shit. Your like to post ratio is now officially the worst of all time. 


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Guest Wizardsleeve
1 minute ago, Frank said:

You agonizingly awful and unfunny piece of shit. Your like to post ratio is now officially the worst of all time. 


Fuck off Frank.  Nobody is in the least bit interested in any of your exhausted overused drivel any longer.  

Throw yourself into an open grave and bury yourself alive.

Fucking mong. 

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4 hours ago, Frank said:

You agonizingly awful and unfunny piece of shit. Your like to post ratio is now officially the worst of all time. 



Has guzzling down a gallon of Brony's spunk every night since he "disappeared" (chained up in your shed) e/affected your spelling and grammar?


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Guest Earl Albert of Ross (Bt)
1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:



Well, you should know, btw, how's your bus shelter?

Do you still have the Metro for carpet?

Dipso cunt.

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Guest Earl Albert of Ross (Bt)
3 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Good afternoon Twinkle. All your 'cunt' button likes seem to be counting towards my leaderboard tally! 

Thanks Bro'.

You're very welcome, you dirty fucking cunt.

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Guest Wizardsleeve
2 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Good afternoon Twinkle. All your 'cunt' button likes seem to be counting towards my leaderboard tally! 

Thanks Bro'.

It's why I have stopped ironing Bubba's.  I won't help that cunt with his likes....I wouldn't be bothered to piss on him if he were on fire.  

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Guest Earl Albert of Ross (Bt)
5 minutes ago, Wizardsleeve said:

It's why I have stopped ironing Bubba's.  I won't help that cunt with his likes....I wouldn't be bothered to piss on him if he were on fire.  

What a shame, I'd love you to piss on me.

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On 10/18/2018 at 6:02 PM, Decimus said:

Anyone over the age of 16 who wears a baseball cap needs to be covered in chum, have their scrotum/labia nailed to an enraged Bull shark and thrown into the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

If being a hat wearing fat wanker who looks like the sort of cunt you'd keep a close eye on at a kids party was the limit to his faults, I'd be willing to ignore him. However, he's back on the scene whingeing like the little bitch he is with a new film, which has the oh-so original idea of attacking Trump. 

Everyone with a few brain cells to rub together is completely aware that there is a mental cunt in the White House, who's tiny hands when not grabbing pussy are scarily poised over a big red button. We don't need yet another hand-wringing load of shit from Moore where he states the fucking obvious whilst sweating profusely under studio lights.

If you were in any doubt about what a stupendously hideous cunt this fucker is, he is hero worshipped by professional bender and bleeding heart cunt, Owen Jones.


Covered in cum?

So who’s this mental guy in the White House he sounds scarey and Moore needs to do a documentary on him to tell us who he is.

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Guest judgetwi

Professional neoliberal who spent years slagging off the Clintons and digging up the dirt on the pair of thieving, murdering cunts.

Come 2016 and suddenly he’s Hilary’s biggest fan......can’t get his tongue far enough up her arse.

Anybody with any self respect would have said....... they’re both cunts, don’t vote.......but this cunt can’t keep his gob shut.......as Burger King can no doubt testify.

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On 10/20/2018 at 12:36 AM, judgetwi said:

Professional neoliberal who spent years slagging off the Clintons and digging up the dirt on the pair of thieving, murdering cunts.

Come 2016 and suddenly he’s Hilary’s biggest fan......can’t get his tongue far enough up her arse.

Anybody with any self respect would have said....... they’re both cunts, don’t vote.......but this cunt can’t keep his gob shut.......as Burger King can no doubt testify.

He looks very Cola-Light these days, or could it just be cancer? No matter which one is responsible for the loss of the grey matter, it is becoming very apparent that he is clearly losing the plot.

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On 10/20/2018 at 12:36 AM, judgetwi said:

Professional neoliberal who spent years slagging off the Clintons and digging up the dirt on the pair of thieving, murdering cunts.

Come 2016 and suddenly he’s Hilary’s biggest fan......can’t get his tongue far enough up her arse.

Anybody with any self respect would have said....... they’re both cunts, don’t vote.......but this cunt can’t keep his gob shut.......as Burger King can no doubt testify.

Hilary won the popular vote Jewdith .. she got two million more votes than Trumpton.

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On 10/19/2018 at 4:27 PM, Neil said:

He wasn't a patch on his brother ,couldn't defend to save his fucking life the cunt

 Big Mike never got nicked for fingering Colombian baubles, though. 

Perhaps he should try it. The Bogotá prison diet is rather a good way to get your blood sugar down, I imagine. I suspect so sweet is his urine he has an anthill in his bathroom.

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