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Downton Abbey

Guest MikeD

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Can't believe this isn't on here already. No doubt some smart bastard will find it and me look a cunt.

I've heard loads of people talking about it and apparently it's won countless awards here and in the US where it's becoming even more popular than here.

Anyone enlighten me as to why? Because I've tried watching it and I lasted no more than ten minutes before being overcome with an overwhelming desire to dropkick my fucking telly.This fucking shite would put you into a coma quicker than a fucking heroin overdose.

Utter fucking wank.

I could just change the channel I suppose........



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Can't believe this isn't on here already. No doubt some smart bastard will find it and me look a cunt.

I've heard loads of people talking about it and apparently it's won countless awards here and in the US where it's becoming even more popular than here.

Anyone enlighten me as to why? Because I've tried watching it and I lasted no more than ten minutes before being overcome with an overwhelming desire to dropkick my fucking telly.This fucking shite would put you into a coma quicker than a fucking heroin overdose.

Utter fucking wank.

I could just change the channel I suppose........



sorry MD, its well written and has good and experienced actors. However that's mrs Eddie's opinion , me personally think it's a load of dross but helps those with Sunday evening suicidal thoughts to make the right decision.

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Guest DingTheRioja

watched the first episode and realised its a poor mans Upstairs Downstairs. The saving grace is that it shows just how fucking stupid the upper classes are and how fucking thick the lower classes were having to kow tow to them.

It's a documentary then?

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Guest DingTheRioja

I've sent them my script for "Spackerflid Towers". As long as the references to "rasperries" make it past their censor I think I may finally be on to a winner here.

Any straight, white male characters in it with no physical or mental health* issues...???

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Guest DingTheRioja

"Trainspotting" for that purpose.

ah yes.. where the white males are druggie, thieving, violent, parasitic, paedo, negligent parent, doley scumbags....

... just how the PC brigade like us....


I think they missed off white beaters though?

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps

Sunday night tv bit the dust when Bullseye and Thats Life finished. Downton does tend to appeal to the female of the species as I don't know of a bloke that watches this soppy outdated cuntfest

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Guest Gong Farmer

Shit swallowed by Yanks to distract them from directionless wars and the fact they've got no history and can't speak the lingo proper. 

The thing is that in all their TV dramas they get to look at good looking women whereas the shit that the BBC sends over consists of pasty faced  pair shaped harridans and worn out old hags.

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Never watched it, never will. Unless there is a John Wick style killfest before the opening credits have finished, it should be fucked off to a spot between Jeremy Kyle and Loose Women. Bag  of bollocks I am told.

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Guest luke swarm

A load of shit dished up by the toilet bowl full to entertain middle aged saggy titted droopy faced tarts that wear enormous knickers.

steady on old son, that's my missus you are talking about.

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One night while not watching Downtown Abbey, I felt a load of negative vibes coming off the furniture. Eventually I got one of them Foo Yung experts in and now things are a lot calmer.

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Guest luke swarm

One night while not watching Downtown Abbey, I felt a load of negative vibes coming off the furniture. Eventually I got one of them Foo Yung experts in and now things are a lot calmer.

when you say furniture, do you mean the single bed in your rented room Manky.

I think its called  Feng Shui and it does not work in Manchester....Manchester has a damping effect on the soul and vitality of all sane living things.   

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when you say furniture, do you mean the single bed in your rented room Manky.

I think its called  Feng Shui and it does not work in Manchester....Manchester has a damping effect on the soul and vitality of all sane living things.   

You thick cunt. It was a Foo Yung adviser. He said "Eat more Foo Yung. it sorts your fucking ffurniture out you cunt" Don't know what sort of strange stuff you are into. Thankfully.

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Guest luke swarm

indeed I am a thick cunt......I have not a fucking Scooby as to which narcotic can induce such a trip as the one you are currently on.

I shall stick to my Somersby Cider I think.

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