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Police force neutered by cunts.

Dyslexic cnut

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I see a bobby in Dorset is staring down the barrel of his career being ended because he threatened to give a gobby little shitkicker a ‘ticket for something’ after the rat wouldn’t co-operate with a simple roadside check on his colour changed car.

The BBC, of course, have made this their number one story today and posted a video of the encounter, filmed, of course, by the said shithead. Doubtless emboldened by the George ‘pregnant woman beater’ Floyd coverage this odious little runt is now traumatised by the encounter...cue the ‘slip-trip-or-fall’ ambulance chasing lawyers and a large compensatory package for the scumbag and his legal team...paid for by us.

At every point during the video I was hoping that the said cop would baton the fucking windscreen out before emptying a S&W .38 into this cunts eye. Society gets the police force it deserves. When the system and the law is designed to enrichen lawyers and reward obstruction, fiscally, then your police force/service has been neutered and there will be a price to pay for the same. You reap what you sow.

I’d love to see the little cunt try that kind of belligerence and cockiness in the States, irrespective of race he’d have been executed. 

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5 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

I see a bobby in Dorset is staring down the barrel of his career being ended because he threatened to give a gobby little shitkicker a ‘ticket for something’ after the rat wouldn’t co-operate with a simple roadside check on his colour changed car.

The BBC, of course, have made this their number one story today and posted a video of the encounter, filmed, of course, by the said shithead. Doubtless emboldened by the George ‘pregnant woman beater’ Floyd coverage this odious little runt is now traumatised by the encounter...cue the ‘slip-trip-or-fall’ ambulance chasing lawyers and a large compensatory package for the scumbag and his legal team...paid for by us.

At every point during the video I was hoping that the said cop would baton the fucking windscreen out before emptying a S&W .38 into this cunts eye. Society gets the police force it deserves. When the system and the law is designed to enrichen lawyers and reward obstruction, fiscally, then your police force/service has been neutered and there will be a price to pay for the same. You reap what you sow.

I’d love to see the little cunt try that kind of belligerence and cockiness in the States, irrespective of race he’d have been executed. 

Can I just clarify one thing here DC? Did you just refer to the little scrotes car as ‘coloured’? Consider yourself cancelled, you racist pig.

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I have to talk to plod on a daily basis at work in the sweat shop, but that is a professional necessity.

Outside of work, I avoid these fuckers like the plague. They are not and will not ever be your friend. They are highly politicised agents of the state that loyally stick to the script which is handed to them by cunts that are far more intelligent than they are.

Sending a dozen of the bastards round to tell some wanker to close his gym, but not even attempting to deal with burglaries,(other than giving you a CAD number so you can try to get money out of the insurance bastards) is a sure sign where their loyalties and service lie.

Getting on their knees for the toe rag BLM is probably the worst sort of political meddling and cuckoldry I have seen by these goons. 

Peel set up the old bill in order to protect the property of the rich. Why cunts have the delusion they are there to serve and protect the masses is incredulous fuckwittery.

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13 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

I see a bobby in Dorset is staring down the barrel of his career being ended because he threatened to give a gobby little shitkicker a ‘ticket for something’ after the rat wouldn’t co-operate with a simple roadside check on his colour changed car.

The BBC, of course, have made this their number one story today and posted a video of the encounter, filmed, of course, by the said shithead. Doubtless emboldened by the George ‘pregnant woman beater’ Floyd coverage this odious little runt is now traumatised by the encounter...cue the ‘slip-trip-or-fall’ ambulance chasing lawyers and a large compensatory package for the scumbag and his legal team...paid for by us.

At every point during the video I was hoping that the said cop would baton the fucking windscreen out before emptying a S&W .38 into this cunts eye. Society gets the police force it deserves. When the system and the law is designed to enrichen lawyers and reward obstruction, fiscally, then your police force/service has been neutered and there will be a price to pay for the same. You reap what you sow.

I’d love to see the little cunt try that kind of belligerence and cockiness in the States, irrespective of race he’d have been executed. 

The driver was well within his rights not to get out of his car because there's nothing under the road traffic act that requires you to do so. The pig was making it up as he went along and when the man didn't play along he resorted to violence to gain compliance. I had a similar experience with the filth a couple of years ago and I sued the bollocks off them for it making them look like a bunch of prized cunts in the process.

Stop being a sheep a blindly obeying without question, most pigs have very little understanding of the law.

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19 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

The driver was well within his rights not to get out of his car because there's nothing under the road traffic act that requires you to do so. The pig was making it up as he went along and when the man didn't play along he resorted to violence to gain compliance. I had a similar experience with the filth a couple of years ago and I sued the bollocks off them for it making them look like a bunch of prized cunts in the process.

