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Guest Fatty
4 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

August 2023, it's been pissing down for weeks and now the Bank of England have decided to piss on the homeowner folk and raise interest rates (the highest they've been since the beginning of the financial crisis). Yes, Brexit has caused instability and financial/investment uncertainty but let's not forget Liz 'downs syndrome and not worthy of' Truss and Kamikwasi Farteng helping this crisis along... (Truss is now collecting her former Prime Minister 100k a year payment). These Tory bastards are all out of ideas and talent, the icing on the cake being we now have an unelected, near Billionaire, no mandate cunt at the helm who most likely wipes his curry shitting arse with brand new £20 notes he gets from his banker mate. Cunts are pulling their own teeth out because they can't get a dentist appointment or register with an NHS one, working parents paid a pittance with some having to use food banks. Cant seem to get an appointment with your GP anymore, you have to call first thing in the morning, download, upload a load of pictures etc in the hope the GP gives you an appointment that day. Hordes of rat, scavenging boat cunts turning up, cap in hand and being put up in hotels whilst the Government have to pay poorer British people cost of living payments because all of the countries privatised utilities aren't affordable. I wonder how many will lose their homes this year due to unaffordable mortgage repayments? This is simply not good enough for a G8 country.

We really need a change at the top, however I worry if Labour get in Sir Keir will convert to Islam and start sending ferries over to pick up the rats from Calais. All this shite going on and this Tory bastard reckons the over 50s should start delivering takeaways to make ends meet lol. 


The foreseeable future is fucking shit, the need for side incomes/hustles has never been greater... Good luck riding out this shit storm fellow cunts and cunters. Fucking hell. 

Fucking hell, got bored after August, go stick your face in a food blender you soppy Cunt!

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19 minutes ago, Fatty said:

Fucking hell, got bored after August, go stick your face in a food blender you soppy Cunt!

I bet you're still eating well aren't you? No cost of living crisis is getting in the way of you and scoffing Greggs pasties... Glad your well Fatty, you fat fucking cunt. 

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@Mrs Roops, I've noticed your output is around 97% with King Billy. I thought I'd ask your opinion on the cost of living crisis and the current UK economic climate (interest rates etc), you know, to add a bit of variety to your thoroughly interesting and oft times hilarious posts. I'm finding all of this economic shite and cost of living crisis astonishingly unbearable and I was wondering what you thought about it?

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34 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

@Mrs Roops, I've noticed your output is around 97% with King Billy. I thought I'd ask your opinion on the cost of living crisis and the current UK economic climate (interest rates etc), you know, to add a bit of variety to your thoroughly interesting and oft times hilarious posts. I'm finding all of this economic shite and cost of living crisis astonishingly unbearable and I was wondering what you thought about it?

Yeah, it sucks for some people. My fees for my insight will be sent under separate cover (E&OE). 

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Guest Fatty
On 03/08/2023 at 20:29, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I bet you're still eating well aren't you? No cost of living crisis is getting in the way of you and scoffing Greggs pasties... Glad your well Fatty, you fat fucking cunt. 

What cost of living crisis? I have loads of money, fuck the poor

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On 03/08/2023 at 22:56, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

August 2023, it's been pissing down for weeks and now the Bank of England have decided to piss on the homeowner folk and raise interest rates (the highest they've been since the beginning of the financial crisis). Yes, Brexit has caused instability and financial/investment uncertainty but let's not forget Liz 'downs syndrome and not worthy of' Truss and Kamikwasi Farteng helping this crisis along... (Truss is now collecting her former Prime Minister 100k a year payment). These Tory bastards are all out of ideas and talent, the icing on the cake being we now have an unelected, near Billionaire, no mandate cunt at the helm who most likely wipes his curry shitting arse with brand new £20 notes he gets from his banker mate. Cunts are pulling their own teeth out because they can't get a dentist appointment or register with an NHS one, working parents paid a pittance with some having to use food banks. Cant seem to get an appointment with your GP anymore, you have to call first thing in the morning, download, upload a load of pictures etc in the hope the GP gives you an appointment that day. Hordes of rat, scavenging boat cunts turning up, cap in hand and being put up in hotels whilst the Government have to pay poorer British people cost of living payments because all of the countries privatised utilities aren't affordable. I wonder how many will lose their homes this year due to unaffordable mortgage repayments? This is simply not good enough for a G8 country.

