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Football is fucked


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Guest Betterthanyou
1 minute ago, Roadkill said:

Don't worry. You don't really notice it as much after she's sucked your soul out through the keyboard.

Erm not going to happen. Fuck me how much self respect do you (or any of you) actually have or more to the point not have not to sort this shit out?

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2 minutes ago, Betterthanyou said:

Go fuck yourself gwanath, if I have broken a rule by highlighting your bias ban me.

Throughout my nine year tenure, I have never seen Mrs R throw caution to the wind where new members are concerned. I haven’t yet read any of your posts but the message is clear.. you are rubbish. 

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Just now, Betterthanyou said:

Erm not going to happen. Fuck me how much self respect do you (or any of you) actually have or more to the point not have not to sort this shit out?

I got close to winning an argument with her once, but the rest of the moderator team jumped in to save her. After that I just sort of accepted that we live in an unfair world.


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15 minutes ago, Betterthanyou said:

Ah the hasbeen, you keep sucking from the teat of plenty, it is really all you have left in life here Wank, fuck knows all your self respect and dignity died along with your tall tales of being some sort of success *sniggers.

For what it’s worth, I like some of your content. I just hope you’re bright enough to see the bigger picture. 

Edited by Battlestir Gallacticaaaah
Clearly not. Shame.
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8 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

I got close to winning an argument with her once, but the rest of the moderator team jumped in to save her. After that I just sort of accepted that we live in an unfair world.


Hmm, your final point was to ask if I was rattled - the usual fall-back device when someone has no further point to make. Killer, FWIW I think your a good lad but sometimes you let emotion get in the way of rationale. Frank has already alluded to it and Cuntspotter jumped in with his view. You have the luxury of not having to look at the bigger picture, I don't. That's not a grumble, its the way it is. Admins and Mods have to do things and make decisions for the site and if that means toes are stepped on, them so be it. Recently, I made the point that we moderate the site at arms length but sometimes we have to rein it in when things get out of hand.

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4 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Hmm, your final point was to ask if I was rattled - the usual fall-back device when someone has no further point to make. Killer, FWIW I think your a good lad but sometimes you let emotion get in the way of rationale. Frank has already alluded to it and Cuntspotter jumped in with his view. You have the luxury of not having to look at the bigger picture, I don't. That's not a grumble, its the way it is. Admins and Mods have to do things and make decisions for the site and if that means toes are stepped on, them so be it. Recently, I made the point that we moderate the site at arms length but sometimes we have to rein it in when things get out of hand.

Too late to explain it away now Roops. I've started to look forward to the feeling of my bollocks being stamped into the ground with jackboots.

I'm institutionalized now. There's no going back.

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6 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

Yes, but it’s not really a very good nomination if we’re being honest, now is it? 


Maybe not but have you seen some of the other shit on here recently? Fucking dire.

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11 hours ago, Neil said:

Yeah,yeah its a game for irons blah blah blah........I've just read that some fucking tart is refereeing the Super Cup between Liverpool & Chelsea,for fucking fuck sake!.I hope she has a fucking mare and fucks it up completely and then along with all the other fucking women weedling their way into the mens game can all get fucked off back to their own crap inferior sport.Match Of The Day now has a woman commentator and she's fucking shite,Sky have women all around the grounds reporting on a saturday,screeching,caterwalling cunts all of 'em,and don't get me started on that Alex fucking whatever her name is.They've even got one in the studio for the Ashes series for fucksake!!

Fuck off and make the tea

Regardless of whether or not Soccer is for irons having woman as a referee is not the end of the world.

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Annnnnnnyway, back to the nom

Isn't VAR supposed to sort out all officiating?

The powers that be will never rest until every last illogical hate-filled rant, caused by perceived bias and / or incompetence by officials is eradicated via the medium of soulles, beige technology deployed on a massive scale across our football stadia.

There is too much money caught up in football for it to be anything otherwise, no matter the decisions are still wrong (sinc ehtey still rely on human interpretation) or rely on Rizla thin dividing lines (see offside decisions) lending a spurious 'accuracy' to decisions.

Arsehole fucking cunt technology bummed by gone-native wankers like Lineker and Shearer and fuck the fans

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17 hours ago, King Billy said:

Jordan Peterson is a good listen for anyone who thinks that I’m exaggerating the point. I defy any reasonably thinking person to listen to a couple of his lectures and to not at least question the agenda of these cunts. Unfortunately the western world is already living with the nightmare of  the last two generations of kids having been brainwashed throughout their school and university lives with all this leftie PC bollocks.