Stop being a sheep a blindly obeying without question, most pigs have very little understanding of the law.

‘I sued the bollocks off them.’ How does that work then? I fail to see how 30 odd thousand sets of testicles being awarded to you could be construed as a good thing or a comfort to you after the nasty policeman spoke horribly to you. You are part of the problem I’d suggest. Litigating, how very USA, demanding financial remuneration from the state purse for every hiccup in life. Bunch of septic precious cunts. Once upon a time people in this country had respect for the law and the police and the country was far better for it, there was less violent crime and a healthier sense of community. I suspect you’ve never been in the military (sheep?) where there is a rank structure and when given an instruction you had best carry it out. Doubtless you’d stand there, pissing down your leg whilst videoing your ‘tormentor’ before calling the Legal Aid goons?

I hope the feds down Dorset way have this little cunt’s address and torment the precious twat for the rest of his, hopefully short life, which culminates on the steps of the Main Bridewell where, obviously, he slipped.

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3 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

‘I sued the bollocks off them.’ How does that work then? I fail to see how 30 odd thousand sets of testicles being awarded to you could be construed as a good thing or a comfort to you after the nasty policeman spoke horribly to you. You are part of the problem I’d suggest. Litigating, how very USA, demanding financial remuneration from the state purse for every hiccup in life. Bunch of septic precious cunts. Once upon a time people in this country had respect for the law and the police and the country was far better for it, there was less violent crime and a healthier sense of community. I suspect you’ve never been in the military (sheep?) where there is a rank structure and when given an instruction you had best carry it out. Doubtless you’d stand there, pissing down your leg whilst videoing your ‘tormentor’ before calling the Legal Aid goons?

I hope the feds down Dorset way have this little cunt’s address and torment the precious twat for the rest of his, hopefully short life, which culminates on the steps of the Main Bridewell where, obviously, he slipped.

It's quite simple really, a pig unlawfully arrested me using unreasonable force contrary to NPCC guidelines (and several acts of parliament) and his bosses doubled down by trying to cover it up for him contrary to NPCC guidelines (and several acts of parliament) then his force's professional standards directorate tried to rewrite my statement in order to paint me as a liar. Is it your argument that people like that are worthy of unquestionable obedience?

Had I been convicted of what I was arrested for, I probably would have lost my livelihood and my home all to satisfy the ego of a bent pig. I certainly don't feel guilty about receiving funds from the force's liability insurer for the crimes that were committed against me and the anxiety it caused myself and missus.

I haven't served in the military but most of my family have and they would be the first to tell you that civvie street is subject to an entirely different set of rules.

Perhaps when you've finished giving the next pig you encounter a blow job you might want to ask him why record numbers of police officers are being convicted of criminal offences. Baaaaaaaa!

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20 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

It's quite simple really, a pig unlawfully arrested me using unreasonable force contrary to NPCC guidelines (and several acts of parliament) and his bosses doubled down by trying to cover it up for him contrary to NPCC guidelines (and several acts of parliament) then his force's professional standards directorate tried to rewrite my statement in order to paint me as a liar. Is it your argument that people like that are worthy of unquestionable obedience?

Had I been convicted of what I was arrested for, I probably would have lost my livelihood and my home all to satisfy the ego of a bent pig. I certainly don't feel guilty about receiving funds from the force's liability insurer for the crimes that were committed against me and the anxiety it caused myself and missus.

I haven't served in the military but most of my family have and they would be the first to tell you that civvie street is subject to an entirely different set of rules.

Perhaps when you've finished giving the next pig you encounter a blow job you might want to ask him why record numbers of police officers are being convicted of criminal offences. Baaaaaaaa!

I’ll bet you were arrested for kerb crawling and exposing yourself near the Zoo...


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16 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

I see a bobby in Dorset is staring down the barrel of his career being ended because he threatened to give a gobby little shitkicker a ‘ticket for something’ after the rat wouldn’t co-operate with a simple roadside check on his colour changed car.

The BBC, of course, have made this their number one story today and posted a video of the encounter, filmed, of course, by the said shithead. Doubtless emboldened by the George ‘pregnant woman beater’ Floyd coverage this odious little runt is now traumatised by the encounter...cue the ‘slip-trip-or-fall’ ambulance chasing lawyers and a large compensatory package for the scumbag and his legal team...paid for by us.

At every point during the video I was hoping that the said cop would baton the fucking windscreen out before emptying a S&W .38 into this cunts eye. Society gets the police force it deserves. When the system and the law is designed to enrichen lawyers and reward obstruction, fiscally, then your police force/service has been neutered and there will be a price to pay for the same. You reap what you sow.

