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UK minister admits 200 asylum-seeking children have gone missing


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Simon Murray says one girl and at least 13 under-16s among those missing after being placed in hotels run by Home Office


The disclosure comes after the Observer reported that a whistleblower from a Home Office hotel in Brighton had claimed that some children had been abducted off the street outside the facility and bundled into cars.

The department was warned by police that the vulnerable occupants of the hotel – asylum-seeking children who had recently arrived in the UK, many on small boats without parents or carers – would be targeted by criminal networks.


But of course they have, that's what happens when you listen to whiny, left-wing, Guardian readers, when they start bleating on about human rights, and putting them up in 4star hotels instead of concentration camps, before being processed and passed along to some Tory cunts in their big houses, who need some cheap/slave labour to take up the slack left by all the East Europeans who fucked-off home now that we're out of the EU.

They'll probably end up being sold to some swarthy, camel molester, and shipped back to the east, right next to where they came from.

They could've saved some time and cut out the middle-men (our immigration services) and just shipped them across the border from one third-world shithole to another.

Still, at least they can say they've travelled abroad, which is always high on the agenda for any teenager these days.


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23 minutes ago, cunt said:

Simon Murray says one girl and at least 13 under-16s among those missing after being placed in hotels run by Home Office


The disclosure comes after the Observer reported that a whistleblower from a Home Office hotel in Brighton had claimed that some children had been abducted off the street outside the facility and bundled into cars.

The department was warned by police that the vulnerable occupants of the hotel – asylum-seeking children who had recently arrived in the UK, many on small boats without parents or carers – would be targeted by criminal networks.


But of course they have, that's what happens when you listen to whiny, left-wing, Guardian readers, when they start bleating on about human rights, and putting them up in 4star hotels instead of concentration camps, before being processed and passed along to some Tory cunts in their big houses, who need some cheap/slave labour to take up the slack left by all the East Europeans who fucked-off home now that we're out of the EU.

They'll probably end up being sold to some swarthy, camel molester, and shipped back to the east, right next to where they came from.

They could've saved some time and cut out the middle-men (our immigration services) and just shipped them across the border from one third-world shithole to another.

Still, at least they can say they've travelled abroad, which is always high on the agenda for any teenager these days.


What's your angle here, R-Soles?

As far as I recall, when a certain punter by the name of Pete was outed as a sex beast, you defended him to the hilt. Now you're all "won't somebody please think of the children?"

Explain yourself.

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55 minutes ago, cunt said:

The department was warned by police that the vulnerable occupants of the hotel – asylum-seeking children who had recently arrived in the UK, many on small boats without parents or carers – would be targeted by criminal networks.

Could possibly be something to do with that bloke with the dog Bill Sykes who was hanging around outside the hotel. I don’t suppose the Old Bill have thought of checking FAGIN’S B and B next door?

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56 minutes ago, Decimus said:

What's your angle here, R-Soles?

As far as I recall, when a certain punter by the name of Pete was outed as a sex beast, you defended him to the hilt. Now you're all "won't somebody please think of the children?"

Explain yourself.

Let’s be honest. The police showed fuck all interest when 400 white kids were being raped in Rotherham. They’re hardly going to get excited over a dozen ram-jams.

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17 minutes ago, King Billy said:

I don’t suppose the Old Bill have thought of checking FAGIN’S B and B next door?

With such blatant clues, it should be an open and shut case. All they'd have to do is follow the trail of empty kebab wrappers and Frosty Jack's bottles littered alongside the tracks of a top heavy mobility scooter.


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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

With such blatant clues, it should be an open and shut case. All they'd have to do is follow the trail of empty kebab wrappers and Frosty Jack's bottles littered alongside the tracks of a top heavy mobility scooter.



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44 minutes ago, Frank said:


1) Frank. You are not capable of producing any content other than repeated insults. I asked you to put a nom up, you had time, but you failed. It's over.


All these years later and you're still full of shit and shit. Best on here? Deluded bellend. Frank, the Greek tragedy that never ends. 

Fuck off.


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3 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Frank, the Greek tragedy that never ends. 

Frank’s had more comebacks than his homo erotic fantasy hero Rocky. And just like the films every one of them hugely more disappointing than the one before. Absolutely tragic.

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9 hours ago, King Billy said:

Frank’s had more comebacks than his homo erotic fantasy hero Rocky. And just like the films every one of them hugely more disappointing than the one before. Absolutely tragic.

He reminds me of Angelos Epithemiou, a parody of a caricature of a complete and utter, stupid greasy fucking spastic.

