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1 hour ago, Cuntybaws said:

"I have walked across the surface of the sun. I have witnessed events so tiny and so fast, they could hardly be said to have occurred at all. But you, Ape, you're just a man. The world's smartest man poses no more threat to me than does its smartest termite.”

I’m disappointed in you, Adrian. 

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6 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

The restaurant at the end of the universe

Zaphod Beeblebrox- "Pass me the rap rod, plate captain"!

That's a bit fucking spooky. I was going to ask if there really was a restaurant at the end of the universe.

Thank you Slartibartfast.

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1 hour ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Good choice of book, Ape. Bryson writes very well, lightly yet informative, with humour. If you haven’t read it yet, try ‘The Body: a guide for occupants’ next. There’s a chapter on viruses, bacteria…the world of the small. The ultraviolet snot experiment is particularly salient after this past fourteen fuckin months, well worth a read. And here’s me thinking you were a thick Cunt….well well well.

Thanks - your approval means more than you can ever know.

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1 hour ago, Ape™️ said:

I’ve recently been reading A Short History Of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson, and some of the numbers that crop up when the origins of the universe are discussed literally fuck my mind. Distances too huge to comprehend, objects too vast to comprehend, temperatures too high to comprehend and events too short to comprehend. As an example, the cosmologists now know what was going on in the formation of our universe during the first 1 x 10-43 seconds. That’s 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 seconds (I expect I’ve made a mistake here - ‘Baws will no doubt correct), but that’s an unimaginably short period of time. Cosmology fucks with my head.

Apologies for the lack of racism or bizarre sexual fantasy. 

Fuck off.


If it’s all a bit much for you Ape, perhaps change your source material. Recently I did an outback stargazing trip with a group of friends and a couple of Aboriginal leaders. It was a crisp clear night in the bush, and the universe was putting on a beautiful display. Listening to the Elder illustrate the sky with talk of rivers, emus and eagles made perfect sense, though I’m prepared to believe it might have been too much Chablis and Amsterdam Brownies. 

As for Bill Bryson, I much prefer his earlier work as a travel humorist than as a science writer. Notes from a Small Island made me hyperventilate with laughter. 

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29 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Rockets, space ships and moon buggies my arse. I’m sure you all know by now that conspiracy theories aren’t my bag, so if NASA really sent Armstrong and the other actors to the moon (Buzz Aldrin/ Buzz Lightyear) ffs 😂, how the fuck could ET fly off home in a basket on the front of Drew Barrymores  bike? 



It was an etBike.

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19 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

If it’s all a bit much for you Ape, perhaps change your source material. Recently I did an outback stargazing trip with a group of friends and a couple of Aboriginal leaders. It was a crisp clear night in the bush, and the universe was putting on a beautiful display. Listening to the Elder illustrate the sky with talk of rivers, emus and eagles made perfect sense, though I’m prepared to believe it might have been too much Chablis and Amsterdam Brownies. 

As for Bill Bryson, I much prefer his earlier work as a travel humorist than as a science writer. Notes from a Small Island made me hyperventilate with laughter. 

True. When he was fortunate to arrive in Liverpool during their Festival of Litter?

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12 hours ago, Ape™️ said:

Thanks - your approval means more than you can ever know.

A walk in the woods made me yearn to walk the Appalatian trail. One day.

His discussion pertaining to the rescinding of the Scopes monkey trial in Tennessee schools by saying “It’s not the fact that they were descended from apes, it’s the fact they may be overtaken by them “ won Bill Bryson my everlasting loyalty.

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3 hours ago, southerncunt said:

A walk in the woods made me yearn to walk the Appalatian trail. One day.

His discussion pertaining to the rescinding of the Scopes monkey trial in Tennessee schools by saying “It’s not the fact that they were descended from apes, it’s the fact they may be overtaken by them “ won Bill Bryson my everlasting loyalty.

You spelt 'wank' wrong! 


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