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WOT, no Brexit plan!!


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2 hours ago, King Billy said:

The Donald is a god towering over the gutless weasels who corruptly hold the positions of power in the stinking cesspit of Washington DC.

🇱🇷M A G A🇱🇷

Mike Pence is a fucking swamp lizard with less courage than the average fucking Italian or French soldier. I sincerely hope he gets strung up from a tree in front of Capitol Hill for his moral capitulation, the stinking rat Mitch McConnell swinging alongside the cunt in the breeze, with passers by throwing dogshit at their rotting corpses. Their days are fucking  numbered and hopefully their families too. They deserve no mercy.

Why is that?

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50 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

I would have thought that having one's small-boy pants pulled down followed by a sound thrashing would be enough...



You’d love to see me with my pants down luv. No need to daydream anymore. Yes I have got a massive cock but you’re  not my type pet. Nothing personal but the thought of granny sex has never stirred my loins, especially a gobby ginger granny. Yuk. 

Oh and reported for paedo inference. ‘Small boys...Pants pulled down’. 

What a filthy depraved Rose West like mind you have. 🤮


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3 minutes ago, cuntspotter said:

I don’t know what that has to do with the riot in Washington yesterday.

Absolute fucking madness over there. I blame Nicola Sturgeon - this is clearly an outburst from Trump brought on by the stress of not being able to play golf at his resort in Scotland.

My favourite part was the video of the man marching around in the Capitol building with a Confederate flag chanting "USA, USA!" You've got to love the American education system when it creates such little gems.

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I do want to sound cuntish, irrespective of the dead, because I thought yesterday's events were very amusing. 

Those calling for a showdown for weeks turned on their heels, those that appear to have got their mugshots all over the web looked like they were attending a fancy dress party and the site of the congress members hiding face down or cowering behind chairs like the fucking ceiling was going to fall through.

I do hope some wanker did find some interesting information during the ransacking of offices, if so, some members of congress will be shitting their nappies the next few years.

When the senile cunt Biden takes over in 2 weeks, it is a mere formality. The strength and feeling of the opposition, armed to the fucking teeth, isn't going anywhere. There could be a rough ride ahead for the US of A. 

Meanwhile, Donald Trump needs to pack up his shit and fuck off out of the country if he wants to live his remaining years at liberty.

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9 minutes ago, The Beast said:

I do want to sound cuntish, irrespective of the dead, because I thought yesterday's events were very amusing. 

Those calling for a showdown for weeks turned on their heels, those that appear to have got their mugshots all over the web looked like they were attending a fancy dress party and the site of the congress members hiding face down or cowering behind chairs like the fucking ceiling was going to fall through.

I do hope some wanker did find some interesting information during the ransacking of offices, if so, some members of congress will be shitting their nappies the next few years.

When the senile cunt Biden takes over in 2 weeks, it is a mere formality. The strength and feeling of the opposition, armed to the fucking teeth, isn't going anywhere. There could be a rough ride ahead for the US of A. 

Meanwhile, Donald Trump needs to pack up his shit and fuck off out of the country if he wants to live his remaining years at liberty.

Its fucking terrifying to think that Trump actually has a cult of personality now. I think its fair to start calling it that when they storm the Capitol building.

Security was an absolute joke, there's even videos of them moving aside barriers for protesters, I'm honestly surprised there was only one shooting (the other three casualties were fat cunts keeling over in the excitement).

It was nice to see some politicians crawling around on the floor in absolute terror like the snakes they are, even if it wasn't any of ours.

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I wouldn't give a flying fuck either way if these colonial cunts didn't persistently whine on about the prescience of the Founding Fathers, and how they built the perfect system for liberty and democracy - you know, the same rhetoric they pish out to justify their ludicrous "right to bear arms".

I also find it ironic that Americans would be first to scream in outrage if you put yellow stars on Jews, yet they willingly brand all of their mentally feeble with little red MAGA hats. Maybe it stands for Mongoloid and Associated Genetic Abnormalities?

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2 hours ago, King Billy said:

You’d love to see me with my pants down luv. No need to daydream anymore. Yes I have got a massive cock but you’re  not my type pet. Nothing personal but the thought of granny sex has never stirred my loins, especially a gobby ginger granny. Yuk. 

Oh and reported for paedo inference. ‘Small boys...Pants pulled down’. 

What a filthy depraved Rose West like mind you have. 🤮


Hmm...let's see now...a calcium deficient, cerebrally-challenged, paunchy, MAGA-schmuck pensioner with matchstick arms. On reflection, I think your imaginary-sized cock is best left well alone, more so in that said organ sees action only when attended to by paid sex operatives. On the plus side, apparently you own a fridge, so well done you.

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2 hours ago, King Billy said:

How many bellwether counties are there again? 😂

You've had enough schooling from me, in any case events have moved on - or haven't you heard anything on the MAGA-media yet? How will they announce that despite his bluster, your man is walking on the 20th.

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1 minute ago, Mrs Roops said:

Hmm...let's see now...a calcium deficient, cerebrally-challenged, paunchy, MAGA-schmuck pensioner with matchstick arms. On reflection, I think your imaginary-sized cock is best left well alone, more so in that said organ sees action only when attended to by paid sex operatives. On the plus side, apparently you own a fridge, so well done you.

I'm torn between condemning this obvious indulgence of inter-member acrimony from a Mod who should know better and congratulating you for some first class cunting. 

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2 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Hmm...let's see now...a calcium deficient, cerebrally-challenged, paunchy, MAGA-schmuck pensioner with matchstick arms. On reflection, I think your imaginary-sized cock is best left well alone, more so in that said organ sees action only when attended to by paid sex operatives. On the plus side, apparently you own a fridge, so well done you.


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6 hours ago, Roadkill said:

Absolute fucking madness over there. I blame Nicola Sturgeon - this is clearly an outburst from Trump brought on by the stress of not being able to play golf at his resort in Scotland.

My favourite part was the video of the man marching around in the Capitol building with a Confederate flag chanting "USA, USA!" You've got to love the American education system when it creates such little gems.

Agreed.... irony is dead.

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