We really need a change at the top, however I worry if Labour get in Sir Keir will convert to Islam and start sending ferries over to pick up the rats from Calais. All this shite going on and this Tory bastard reckons the over 50s should start delivering takeaways to make ends meet lol. 


The foreseeable future is fucking shit, the need for side incomes/hustles has never been greater... Good luck riding out this shit storm fellow cunts and cunters. Fucking hell. 

If you’re on the skills list and under 45 I have a plan for you, OCR. Join the exodus. My recent unplanned visit to Airstrip One only fuelled my conclusion that sadly, Britain is cooked. I spent eighty quid in Waitrose on dinner for four. Seven quid a pint at Old Trafford? Fuck that. 

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17 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

If you’re on the skills list and under 45 I have a plan for you, OCR. Join the exodus. My recent unplanned visit to Airstrip One only fuelled my conclusion that sadly, Britain is cooked. I spent eighty quid in Waitrose on dinner for four. Seven quid a pint at Old Trafford? Fuck that. 

Did you notice the price of fucking lamb? 36 quid at least for a decent sized leg.

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53 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Did you notice the price of fucking lamb? 36 quid at least for a decent sized leg.

I thought you hated lamb Decs? I don't mind it myself. I buy a whole lamb or two from my mate in Wales, organic, chopped, labelled and ready for the pot or freezer. I pay around £140+ and I'm sure the legs were around 3kg each. A frozen lamb leg is also a good weapon if some cunt knocks my door complaining about some drug deal I know nothing about. 

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1 hour ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

If you’re on the skills list and under 45 I have a plan for you, OCR. Join the exodus. My recent unplanned visit to Airstrip One only fuelled my conclusion that sadly, Britain is cooked. I spent eighty quid in Waitrose on dinner for four. Seven quid a pint at Old Trafford? Fuck that. 

I'll be honest LCS, I'm 45 later this year and I don't like the direction the UK is going. 

The Tory bastards are revealing their long term plan little by little.


It's becoming more and more authoritarian and the gulf between the the wealthy and the poor can't have ever been greater in my opinion. London is seemingly full of ridiculously wealthy types and poorer types doing low skilled jobs to cater for the rich. This can't be a surprise considering we've had the Tories in power for so long. Why they are so obsessed with selling everything off is very strange, especially as it's privatisation that's enabled the water companies for example to get us into the mess were in. Sewage pumped into rivers, fish 'mysteriously' dying in massive numbers and minimal investment (if at all) in the upkeep and modernisation of the outdated sewage and water supply system, whilst simultaneously awarding the shareholders massive payouts. The whole thing stinks. 

I would never vote Tory but there's not really a party that I agree with mostly and want to vote for. I'll most like write 'cunts' on the Ballot paper at the next election. 

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22 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I thought you hated lamb Decs? I don't mind it myself. I buy a whole lamb or two from my mate in Wales, organic, chopped, labelled and ready for the pot or freezer. I pay around £140+ and I'm sure the legs were around 3kg each. A frozen lamb leg is also a good weapon if some cunt knocks my door complaining about some drug deal I know nothing about. 

I fucking hate it even more now. Fucking sheep in fields as far as the eye can see and you're still paying through the nose for it.

In all seriousness as much as I despise it, there is one dish I absolutely love it in, but I won't say its name because by association it makes me feel absolutely sick.

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6 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I fucking hate it even more now. Fucking sheep in fields as far as the eye can see and you're still paying through the nose for it.

