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2 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Have you never masturbated (even as a teenager, lol), and if you did, was there always a convenient box of Kleenex handy?  

I imagine that every time he finished he wiped his maggot on his Alsatian, after pulling it out if its arsehole of course.

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2 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

For the record, I was about 15, so not an adult.

Yeah, wanker, and that's where it all starts, a lifelong obsession with depravity, that just gets more deviant as the years and angry, sexual frustration, pass by.

You just love pronouncing your no-nothing psychological analysis on other posters, like you're qualified to make such judgements.

Now you're stigmatised with your own diseased perversion, own it and live with it, you fuckwit.


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14 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Christ, you're fixated with me.

Not only did you attempt to steal my avatar about a year ago (in which you subsequently demonstrated to the entire membership just how incredibly thick you are) you've gone utterly Sooty mad! What was intended as a joke has certainly provided you (and a slightly more competent punter) with quite of a lot of ammo, hasn't it, especially with how your current profile page looks? It appears Wolfie has gotten into your head so much that he takes up the majority of your recent comments, too.

What this tells me is just how much I've clearly gotten under your thin fucking skin in the past, Mr Shitbag.

For the record, I was about 15, so not an adult. Seriously, have you never masturbated (even as a teenager, lol), and if you did, was there always a convenient box of Kleenex handy? If you didn't, was there something wrong with you? (Well – we know the answer to the last part anyway!)

When I say you're an animal-hating, pro dog-torturing, dim, unsuccessful, poorly educated shit-flinging thickster, I very much doubt I'm alone. 

If you counted the beached sperms in Neil’s wank sock alone, there would be enough to populate 3 planet Earth’s. 

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3 hours ago, cunt said:

I 'stuck up' for nobody, I merely pointed out your ire for sexual deviancy is spinelessly selective.

I don't give a fuck what you and your shower of sycophants cook up between yourselves, it's pretty much all you can fuckin' do these days, attack someone for some perceived misdemeanour, like a bunch of vindictive school girls.

Up your fuckin' game, or get off my fuckin' site, you shirt-lifting cunts.

Well looky- looky…you’ve got the deviant ‘liking’ your work here…feeling confident, poohbag licker?

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15 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

A filthy, seedy child-lover cries for the teacher. You masochistic wrong ‘un. Begone…there’s a register requiring your signature.

Keep on whining, you can't get rid of me, so you make up vile shit and suck ducky's bumhole. You're deffo the wrong un, gonna report you every time you spout your sick garbage. I'm staying, you mentally ill retarded spastic. Read it and weep as you foam at the mouth. I wonder if you've ever tried to not be angry. With every day that passes, you and duck just make yourselves look worse and worse. You two should go, not me, never me.

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8 minutes ago, Carl Sway said:

Keep on whining, you can't get rid of me, so you make up vile shit and suck ducky's bumhole. You're deffo the wrong un, gonna report you every time you spout your sick garbage. I'm staying, you mentally ill retarded spastic. Read it and weep as you foam at the mouth. I wonder if you've ever tried to not be angry. With every day that passes, you and duck just make yourselves look worse and worse. You two should go, not me, never me.

You've lost the plot, and all it's taken is a couple of strangers to point out that you are a vile pervert. A meltdown right up there with the demented cunters of Christmas past.

If you can't stand the heat, get out of the Fisher Price play kitchen, little man. This site is for the big boys.

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22 minutes ago, Decimus said:

You've lost the plot, and all it's taken is a couple of strangers to point out that you are a vile pervert. A meltdown right up there with the demented cunters of Christmas past.

If you can't stand the heat, get out of the Fisher Price play kitchen, little man. This site is for the big boys.

I'm amazed. You and him actually seem to believe your own bullshit. You have a meltdown every single day. 'Big boys'? Really? Tragic.


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10 minutes ago, Carl Sway said:

Vile, sick, lying cunt. Reported again. You couldn't get any thicker or angrier if you tried.

Carl, I say this hand on heart, with absolutely no hyperbole or hysteria.

I genuinely find you to be one of the most creepy and sinister figures this site has ever known. In fairness to you, you're not as bad as Pete, but you're not far off and I get the exact same uneasy vibes about you as I did him.

We were all warned about your alter ego Benny before you rejoined, and what a mental, weird meltdown artist you are. Now you're back perpetuating the myth, and adding to the legend by developing a side persona as an angry sexual deviant who leers over women who look like our underage daughters.

I one hundred percent believe that you have serious issues with your head and need to be monitored for everyone's sake. You're about a cunt hair away from being the next incel to shoot up a school. Or worse.

Please, for your own sake and others, log out, get some help and sort your fucking self out. 



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21 minutes ago, Carl Sway said:

Vile, sick, lying cunt. Reported again. You couldn't get any thicker or angrier if you tried.

