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Margaret Ferrier MP SNP cunt

Earl of Punkape

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5 hours ago, Rev said:

She was a very short-lived foil for that fucking Communist lesbian Sturgeon cunt. She needs every deflection available to take the focus away from her (and her arsehole husband's) now well established lies to the inquiry she is now embroiled in.

It of course goes without saying...

I want her dead.

Sturgeon has done the daily uodate every day and she didn't take a holiday unlike the lazy fat cunt and his box of faceless non entities masquerading as a government in hiding. Who is Gavin Williamson when we don't ses him? Reminds me of eating winkles with a needle. 

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1 minute ago, Goober said:

Eric, perhaps lay off the LSD and take the tin foil off your bonce? Pretty please.

You're one of the few here that has been up front about their profession, (be that part or full time) so no doubt this shit storm is having an impact on you.

I totally get the dismay with a scattergun, over the top, confused response to this 'crisis', but those failings definitely don't make it a hoax. Decimating an economy for the purposes of population control would be political suicide and believing it to be so is borderline deranged.

It's bigger than that. The economy will collapse, and the politicians won't need votes because by then, democracy will have given way to plutocracy and the politicos will be rewarded by the Bill Gates's et-al who will own everything after the original owners are forced to sell up for a pittance. People will be forced to work for basic survival requirements and the rich will be laughing at their new slave work force. 

We're getting royally fucked. I know you think I'm mad, but give it five years and see.

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1 minute ago, Eric Cuntman said:

It's bigger than that. The economy will collapse, and the politicians won't need votes because by then, democracy will have given way to plutocracy and the politicos will be rewarded by the Bill Gates's et-al who will own everything after the original owners are forced to sell up for a pittance. People will be forced to work for basic survival requirements and the rich will be laughing at their new slave work force. 

We're getting royally fucked. I know you think I'm mad, but give it five years and see.

Let's just say for a moment it is a hoax...

...A hoax that's been signed up to by the ruling classes of every nation on the planet? It's not possible to keep a deception going if 6 people know about it, let alone many, many thousands and one that's caused such misery. Jesus wept.

It's definitely not a hoax. As I said previously, it's simply a question of how much you give a fuck about old cunts and those that have been circling the drain for a while already.

I also worry about the government's reticence to give up these sweeping powers once we're through this, but I'll make my stand then, not now.

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Just now, Goober said:

Let's just say for a moment it is a hoax...

...A hoax that's been signed up to by the ruling classes of every nation on the planet? It's not possible to keep a deception going if 6 people know about it, let alone many, many thousands and one that's caused such misery. Jesus wept.

It's definitely not a hoax. As I said previously, it's simply a question of how much you give a fuck about old cunts and those that have been circling the drain for a while already.

I also worry about the government's reticence to give up these sweeping powers once we're through this, but I'll make my stand then, not now.

It may be too late to make a stand against the behavioural control by then. Too many sheep are already on board and willing to give up their rights and freedoms without questioning the word of a group of politicians. 

If they're too stupid to question proven liars at the outset, they're unlikely to question them after a couple of years being led around by the nose and told where to go, what to wear, and who they can meet. 

The last 30 years of structured societal dumbing down has worked a treat. Ask any 20 year old to name a few capital cities or historical dates and you'll see what I mean. 

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Just now, Eric Cuntman said:

It may be too late to make a stand against the behavioural control by then. Too many sheep are already on board and willing to give up their rights and freedoms without questioning the word of a group of politicians. 

If they're too stupid to question proven liars at the outset, they're unlikely to question them after a couple of years being led around by the nose and told where to go, what to wear, and who they can meet. 

The last 30 years of structured societal dumbing down has worked a treat. Ask any 20 year old to name a few capital cities or historical dates and you'll see what I mean. 

All politicians are liars, it goes with the job. I'm not seeing where the implied lie that this pandemic is a hoax is though, cuz it just isn't. Some form of pandemic every now and then is as predictable as the sun rising in the morning. Also, it's not just a "group" of politicians, it's nigh on every politician on the planet and >95% of scientists without an agenda. 

