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Dick .Give Creseeda another medal

Guest entitled little cunt

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Guest entitled little cunt

Has anyone noticed the amount of medals Dame Cressida DICK  has pinned to her chest .? She must jingle like a Morris dancer when shes shaking  her booty.I can only assume every medal goes some way to thank her for her ceaseless efforts to keep a lid on the morally bankrupt city of  London.Obviously allowing met officers to beat the shit out of females protesting against violence against women was obviously a high point of this woman's career .It just goes on  and on .Systemic failings , leadership failings is all we endure. A man who murdered a young woman has been having sex with a female prison worker, wtf is going on .It just beggars belief .How the  family of his victim must feel  cannot be imagined . No doubt the prison  governor will take a full pension,   as will those who allowed the murdering  cunt to walk the streets in the first place .Every other fucker  have to face the consequences of our actions, 32 in a 30 and the establishment will be down in you like a ton of bricks in a day . Those in the civil service and goverment  who allow those who want to harm walk the streets , allow the importation of  dangerous illegals , allow  murderous radical Islam to take hold of our streets ,  allows London  to be governed by islamists for islamists should all be held to account 



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8 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

Those in the civil service and goverment  who allow those who want to harm walk the streets , allow the importation of  dangerous illegals , allow  murderous radical Islam to take hold of our streets ,  allows London  to be governed by islamists for islamists should all be held to account 

I'm almost ashamed to be a Londoner(although, technically, I'm not, a Londoner that is, at least I don't think so)

These days, nobody is held accountable for anything, it's always somebody else's fault or, they have an ongoing mental illness that somehow contributes to their rampant stupidity and failure to do the job they're getting paid for (that's my excuse, anyway😉)

Can I have an award and a massive pay-off when I have to relinquish my post due to stress?


It's been a pleasure working with/for you.

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5 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

Has anyone noticed the amount of medals Dame Cressida DICK  has pinned to her chest .? She must jingle like a Morris dancer when shes shaking  her booty.I can only assume every medal goes some way to thank her for her ceaseless efforts to keep a lid on the morally bankrupt city of  London.Obviously allowing met officers to beat the shit out of females protesting against violence against women was obviously a high point of this woman's career .It just goes on  and on .Systemic failings , leadership failings is all we endure. A man who murdered a young woman has been having sex with a female prison worker, wtf is going on .It just beggars belief .How the  family of his victim must feel  cannot be imagined . No doubt the prison  governor will take a full pension,   as will those who allowed the murdering  cunt to walk the streets in the first place .Every other fucker  have to face the consequences of our actions, 32 in a 30 and the establishment will be down in you like a ton of bricks in a day . Those in the civil service and goverment  who allow those who want to harm walk the streets , allow the importation of  dangerous illegals , allow  murderous radical Islam to take hold of our streets ,  allows London  to be governed by islamists for islamists should all be held to account 



You have to understand pensions are not in the mix when it comes to civil, criminal or just incompetent behaviour. They are not the proceeds of anything illegal. Convicted murderers banged up for life without parole (some of whom are police) are still entitled to their occupational pension. I don't know about state pension as the UK government has always regarded it as a state "benefit" rather than a withdrawal from a fund the individual has paid into via contributions over a lifetime of work. Indeed, if you don't make contributions you don't get a pension in the UK and the amount you qualify for as a state peis determined by the number of years contributions. Why the UK govt is determined to call it a a "benefit" is fucking deplorable and indicates the whole mean cheapskate nature of the UK system and the authority 's attitude towards ordinary people in this country. I think they have a nice little law that stops pension payments if you go to prison. It the old workhouse mentality - you have to pay for bed and board. Same too in care homes. You are allowed a workhouse pittance out of the pension you spent 25 years paying into. 

By contrast anybody with a big fat multi-million pound private pension is treated differently. They are regarded as goody gumshoes untouchable. Just like the "Lord" or the "Sir" before your name will guarantee DIFFERENT treatment at border control, by the police or any fucking elsewhere. 

That's why I listen to some cunts on this site lording up the patriotic pride they have in this spunk filled shit hole corrupt country as if it was Charlton Heston's finest hour in Khartoum in 2024. I don't gve a fucking toss for any of it and the sooner it collapsed and was swept aside the better. 

Just some thoughts spiked by your Cressida Dick. 

PS I had to study Troilus and Cressida for my A Level, fucking tedious as shit Olde Englyshe. 

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3 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

if you don't make contributions you don't get a pension in the UK

There's plenty who are on benefits from cradle to grave, if the government designates 'the pension' as a benefit, what's the fuckin' difference?

