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The Tucker Carlson Interview with Putin


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What a fucking drag this turned out to be. Here I was expecting hard ball questions or world domination rants and instead I got two hours of monotonous Russian history and some stupid fucking Yank pissing himself.

Carlson lost the ball after the first question - a nervous, girlish forced laugh at Putin's quick - and only - challenge to his first fucking question. I think that might have been the point that he shat himself considering his facial expression through the rest of the interview. After that we were treated to a half hour history lesson translated into monotone, emotionless English by a cunt who sounded like his cat just died after shitting in his cereal. 

Pointless, unverifiable stories of yesteryear about how Russia always wanted to join NATO and vague, rapey hints that Ukraine would come to love their Russian overlords in time followed shortly (in comparison to the initial fucking tedious sermon) after by the truly important questions such as "Do you believe in God" and "What is a soul"?

Putin has clearly been putting in his time on his history homework - apparently he got into it during the pandemic - and if nothing else it absolutely proves his ability to retain information and make decisions compared to the likes of drugged up fucking zombies like Biden, even if he does end up coming across as a sort of mad Victorian garden hermit as a result of the sheer amount of seemingly worthless information obscuring his narrative.

I give him a 5 out of 10 - certainly not Trump levels of bombastic entertainment, but clearly not at Biden levels of brain goo.

Tucker gets 2 out of 10. He shat himself after the first question and had seemingly no follow up challenge or chops through the rest of the interview. He honestly didn't even need to be there, I think the same result could have just been accomplished by filming Putin talking with his family over breakfast. Don't think the useless fucker deserves to be sanctioned or put on hit lists for his worthless actions though, so he gets a pity point for that alone.

What a fucking let down.

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5 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

What a fucking let down.

It was truly embarrassing Killer. Carlson was as ferocious as a kitten on Valium and ex-KGB Putin could barely disguise his glee at having an opportunity to bore an American to death. There were hardly any questions asked. Even Oprah would’ve bowled the odd bouncer. 

It is quite clear that Putin is no dummy, mind. Perhaps that was his aim. Something of a contrast to the likes of BoJo, The Don and Trudeau. 

Unless you have insomnia, I’d give it a miss.

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1 minute ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

It was truly embarrassing Killer. Carlson was as ferocious as a kitten on Valium and ex-KGB Putin could barely disguise his glee at having an opportunity to bore an American to death. There were hardly any questions asked. Even Oprah would’ve bowled the odd bouncer. 

It is quite clear that Putin is no dummy, mind. Perhaps that was his aim. Something of a contrast to the likes of BoJo, The Don and Trudeau. 

Unless you have insomnia, I’d give it a miss.

It was like reading a @King Billy Vs @Mrs Roops argument, but without any of the swearing.

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All I gathered from the cosy chat was how come this Carlson cunt has that permanent 'concerned' expression that he clearly thinks conveys appreciation or understanding of the proceedings but merely looks as though he just shat himself or trying  to curl on out on the sly. ?  Vlad however merely bears that relaxed smirk that says "da, muurican twatski". 

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5 hours ago, Roadkill said:

What a fucking drag this turned out to be. Here I was expecting hard ball questions or world domination rants and instead I got two hours of monotonous Russian history and some stupid fucking Yank pissing himself.

Carlson lost the ball after the first question - a nervous, girlish forced laugh at Putin's quick - and only - challenge to his first fucking question. I think that might have been the point that he shat himself considering his facial expression through the rest of the interview. After that we were treated to a half hour history lesson translated into monotone, emotionless English by a cunt who sounded like his cat just died after shitting in his cereal. 

Pointless, unverifiable stories of yesteryear about how Russia always wanted to join NATO and vague, rapey hints that Ukraine would come to love their Russian overlords in time followed shortly (in comparison to the initial fucking tedious sermon) after by the truly important questions such as "Do you believe in God" and "What is a soul"?

Putin has clearly been putting in his time on his history homework - apparently he got into it during the pandemic - and if nothing else it absolutely proves his ability to retain information and make decisions compared to the likes of drugged up fucking zombies like Biden, even if he does end up coming across as a sort of mad Victorian garden hermit as a result of the sheer amount of seemingly worthless information obscuring his narrative.

I give him a 5 out of 10 - certainly not Trump levels of bombastic entertainment, but clearly not at Biden levels of brain goo.

Tucker gets 2 out of 10. He shat himself after the first question and had seemingly no follow up challenge or chops through the rest of the interview. He honestly didn't even need to be there, I think the same result could have just been accomplished by filming Putin talking with his family over breakfast. Don't think the useless fucker deserves to be sanctioned or put on hit lists for his worthless actions though, so he gets a pity point for that alone.