Jordan Peterson is now widely acknowledged to be the stupid man’s idea of an intellectual. Countless academics have Swiss-cheesed his work and he is left whoring his pisspoor panto Dame act to any right wing outlet that will have him. That he came to prominence in the UK beating up the cognitive titan Cathy Newman on C4 News rather gives him away as a flat-track bully who in all likelihood spent his childhood pulling the legs off spiders. 

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1 minute ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Jordan Peterson is now widely acknowledged to be the stupid man’s idea of an intellectual. Countless academics have Swiss-cheesed his work and he is left whoring his pisspoor panto Dame act to any right wing outlet that will have him. That he came to prominence in the UK beating up the cognitive titan Cathy Newman on C4 News rather gives him away as a flat-track bully who in all likelihood spent his childhood pulling the legs of spiders. 

Is that the Kermit the Frog sounding/Jeffrey Epstein looking cunt?

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4 hours ago, Jiggerycock said:

Annnnnnnyway, back to the nom

Isn't VAR supposed to sort out all officiating?

The powers that be will never rest until every last illogical hate-filled rant, caused by perceived bias and / or incompetence by officials is eradicated via the medium of soulles, beige technology deployed on a massive scale across our football stadia.

There is too much money caught up in football for it to be anything otherwise, no matter the decisions are still wrong (sinc ehtey still rely on human interpretation) or rely on Rizla thin dividing lines (see offside decisions) lending a spurious 'accuracy' to decisions.

Arsehole fucking cunt technology bummed by gone-native wankers like Lineker and Shearer and fuck the fans

Saw the the VAR at work in some match over the weekend and when a goal was ruled out for offside, the footballing cunt still threw his toys out of the pram and argued with the referee. In rugby and cricket, players accept the decision and get on with the game. I guess with footballers the authorities are dealing with a lower order of urk. 

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3 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Jordan Peterson is now widely acknowledged to be the stupid man’s idea of an intellectual. Countless academics have Swiss-cheesed his work and he is left whoring his pisspoor panto Dame act to any right wing outlet that will have him. That he came to prominence in the UK beating up the cognitive titan Cathy Newman on C4 News rather gives him away as a flat-track bully who in all likelihood spent his childhood pulling the legs off spiders. 

He stood up to the authorities in Vancouver University, where he is a Professor of psychology by refusing to address a number of students by the ridiculous pronouns which they were ‘demanding’, not requesting to be addressed by. The State of Ontario has recently introduced a law making it a criminal  offence to refuse to use these pronouns. 100% fact. So now the tiny minority can dictate not only what the majority cannot say, but what they ‘must’ say. So the concept of free speech has not only been revoked but forced speech has been imposed. This is what brought Jordan Peterson to prominence and has made him now the most watched human on YouTube. He is absolutely not a far right mouthpiece. Maybe you should try listening to one of his lectures and still believe that. But maybe you’re just one of those who ridicule and dismiss someone without even bothering to listen to them.That is the M.O. of the modern liberals who shout down people as fascists, when surely one of the defining characteristics of a fascist is to crush anyone who has a different view as themselves. The countless academics you say have swisscheesed his work have every right to their opinion. Does that make their leftist agenda right and everything else wrong?    

I don’t think so. I can have my opinions and they can have theirs but I won’t be forced to say theirs is right if I don’t believe it. 

Not ever!

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1 minute ago, King Billy said:

He stood up to the authorities in Vancouver University, where he is a Professor of psychology by refusing to address a number of students by the ridiculous pronouns which they were ‘demanding’, not requesting to be addressed by. The State of Ontario has recently introduced a law making it a criminal  offence to refuse to use these pronouns. 100% fact. So now the tiny minority can dictate not only what the majority cannot say, but what they ‘must’ say. So the concept of free speech has not only been revoked but forced speech has been imposed. This is what brought Jordan Peterson to prominence and has made him now the most watched human on YouTube. He is absolutely not a far right mouthpiece. Maybe you should try listening to one of his lectures and still believe that. But maybe you’re just one of those who ridicule and dismiss someone without even bothering to listen to them.That is the M.O. of the modern liberals who shout down people as fascists, when surely one of the defining characteristics of a fascist is to crush anyone who has a different view as themselves. The countless academics you say have swisscheesed his work have every right to their opinion. Does that make their leftist agenda right and everything else wrong?    

