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Dumbing down and unnecessary Technology...

Old Chap Raasclaat

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I really don't understand the dumbing down and the implementation of technology that doesn't really do us any favours. Take cars and the unnecessarily installing of technology on products because they can. To drive on the pot holed shite they call roads these days requires more skill than ever before in my opinion, especially when you factor in the illegal South American drug dealing, I mean Deliveroo cunts driving their mopeds all over the road and the assorted cunts on these scooter things getting in the paying motorists way. Driving still requires a test and one of the elements of said test (if remember correctly) is reverse/parallel parking. Why have car manufacturers added driverless reverse/parallel parking then? If it's a test requirement and important driving skill why add technology that negates the need for that skill? Last time I checked, there wasn't anything wrong with a good old fashioned wing mirror, not anymore, certain car manufacturers seem to think it's better to add a camera instead... Maybe their thinking is the driver is too busy keeping an eye on their speedometer and not exceeding the 50mph speed limit to glance at their wing mirrors. This cunt technology is unnecessary and spreading to other parts of our everyday lives.

You can turn the heating on when 15 minutes away from home, you can get a 'Smart meter' to negate employing meter reading staff and watch yourself getting ripped off in real time and not actually save any money, oooh your car has 5g so cunts can monitor where you've been and the speed you've travelled at, you can pay for shite you don't need with money you haven't got on your phone or card, because its more convenient than having cash. It seem the majority are being slowly turned into dependant cunts who happily give away their anonymity and independence to help big businesses employ less staff and know more than they need to about what we do and where we go. 

The sleeping idiots can carry on, but they're dragging me with them.

Stupid cunts, fuck off. 

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Just now, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I really don't understand the dumbing down and the implementation of technology that doesn't really do us any favours. Take cars and the unnecessarily installing of technology on products because they can. To drive on the pot holed shite they call roads these days requires more skill than ever before in my opinion, especially when you factor in the illegal South American drug dealing, I mean Deliveroo cunts driving their mopeds all over the road and the assorted cunts on these scooter things getting in the paying motorists way. Driving still requires a test and one of the elements of said test (if remember correctly) is reverse/parallel parking. Why have car manufacturers added driverless reverse/parallel parking then? If it's a test requirement and important driving skill why add technology that negates the need for that skill? Last time I checked, there wasn't anything wrong with a good old fashioned wing mirror, not anymore, certain car manufacturers seem to think it's better to add a camera instead... Maybe their thinking is the driver is too busy keeping an eye on their speedometer and not exceeding the 50mph speed limit to glance at their wing mirrors. This cunt technology is unnecessary and spreading to other parts of our everyday lives.

You can turn the heating on when 15 minutes away from home, you can get a 'Smart meter' to negate employing meter reading staff and watch yourself getting ripped off in real time and not actually save any money, oooh your car has 5g so cunts can monitor where you've been and the speed you've travelled at, you can pay for shite you don't need with money you haven't got on your phone or card, because its more convenient than having cash. It seem the majority are being slowly turned into dependant cunts who happily give away their anonymity and independence to help big businesses employ less staff and know more than they need to about what we do and where we go. 

The sleeping idiots can carry on, but they're dragging me with them.

Stupid cunts, fuck off. 

You started with cars and should have ended there. I think this debate started in School Governors meetings in the 1970s about the use of calculators in maths exams. The demise of pounds shilling and pence was also the demise of any interest in mental arithmetic. Mental exercises like arithmetic, learning multiplication tables and formulae, learning poems by heart, including The Lord's Prayer, the Highway Code are the cornerstone of dumbing up. Gadgetry is the curse of modern life but I think it's a separate problem from dumbing down. It lies in the family background. For example, on the whole children in self employed, i.e. helping out in the business, tend to have a bit more mental sharpness than average. 

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2 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

You started with cars and should have ended there. I think this debate started in School Governors meetings in the 1970s about the use of calculators in maths exams. The demise of pounds shilling and pence was also the demise of any interest in mental arithmetic. Mental exercises like arithmetic, learning multiplication tables and formulae, learning poems by heart, including The Lord's Prayer, the Highway Code are the cornerstone of dumbing up. Gadgetry is the curse of modern life but I think it's a separate problem from dumbing down. It lies in the family background. For example, on the whole children in self employed, i.e. helping out in the business, tend to have a bit more mental sharpness than average. 

Are you some kind of cunt?

