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Could Stephen Hawkins be the worlds biggest dribbling Cunt

Guest Fatty

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Ok, Fatty's catchphrase was getting tedious which meant that he hit my radar. Closer examination revealed him to be a sock-puppet so I have banned the account pending termination. Use of multi-ID's is not allowed. Fatty's other handle can continue.

​Due to an appeal from the "other account", I have unbanned Fatty though there are some restrictions for now.

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Guest Alfie Noakes

Professor Stephen Hawking is a man way bigger than his broken body gives away. He has more relevance in his existence in his little finger nail than you have in your whole body.You fatty are an imbecilic, moronic, pre-pubescent dick noshing cunt. 

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Guest Fatty

You're probably correct, however I can wipe my own arse you silly billy.  And I bet I could kick his arse in a fight!

Edited by Fatty
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​Whats so great about Hawking, he only made one shit film 

Professor Stephen Hawking is a man way bigger than his broken body gives away. He has more relevance in his existence in his little finger nail than you have in your whole body.You fatty are an imbecilic, moronic, pre-pubescent dick noshing cunt. 


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Ok, Fatty's catchphrase was getting tedious which meant that he hit my radar. Closer examination revealed him to be a sock-puppet so I have banned the account pending termination. Use of multi-ID's is not allowed. Fatty's other handle can continue.

Oh shit, if Jazz gets wind of a multi on the site god knows what kind of gibberish we can expect. Can we hush it up?

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​Due to an appeal from the "other account", I have unbanned Fatty though there are some restrictions for now.

Thank fuck for that, Stickers would've been an absolute mess. And as for me, I've only just got over the loss of Scabies (peace be upon him). Ape's right though, a cover up is in order to keep the events of today hidden from the tinfoil hat wearing doodler.

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Guest judgetwi

Dear Mr. F ( i hope you don't mind me calling you Mr.F) thank you for asking for my opinion. As my old Mum (Gawd rest her soul) used to say, i was brought up with "proper manners", so i feel it would be rude not to reply. My opinion is that you are a hopeless lonely fucking wanker who has nobody to talk to and you pick on the disabled in the hope that similar losers to yourself will recognise the easy target and slap you on the back and congratulate you on your penetrating wit. Obviously you have never met a disabled person in your life so you highlight the most well known disabled person on the telly. Despite the fact that  Professor Hawking (you can't even spell his name you fucking cretin) has a million times more brainpower than you , his physical disability somehow entitles you to express your imagined superiority. Personally i despair at people who sympathise with the physically disabled but have no understanding of the mentally disabled. How fortunate for you eh, Mr.F ? Now fuck off and try to keep your personal problems to yourself in future ok? Yours Sincerely........Judge xxxx

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​Due to an appeal from the "other account", I have unbanned Fatty though there are some restrictions for now.

​Either multis are allowed or they aren't. And either you should tell us who's who or keep completely quiet about it, surely?

At the risk of sounding like Jazz, this whole fucking schtick is beginning to get on my thruppennies.

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Guest Bill Stickers

Thank fuck for that, Stickers would've been an absolute mess.

​I hear you've only managed to wean yourself off Eastenders for the first time in two decades because of the high-intensity emotional drama between the two of us.

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Dear Mr. F ( i hope you don't mind me calling you Mr.F) thank you for asking for my opinion. As my old Mum (Gawd rest her soul) used to say, i was brought up with "proper manners", so i feel it would be rude not to reply. My opinion is that you are a hopeless lonely fucking wanker who has nobody to talk to and you pick on the disabled in the hope that similar losers to yourself will recognise the easy target and slap you on the back and congratulate you on your penetrating wit. Obviously you have never met a disabled person in your life so you highlight the most well known disabled person on the telly. Despite the fact that  Professor Hawking (you can't even spell his name you fucking cretin) has a million times more brainpower than you , his physical disability somehow entitles you to express your imagined superiority. Personally i despair at people who sympathise with the physically disabled but have no understanding of the mentally disabled. How fortunate for you eh, Mr.F ? Now fuck off and try to keep your personal problems to yourself in future ok? Yours Sincerely........Judge xxxx

Anybody who says that sort of thing about disabled people should be banned from this site.

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Thank fuck for that, Stickers would've been an absolute mess. And as for me, I've only just got over the loss of Scabies (peace be upon him). Ape's right though, a cover up is in order to keep the events of today hidden from the tinfoil hat wearing doodler.

​God bless Scabies.

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Guest Bill Stickers

Anybody who says that sort of thing about disabled people should be banned from this site.

​I may not agree with anything Fatty says, but I'll defend to the death his right to ignorantly say it YOU SOPPY CUNT

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