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Possible Huw Edwards return ?

Guest entitled little cunt

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Guest entitled little cunt

Having missed  Huw  for so long now I thought it would be nice to get some ideas together for a  phoenix like return. This is for Eric  Cuntman who has a particular talent for these things  , the gauntlet has been well and truly  tossed off for others to follow. I'm going to kick off with 

Ready , steady ..oops Where's the kleenex  followed by cum dancing which is a bit cliche but makes me laugh. .

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Guest entitled little cunt
6 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

You’ve been warned about posting after 7:30pm - this post being a prime example of the nonsense you come out with once you’re pissed.

If I'm Cinderella I guess you must be an ugly sister .

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Guest entitled little cunt
8 hours ago, Ape™️ said:

You’ve been warned about posting after 7:30pm - this post being a prime example of the nonsense you come out with once you’re pissed.

I thankfully  haven't got a drink problem. I'm quite certain those who unfortunately had to spend time in your company over the festive period  have probably developed one .

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On 31/12/2023 at 11:08, Eric Cuntman said:

Huw’ll Fix-It

His taxpayer-funded £440,000 salary most certainly afforded him a very good team of solicitors, who made the front-page news of him allegedly showing off his underwear to someone of a younger generation go away pretty quickly. Allegedly, of course.

https://inews.co.uk/news/media/bbc-salary-list-2023-10-best-paid-presenters-highest-earner-2469550#:~:text=The BBC has revealed its 10 highest earning,Ball is the second highest earner%2C on £980%2C000-985%2C000. 

And just look at that wanker Lineker topping the list for the umpteenth time running. Mr Equality for all, carping on about UK folk housing immigrants in need, still championing human rights across the globe. This, from the same cunt who reportedly pocketed £1.6m from the Qatar-owned Al Jazeera TV channel – a country which still murders women for not dressing according to the Quran and hands out the death penalty to homosexuals (presumably @and won't be booking a holiday there anytime soon, lolololol).

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2 hours ago, Wolfie said:

His taxpayer-funded £440,000 salary most certainly afforded him a very good team of solicitors, who made the front-page news of him allegedly showing off his underwear to someone of a younger generation go away pretty quickly. Allegedly, of course.

https://inews.co.uk/news/media/bbc-salary-list-2023-10-best-paid-presenters-highest-earner-2469550#:~:text=The BBC has revealed its 10 highest earning,Ball is the second highest earner%2C on £980%2C000-985%2C000. 

And just look at that wanker Lineker topping the list for the umpteenth time running. Mr Equality for all, carping on about UK folk housing immigrants in need, still championing human rights across the globe. This, from the same cunt who (allegedly) pocketed tens of millions for promoting the Qatari world cup in Qatar – a country which still murders women for not dressing according to the Quran and hands out the death penalty to homosexuals (presumably @and won't be booking a holiday there anytime soon, lolololol).

That list is truly shocking, Wolfie, how the hell is Zoe ball (and most of the others) getting that much money. The sooner the BBC and it's biased, bumder promoting, bender fluid, ultra woke agenda is over the better. They wouldn't last 5 minutes if they relied on subscriptions like Netflix and if they don't make it subscription based they should be made to have advertising. The sheer arrogance of that organisation is vile and the fact that people are being harassed to pay the licence fee in this digital streaming age is a joke. 

It's easy to spend other peoples money and it's no wonder they do what the fuck they want, make utter shite and replay repeats as they know the billions in funding will be coming in regardless.

I am glad I've never paid them a penny.


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On 31/12/2023 at 16:28, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

That list is truly shocking, Wolfie, how the hell is Zoe ball (and most of the others) getting that much money. The sooner the BBC and it's biased, bumder promoting, bender fluid, ultra woke agenda is over the better. They wouldn't last 5 minutes if they relied on subscriptions like Netflix and if they don't make it subscription based they should be made to have advertising. The sheer arrogance of that organisation is vile and the fact that people are being harassed to pay the licence fee in this digital streaming age is a joke. 

It's easy to spend other peoples money and it's no wonder they do what the fuck they want, make utter shite and replay repeats as they know the billions in funding will be coming in regardless.

I am glad I've never paid them a penny.


Outrageous, isn't it? I haven't paid a licence fee for some 20 years and it appears millions of others no longer wish to line the pockets of these greedy, selfish cunts. It's little wonder some big names at the BBC were so keen for Edwards to not be exposed as they knew fewer people would wish to fund the organisation – and their disgusting salaries, which have generally increased annually by around 30%. So much for equality via inflation. 

What's shocking about Edwards is that he was still in receipt of his salary (he only resigned last month, which the BBC kept quiet, obviously hoping to not have him in the public eye again) for paying around £35,000 to see explicit photos of a teenager's cock, though the latter being of consensual age meant the Welsh midnight wanker wasn't doing anything illegal.

Zoe Ball – whose dad got her a presenting job at the BBC to start with – has taken a pay cut from £1.36m. Still, at £985,000 the loud and unbearably annoying moose still rakes in £19k per week of taxpayers' money. Poor thing.