He obfuscates and twists and turns like a pretentious Mozart level cunt, relying on the emperor's new clothes theory that people will be too intimidated to question his supposed genius. Unfortunately for him, most of the members who post on here these days are in possession of more than three brain cells and aren't enamoured with his repetitive, Chuckle Brother's level shite.

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Just now, King Billy said:

Frank’s had more comebacks than his homo erotic fantasy hero Rocky. And just like the films every one of them hugely more disappointing than the one before. Absolutely tragic.

I'm convinced he's in the early stages of Alzheimer's. In my fairly short time I've been here, the repetitive cunt has repeated the same old shite, seemingly oblivious to that fact. 'I like you Raasters, a lot', 'You idiot', and so on. What a fucking idiot he is, Lol. I thought only a video could save him a while ago, but it's too little too late. The only video I'm sure most would like to see of the greasy cunt is him jumping off the Shard in London, wig on, clutching his man bag, with no parachute. 

Thinking about it, even that wouldn't kill him. His vast arsehole cavity would catch the wind, thus turning him into a human balloon, enabling a soft landing, with the bandy suspension like legs ensuring his survival. 

What a vile, slippery cunt. 

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11 minutes ago, Decimus said:

He reminds me of Angelos Epiphemiou, a parody of a caricature of a complete and utter, stupid greasy fucking spastic.

He obfuscates and twists and turns like a pretentious Mozart level cunt, relying on the emperor's new clothes theory that people will be too intimidated to question his supposed genius. Unfortunately for him, most of the members who post on here these days are in possession of more than three brain cells and aren't enamoured with his repetitive, Chuckle Brother's level shite.

‘wrinkly arsed carrot top’. His best since ‘pwaan cwacker’?

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16 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I'm convinced he's in the early stages of Alzheimer's. In my fairly short time I've been here, the repetitive cunt has repeated the same old shite, seemingly oblivious to that fact. 'I like you Raasters, a lot', 'You idiot', and so on. What a fucking idiot he is, Lol. I thought only a video could save him a while ago, but it's too little too late. The only video I'm sure most would like to see of the greasy cunt is him jumping off the Shard in London, wig on, clutching his man bag, with no parachute. 

Thinking about it, even that wouldn't kill him. His vast arsehole cavity would catch the wind, thus turning him into a human balloon, enabling a soft landing, with the bandy suspension like legs ensuring his survival. 

What a vile, slippery cunt. 

All true but he’s still far better than Pen.

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On 23/01/2023 at 18:23, Decimus said:

What's your angle here, R-Soles?

As far as I recall, when a certain punter by the name of Pete was outed as a sex beast, you defended him to the hilt. Now you're all "won't somebody please think of the children?"

Explain yourself.

Reported for derailing the thread. Anyhow, are you familiar with old saying, it takes one to know one.

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17 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Reported for derailing the thread. Anyhow, are you familiar with old saying, it takes one to know one.

Another Drewsday extravaganza.

Obviously white cider has an impact on your ability to correctly punctuate your utter drivel, otherwise you would have added a question mark to the end of that last sentence.

Regardless, consider yourself reported for nonce inferences, you one lobed-liver cunt.

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9 hours ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

Why would anyone be intimidated by some anonymous prat on a website?

Was Jazz before your time? Because not only was he intimidated by Frank, he outright went from a multi-millionaire cat ornament salesman, to a jib-jabbing, musical-potty obsessed, absolute fucking nutcase by the time the man was finished with him.

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14 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Was Jazz before your time? Because not only was he intimidated by Frank, he outright went from a multi-millionaire cat ornament salesman, to a jib-jabbing, musical-potty obsessed, absolute fucking nutcase by the time the man was finished with him.

‘Dame Widow Fwanky’ was inspired lunacy.

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  • 3 months later...

Back on topic, the good news is that one of these 200 missing asylum seeker children has been found safe and well (Allah be praised).The reason this unfortunate 17 year old Iraqi child has now been located living at the taxpayers expense in a 3 star hotel, seems to be due to the recent discovery that he’s actually a 42 year old bearded, balding and tattooed adult who’s photo and fingerprints have been on a CIA/ISIS terrorist list which our security services share for more than a decade. A reasonable assumption would be that he’s at the head of the queue to be deported back to Iraq immediately before he misses any more school time, but that assumption would of course be ridiculous in the Clownworld which we used to know as Great Britain, as the 42 year old child in question is currently appealing his deportation back to Iraq (of course paid for with legal aid) on the grounds that he’s suffering from depression and his human rights would be violated if he was sent back.

I hope it all works out well for the poor boy.


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