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There ain't half been some clever bastards


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It seems the Churchill tribute act de Pfeffel Johnson was baffled or as he would say 'wah,wah, bamboozled' by the science during the Covid malarkey meetings with the boffins.What do we expect from Eton, Oxford, Bullingdon twats who could quote with ease endless waffle from some ancient Greek or Roman geezer as it relates to everything from dog turds to the Dulux paint chart not to mention giving assorted farmyard animals a good seeing to and still find time to attend vitally important  'fuck off you plebs' bevy and blowjob 'meetings' . Yet when it comes to understanding a graph or chart or something actually requiring anything more than a two minute attention span these arse wipes are fucked while having the brass necks to regard themselves as fit to govern. Still, at least this inquiry is sure to sort it all out and of course ensure that lessons will be leaned , that it never happens again and it definitely won't have been a waste of time and money.

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2 hours ago, colonelkurtz said:

It seems the Churchill tribute act de Pfeffel Johnson was baffled or as he would say 'wah,wah, bamboozled' by the science during the Covid malarkey meetings with the boffins.What do we expect from Eton, Oxford, Bullingdon twats who could quote with ease endless waffle from some ancient Greek or Roman geezer as it relates to everything from dog turds to the Dulux paint chart not to mention giving assorted farmyard animals a good seeing to and still find time to attend vitally important  'fuck off you plebs' bevy and blowjob 'meetings' . Yet when it comes to understanding a graph or chart or something actually requiring anything more than a two minute attention span these arse wipes are fucked while having the brass necks to regard themselves as fit to govern. Still, at least this inquiry is sure to sort it all out and of course ensure that lessons will be leaned , that it never happens again and it definitely won't have been a waste of time and money.

Let me get this right. So, what you’re insinuating here is that @ZEV went to Eton?

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Guest entitled little cunt
21 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

Do you mind if I change the subject for a second from the incessant racism that permeates your cortex? The "dumbing down" which you allude to in your post is surely multi-causal and I would offer just a few potential contributory factors just for your opinion and would be interested in seeing any others. 

# the so-called educational "reforms" of Baker under Thatcher accompanied by spending cuts across the board at primary, secondary and tertiary level

You will remember whole classes of junior kids had no permanent teacher and spent half the day running around in the playground. 

At the same time the management of schools by Locally Education Authorities was undermined by encouraging private enterprise to become involved in state schools via sponsorship with DEA funding following. The abolition of London's ILEA following after the abolition of the GLC was purely motivated by politics with the side benefit of privatising public assets such as schools playing fields and facilities. 

There were wasteful attempts to reintroduce selection and grammar schools. 

Incentives to the private schools in terms of state funded bursaries we're strengthened. 

All of the above was political footballing of the type that we now seem to find acceptable in Britain and contributed to chaos in the classroom, dumbing down the curriculum to focus on passing exams above all else, behaviour control rather than moral or intellectual development and generations of school leavers with progressively shorter and shorter horizons. A portion of these are now in classrooms teaching (not in private schools!) who prize career prospects and money more highly than vocation. It is a self reinforcing system. Just as single parent families with their inevitable social problems breed more single parent families until it becomes generational and one of the defining features of social housing, sink schools and local crime rates. 

# the rise of this very medium the internet has created a low quality culture that reinforces the easy and cheap, the transitory and short term, the material and animal. 

# I don't believe any of the petiodic bullshit about Britain being a "rich" country, being one of the wealthiest countries in the West blah blah blah. Britain has declined over the last century and the evidence of this is all around us with our crumbling inferior under invested infrastructure to our substandard health system. Britain has also evolved into a low income country with housing prices held high due to artificial shortages. Average families only just manage on two or even more jobs. Average per capita income in the UK is low compared to other comparable countries. All of this has led to a creeping deprivation in the quality of life that has blunted the individual's ability to develop, as a 360 degree human being, by pursuing activities outside the grinding necessity of earning a living. 