As for the second highlighted point, couldn't agree more. I blame the previous Labour government who, in a desperate attempt to show that they were improving the education system, ensured that every retard in the country left school with 12 A* GCSEs and encouraged each of  them to believe they're the smartest cunt to draw breath since Albert Einstein. I mean look at @ChildeHarold

The majority of undergraduates these days don't know their arses from their elbows.

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1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I think it's all bullshit Rev. The tests are probably a placebo mock up that gives a positive result whether any sort of virus is present or not. The deaths reported in the MSM are all normal seasonal flu, cancer, and whatever else people die of naturally anyway. 

I repeat it a lot, but I genuinely believe this is a population control conspiracy, the ultimate aim being total, 100% surveillance and monitoring.


1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

It's bigger than that. The economy will collapse, and the politicians won't need votes because by then, democracy will have given way to plutocracy and the politicos will be rewarded by the Bill Gates's et-al who will own everything after the original owners are forced to sell up for a pittance. People will be forced to work for basic survival requirements and the rich will be laughing at their new slave work force. 

We're getting royally fucked. I know you think I'm mad, but give it five years and see.

Something stinks to high heaven for sure. 

This virus will have a minimal health impact on 90% of the population. Closing down large sections of the economy and locking up the well is completely disproportionate.

All one can do is believe what they want to and make their own choices taking into account their own risk factors...… and turn the fucking TV off permanently.

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1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

It may be too late to make a stand against the behavioural control by then. Too many sheep are already on board and willing to give up their rights and freedoms without questioning the word of a group of politicians. 

If they're too stupid to question proven liars at the outset, they're unlikely to question them after a couple of years being led around by the nose and told where to go, what to wear, and who they can meet. 

The last 30 years of structured societal dumbing down has worked a treat. Ask any 20 year old to name a few capital cities or historical dates and you'll see what I mean. 

 How have the governments of the rest of the civilised world been persuaded to take part in the behavioural control exercise? Seriously, explain how pretty much the entire planet have agreed to fuck their respective populations and economies over. Has some higher being landed in a flying saucer and taken control of the minds of our world leaders?

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1 hour ago, ChildeHarold said:

Sturgeon has done the daily uodate every day and she didn't take a holiday unlike the lazy fat cunt and his box of faceless non entities masquerading as a government in hiding. Who is Gavin Williamson when we don't ses him? Reminds me of eating winkles with a needle. 

Her briefings long ago diverged into simple and gratis party political broadcasts, courtesy of a Sturgeon-compliant Scottish media. The majority of the press up here are cowed by the SNP threat of withdrawal of advertising and thus, don't pose any hard to answer questions her way.

Two of her MPs effectively gagged, intimidated and forced the resignation of a journalist for sharing his personal opinion in one of his comment pieces...where he gave his personal opinion. 

His then employer, STV, a broadcaster and long-term bedfellow of Sturgeon, instantly buckled under SNP pressure.

She and her husband are currently thwarting an inquiry, where they have attempted to conceal their pressure on police and courts to jail her predecessor.

Their Ceaucescu-esque empire is growing right in front of everyone's eyes and our SNP/Scottish Government-led media (the conflation between the two is complete) just gazes lovingly and fawns.

Nobody anywhere else gives a shit. They just assume that nobody can be worse than Johnson. They have no idea.

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22 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

 How have the governments of the rest of the civilised world been persuaded to take part in the behavioural control exercise? Seriously, explain how pretty much the entire planet have agreed to fuck their respective populations and economies over. Has some higher being landed in a flying saucer and taken control of the minds of our world leaders?

I don't know. But as the beast said above. This is completely disproportionate and there's something sinister happening. It's not entirely unbelievable that the corrupt, self serving cunts that rule nations have been promised something by the 0.1% that control 80% of the wealth at present.

I know it's far fetched and unbelievable. But the biggest deceptions usually are. 