I don’t think so. I can have my opinions and they can have theirs but I won’t be forced to say theirs is right if I don’t believe it. 

Not ever!

You need to stop bickering with Ereptic, and bang out more quality shit like the above. 

Post of the week.

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2 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

You need to stop bickering with Ereptic, and bang out more quality shit like the above. 

Post of the week.

Cheers Eric. To be honest I’m finding it difficult to argue against you on that. It isn’t really going anywhere except round and round and here we go again. 👊

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5 hours ago, King Billy said:

He stood up to the authorities in Vancouver University, where he is a Professor of psychology by refusing to address a number of students by the ridiculous pronouns which they were ‘demanding’, not requesting to be addressed by. The State of Ontario has recently introduced a law making it a criminal  offence to refuse to use these pronouns. 100% fact. So now the tiny minority can dictate not only what the majority cannot say, but what they ‘must’ say. So the concept of free speech has not only been revoked but forced speech has been imposed. This is what brought Jordan Peterson to prominence and has made him now the most watched human on YouTube. He is absolutely not a far right mouthpiece. Maybe you should try listening to one of his lectures and still believe that. But maybe you’re just one of those who ridicule and dismiss someone without even bothering to listen to them.That is the M.O. of the modern liberals who shout down people as fascists, when surely one of the defining characteristics of a fascist is to crush anyone who has a different view as themselves. The countless academics you say have swisscheesed his work have every right to their opinion. Does that make their leftist agenda right and everything else wrong?    

I don’t think so. I can have my opinions and they can have theirs but I won’t be forced to say theirs is right if I don’t believe it. 

Not ever!

Fair play, good response. Wasted on here. Quite happy to condemn the circus of perpetual outrage which constrains free speech and makes idiots of us all. Using the same freedom of speech you defend, I disagree with your praise of the good Professor, though. Peterson is a troll, and a pretty transparent one at that. 

Oh, and can I add I do enjoy an Ulsterman signing off with “Not ever!”, makes me all nostalgic.

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5 hours ago, King Billy said:

...The State of Ontario has recently introduced a law making it a criminal  offence to refuse to use these pronouns. 100% fact...

Not exactly. The law you cite only went so far to allow misuse of pronouns to be an aggravating feature where guilt has been proven in cases of hate crime or prejudice and was an amendment to the existing Human Rights Act. Mr Peterson as his wont, rather overegged the pudding.

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11 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Not exactly. The law you cite only went so far to allow misuse of pronouns to be an aggravating feature where guilt has been proven in cases of hate crime or prejudice and was an amendment to the existing Human Rights Act. Mr Peterson as his wont, rather overegged the pudding.


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20 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Not exactly. The law you cite only went so far to allow misuse of pronouns to be an aggravating feature where guilt has been proven in cases of hate crime or prejudice and was an amendment to the existing Human Rights Act. Mr Peterson as his wont, rather overegged the pudding.

It still sounds like a cuntish thing to enforce. What ever happened to "sticks and stones"?

What the lefties don't understand is that whilst they're enjoying the power trip they're also letting the government increase their power over the population in general. Its all well and good forging laws to stop your feelings getting hurt, but a few decades down the line its inevitable that even the most liberal snowflake cunt will slip up just once due to a law that can be easily redefined to mean whatever cunt is in power wants it to mean and it'll be off to the gulag with them.

None of these spackers ever see the real lesson behind the Bolshevik Revolution - no matter how well meaning a cause is, once its been pushed too far all it takes is one murderous cunt to take the reigns and use the entire thing as a platform to oppress everyone - including the flag waving cunts who cheered the concept on in the first place. They all think that they can do it better, but the fact of the matter is once you restrict what people can and can't say for no other reason than to force your own opinions on others in any way, you're playing a very dangerous game. "Hate speech" is an incredibly easy to manipulate phrase both ways.

Its a petty little tactic designed by petty little people for no other reason than to have a moment of power over others whenever the mistake is made. I'm fine with calling a tranny "he" or "she" depending on what they look like, but how are you supposed to know what a "Ze/Zir", "They/Them" or any other of these made up pronouns look like at first glance? Other than them being a dyed hair spastick screaming that you're a "Fucking white male" as soon as you walk through the door?

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