In all seriousness as much as I despise it, there is one dish I absolutely love it in, but I won't say its name because by association it makes me feel absolutely sick.

I think I know the dish you mean. I'm off 'glamping' soon, can't be arsed with airports, the hordes of easyJet type cunts and hoping the flights not cancelled this year, probably visit the Highlands in a month or so also. Anyways, paid a small fortune and had to give my life story to rent out this massive 'glamping' motorhome to travel around Devon and Cornwall in, only to find out the daft owner cunts called it 'Frank'. It's a fucking curse, I swear, as the weather isn't looking good and I've no doubt it's most likely been previously rented out by bumders, possibly even Frank himself when he went to 'Glasters'. @Frank if I find your wig and or some shitty music CD in the thing and a rotting lamb Kleftiko bone in the oven, you're fucking dead. 

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27 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

paid a small fortune to rent out this massive 'glamping' motorhome to travel around Devon and Cornwall in... probably visit the Highlands in a month or so also. 

Good luck taking that monstrosity along the pathetic windy single-track lanes that the yokels down there have the temerity to call "roads". Are you going to do the North Coast 500 next? I'd pay good money to watch you take Frank up the Drumbeg Loop.

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15 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Good luck taking that monstrosity along the pathetic windy single-track lanes that the yokels down there have the temerity to call "roads". Are you going to do the North Coast 500 next? I'd pay good money to watch you take Frank up the Drumbeg Loop.

Afternoon Cuntybaws, I was going to ask you about some possible places worth visiting in Scotland. I've been to Edinburgh a couple of times but want to see the Highlands, eat some salmon, drink some Whisky and possibly visit a Lodge if I can be arsed. Not sure about the North Coast 500 but I'm sure my driving skills would kick in as I corner at 50mph in Frank, whilst dealing with approximately 7 G force, I'll show them Scots how to drive...On a different note, have you ever poured a wee dram of whisky on Haggis? Fucking delicious, a match made in heaven. I've got a really good tent also, would you recommend attaching it to the top of Frank, to improve the aerodynamics and handling?

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21 hours ago, Zev said:

I'm surviving🙂

Unfortunately, so are you ☹️

You're so clearly shell shocked and defeated you cannot even engage in reasonable debate. You've taken and continue to take so many hidings which have taken a terrible toll on you and left you in permanent attack mode lol. Relax 'Zev' have a cuppa and some Welsh Rare'shit on toast and then kill yourself. 


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1 hour ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

You're so clearly shell shocked and defeated you cannot even engage in reasonable debate. You've taken and continue to take so many hidings which have taken a terrible toll on you and left you in permanent attack mode lol. Relax 'Zev' have a cuppa and some Welsh Rare'shit on toast and then kill yourself. 



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Guest Fatty
3 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Afternoon Cuntybaws, I was going to ask you about some possible places worth visiting in Scotland. I've been to Edinburgh a couple of times but want to see the Highlands, eat some salmon, drink some Whisky and possibly visit a Lodge if I can be arsed. Not sure about the North Coast 500 but I'm sure my driving skills would kick in as I corner at 50mph in Frank, whilst dealing with approximately 7 G force, I'll show them Scots how to drive...On a different note, have you ever poured a wee dram of whisky on Haggis? Fucking delicious, a match made in heaven. I've got a really good tent also, would you recommend attaching it to the top of Frank, to improve the aerodynamics and handling?

You’ll never let Cunts corner down with your Cuntery you Cunt

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8 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I thought you hated lamb Decs? I don't mind it myself. I buy a whole lamb or two from my mate in Wales, organic, chopped, labelled and ready for the pot or freezer. I pay around £140+ and I'm sure the legs were around 3kg each. A frozen lamb leg is also a good weapon if some cunt knocks my door complaining about some drug deal I know nothing about. 

Hate it? He nominated it. He won’t eat owls either.

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