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Guest Alfie Noakes

Charlatan, fraudulent and highly punchable lying fucking cunt, that's frank out the way, now mr acorah utter fucking lying bullshitting cunt who preys on the vulnerable and gullible.

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25 minutes ago, colonelkurtz said:


Roll up , Roll up . This is bound to be a sell out. "Whispers from Heaven" for fucking fucks sake !

Of course it'll be a sell out. He knows there's enough fucking gullible idiots out there who will have ordered their tickets as soon as they go on sale. "Has someone here lost a loved one recently? I'm getting a J. John? Jean? Jerry"?          "Ooh my wife was called Jane. She died few months ago".                                          "That's it. It's Jane. Sad was it: Her dying"? The cuntery begins. 

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps
38 minutes ago, Mingeeta said:

He'll probably have a full blown conversation with colin fry.

Or Cilla Blaaaack. The racist fucking bitch. I personally preferred White.

(As a fucking surname, before you get all menopausal Rickeee)

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Guest Wizardsleeve
1 hour ago, Ape said:

Without quickly researching who this twat is, I'd have just assumed he was an Americunt. That's the biggest insult you can give anyone. Period.

It is an incendiary insult, to be used sparingly and only when you know the target is verifiably yank.  

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2 hours ago, Drew P Pissflaps said:

Let's wait for the opinion of an expert.

Gypps, how the fuck does Del boy pull this off without a teapot and loose leaf tea?

The haunted programme he's on is total bollocks so that explains that. Clairvoyancey is suggestion and playing the numbers game. You have a room of a hundred people and you ask the question "has anyone had a recent sad loss"? Well of course someone fucking has. And from there, you say what these idiots want to hear.

Now, cross my palm with silver.....

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5 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

The haunted programme he's on is total bollocks so that explains that. Clairvoyancey is suggestion and playing the numbers game. You have a room of a hundred people and you ask the question "has anyone had a recent sad loss"? Well of course someone fucking has. And from there, you say what these idiots want to hear.

Now, cross my palm with silver.....

Doris Stokes was one of the first, the old bag had an audience of several hundred and would ask, "is there someone here called Susan?"... Well what a surprise, there was. 

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35 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

The haunted programme he's on is total bollocks so that explains that. Clairvoyancey is suggestion and playing the numbers game. You have a room of a hundred people and you ask the question "has anyone had a recent sad loss"? Well of course someone fucking has. And from there, you say what these idiots want to hear.

Now, cross my palm with silver.....

I can't agree. My (ex) girlfriend passed away almost 10 years ago. I actually went to see a medium some years later, who said 'she was with me again'. At first it was a little scary and I didn't believe, but then I noticed the TV would suddenly switch to Eastenders, the fridge was full of food again, and skidmarks started to disappear from the toilet bowl.

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3 hours ago, Wizardsleeve said:

Maybe he'll get a whisper to drop dead of a sudden, massive cardiac event.  Despicable fucking cunt.  

If I was going to try and contact Minty (sniff), I wouldn't bother with a medium; I'd go straight for a large. That's were cunts have been going wrong all this time Wizzo

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4 minutes ago, ratcum said:

If I was going to try and contact Minty (sniff), I wouldn't bother with a medium; I'd go straight for a large. That's were cunts have been going wrong all this time Wizzo

I mean this with the greatest respect Ratty, but I imagine most mediums find it easier to understand dead people.

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Guest DingTheRioja
12 minutes ago, southerncunt said:

Proof positive that as a collective, it amazes me at times that we made it to the top of the food chain. The fact this charlatan fuck stick actually convinces people to part with money beggars belief. 

Fucking idiots.

Well, some people voted Corbyn as leader of the Labour party..

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Guest Snatch
1 hour ago, southerncunt said:

Proof positive that as a collective, it amazes me at times that we made it to the top of the food chain. The fact this charlatan fuck stick actually convinces people to part with money beggars belief. 

Fucking idiots.

Who's actually the idiot,hm or the fuckwits that give him money to listen to his bollocks.

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