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Guest entitled little cunt
3 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

You have to understand pensions are not in the mix when it comes to civil, criminal or just incompetent behaviour. They are not the proceeds of anything illegal. Convicted murderers banged up for life without parole (some of whom are police) are still entitled to their occupational pension. I don't know about state pension as the UK government has always regarded it as a state "benefit" rather than a withdrawal from a fund the individual has paid into via contributions over a lifetime of work. Indeed, if you don't make contributions you don't get a pension in the UK and the amount you qualify for as a state peis determined by the number of years contributions. Why the UK govt is determined to call it a a "benefit" is fucking deplorable and indicates the whole mean cheapskate nature of the UK system and the authority 's attitude towards ordinary people in this country. I think they have a nice little law that stops pension payments if you go to prison. It the old workhouse mentality - you have to pay for bed and board. Same too in care homes. You are allowed a workhouse pittance out of the pension you spent 25 years paying into. 

By contrast anybody with a big fat multi-million pound private pension is treated differently. They are regarded as goody gumshoes untouchable. Just like the "Lord" or the "Sir" before your name will guarantee DIFFERENT treatment at border control, by the police or any fucking elsewhere. 

That's why I listen to some cunts on this site lording up the patriotic pride they have in this spunk filled shit hole corrupt country as if it was Charlton Heston's finest hour in Khartoum in 2024. I don't gve a fucking toss for any of it and the sooner it collapsed and was swept aside the better. 

Just some thoughts spiked by your Cressida Dick. 

PS I had to study Troilus and Cressida for my A Level, fucking tedious as shit Olde Englyshe. 

What fucks off many I assume is the reward for failiure and the highest  level of  incompetence imaginable .The everyday working person is punished for failiure , they are prosecuted for failure and generally hung out to dry not only by the establishment but by their societal  peers. Academics , politititions,  NHS personel , public prosecutions,  parole boards and those  loafing it in the  civil service are rewarded for failure , for causing grief and in the worst circumstances , death. They suffer no personal sense of failure because they suffer no financial failiure .Its no different to  middle class architects building shitholes for the working classes to live in , shitty london pigeon holes that turn into crime ridden filth holes , it's good enough for the working classes whilst the architect  enjoys his large detached pile in Amersham.Its a load of cunt .

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5 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

What fucks off many I assume is the reward for failiure and the highest  level of  incompetence imaginable .The everyday working person is punished for failiure , they are prosecuted for failure and generally hung out to dry not only by the establishment but by their societal  peers. Academics , politititions,  NHS personel , public prosecutions,  parole boards and those  loafing it in the  civil service are rewarded for failure , for causing grief and in the worst circumstances , death. They suffer no personal sense of failure because they suffer no financial failiure .Its no different to  middle class architects building shitholes for the working classes to live in , shitty london pigeon holes that turn into crime ridden filth holes , it's good enough for the working classes whilst the architect  enjoys his large detached pile in Amersham.Its a load of cunt .

A load of cunt as you say sums it up completely. I was just reflecting on all these "official" letters that you end up getting by a certain age: DVLA, Council, Pensions, Tax Office, TV Licence this is the biggest cunt. There is always the implication in these letters, somewhere at the bottom under "Data Protection" or "Privacy" that YOU are NOT what you seem, that YOU are borderline LYING or WITHHOLDING and that WE might have to INVESTIGATE YOU or SHARE our information about YOU with LAW ENFORCEMENT or other AGENCIES.... anybody they fucking want really including firms of private detectives to look through your trash, surveillance your front door or research your personal records. 

All brought in by the Blair government under the cover of anti-terrorism because of the terrorist attacks HE CAUSED BY STARTING AN ILLEGAL WAR IN IRAQ. Powers of Investigation Acts, updated and enlarged every year. 

We are living in an age of more spying and surveillance on the population than ever in history. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
14 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

A load of cunt as you say sums it up completely. I was just reflecting on all these "official" letters that you end up getting by a certain age: DVLA, Council, Pensions, Tax Office, TV Licence this is the biggest cunt. There is always the implication in these letters, somewhere at the bottom under "Data Protection" or "Privacy" that YOU are NOT what you seem, that YOU are borderline LYING or WITHHOLDING and that WE might have to INVESTIGATE YOU or SHARE our information about YOU with LAW ENFORCEMENT or other AGENCIES.... anybody they fucking want really including firms of private detectives to look through your trash, surveillance your front door or research your personal records. 

All brought in by the Blair government under the cover of anti-terrorism because of the terrorist attacks HE CAUSED BY STARTING AN ILLEGAL WAR IN IRAQ. Powers of Investigation Acts, updated and enlarged every year. 

We are living in an age of more spying and surveillance on the population than ever in history. 