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24 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I really don't understand the dumbing down and the implementation of technology that doesn't really do us any favours. Take cars and the unnecessarily installing of technology on products because they can. To drive on the pot holed shite they call roads these days requires more skill than ever before in my opinion, especially when you factor in the illegal South American drug dealing, I mean Deliveroo cunts driving their mopeds all over the road and the assorted cunts on these scooter things getting in the paying motorists way. Driving still requires a test and one of the elements of said test (if remember correctly) is reverse/parallel parking. Why have car manufacturers added driverless reverse/parallel parking then? If it's a test requirement and important driving skill why add technology that negates the need for that skill? Last time I checked, there wasn't anything wrong with a good old fashioned wing mirror, not anymore, certain car manufacturers seem to think it's better to add a camera instead... Maybe their thinking is the driver is too busy keeping an eye on their speedometer and not exceeding the 50mph speed limit to glance at their wing mirrors. This cunt technology is unnecessary and spreading to other parts of our everyday lives.

You can turn the heating on when 15 minutes away from home, you can get a 'Smart meter' to negate employing meter reading staff and watch yourself getting ripped off in real time and not actually save any money, oooh your car has 5g so cunts can monitor where you've been and the speed you've travelled at, you can pay for shite you don't need with money you haven't got on your phone or card, because its more convenient than having cash. It seem the majority are being slowly turned into dependant cunts who happily give away their anonymity and independence to help big businesses employ less staff and know more than they need to about what we do and where we go. 

The sleeping idiots can carry on, but they're dragging me with them.

Stupid cunts, fuck off. 

My car has an automatic parking mode. Only ever used it once or twice because the actual process of getting it to understand what you want is about as complicated as docking the Titanic to the ISS. Very impressive watching the wheel spin itself as you control the accelerator and brakes, but you'd never get it set up faster than just doing it yourself or just finding somewhere else to park. Reverse cameras you can somewhat justify for bigger vans or busses, but not a fucking family hatchback.


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8 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

My car has an automatic parking mode. Only ever used it once or twice because the actual process of getting it to understand what you want is about as complicated as docking the Titanic to the ISS. Very impressive watching the wheel spin itself as you control the accelerator and brakes, but you'd never get it set up faster than just doing it yourself or just finding somewhere else to park. Reverse cameras you can somewhat justify for bigger vans or busses, but not a fucking family hatchback.


That's interesting RK, I didn't know the driver controlled the pedals whilst the car steered itself. Talk about complicated, I thought the car did it all? Maybe it's specific to your model? I haven't been in car with driverless capability so only really now what I've read and heard about. I wonder if you could sue the manufacturer if you floored the accelerator and hit the parked vehicle behind as the vehicle wasn't able to turn in quick enough? Maybe they let the driver control the pedals so they can blame you if it all goes to shit and you hit a car. The more I learn about this the more sinister it's getting, take care out there RK. 

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17 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

My car has an automatic parking mode. Only ever used it once or twice because the actual process of getting it to understand what you want is about as complicated as docking the Titanic to the ISS. Very impressive watching the wheel spin itself as you control the accelerator and brakes, but you'd never get it set up faster than just doing it yourself or just finding somewhere else to park. Reverse cameras you can somewhat justify for bigger vans or busses, but not a fucking family hatchback.


What Fiat 500 "is yours? The pink Stevie Wonder gay one? LOL sincerely 

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1 hour ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I really don't understand the dumbing down and the implementation of technology that doesn't really do us any favours. Take cars and the unnecessarily installing of technology on products because they can. To drive on the pot holed shite they call roads these days requires more skill than ever before in my opinion, especially when you factor in the illegal South American drug dealing, I mean Deliveroo cunts driving their mopeds all over the road and the assorted cunts on these scooter things getting in the paying motorists way. Driving still requires a test and one of the elements of said test (if remember correctly) is reverse/parallel parking. Why have car manufacturers added driverless reverse/parallel parking then? If it's a test requirement and important driving skill why add technology that negates the need for that skill? Last time I checked, there wasn't anything wrong with a good old fashioned wing mirror, not anymore, certain car manufacturers seem to think it's better to add a camera instead... Maybe their thinking is the driver is too busy keeping an eye on their speedometer and not exceeding the 50mph speed limit to glance at their wing mirrors. This cunt technology is unnecessary and spreading to other parts of our everyday lives.

You can turn the heating on when 15 minutes away from home, you can get a 'Smart meter' to negate employing meter reading staff and watch yourself getting ripped off in real time and not actually save any money, oooh your car has 5g so cunts can monitor where you've been and the speed you've travelled at, you can pay for shite you don't need with money you haven't got on your phone or card, because its more convenient than having cash. It seem the majority are being slowly turned into dependant cunts who happily give away their anonymity and independence to help big businesses employ less staff and know more than they need to about what we do and where we go. 

The sleeping idiots can carry on, but they're dragging me with them.

Stupid cunts, fuck off. 

When the end comes, whether irreversible climate change or nuclear war or Harold boring every poor cunt on Earth into an early grave, those ex-military, Boy Scouts or keen followers of Ray Mears will be the ones most likely to survive.