I have no problem with people earning these kinds of figures if they're doing it via means of free enterprise, such as commuters who suffer the rigmarole of the trains or M25 every day. But to enforce people to cough up these pro-woke cunts' wages (in a digital age with so much choice elsewhere) is just wrong on every level. I think the Savile exposé (which the Beeb desperately tried to cover up) followed by cock connoisseur Huw really was/is the begnning of the end for the BBC. I'm going to enjoy watching the corrupt shitcunt organisation slowly rot from within in the coming years, as less people pay up. Just think: the White City studios in which Rolf Harris was doing a little bit more than drawing cartoons, and in which Savile raped dozens of kids, are still used for prime time shows such as Strictly Come Dancing.

If ever I was to wish dog-eating bastard Kim Wrong-un's nuclear missile initiative success, it'd be to turn the shithouse into West London's version of Ground Zero.

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15 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Outrageous, isn't it? I haven't paid a licence fee for some 20 years and it appears millions of others no longer wish to line the pockets of these greedy, selfish cunts. It's little wonder all the big names at the BBC were so keen for Edwards to not be exposed as they knew fewer people would wish to fund the organisation – and their disgusting salaries, which have generally increased annually by around 30%. So much for equality via inflation. 

What's shocking about Edwards is that he was still in receipt of his salary (he only resigned last month, which the BBC kept quiet, obviously hoping to not have him in the public eye again) for paying around £35,000 to see explicit photos of a teenager's cock, though the latter being of consensual age meant the Welsh midnight wanker wasn't doing anything illegal.

Zoe Ball – whose dad got her a presenting job at the BBC to start with – has taken a pay cut from £1.36m. Still, at £985,000 the loud and unbearably annoying moose still rakes in £19k per week of taxpayers' money. Poor thing.

I have no problem with people earning these kinds of figures if they're doing it via means of free enterprise, such as commuters who suffer the rigmarole of the trains or M25 every day. But to enforce people to cough up these pro-woke cunts' wages (in a digital age with so much choice elsewhere) is just wrong on every level. I think the Savile exposé (which the Beeb desperately tried to cover up) followed by cock connoisseur Huw really was/is the begnning of the end for the BBC. I'm going to enjoy watching the corrupt shitcunt organisation slowly rot from within in the coming years, as less people pay up. Just think: the White City studios in which Rolf Harris was doing a little bit more than drawing cartoons, and in which Savile raped dozens of kids, are still used for prime time shows such as Strictly Come Dancing.

If ever I was to wish dog-eating bastard Kim Wrong-un's nuclear missile initiative success, it'd be to turn the shithouse into West London's version of Ground Zero.

"paying around £35,000 to see explicit photos of a teenager's cock" 

How do you know it was that way round? Huw might have been paying him to see pictures of his own Welsh cock. 

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44 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Outrageous, isn't it? I haven't paid a licence fee for some 20 years and it appears millions of others no longer wish to line the pockets of these greedy, selfish cunts. It's little wonder all the big names at the BBC were so keen for Edwards to not be exposed as they knew fewer people would wish to fund the organisation – and their disgusting salaries, which have generally increased annually by around 30%. So much for equality via inflation. 

What's shocking about Edwards is that he was still in receipt of his salary (he only resigned last month, which the BBC kept quiet, obviously hoping to not have him in the public eye again) for paying around £35,000 to see explicit photos of a teenager's cock, though the latter being of consensual age meant the Welsh midnight wanker wasn't doing anything illegal.

Zoe Ball – whose dad got her a presenting job at the BBC to start with – has taken a pay cut from £1.36m. Still, at £985,000 the loud and unbearably annoying moose still rakes in £19k per week of taxpayers' money. Poor thing.

I have no problem with people earning these kinds of figures if they're doing it via means of free enterprise, such as commuters who suffer the rigmarole of the trains or M25 every day. But to enforce people to cough up these pro-woke cunts' wages (in a digital age with so much choice elsewhere) is just wrong on every level. I think the Savile exposé (which the Beeb desperately tried to cover up) followed by cock connoisseur Huw really was/is the begnning of the end for the BBC. I'm going to enjoy watching the corrupt shitcunt organisation slowly rot from within in the coming years, as less people pay up. Just think: the White City studios in which Rolf Harris was doing a little bit more than drawing cartoons, and in which Savile raped dozens of kids, are still used for prime time shows such as Strictly Come Dancing.

If ever I was to wish dog-eating bastard Kim Wrong-un's nuclear missile initiative success, it'd be to turn the shithouse into West London's version of Ground Zero.

Speaking of public money, it always amazes me the amount that chief execs in local government cream from the council tax paying residents of each LG area.

Take my own erstwhile wanker. Despite seemingly doing absolutely fuck all other than making a cunt of himself on YouTube videos, as leader of a tin pot council in the middle of fucking nowhere, he takes home more than the Prime Minister. And that's without taking into account the travel expenses and 10k bungs for being chief presiding officer every time an election is held. 

One would have thought that in the spirit of Christmas he would have thrown Drew a few of his crumbs to keep the piss head wanker's ceremonial post of chief village wino from becoming redundant.


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