Yep  to all of that .Common people are guilty until proven innocent in the eyes of our masters .I told a tv licence goon to fuck off just  last night ,he was asking what I get up to , my habits ,  what I watch in the privacy of my own home .I asked how often he has sex with his wife , he looked perplexed then rather disgusted. I had to explain to the cunt that if he thought he had the right to ask me personal questions then I will ask him personal questions .He pointed his camera thingy at me and stormed off muttering .He'll be after my blood now .Most people I can forgive  but I'd never tire of bludgeoning licence goons with a blunt instrument .

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19 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Yep  to all of that .Common people are guilty until proven innocent in the eyes of our masters .I told a tv licence goon to fuck off just  last night ,he was asking what I get up to , my habits ,  what I watch in the privacy of my own home .I asked how often he has sex with his wife , he looked perplexed then rather disgusted. I had to explain to the cunt that if he thought he had the right to ask me personal questions then I will ask him personal questions .He pointed his camera thingy at me and stormed off muttering .He'll be after my blood now .Most people I can forgive  but I'd never tire of bludgeoning licence goons with a blunt instrument .

It's really the same system rolled out in Eastern Europe after the War. I always think the fall of the Berlin Wall and end of the USSR was the starting gun for cunts in the West to roll back our civil liberties, fuck our public services and push this financialisation, privatisation liberal economic (monetarist Thatcher called it) policies that amount to a corrupt dysfunctional dictatorship we are all living under now. There's no incentive for Western authorities to look after their populations now or actually make democracy work. 

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1 hour ago, ChildeHarold said:

It's really the same system rolled out in Eastern Europe after the War. I always think the fall of the Berlin Wall and end of the USSR was the starting gun for cunts in the West to roll back our civil liberties, fuck our public services and push this financialisation, privatisation liberal economic (monetarist Thatcher called it) policies that amount to a corrupt dysfunctional dictatorship we are all living under now. There's no incentive for Western authorities to look after their populations now or actually make democracy work. 

I remember when the wall came down and seeing everyone dancing for joy and saying how great it was. And then the disgusted looks I got when I said it would be the beginning of the West's slide down the shit pole. And I didn't need a fucking crystal ball either.

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6 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I remember when the wall came down and seeing everyone dancing for joy and saying how great it was. And then the disgusted looks I got when I said it would be the beginning of the West's slide down the shit pole. And I didn't need a fucking crystal ball either.

I blame David Hasselhoff.

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16 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I remember when the wall came down and seeing everyone dancing for joy and saying how great it was. And then the disgusted looks I got when I said it would be the beginning of the West's slide down the shit pole. And I didn't need a fucking crystal ball either.

Exactly. Ever since then it's been one bullying exercise after another to dismantle any alternative system or dissenting nation, or any country that's aligned against Israel. Gaddafi because he wanted to take oil out of the dollar zone. Iran over its support for the Palestinians. Syria because of it's alignment with Iran and Russia. China because it represents a real alternative to American imperialism. Cuba for obvious reasons, Serbia because of it's alignment with Russia. The Yugoslavian state simply because it didn't have the right wing neo liberal policies. Iraq because it no longer served America's interests against Iran. It all fucking kicked off after 1989.

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11 hours ago, ratcum said:

I'm thinking of opening a pet food plant in Poland Deco.

Mensch Munch ✡️ : the brand you can trust 

Like their concentration camp forefathers, my Alsatians prefer their food to be free range. Why give them the canned stuff when you can just set them on the nearest available Jew?

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13 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I remember when the wall came down and seeing everyone dancing for joy and saying how great it was. And then the disgusted looks I got when I said it would be the beginning of the West's slide down the shit pole. And I didn't need a fucking crystal ball either.

I often said that we were safer back in the days of the "commies v everyone else cold war", but wiser people shouted me down .. for some countries communism was the only system that could keep the lid on fanatical islam.

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2 hours ago, Decimus said:

Like their concentration camp forefathers, my Alsatians prefer their food to be free range. Why give them the canned stuff when you can just set them on the nearest available Jew?


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Guest entitled little cunt
7 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

I often said that we were safer back in the days of the "commies v everyone else cold war", but wiser people shouted me down .. for some countries communism was the only system that could keep the lid on fanatical islam.

Weirdly enough a lot of those living in the old USSR actually didn't mind it .I had a gorgeous  Estonian  girlfriend at one time and she thought the soviet era was OK.A flat , food , everything provided , the majority on the same level,  law and order or you got shot ,  none of the cuntyness of the British "we've  got a black Audi Q7 , we're obviously better than you " wankfest tomfoolery shite .I can see the appeal , especially clearing the zombie knife specialists and the radicalised carpet kneelers.

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