What a fucking let down.

The significance is this: Ukraine had better wake up and start the long hard road to a peace settlement. Don't have any illusions about the long haul in Russian and the long haul in American. 

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1 hour ago, ChildeHarold said:

The significance is this: Ukraine had better wake up and start the long hard road to a peace settlement. Don't have any illusions about the long haul in Russian and the long haul in American. 

Ooh! Hawwod doing the powitics! Ooh!

Fuck off you boring slag.

There was no significance in this interview - in fact it was tailor made for titty fuckers like you to waste your time sifting through all the inane shite and draw your own conclusions - he was taking the piss.

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7 hours ago, Roadkill said:

What a fucking drag this turned out to be. Here I was expecting hard ball questions or world domination rants and instead I got two hours of monotonous Russian history and some stupid fucking Yank pissing himself.

Carlson lost the ball after the first question - a nervous, girlish forced laugh at Putin's quick - and only - challenge to his first fucking question. I think that might have been the point that he shat himself considering his facial expression through the rest of the interview. After that we were treated to a half hour history lesson translated into monotone, emotionless English by a cunt who sounded like his cat just died after shitting in his cereal. 

Pointless, unverifiable stories of yesteryear about how Russia always wanted to join NATO and vague, rapey hints that Ukraine would come to love their Russian overlords in time followed shortly (in comparison to the initial fucking tedious sermon) after by the truly important questions such as "Do you believe in God" and "What is a soul"?

Putin has clearly been putting in his time on his history homework - apparently he got into it during the pandemic - and if nothing else it absolutely proves his ability to retain information and make decisions compared to the likes of drugged up fucking zombies like Biden, even if he does end up coming across as a sort of mad Victorian garden hermit as a result of the sheer amount of seemingly worthless information obscuring his narrative.

I give him a 5 out of 10 - certainly not Trump levels of bombastic entertainment, but clearly not at Biden levels of brain goo.

Tucker gets 2 out of 10. He shat himself after the first question and had seemingly no follow up challenge or chops through the rest of the interview. He honestly didn't even need to be there, I think the same result could have just been accomplished by filming Putin talking with his family over breakfast. Don't think the useless fucker deserves to be sanctioned or put on hit lists for his worthless actions though, so he gets a pity point for that alone.

What a fucking let down.

I watched the Nigel Farage show on GB the other night and he showed a couple of Biden speeches. One where he was talking about the recent G7 summit he attended mentioning that it was a NATO conference and then talking about meeting Mitterand there despite the fact the ex French president died in 1996. And another where he just lost the thread in the middle. He is a fucking embarrassment.

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Guest entitled little cunt

His brain is Swiss cheese .I dont think he was the sharpest tool in the shed when he was fully compos mentis .

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2 hours ago, Roadkill said:

Ooh! Hawwod doing the powitics! Ooh!

Fuck off you boring slag.

There was no significance in this interview - in fact it was tailor made for titty fuckers like you to waste your time sifting through all the inane shite and draw your own conclusions - he was taking the piss.

Why if it's that shite the fuck bring it to all and sunder's attention then? Either bait your hook with something wriggly and meaty or don't bother. 

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2 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Why if it's that shite the fuck bring it to all and sunder's attention then? Either bait your hook with something wriggly and meaty or don't bother. 

To mention how shite it was? I think I was rather clear in my opinion that it was a big fucking waste of time.

Don't get pissy with me because I'm pointing out your eagerness to sniff your own farts.

You're like a fucking dyed haired, non-binary art critic, convincing yourself you see a meaningful pattern in an entirely worthless bucket of shit, proclaiming a deep and groundbreaking understanding of something entirely devoid of meaning.

That's right, I'm critiquing you now. You're wank, but I don't think it has any geopolitical ramifications.

Fuck sake.

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2 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I watched the Nigel Farage show on GB the other night and he showed a couple of Biden speeches. One where he was talking about the recent G7 summit he attended mentioning that it was a NATO conference and then talking about meeting Mitterand there despite the fact the ex French president died in 1996. And another where he just lost the thread in the middle. He is a fucking embarrassment.

I wouldn’t worry. It’s finally dawning on the Dems that The Don isn’t going away and the Judges will pussy out, so they’ll need plan B, which is switching out Joe and Kamala for a winning ticket. This Special Counsel assessment is the opening salvo. Joe could’ve done a LBJ and been revered (there is still time) but he’s going to need to be prised from office it seems. Then the fun starts. 

Step forward Michelle Obama. It is written. 

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6 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

To mention how shite it was? I think I was rather clear in my opinion that it was a big fucking waste of time.

