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‘I used to work 9-5. But what made me a millionaire is working a few minutes of a morning, every day’ I deeply loathe this cunt with his dayglo teeth and tales of wealth every time I try to view anything on the YouTubes.

I’m trying to get instructions on how to change a lightbulb or how to effectively corporally punish an offspring with metal and up pops his cunting face.

‘I get up at 6am every morning, swim a mile in my pool and do a workout…then I’m ready for work at 8am when the markets open. I work for 45 minutes then I take the kids to school. The rest of the day is mine to play golf/tennis here in L.A. then buy another Bentley. If you buy my tutorial you can do the same!’
What a fuckin verminous filthy piece of shit. First off, he’s skint and has never been a successful trader (Forex ffs!) and he doesn’t live with his kids because they hate his rancid guts as he left their mother in a flat and fucked off with some silicone bint. 
Yet the Youtubes let him pedal his faux ideal life to all and sundry. He makes his money, such as it is, by getting gullible cunts sign up to his ‘minimum effort/maximum income’ fairy tales. £2500/seminar with him on Zoom and his courses (20 people at a time) are full. Then the t-shirts, baseball caps and online subscription fees.
If I ever track this cunt down I’m hiring @Stubby Pecker to go medieval on his spinal cord. Also…I want my fucking money back. Lol and fuck off.



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12 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Currency trading genius my cock. I spent £4k with him last month and I’ve got a garage full of drachma and lira. He’s a cunt.

I’ve never had any reason not to trust him in the twenty years he’s been running my LA Christmas tree operation DC, apart from one time a few years ago when I found a fake $100 bill in the container load of cash which arrived at Tilbury Docks in mid February. And his imaginary Bentley has never let me down when I borrow it to go to the Oscars every year. 

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13 minutes ago, King Billy said:

I’ve never had any reason not to trust him in the twenty years he’s been running my LA Christmas tree operation DC, apart from one time a few years ago when I found a fake $100 bill in the container load of cash which arrived at Tilbury Docks in mid February. And his imaginary Bentley has never let me down when I borrow it to go to the Oscars every year. 

Out of likes… plus, I’m making a run at Decs while Eric’s in the oncology ward…so fuck off.

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A great cunting there DC, these bastards are everywhere on YouTube. When I'm blasting Drum and Bass out on YouTube at 6am (before the markets open of course) these cunts pop up out of nowhere, mid tune and I have to put down the crack pipe and quadruple neat Rum, stagger over to the Laptop and 'skip ad'. By 07:40am, I'm so pissed and wasted I fall asleep all day and miss the darn markets. 

I blame @Ted Cunterblast, @LastoftheMullets, @Penny Farthing and@Carl Sway, the cunts. 

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2 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

A great cunting there DC, these bastards are everywhere on YouTube. When I'm blasting Drum and Bass out on YouTube at 6am (before the markets open of course) these cunts pop up out of nowhere, mid tune and I have to put down the crack pipe and quadruple neat Rum, stagger over to the Laptop and 'skip ad'. By 07:40am, I'm so pissed and wasted I fall asleep all day and miss the darn markets. 

I blame @Ted Cunterblast, @LastoftheMullets, @Penny Farthing and@Carl Sway, the cunts. 

That ‘skip ad’ thing is a load of bollocks too, I’m sure that’s been doctored somehow as it often takes me two or three goes to make it work. I suppose it could be dried quim debris on the digits though.

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3 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

A great cunting there DC, these bastards are everywhere on YouTube. When I'm blasting Drum and Bass out on YouTube at 6am (before the markets open of course) these cunts pop up out of nowhere, mid tune and I have to put down the crack pipe and quadruple neat Rum, stagger over to the Laptop and 'skip ad'. By 07:40am, I'm so pissed and wasted I fall asleep all day and miss the darn markets. 

I blame @Ted Cunterblast, @LastoftheMullets, @Penny Farthing and@Carl Sway, the cunts. 

It's Friday, Raas, and The Enemy and my brood are sleeping at her sister's tonight, leaving me with an empty house. Like most downtrodden men in their 30s and every teenage boy in history, I'm looking to take advantage of the situation by getting absolutely fucking smashed

What alcohol and narcotics would you recommend for the occasion? Naturally it needs to be something strong enough to influence me into accusing various Corner members of noncery this evening.

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

Naturally it needs to be something strong enough to influence me into accusing various Corner members of noncery this evening.

What's your pathetic excuse for the other 95% of the time you spout this drivel, you cunt?

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5 minutes ago, and said:

What's your pathetic excuse for the other 95% of the time you spout this drivel, you cunt?

And what's your excuse for defending a proven nonce, as you are on record as doing?

Better to accuse than that, you sick fucking cunt.