As I said. I don't know. But something more than the obvious is going on. Time will tell. 

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22 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I don't know. But as the beast said above. This is completely disproportionate and there's something sinister happening. It's not entirely unbelievable that the corrupt, self serving cunts that rule nations have been promised something by the 0.1% that control 80% of the wealth at present.

I know it's far fetched and unbelievable. But the biggest deceptions usually are. 

As I said. I don't know. But something more than the obvious is going on. Time will tell. 

Sorry, but that is entirely unbelievable. Take money out of my and your pockets and we feel pain, because the masses always suffer the worst due to having a smaller comfort zone. However, these people will lose millions if not billions and whilst they won't be joining bread lines any time soon, I can assure you they'd do nothing to bring that on themselves. For most rich cunts losing even a penny is a pain too terrible to bear because that's how they measure their esteem. Stop the workers leaving the hive to collect the honey and the hive suffers as a whole, but the Queen will carry on doing her thing regardless. For every pound lost by a working class pleb some rich fucker somewhere is losing two, they don't profit without the labour of the masses.

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5 minutes ago, Goober said:

Sorry, but that is entirely unbelievable. Take money out of my and your pockets and we feel pain, because the masses always suffer the worst due to having a smaller comfort zone. However, these people will lose millions if not billions and whilst they won't be joining bread lines any time soon, I can assure you they'd do nothing to bring that on themselves. For most rich cunts losing even a penny is a pain too terrible to bear because that's how they measure their esteem. Stop the workers leaving the hive to collect the honey and the hive suffers as a whole, but the Queen will carry on doing her thing regardless. For every pound lost by a working class pleb some rich fucker somewhere is losing two, they don't profit without the labour of the masses.

That's my point. Once they've collapsed the existing economic infrastructure and everybody's out of a job, they get that labour for next to nothing.

The Chinese have been doing it for donkeys years. Keep the people poor and hungry, and they'll work all day for a bowl of rice. Because they've got no choice. If the cunts at the top want a slave workforce, they need to do away with the 'fair wage' economy first. 

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42 minutes ago, Rev said:

Her briefings long ago diverged into simple and gratis party political broadcasts, courtesy of a Sturgeon-compliant Scottish media. The majority of the press up here are cowed by the SNP threat of withdrawal of advertising and thus, don't pose any hard to answer questions her way.

Two of her MPs effectively gagged, intimidated and forced the resignation of a journalist for sharing his personal opinion in one of his comment pieces...where he gave his personal opinion. 

His then employer, STV, a broadcaster and long-term bedfellow of Sturgeon, instantly buckled under SNP pressure.

She and her husband are currently thwarting an inquiry, where they have attempted to conceal their pressure on police and courts to jail her predecessor.

Their Ceaucescu-esque empire is growing right in front of everyone's eyes and our SNP/Scottish Government-led media (the conflation between the two is complete) just gazes lovingly and fawns.

Nobody anywhere else gives a shit. They just assume that nobody can be worse than Johnson. They have no idea.

If you lunatics put the fear of Dagda into the Romans, what the fuck is going on up there now. Cowering ‘neath the intimidation of a dwarf, moustachioed, vulva gobbling commie who looks like she should be chasing Harry Potter around? A proud nation of warriors, poets, engineers and inventors laid to waste by a talentless, one agenda, crusty cunted, harridan with a downs syndrome haircut? Rise up Rev and have her cervix torn asunder with a barb wire wrapped caber.

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3 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

That's my point. Once they've collapsed the existing economic infrastructure and everybody's out of a job, they get that labour for next to nothing.

The Chinese have been doing it for donkeys years. Keep the people poor and hungry, and they'll work all day for a bowl of rice. Because they've got no choice. If the cunts at the top want a slave workforce, they need to do away with the 'fair wage' economy first. 

Slight difference with slopes...there’s 900 trillion of the cunts.