Don't get pissy with me because I'm pointing out your eagerness to sniff your own farts.

You're like a fucking dyed haired, non-binary art critic, convincing yourself you see a meaningful pattern in an entirely worthless bucket of shit, proclaiming a deep and groundbreaking understanding of something entirely devoid of meaning.

That's right, I'm critiquing you now. You're wank, but I don't think it has any geopolitical ramifications.

Fuck sake.

When you get going you get going baby that's good! Hippie Hi Ho Ghost Riders in the Sky! You don't hear that any more on the radio! 


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2 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I wouldn’t worry. It’s finally dawning on the Dems that The Don isn’t going away and the Judges will pussy out, so they’ll need plan B, which is switching out Joe and Kamala for a winning ticket. This Special Counsel assessment is the opening salvo. Joe could’ve done a LBJ and been revered (there is still time) but he’s going to need to be prised from office it seems. Then the fun starts. 

Step forward Michelle Obama. It is written. 

I actually think there's an argument for leaving it to the Republicans to sort out because whoever's in power Ukraine is going to be a tactical failure and unless you can mount some mind bending peace settlement the Middle East is a failure too for US policy. So there's a mess there. If Biden does get back in we'll blunder into a third world war and us fucking fools in Britain will place ourselves at the front of the firing line. 

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6 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

When you get going you get going baby that's good! Hippie Hi Ho Ghost Riders in the Sky! You don't hear that any more on the radio! 


Before typing out stuff like this… write it down on a notepad, wait a couple of minutes and then read it back to yourself before deciding to commit it to internetual perpetuity. 
 Just saying.

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9 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Before typing out stuff like this… write it down on a notepad, wait a couple of minutes and then read it back to yourself before deciding to commit it to internetual perpetuity. 
 Just saying.

I've still got it, Eric. If my boys @Old Chap Raasclaat and @Dyslexic cnut hadn't fucked off to live on the dole and breed Mackems the rattled little fruitcake would be finished.

Sadly he's gone into meltdown aversion mode now and I can't trigger the reaction alone.

If Chernobyl had the same redundancies this spacker does, Zelelensky would be a fully grown man and not some radioactively stunted glow in the dark dwarf thing...


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31 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Before typing out stuff like this… write it down on a notepad, wait a couple of minutes and then read it back to yourself before deciding to commit it to internetual perpetuity. 
 Just saying.

Eric you're right of course but sometimes it just comes out in a discombobulated utterance. LOL 

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1 hour ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

The Don isn’t going away and the Judges will pussy out,

‘Pussy out’ Doc? The SCOTUS will imo very quickly (9-0 or 8-1 at worst) rule in favour of Donald Trump, as they should in line with the Constitution, which is their job. Even the Democrats on the bench were clearly indicating yesterday that the dangerous precedent that would be set if individual state DA’s and AG’s (mostly partisan appointees on both sides) could endanger every election in future and therefore the future of the US as a democratic republic itself. 


1 hour ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Step forward Michelle Obama. It is written. 

‘The second black man to become US President, but tbf the first US born one.’🤣

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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

‘Pussy out’ Doc? The SCOTUS will imo very quickly (9-0 or 8-1 at worst) rule in favour of Donald Trump, as they should in line with the Constitution, which is their job. Even the Democrats on the bench were clearly indicating yesterday that the dangerous precedent that would be set if individual state DA’s and AG’s (mostly partisan appointees on both sides) could endanger every election in future and therefore the future of the US as a democratic republic itself. 

The irony of DT being rescued by SCOTUS citing a hypothetical threat to democracy isn’t lost on anyone, Bill. I’m past caring at this point. Burn it all down. Re-electing him would fire the starting gun on a remodelled world and as a white middle-aged heterosexual male with a healthy balance sheet, I’m quite happy to crack out the popcorn and watch the fireworks. I’ve seen On The Beach. The fallout cloud takes six weeks to get to my little bomb shelter in Margaret River, and I reckon at three bottles a day I should just about clear the cellar.  

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21 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

The irony of DT being rescued by SCOTUS citing a hypothetical threat to democracy isn’t lost on anyone, Bill. I’m past caring at this point. Burn it all down. Re-electing him would fire the starting gun on a remodelled world and as a white middle-aged heterosexual male with a healthy balance sheet, I’m quite happy to crack out the popcorn and watch the fireworks. I’ve seen On The Beach. The fallout cloud takes six weeks to get to my little bomb shelter in Margaret River, and I reckon at three bottles a day I should just about clear the cellar.  

It's exactly this attitude that lost us the last War, you know, the one where we had to pay all that money back to the Americans and promised forever to be their toe rag. 

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