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Being told for the billionth time that it is business as usual in London.

Guest Tata Steely Dan

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Guest Tata Steely Dan

If London really is back to normal, stiff upper lip, keep calm and think of blighty after that admittedly half-arsed attempt at a terrorist attack, why do I keep hearing about it? Everywhere I turn I keep people told, vociferously, not to dare become "tribalised" and revert to racism or Islamophobia, how none of this is going to divide us culturally, and how resilient London is as a city. Sadiq Khan bravely went all the way to Berlin to drive this message home. This has basically become a giant opportunity for Guardian types to loudly proclaim that they still aren't racist, while there is the same studied opportunism on the right as well, if you go digging for it, using the same attack to justify a slam-door approach to immigration. How about not railroading a fairly desultory terrorist attempt in a bid to bolster your pet causes? Cunts.

Alright good burghers of London, either tell us how much you're all hurting from this attack or shut up about it already. Lose the bluffing hyperbole, big-man speak and concern trolling and get back to your jellied eels, pie 'n' mash and your 'get out my pub' already. Go back to being the lovably obnoxious, abrasive money-grubbing clowns we all know and love. The type of folk that would poison their neighbours' dog if it meant they could move into a better school catchment for little 'Arry or the sort that call the police on you if you wish them good day because it just isn't done because you are all deeply suspicious of each other already.

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Guest Tata Steely Dan
14 minutes ago, Ape said:

Oh dear, another TSD nom. I'll read it in the morning, when I'm better able to process such a lot of words. Cunt.

I'm disappointed that our resident horologist believes he lacks the cranial gunpowder to correctly circumnavigate one of my nominations. 

Much disappoint.

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Guest Tata Steely Dan
11 minutes ago, Ape said:

I'm trying to read your nom - not sail a fucking clipper round it. 

Sorry man, I saw the massive blue watch and figured you were a sailor or at least of a buccaneering persuasion. 

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1 hour ago, Tata Steely Dan said:

If London really is back to normal, stiff upper lip, keep calm and think of blighty after that admittedly half-arsed attempt at a terrorist attack, why do I keep hearing about it? Everywhere I turn I keep people told, vociferously, not to dare become "tribalised" and revert to racism or Islamophobia, how none of this is going to divide us culturally, and how resilient London is as a city. Sadiq Khan bravely went all the way to Berlin to drive this message home. This has basically become a giant opportunity for Guardian types to loudly proclaim that they still aren't racist, while there is the same studied opportunism on the right as well, if you go digging for it, using the same attack to justify a slam-door approach to immigration. How about not railroading a fairly desultory terrorist attempt in a bid to bolster your pet causes? Cunts.

Alright good burghers of London, either tell us how much you're all hurting from this attack or shut up about it already. Lose the bluffing hyperbole, big-man speak and concern trolling and get back to your jellied eels, pie 'n' mash and your 'get out my pub' already. Go back to being the lovably obnoxious, abrasive money-grubbing clowns we all know and love. The type of folk that would poison their neighbours' dog if it meant they could move into a better school catchment for little 'Arry or the sort that call the police on you if you wish them good day because it just isn't done because you are all deeply suspicious of each other already.

Christ Almighty. If you're interested, Guinness World Records still hasn't awarded its Most Boring Cunt Ever achievement. 

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Guest Gong Farmer

More triggered offence manufacturing bollocks from the site's resident trigger happy offence manufacturing snowflake. This time he's triggered by Londoners, not the murdering scum that carried out the atrocity. Oh no, triggered by the general public.

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16 hours ago, Ape said:

Glad it's not just me that finds TSD spectacularly fucking tedious.

You're not alone. Seeing STD's concrete blocks of verbose arseflaps in front of you evokes the same depressing feeling as tackling Sunday night school homework. The first line alone is enough to goad the most educated of people into buying a copies of Razzle.  

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Guest DingTheRioja
15 minutes ago, Gong Farmer said:

More triggered offence manufacturing bollocks from the site's resident trigger happy offence manufacturing snowflake. This time he's triggered by Londoners, not the murdering scum that carried out the atrocity. Oh no, triggered by the general public.

I've got a trigger that'll do the job, a hair trigger on a SAW M249...

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Guest Snatch
39 minutes ago, Lady Penelope said:

Snudge is quiet tonight

Sorry about that,it's having a life outside of this place that got in the way of me logging in.

You should try it.

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Guest DingTheRioja
24 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

It's a Minimi, and ain't shit on a GPMG. Assured 1 round death at long range.

Maybe, but it would be fun with the trigger held on at 100 yards would it not?  200 round can in 60 seconds?

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