95% of humans have lost the basic ability to hunt or trap, make fire, cook, and use natural (and increasingly scarce) resources around them. My gas engineer (aged 28-30) doesn't even know how to roast a fucking chicken. By comparison, in the Neolithic period some 8,000 years ago, 95% of humans knew raw meat must be cooked to avoid illness, and that it just so happens to taste great if you season it with natural, nutrient-rich herbs and spices. We are devolving as we increase in numbers as a species, and we fully deserve to destroy ourselves before it's too late for everything else. The whole LGBTQXYZ bollocks appears to be some kind of human defence mechanism to assist in slowing down man's demise.

Technology has made lab-derived Subway 'Frankenstein' foods and cheap alcohol available to everybody; thankfully it's killing tens of millions off, though sadly at a much slower rate than expansion. That said, my fully-auto digital juicer is absolutely fucking ace.

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3 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

When the end comes, whether irreversible climate change or nuclear war or Harold boring every poor cunt on Earth into an early grave, those ex-military, Boy Scouts or keen followers of Ray Mears will be the ones most likely to survive.

95% of humans have lost the basic ability to hunt or trap, make fire, cook, and use natural (and increasingly scarce) resources around them. My gas engineer (aged 28-30) doesn't even know how to roast a fucking chicken. By comparison, in the Neolithic period some 8,000 years ago, 95% of humans knew raw meat must be cooked to avoid illness, and that it just so happens to taste great if you season it with natural, nutrient-rich herbs and spices. We are devolving as we increase in numbers as a species, and we fully deserve to destroy ourselves before it's too late for everything else. The whole LGBTQXYZ bollocks appears to be some kind of human defence mechanism to assit in slowing down man's relinquishment of himself.

Technology has made lab-derived Subway 'Frankenstein' foods and cheap alcohol available to everybody; thankfully it's killing tens of millions off, though sadly at a much slower rate than expansion. That said, my full-auto digital juicer is absolutely fucking ace.

I wonder if the human race has peaked Wolfie. We are developing smarter technology to streamline so many aspects of production and manufacturing etc whilst simultaneously negating the need for a human workforce. This reduction of the need for human workers doesn't bode well for an ever increasing global population. We haven't fully embraced AI yet either, which will further reduce the need for a human workforce. The only winners in this are big businesses and I dread to think what the world will be like in 100 years. I still believe nature will step in and reduce our numbers. I find it interesting that animals live in harmony with world yet we destroy everywhere we go. 

What a depressing future we've created for ourselves.


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1 hour ago, Roadkill said:

My car has an automatic parking mode. Only ever used it once or twice because the actual process of getting it to understand what you want is about as complicated as docking the Titanic to the ISS. Very impressive watching the wheel spin itself as you control the accelerator and brakes, but you'd never get it set up faster than just doing it yourself or just finding somewhere else to park. Reverse cameras you can somewhat justify for bigger vans or busses, but not a fucking family hatchback.


A geordie in a self parking car; there’s a good joke in this somewhere 

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36 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

When the end comes, whether irreversible climate change or nuclear war or Harold boring every poor cunt on Earth into an early grave, those ex-military, Boy Scouts or keen followers of Ray Mears will be the ones most likely to survive.

95% of humans have lost the basic ability to hunt or trap, make fire, cook, and use natural (and increasingly scarce) resources around them. My gas engineer (aged 28-30) doesn't even know how to roast a fucking chicken. By comparison, in the Neolithic period some 8,000 years ago, 95% of humans knew raw meat must be cooked to avoid illness, and that it just so happens to taste great if you season it with natural, nutrient-rich herbs and spices. We are devolving as we increase in numbers as a species, and we fully deserve to destroy ourselves before it's too late for everything else. The whole LGBTQXYZ bollocks appears to be some kind of human defence mechanism to assist in slowing down man's demise.

Technology has made lab-derived Subway 'Frankenstein' foods and cheap alcohol available to everybody; thankfully it's killing tens of millions off, though sadly at a much slower rate than expansion. That said, my fully-auto digital juicer is absolutely fucking ace.

"When the end comes"... thought it had already arrived for some. Ray Mears as seen on TV is surrounded by technology. On my honour. 

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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

When the end comes, whether irreversible climate change or nuclear war or Harold boring every poor cunt on Earth into an early grave, those ex-military, Boy Scouts or keen followers of Ray Mears will be the ones most likely to survive.

I'm a big fan of Ray Mears, a man in tune with the world and wanting to work with it, not fight against it. I've wanted to go on one of his courses for a long time... I'm sure they've gone up massively though £5000 for a week in Finland. Pricey but worth every penny. 

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The wife has a new car with a load of Jap-crap gizmos on it and the few times I've driven it (whilst sober) the stupid fucking thing automatically switches on high beam when the sensor 'thinks' they're needed which leads to the dazzling of any vehicles in front of me and then comes the subsequent fist waving and name calling from other drivers that have been temporarily blinded by the fucking super white LED headlights on the piece of shit i'm driving. I fucking hate it.

