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Looking at Old Photos and Realizing That You Didn't Actually Look Like a Rock Star but a Complete Fucking Wanker

Guest judgetwi

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Guest ducunti

Was on the tube earlier and when it pulled into Paddington a pigeon hoped on.The doors closed and some brain dead cunt decided to stand there for five minutes filming the cunt.That'll be riveting fucking viewing for this evening.

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Guest TheCatWoman

I'm the opposite - I look at old photo's and realise how beautiful I was and get angry that I wasted my time on no hoper boyfriends and shit heads!  Too late now, the bitterness and hatred is so hard wired into my psyche I might as well disabled toilet.

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Guest judgetwi

I'm the opposite - I look at old photo's and realise how beautiful I was and get angry that I wasted my time on no hoper boyfriends and shit heads!  Too late now, the bitterness and hatred is so hard wired into my psyche I might as well disabled toilet.

Yes, and now you are on here arguing the toss with the same no-hopers and shitheads. There might be a pattern there Mrs. Cat.

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Guest judgetwi

what happened to your brief pithy rants judy? Something about pleasuring well worn footwear I seem to remember.


what happened to your brief pithy rants judy? Something about pleasuring well worn footwear I seem to remember.

So you have emerged from the Fuhrerbunker at last Herr Oberst. What a disappointment this site must be to you now. There you were hoping to recruit so many thickos to your political cause and i came along and fucked it up for you. Now the cunts on here are so dim even you Nazis have no use for them. That Jizzmonster has a lot to answer for. Still, at least you're making a few bob out of it eh?

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Guest KuntaCunty

So you have emerged from the Fuhrerbunker at last Herr Oberst. What a disappointment this site must be to you now. There you were hoping to recruit so many thickos to your political cause and i came along and fucked it up for you. Now the cunts on here are so dim even you Nazis have no use for them. That Jizzmonster has a lot to answer for. Still, at least you're making a few bob out of it eh?


Fucking idiot!  The only thing you can ruin is your mum's life and a wet fucking dream, you worthless lump of shit!  :lol:

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  • 6 years later...
On 21/10/2014 at 23:35, judgetwi said:

When you look at these carefully you realize that the females, with a little tweaking here and there, could actually get away with the same clothes and hairstyles today. It is actually the male of the species who is the real fashion victim. I was reminded of this last week when an old mate turned up who i hadn't seen for a few years. He brought with him a couple of his wedding photos specifically to take the piss out of me. Cunt. Being the groom he looked well spick and span and you could only see the top half of him because there were children in front of him. But there on the extreme left (no surprise there) was your friend and mine. Well, i was wearing a grey suit which i reckon i could get away with today. But the light brown (almost yellow) stack heeled cowboy boots were a fucking nightmare! Then there was the big medallion hanging round my open necked shirt and the round John Lennon sunglasses. Fuck me! As for my hair..........well i'm not going to describe that.........definitely not going down that road. Suffice to say i had genuinely forgotten that i had those huge bushy sideburns. What a cunt! Now i know why my old Dad (Gawd rest his soul) use to say i looked like a "bleedin' ponce." Happy days!

So you're Ron Jeremy then? A physical description was the final piece of the puzzle after collecting and filing away various personal details you've carelessly left, whilst riding roughshod across various threads on your trusty steed*. 

However, I seem to be left with more questions than answers. Unless Ron is actually from South London, previously worked as a cozzer, and is a lifelong Charlton fan. 

If this is the case then Ron Jeremy is a better character actor than Robert Deniro... 

*Mobility scooter to you new cunts. 

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