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2 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

Sturgeon has done the daily uodate every day and she didn't take a holiday unlike the lazy fat cunt and his box of faceless non entities masquerading as a government in hiding. Who is Gavin Williamson when we don't ses him? Reminds me of eating winkles with a needle. 

She’s got fuck all else to do though has she? She can chew Farrier’s skydivers mouth out before breakfast & the kippers will mask the taste & smell.

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10 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

That's my point. Once they've collapsed the existing economic infrastructure and everybody's out of a job, they get that labour for next to nothing.

The Chinese have been doing it for donkeys years. Keep the people poor and hungry, and they'll work all day for a bowl of rice. Because they've got no choice. If the cunts at the top want a slave workforce, they need to do away with the 'fair wage' economy first. 

Fucking 'ell. They've already got a largely subservient workforce of masses earning next to nothing and feeding their bank accounts, after all the minimum wage is less than a tenner an hour. Who the fuck could live on that?

I grant that the British are not on a par with the livestock burning, rioting masses of our garlic munching cousins across the channel who strike at the drop of a hat, but anyone that lived through the poll tax riots and miners strike will testify that when pushed we don't take shit laying down.

Who benefits from this to make a conspiracy worthwhile? It's hurting everyone to differing degrees. Like most consiracy theories, it's a pile of shit created either by people with too much time on their hands or an agenda.

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34 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

If you lunatics put the fear of Dagda into the Romans, what the fuck is going on up there now. Cowering ‘neath the intimidation of a dwarf, moustachioed, vulva gobbling commie who looks like she should be chasing Harry Potter around? A proud nation of warriors, poets, engineers and inventors laid to waste by a talentless, one agenda, crusty cunted, harridan with a downs syndrome haircut? Rise up Rev and have her cervix torn asunder with a barb wire wrapped caber.

Very not bad. More cunting like this please.

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1 minute ago, Goober said:

Fucking 'ell. They've already got a largely subservient workforce of masses earning next to nothing and feeding their bank accounts, after all the minimum wage is less than a tenner an hour. Who the fuck could live on that?

I grant that the British are not on a par with the livestock burning, rioting masses of our garlic munching cousins across the channel who strike at the drop of a hat, but anyone that lived through the poll tax riots and miners strike will testify that when pushed we don't take shit lying down.

Who benefits from this to make a conspiracy worthwhile? It's hurting everyone to differing degrees. Like most consiracy theories, it's a pile of shit created either by people with too much time on their hands or an agenda.

We didn't used to take shit lying down. But we were a different species back then. Men had broad shoulders and deep voices. Have you seen what passes for male these days? Men used to get angry and kick out against what they perceived to be wrong. Now they're more worried about running out of leg-wax.

Male role models used to be Clint Eastwood, Steve McQueen, Burt Reynolds.

Now it's Harry Styles and Joey fucking Essex. None of these mincing, shit-thick millennial poofs have got the balls to rise up. And we're getting old.

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2 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

We didn't used to take shit lying down. But we were a different species back then. Men had broad shoulders and deep voices. Have you seen what passes for male these days? Men used to get angry and kick out against what they perceived to be wrong. Now they're more worried about running out of leg-wax.

Male role models used to be Clint Eastwood, Steve McQueen, Burt Reynolds.

Now it's Harry Styles and Joey fucking Essex. None of these mincing, shit-thick millennial poofs have got the balls to rise up. And we're getting old.

....but we have the bile & the guile...

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41 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

If you lunatics put the fear of Dagda into the Romans, what the fuck is going on up there now. Cowering ‘neath the intimidation of a dwarf, moustachioed, vulva gobbling commie who looks like she should be chasing Harry Potter around? A proud nation of warriors, poets, engineers and inventors laid to waste by a talentless, one agenda, crusty cunted, harridan with a downs syndrome haircut? Rise up Rev and have her cervix torn asunder with a barb wire wrapped caber.

Out of likes. I'll return when reloaded. @Goober is correct. This is the shit that gets you accepted on here. 