That's my view anyway and I would love to hear what others think about it. 




4 hours ago, colonelkurtz said:

It seems the Churchill tribute act de Pfeffel Johnson was baffled or as he would say 'wah,wah, bamboozled' by the science during the Covid malarkey meetings with the boffins.What do we expect from Eton, Oxford, Bullingdon twats who could quote with ease endless waffle from some ancient Greek or Roman geezer as it relates to everything from dog turds to the Dulux paint chart not to mention giving assorted farmyard animals a good seeing to and still find time to attend vitally important  'fuck off you plebs' bevy and blowjob 'meetings' . Yet when it comes to understanding a graph or chart or something actually requiring anything more than a two minute attention span these arse wipes are fucked while having the brass necks to regard themselves as fit to govern. Still, at least this inquiry is sure to sort it all out and of course ensure that lessons will be leaned , that it never happens again and it definitely won't have been a waste of time and money.


4 hours ago, colonelkurtz said:

It seems the Churchill tribute act de Pfeffel Johnson was baffled or as he would say 'wah,wah, bamboozled' by the science during the Covid malarkey meetings with the boffins.What do we expect from Eton, Oxford, Bullingdon twats who could quote with ease endless waffle from some ancient Greek or Roman geezer as it relates to everything from dog turds to the Dulux paint chart not to mention giving assorted farmyard animals a good seeing to and still find time to attend vitally important  'fuck off you plebs' bevy and blowjob 'meetings' . Yet when it comes to understanding a graph or chart or something actually requiring anything more than a two minute attention span these arse wipes are fucked while having the brass necks to regard themselves as fit to govern. Still, at least this inquiry is sure to sort it all out and of course ensure that lessons will be leaned , that it never happens again and it definitely won't have been a waste of time and money.

One thing that bumbling buffoon  johnson has got is  the reproductive capabilities of a Pakistani on steroids. His jowley wife is perpetually pregnant .imagine the moment of carnelian bliss ..whah, whah, whah ...fuck you Cummins you bald egg head cunty  cunt ..Ave that. 

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Just now, entitled little cunt said:



One thing that bumbling buffoon  johnson has got is  the reproductive capabilities of a Pakistani on steroids. His jowley wife is perpetually pregnant .imagine the moment of carnelian bliss ..whah, whah, whah ...fuck you Cummins you bald egg head cunty  cunt ..Ave that. 

I must say the press are not adding to Sunak's unbearable burden of Tory leadership by keeping All Quiet On The Boris Front. At the end of the day that whole crew is so tarnished there's no way back I can see fir at least 10 years prob longer. 

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5 hours ago, colonelkurtz said:

It seems the Churchill tribute act de Pfeffel Johnson was baffled or as he would say 'wah,wah, bamboozled' by the science during the Covid malarkey meetings with the boffins.What do we expect from Eton, Oxford, Bullingdon twats who could quote with ease endless waffle from some ancient Greek or Roman geezer as it relates to everything from dog turds to the Dulux paint chart not to mention giving assorted farmyard animals a good seeing to and still find time to attend vitally important  'fuck off you plebs' bevy and blowjob 'meetings' . Yet when it comes to understanding a graph or chart or something actually requiring anything more than a two minute attention span these arse wipes are fucked while having the brass necks to regard themselves as fit to govern. Still, at least this inquiry is sure to sort it all out and of course ensure that lessons will be leaned , that it never happens again and it definitely won't have been a waste of time and money.

What makes me smile is the "nobody will be blamed....." banner on the BBC coverage of the inqueery. Fucking shame. There's a few heads I'd like to see on pikes on London Bridge. A few of the GPs on TV who all if a sudden became experts on viruses for a start.  