I’d love to see the little cunt try that kind of belligerence and cockiness in the States, irrespective of race he’d have been executed. 

I saw that video and that policeman was a total power mad cunt. Fuck him and his bending of the law to suit him so he didn't lose face. The young shit cunt in the car had every right to not comply with that policeman. Too many people do as they are told by police, you do not have to get in their car either when stopped. I am glad we have police and they are in an even more difficult job nowadays due to pc culture and camera phones but in this case that copper needed a beating with his own truncheon. The cunt.

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2 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

‘I sued the bollocks off them.’ How does that work then? I fail to see how 30 odd thousand sets of testicles being awarded to you could be construed as a good thing or a comfort to you after the nasty policeman spoke horribly to you. You are part of the problem I’d suggest. Litigating, how very USA, demanding financial remuneration from the state purse for every hiccup in life. Bunch of septic precious cunts. Once upon a time people in this country had respect for the law and the police and the country was far better for it, there was less violent crime and a healthier sense of community. I suspect you’ve never been in the military (sheep?) where there is a rank structure and when given an instruction you had best carry it out. Doubtless you’d stand there, pissing down your leg whilst videoing your ‘tormentor’ before calling the Legal Aid goons?

I hope the feds down Dorset way have this little cunt’s address and torment the precious twat for the rest of his, hopefully short life, which culminates on the steps of the Main Bridewell where, obviously, he slipped.

You obviously like being told what to do don't you Dyslexic cnut? If you can't tell that that policeman was power mad and using his position to bully then you are not only dyslexic but a dumb, thick, wrong un shit cunt. Which one are you then?

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47 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

You have an unhealthy negativity towards HM constabulary, apparently based on one unpleasant experience. Be more balanced please. Being aggressively removed from a glory-hole when Winston was on the vinegars is no reason to litigate or have a chip on your shoulder.

If you're going to reply to me boy, at least have the intelligence to quote. It makes it so much easier to take my cock out and piss all over your adulation of the filth. I bet you're a pig, if not you're a grass and have no place in respectable company. Fuck off!

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42 minutes ago, King Billy said:

I fucking hate you but occasionally you do make me laugh out loud.

Fuck off.

He's made me laugh twice in one month, which since I've been on the site has been totally outside the realms of all possibility. He is a prize cunt who has fondled more tackle than J. R. Hartley, but occasionally he doth raise a brief chuckle. The fucking idiot.

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3 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Yet again you are demonstrating your lack of bollocks. Fuck off.

You need to show a little respect young Padwan(ker), Oh, and I am quite happy with the size of my bollox, hence my moniker. People like you who do not respect authority have shown why England is now into it's 2nd lockdown so shut the fuck up and do as you're told little child.

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1 hour ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

You need to show a little respect young Padwan(ker), Oh, and I am quite happy with the size of my bollox, hence my moniker. People like you who do not respect authority have shown why England is now into it's 2nd lockdown so shut the fuck up and do as you're told little child.

'so shut the fuck up and do as you're told little child' like you do, I bet you've grassed up a few neighbours haven't you and applied to be a Covid Marshall. You are an embarrassment.

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7 hours ago, Trucking Funt said:

The driver was well within his rights not to get out of his car because there's nothing under the road traffic act that requires you to do so. The pig was making it up as he went along and when the man didn't play along he resorted to violence to gain compliance. I had a similar experience with the filth a couple of years ago and I sued the bollocks off them for it making them look like a bunch of prized cunts in the process.

Stop being a sheep a blindly obeying without question, most pigs have very little understanding of the law.

This has been coming for a long time. The filth have been doing this for years and getting away with it because anything going to court the white upper class cunts on the bench believe the police. Now more people are having the moxy to record it and this is catching these bent copper bastards out. You only have to see these 'fly on the wall' programmes to see what cunts a lot of these coppers are. 

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6 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

‘I sued the bollocks off them.’ How does that work then? I fail to see how 30 odd thousand sets of testicles being awarded to you could be construed as a good thing or a comfort to you after the nasty policeman spoke horribly to you. You are part of the problem I’d suggest. Litigating, how very USA, demanding financial remuneration from the state purse for every hiccup in life. Bunch of septic precious cunts. Once upon a time people in this country had respect for the law and the police and the country was far better for it, there was less violent crime and a healthier sense of community. I suspect you’ve never been in the military (sheep?) where there is a rank structure and when given an instruction you had best carry it out. Doubtless you’d stand there, pissing down your leg whilst videoing your ‘tormentor’ before calling the Legal Aid goons?

I hope the feds down Dorset way have this little cunt’s address and torment the precious twat for the rest of his, hopefully short life, which culminates on the steps of the Main Bridewell where, obviously, he slipped.

I'm sure they fucking will 

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