‘Reported’ is a primary school level taunt that’s never going to save you, though I suspect is an environment you pine for, you disturbed Hobbit weirdo. Fuck off register-boy, you don’t belong here.

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1 hour ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

‘Reported’ is a primary school level taunt that’s never going to save you, though I suspect is an environment you pine for, you disturbed Hobbit weirdo. Fuck off register-boy, you don’t belong here.

No, I think you should fuck off first. You don't belong anywhere. And what are you talking about, 'register'? What are you ranting about this time?


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2 minutes ago, Carl Sway said:

No, I think you should fuck off first. You don't belong anywhere. And what are you talking about, 'register'? What are you ranting about this time?


You’re a sordid, filth-pedalling oddball who needs Yewtreeing to death. You make me sick. You need to leave here or be removed. Everytime your grassing slimey cuntface appears it’s getting kicked in by everyone. Do the right thing and kill yourself tonight and film it. Despicable little ratcunt. Your mother has PM’d me and even she wishes she’d have kept the afterbirth instead of you…apparently, it had more ‘character!’

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

Carl, I say this hand on heart, with absolutely no hyperbole or hysteria.

I genuinely find you to be one of the most creepy and sinister figures this site has ever known. In fairness to you, you're not as bad as Pete, but you're not far off and I get the exact same uneasy vibes about you as I did him.

We were all warned about your alter ego Benny before you rejoined, and what a mental, weird meltdown artist you are. Now you're back perpetuating the myth, and adding to the legend by developing a side persona as an angry sexual deviant who leers over women who look like our underage daughters.

I one hundred percent believe that you have serious issues with your head and need to be monitored for everyone's sake. You're about a cunt hair away from being the next incel to shoot up a school. Or worse.

Please, for your own sake and others, log out, get some help and sort your fucking self out. 



Bullshit. Temper, temper. You and the other idiot are, without a shadow of a doubt, the two most disturbed people I've ever encountered on this site. You are both volcanic, exploding over next to nothing. And you've completely fabricated an excuse to constantly hurl muck at me. I've told you on a number of occasions, you lie all the time, your levels of anger are insane and you, along with your demented playmate, are the ones that need professional help. Please, in the name of decency, change your ways and get the help you desperately need. You're doing yourselves no favours at all with this continued behaviour. You two really are bizarre beyond belief. It must be a living nightmare for those that live with, and work with you.

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10 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

You’re a sordid, filth-pedalling oddball who needs Yewtreeing to death. You make me sick. You need to leave here or be removed. Everytime your grassing slimey cuntface appears it’s getting kicked in by everyone. Do the right thing and kill yourself tonight and film it. Despicable little ratcunt. Your mother has PM’d me and even she wishes she’d have kept the afterbirth instead of you…apparently, it had more ‘character!’

Wow, what a sick, angry 'meltdown' lunatic.


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@Carl Sway @cunt You are two islands alone yet together on this site. Unfortunately it’s Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Despised and reviled by all, you keep posting auto bot level replies and think it’s good enough. 

It’s not, surely you can see this? The membership have clearly spoken.

Between you, you have enough psychosexual red flags to keep a shrink busy for years. 

Please just log off and stop cluttering up my day having to weed through your puerile, Down’s level insults and never fucking come back.

lol fuck off etc….

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1 hour ago, Carl Sway said:

Bullshit. Temper, temper. You and the other idiot are, without a shadow of a doubt, the two most disturbed people I've ever encountered on this site. You are both volcanic, exploding over next to nothing. And you've completely fabricated an excuse to constantly hurl muck at me. I've told you on a number of occasions, you lie all the time, your levels of anger are insane and you, along with your demented playmate, are the ones that need professional help. Please, in the name of decency, change your ways and get the help you desperately need. You're doing yourselves no favours at all with this continued behaviour. You two really are bizarre beyond belief. It must be a living nightmare for those that live with, and work with you.

"There's a man goin' 'round takin' names
And he decides who to free and who to blame
Everybody won't be treated all the same
There'll be a golden ladder reachin' down
When the man comes around

Heed the above, you foul fucking cur. Judgement Day is coming and not only are you going to burn in Hell for your sick fantasies, you'll be kicked off of this site for good. 

We're not a safe space for your sort, fuck off to the dark web you nasty little cunt, no one on here wants to be associated with you and your twisted fetishes.

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6 minutes ago, southerncunt said:

@Carl Sway @cunt You are two islands alone yet together on this site. Unfortunately it’s Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Despised and reviled by all, you keep posting auto bot level replies and think it’s good enough. 

It’s not, surely you can see this? The membership have clearly spoken.

Between you, you have enough psychosexual red flags to keep a shrink busy for years. 

Please just log off and stop cluttering up my day having to weed through your puerile, Down’s level insults and never fucking come back.

lol fuck off etc….

You must have me confused with @Dyslexic cnut.


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