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3 minutes ago, Decimus said:


By who?

You and your witch-hunt comrades?

Fuck off, you smug, self-righteous cunt.


It'd be a sight to behold, if your family returned to find you OD'd in front of your latest homophobic/racist tirade on CC.

Go on, make their day, don't hold back, take everything you can swallow, you know you want to, or are you just a bull-shitting lightweight?


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23 minutes ago, and said:

By who?

You and your witch-hunt comrades?

By the very definition of the term nonce. The man sent a message to @Roadkill detailing his fantasy of fucking and shitting on an underage girl. 

So I ask you again, you sick fucking animal, why did you defend him? Anyone in their right mind would feel disgusted and horrified, so what is it about your perception of that message that caused you to stick up for him? 

Answer the fucking question.

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14 minutes ago, and said:

By who?

You and your witch-hunt comrades?

Fuck off, you smug, self-righteous cunt.


It'd be a sight to behold, if your family returned to find you OD'd in front of your latest homophobic/racist tirade on CC.

Go on, make their day, don't hold back, take everything you can swallow, you know you want to, or are you just a bull-shitting lightweight?


Pete was shown to be a wrongun when I invited Roops into the private messages he'd been sending me.

Also, I wasn't witch hunting any cunt at the time - he felt secure telling me such incriminating things because in my naiveté I'd been nice to him and tried to introduce him kindly to the unique community on here.

And me and @Decimus aren't "comrades" in any fucking way, unless you count occasionally yapping about Star Trek when nowt else is going on here. 

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Just now, Roadkill said:

Pete was shown to be a wrongun when I invited Roops into the private messages he'd been sending me.

Also, I wasn't witch hunting any cunt at the time - he felt secure telling me such incriminating things because in my naiveté I'd been nice to him and tried to introduce him kindly to the unique community on here.

And me and @Decimus aren't "comrades" in any fucking way, unless you count occasionally yapping about Star Trek when nowt else is going on here. 

He clearly finds nothing wrong with underage, scat-fetish fan fiction. The little freak is a sinister fucking pervert who needs watching.

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2 minutes ago, Decimus said:

He clearly finds nothing wrong with underage, scat-fetish fan fiction. The little freak is a sinister fucking pervert who needs watching.

He needs to get his facts right. Pete was a fucking sicko - no fucking question about it.

If his own theory is correct then that would mean you, me and Roops (fucking Roops, who wouldn't piss on any of us if we were on fire) teamed up on the cunt for no reason. Unless he's insinuating @Old Chap Raasclaat and @Dyslexic cnut had something to do with it, which would be impressive considering they didn't exist then.

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58 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

He needs to get his facts right. Pete was a fucking sicko - no fucking question about it.

If his own theory is correct then that would mean you, me and Roops (fucking Roops, who wouldn't piss on any of us if we were on fire) teamed up on the cunt for no reason. Unless he's insinuating @Old Chap Raasclaat and @Dyslexic cnut had something to do with it, which would be impressive considering they didn't exist then.

@and doesn't like homophobia but will stick up for a paedophile's right to concoct fantasies about children being fucked whilst covered in shit.

It's always good to bring this up every now and again, so any new members can have the facts and decide for themselves how he should be treated going forward.

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2 hours ago, Decimus said:

It's Friday, Raas, and The Enemy and my brood are sleeping at her sister's tonight, leaving me with an empty house. Like most downtrodden men in their 30s and every teenage boy in history, I'm looking to take advantage of the situation by getting absolutely fucking smashed

What alcohol and narcotics would you recommend for the occasion? Naturally it needs to be something strong enough to influence me into accusing various Corner members of noncery this evening.

If the house was full, I'd usually recommend a few sneaky lines on the quiet with a good amount of vodka or rum to take the edge off, if the Mrs asks why I've got a blocked nose I blame it on Covid. However an empty house, well, I would personally down a half a bottle of spirits, do half a gram in two lines and take half or a whole pill, relax and enjoy the ride... At this point I'd PM @King Billy and get him to send his top brass (who likes to party) round but if you don't fancy it, get another gram down, smoke a spliff or two and finish the spirits. By the time you've done all that, nobodies safe... I've been known to turn on my own family and not remember a thing the next day. 

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59 minutes ago, Decimus said:

It's always good to bring this up every now and again, so any new members can have the facts and decide for themselves how he should be treated going forward.

I remember in my early days, after fending off @Penny Farthing's attempts to make me an ally in its quest to bore everyone on here to death @and tried to befriend me. Looking back, I'm glad I read the room and realised he is a no good wrong'un cunt and a sinister one to boot. His vile, sneaky attempts to be my mate still make me shudder. What a fucking cunt he is. 

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