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Guest entitled little cunt

I will quite miss the regular on a quarterly basis tory meltdown and its bevvy of completely inept  colourful characters like "crazy" kwarti Kwartang and "looney " liz Truss.The one thing they can do well is back handed bribery and fraud that enriches only themselves and their mates. They make the masons  look a sane and totally above board organisation who wouldn't dream of engaging in anything even remotely corrupt. Infact if the conservatives had applied the same level of effort to enrichen the country as they have in enriching themselves the place would be a far happier little island . I'm quite sure under labour the thirst for idiocy on behalf of the public will be duly  served with the likes of Lammy , Abbott  and a whole host of other MPs who will quite literally baffle with their loyalty to rather odd cultural beliefs and practices .Can't wait for that .Don't forget the rainbow crowd as well,  that will be lots of fun  to watch . Five  year  old Chlamydia from Brighton wishes to self identify as a  lesbian fruit bat and who can say she can't , certainly not the state or her insane parents. Infact to do so will be a hate crime. I'm going to buy my prayer mat early to avoid the rush , widen my sphincter to make the shafting I'm going to get less painfull and become part of a polygamous mixed race lesbian gay  trans couple with one leg and mental health difficulties before labour make it compulsory. 

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12 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

What makes me smile is the "nobody will be blamed....." banner on the BBC coverage of the inqueery. Fucking shame. There's a few heads I'd like to see on pikes on London Bridge. A few of the GPs on TV who all if a sudden became experts on viruses for a start.  

That's the point of the inquiry though, witnesses given the legal right of privilege against self incrimination in order to extract the truth.

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36 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

got brexit done tho...lol


Panzer, I got a knee infection a while ago and after feeling light headed yesterday (as the antibiotics weren't working enough) went to see the Doctor who sent me to Hospital. I was thankfully sent home with extra antibiotics, anyways, do you think the infection and/or the light headedness were caused by Brexit? Can I sue the Government?

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37 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Panzer, I got a knee infection a while ago and after feeling light headed yesterday (as the antibiotics weren't working enough) went to see the Doctor who sent me to Hospital. I was thankfully sent home with extra antibiotics, anyways, do you think the infection and/or the light headedness were caused by Brexit? Can I sue the Government?

You’ve obviously got the new Covid Alpha-Centauri variant (Leg-A-Bifida). 
 You should wear a full face crash helmet, never leave the house except for the weekly boosters, never speak to anyone again but listen to the science. You will also be required to sell all your property and assets to pay the government for keeping you safe by denying you medical treatment. Then your leg will be ok. 

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1 minute ago, Eric Cuntman said:

You’ve obviously got the new Covid Alpha-Centauri variant (Leg-A-Bifida). 
 You should wear a full face crash helmet, never leave the house except for the weekly boosters, never speak to anyone again but listen to the science. You will also be required to sell all your property and assets to pay the government for keeping you safe by denying you medical treatment. Then your leg will be ok. 

I think it could well be, Eric. My temperature was high and felt like I'd been on a 3 day bender... Thought today was Thursday and thought I'd had 34 jabs. If I'd left it a few days, I might have ended up a one legged cunt. 

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On 22/11/2023 at 17:07, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Panzer, I got a knee infection a while ago and after feeling light headed yesterday (as the antibiotics weren't working enough) went to see the Doctor who sent me to Hospital. I was thankfully sent home with extra antibiotics, anyways, do you think the infection and/or the light headedness were caused by Brexit? Can I sue the Government?

At least you weren't in Ireland Raas, where the overlap between public and private health providers and payers is still much greater than the UK, meaning the chances of you having similar government-funded treatment in the German-led shithole would be greatly reduced without comprehensive private health insurance. And with the rain-soaked slum becoming one of the EU's latest immigration dumping grounds, with it being a deeply religious country, only God knows how they're going to cope in the coming years. Lol.

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4 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

At least you weren't in Ireland Raas, where the overlap between public and private health providers and payers is still much greater than the UK, meaning the chances of you having similar government-funded treatment in the German-led shithole would be greatly reduced without comprehensive private health insurance. And with the rain-soaked slum becoming one of the EU's latest immigration dumping grounds, with it being a deeply religious country, only God knows how they'te going to cope in the coming years. Lol.