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3 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

The wife has a new car with a load of Jap-crap gizmos on it and the few times I've driven it (whilst sober) the stupid fucking thing automatically switches on high beam when the sensor 'thinks' they're needed which leads to the dazzling of any vehicles in front of me and then comes the subsequent fist waving and name calling from other drivers that have been temporarily blinded by the fucking super white LED headlights on the piece of shit i'm driving. I fucking hate it.

Gear change indicator. A fucking light that keeps flashing to tell you to change up every time it hits 1900 RPM. I particularly like the way it keeps doing it when you’re in fifth gear and there isn’t a sixth gear. 
 I intentionally bought a bare bones car with as few modern features as possible, but that’s the one niggle I have with it. 

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32 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Gear change indicator. A fucking light that keeps flashing to tell you to change up every time it hits 1900 RPM. I particularly like the way it keeps doing it when you’re in fifth gear and there isn’t a sixth gear. 
 I intentionally bought a bare bones car with as few modern features as possible, but that’s the one niggle I have with it. 

buying a car with only one nigg*r is reasonable in these dark times Authoritah

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16 hours ago, Roadkill said:

My car has an automatic parking mode. Only ever used it once or twice because the actual process of getting it to understand what you want is about as complicated as docking the Titanic to the ISS. Very impressive watching the wheel spin itself as you control the accelerator and brakes, but you'd never get it set up faster than just doing it yourself or just finding somewhere else to park. Reverse cameras you can somewhat justify for bigger vans or busses, but not a fucking family hatchback.


Good old Killer! Like a cockless zombie; fucking furious

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1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Gear change indicator. A fucking light that keeps flashing to tell you to change up every time it hits 1900 RPM. I particularly like the way it keeps doing it when you’re in fifth gear and there isn’t a sixth gear. 
 I intentionally bought a bare bones car with as few modern features as possible, but that’s the one niggle I have with it. 

Fucking speed camera warnings. You think they would be handy, but why the fuck they deemed it necessary to put one in a fucking Prius that wails like a banshee if you try and hold it at 70 anyway, I don't know.

It goes off with an audible "BING!" that sounds regardless of whether you're below or above the speed limit and automatically adjusts in volume in order to be heard over the radio system - so if you're blasting some Def Leppard or Rush you'll suddenly find yourself reenacting the bit where Tom Hanks gets his helmet blown off in Saving Private Ryan and wanders about deaf and dazed for a bit if you're approaching a speed camera.

I wouldn't mind if the rest of the car wasn't a cunt, but I recently found out that the only way to adjust the headlights is to pull over, open the bonnet, and adjust the lamps manually with a screwdriver - it insists I use the same "automatic high beam" system that @Cunty BigBollox recently mentioned - which I simply don't trust and wouldn't even be needed if I was allowed to adjust the low beams from the driver's seat whilst driving.

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17 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I wonder if the human race has peaked Wolfie. We are developing smarter technology to streamline so many aspects of production and manufacturing etc whilst simultaneously negating the need for a human workforce. This reduction of the need for human workers doesn't bode well for an ever increasing global population. We haven't fully embraced AI yet either, which will further reduce the need for a human workforce. The only winners in this are big businesses and I dread to think what the world will be like in 100 years. I still believe nature will step in and reduce our numbers. I find it interesting that animals live in harmony with world yet we destroy everywhere we go. 

What a depressing future we've created for ourselves.


I believe we've already peaked Raas. I was watching The Vikings (1958) with Tony Curtis and Kirk Douglas the other day and the cast is made up of generally natural, healthy-looking humans with medium build. No unnaturally big, steroid & protein milkshake dickheads who go down the gym almost every day, and not a flash of peroxide blonde hair or fake tits. Thesedays image seems to be more paramount than skillsets which can be applied to everyday tasks.

AI is already showing signs of becoming an absolute boiling pot for conflict, especially when you consider China and India – the two nations on Earth with 1b-plus people – are pioneering the industry. As you say, it seems counter-productive to limit employment opportunities when the world's population continues to grow relentlessly. Lack of jobs and income because of machines (and wealthy people at the head of AI-utilizing companies) means lack of housing, food, water et al. for billions... social inequality always leads to famine, unrest, war etc. 

We're fucked. There's way too many of us here beyond the resources our little planet can cope with, and because we're naturally flawed, we're already past our best imo. Just because a caveman might think the latest digital air fryer is a piece of magic created by God doesn't mean the modern-day LGBTQXYZ mincer pressing a few buttons to cook his pre-packaged dinner, who paid for it electronically, is anywhere near as skilled as someone of 10,000 years ago who used their physical fitness and mental competence to track, trap and kill a wild animal, and brought it home to butcher it, cook it, feed his family, and make use of everything for clothing and medicine et al.

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