If Johnny had ever posted anything of this quality, he would be five times the cunt he already aspires to being. 

Good work. Or 'wairrrrk' in your accent.

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16 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

We didn't used to take shit lying down. But we were a different species back then. Men had broad shoulders and deep voices. Have you seen what passes for male these days? Men used to get angry and kick out against what they perceived to be wrong. Now they're more worried about running out of leg-wax.

Male role models used to be Clint Eastwood, Steve McQueen, Burt Reynolds.

Now it's Harry Styles and Joey fucking Essex. None of these mincing, shit-thick millennial poofs have got the balls to rise up. And we're getting old.

Ultimately we're going to have to agree to disagree on our fundamental beliefs about this situation.

This current agenda of pandering to all interests, including every scrotum waxing limp-wristed faggot/sexually ambiguous degenerate is puke inducing and has far reaching consequences beyond the feminising of the adolescent male. These days everyone has to be heard no matter how grounded in reality their opinions are. You could even include the tin foil hat brigade in that...

I for one though ain't too fucking old to chuck a brick or 10 if push comes to shove.

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3 hours ago, Goober said:

Let's just say for a moment it is a hoax...

...A hoax that's been signed up to by the ruling classes of every nation on the planet? It's not possible to keep a deception going if 6 people know about it, let alone many, many thousands and one that's caused such misery. Jesus wept.

It's definitely not a hoax. As I said previously, it's simply a question of how much you give a fuck about old cunts and those that have been circling the drain for a while already.

I also worry about the government's reticence to give up these sweeping powers once we're through this, but I'll make my stand then, not now.

I don't give a fuck. I've got a health issue that puts me in the endangered species tick box if I ever got this bat soup flu. Its something that is not the result of any bad living. But if I end up on my stomach, arse up in the air, with tubes sticking out of me than fuck it; so be it. I'll take my chance. After all, it wont be the first time I've been crashed out with my arse in the air and people tutting and shaking their heads. It would just be the early 80s coming back to me. 

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10 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I don't give a fuck. I've got a health issue that puts me in the endangered species tick box if I ever got this bat soup flu. Its something that is not the result of any bad living. But if I end up on my stomach, arse up in the air, with tubes sticking out of me than fuck it; so be it. I'll take my chance. After all, it wont be the first time I've been crashed out with my arse in the air and people tutting and shaking their heads. It would just be the early 80s coming back to me. 

Did you crawl through the alleyways, being very loud?

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27 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

We didn't used to take shit lying down. But we were a different species back then. Men had broad shoulders and deep voices. Have you seen what passes for male these days? Men used to get angry and kick out against what they perceived to be wrong. Now they're more worried about running out of leg-wax.

Male role models used to be Clint Eastwood, Steve McQueen, Burt Reynolds.

Now it's Harry Styles and Joey fucking Essex. None of these mincing, shit-thick millennial poofs have got the balls to rise up. And we're getting old.

They don't need to Eric. They're getting rich for doing fuck all.  In my time we've had Brixton, Tottenham, Toxteth go up, but that was down to black people getting fucking angry. We had the battle of Orgreave during the miners strike and we had the poll tax riots which were mainly the white working class. But little since then. If this was the 80s I would expect there to be an explosion of anger where people say "enough" and rise up. I keep saying it will happen again but its getting doubtful. Many places here in london are now middle class enclaves and the middle classes are highly unlikely to do anything other than tut and pour themselves a other glass of merlot. Class cleansing in parts of london has had a nullifying effect, fuck even Peckham is going that way. "Dockers mansions", the 2 up 2 down terraced houses of Peckham, lived in by working class families connected to the dock yards on the Thames,  are now worth 600k+. The rebellion is being gradually rinsed away

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7 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Did you crawl through the alleyways, being very loud?

I read about poor Sinead O'Connor being on the bread line begging friends for help. She's having a terrible time with her mental health.

She went to the Doctor and guess what he told her? *

*If you don't get it, don't fucking ask. 

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