I would have thought the medical treatment one would get in Ireland would be the equivalent of going private in the UK, if Panzers pro EU ramblings are to be believed. I've never been to Ireland, however I imagine with so much EU money being allocated to Eire, every pub in Dublin offers free pints of Guinness to wash down the free curries that are cooked by Bumder Varadkar types. Lol. 

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1 hour ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Panzer, I got a knee infection a while ago and after feeling light headed yesterday (as the antibiotics weren't working enough) went to see the Doctor who sent me to Hospital. I was thankfully sent home with extra antibiotics, anyways, do you think the infection and/or the light headedness were caused by Brexit? Can I sue the Government?

Probably because you spend so much time on your knees, doing one thing or another 👄🥒💦

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20 minutes ago, ZEV said:

Probably because you spend so much time on your knees, doing one thing or another 👄🥒💦

Why do you always steer the topic towards perverse shite? You revealed another side to your depraved, sinister preferences when you had your Gay (coprophilia liking) porn star avatar. It's funny how you changed that avatar within hours and have continued changing it regularly. The thought of living near a freak like you is truly worrying. 

Fuck off. 

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2 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Panzer, I got a knee infection a while ago and after feeling light headed yesterday (as the antibiotics weren't working enough) went to see the Doctor who sent me to Hospital. I was thankfully sent home with extra antibiotics, anyways, do you think the infection and/or the light headedness were caused by Brexit? Can I sue the Government?

Take a blunderbuss n shoot both yer feet off then it'll be like brexit..lol


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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

At least you weren't in Ireland Raas, where the overlap between public and private health providers and payers is still much greater than the UK, meaning the chances of you having similar government-funded treatment in the German-led shithole would be greatly reduced without comprehensive private health insurance. And with the rain-soaked slum becoming one of the EU's latest immigration dumping grounds, with it being a deeply religious country, only God knows how they'te going to cope in the coming years. Lol.

Speaking of rain soaked slums..hows the mama adjusting to life in Brexitland after she voted to boot herself out of sunny Spainland..lol


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1 hour ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I would have thought the medical treatment one would get in Ireland would be the equivalent of going private in the UK, if Panzers pro EU ramblings are to be believed. I've never been to Ireland, however I imagine with so much EU money being allocated to Eire, every pub in Dublin offers free pints of Guinness to wash down the free curries that are cooked by Bumder Varadkar types. Lol. 

One day that cuff will come off yer leg n you can leave the house without permission from local plod..lol


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18 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Why do you always steer the topic towards perverse shite? You revealed another side to your depraved, sinister preferences when you had your Gay (coprophilia liking) porn star avatar. It's funny how you changed that avatar within hours and have continued changing it regularly. The thought of living near a freak like you is truly worrying. 

Fuck off. 

You could always move elsewhere, Windrush 🚢

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23 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Why do you always steer the topic towards perverse shite? You revealed another side to your depraved, sinister preferences when you had your Gay (coprophilia liking) porn star avatar. It's funny how you changed that avatar within hours and have continued changing it regularly. The thought of living near a freak like you is truly worrying. 

Fuck off. 

It's true @ZEV. Why adopt a moniker (for some weeks – a record for you) of a gay porn star who was 'into' shit? It's akin to squeezing lighter fluid into an already intensely burning furnace.

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5 hours ago, ZEV said:

You could always move elsewhere, Windrush 🚢

Well, Mr anti-antisemitism strikes yet again, with this little gem above to accompany his repetitive use of the Star of David, which suggets he has higher standards or more noble beliefs than the rest of us. 


"Mr Shit-the-hypocrite, like a streetbound cat burgler

He crawls and trawls the streets at night, master hedge hurdler

With the accuracy of Watson, and Holmes and monicle

He gathers samples at 3am, to jar and to chronicle"

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