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Poor quality and inefective police covid enforcement.

Prints Harry

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4 minutes ago, Earl of Punkape said:

You and your travelling community scum pedal drugs all over the UK, steal land and trespass to destructively destroy neighbourhoods.

fuck off.


2 minutes ago, Earl of Punkape said:

You and your travelling community scum pedal drugs all over the UK, steal land and trespass to destructively destroy neighbourhoods.

fuck off.

I have retracted the like I gave you on your original comment, in protest of you being a thick fucking cunt who posted the same shit twice.

Shove your iPhone and your fat thumbs up your fucking arse.

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1 hour ago, Dawn Chorus said:

This tells an interesting story .. much lower police numbers in the lates 1970s early 1980s but back then they seemed to be everywhere .. they were certainly on the street and stopping cunts day and night.


Utter horsheshit. Here’s a simple fact from several cops that I know. In Birkenhead, a shithole on the Wirral, there were five shifts of just uniformed cops with 15 cops in each shift (block) in the 80’s. They were supplemented by CID patrols, Specials and Traffic cops. Every day. Last week there were 6 cops...TOTAL on the whole of the Wirral on uniformed patrol on any given day.  Basically if you go to one end of the peninsula and smash a jewellers window you’ve got a free hand to do whatever the fuck you want anywhere else here. Like I’ve stated, the cops are hamstrung filling paperwork out and they are not on the streets in any kind of numbers. So post as many Govt. figures and graphs as you like, the fact remains that there are less cops on the streets now than there have ever been. Stick to punching holes in train tickets and refrain from commenting on matters that you know fuck all about.

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2 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

A person I know was mugged on this footpath by some knife wielding cunt couple of years ago in full view of a cctv camera. Plod couldn't use it because of poor evidential quality. Two weeks later the same person was stopped by the filth on the same footpath because the cctv operator spotted his dog had taken a shit and he didn't clear it up. He had to explain that the dog is female and squatted to piss. This he proved to plod. As you can imagine a few choice words were aimed at the filth and the cunt operating the CCTV camera.  So the filth turned up to arrest a dog Walker but not a cunt with a knife. 

I think you will find that the level of proof required in the mugging incident is much higher than that of a dog having a shit. Get the first one wrong and plod is getting sued to fuck (btw the CPS make that call not the cops and they act on the likelihood of a successful prosecution and a cost implication.) Welcome to the world of a neutered police force and a lawless fucking state.  Meanwhile, our learned friends are cleaning up. Grow up Gyps.

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31 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Utter horsheshit. Here’s a simple fact from several cops that I know. In Birkenhead, a shithole on the Wirral, there were five shifts of just uniformed cops with 15 cops in each shift (block) in the 80’s. They were supplemented by CID patrols, Specials and Traffic cops. Every day. Last week there were 6 cops...TOTAL on the whole of the Wirral on uniformed patrol on any given day.  Basically if you go to one end of the peninsula and smash a jewellers window you’ve got a free hand to do whatever the fuck you want anywhere else here. Like I’ve stated, the cops are hamstrung filling paperwork out and they are not on the streets in any kind of numbers. So post as many Govt. figures and graphs as you like, the fact remains that there are less cops on the streets now than there have ever been. Stick to punching holes in train tickets and refrain from commenting on matters that you know fuck all about.

That is because the police are no longer local . fewer cop shops. Police further away from likely locations of crimes, more time spent in travelling to scene of crimes.

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24 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

I think you will find that the level of proof required in the mugging incident is much higher than that of a dog having a shit. Get the first one wrong and plod is getting sued to fuck (btw the CPS make that call not the cops and they act on the likelihood of a successful prosecution and a cost implication.) Welcome to the world of a neutered police force and a lawless fucking state.  Meanwhile, our learned friends are cleaning up. Grow up Gyps.

The point I'm making is that the filth didn't arrive on the scene during and after the mugging. But were there to pull him up because some arsehole operating the camera saw his dog allegedly take a shit. Capice?

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1 hour ago, Earl of Punkape said:

You and your travelling community scum pedal drugs all over the UK, steal land and trespass to destructively destroy neighbourhoods.

fuck off.

You've just described what the gangster cunts in the Vatican have been doing for centuries.  Do wanna buy some indulgences, you papist cunt?

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18 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

The point I'm making is that the filth didn't arrive on the scene during and after the mugging. But were there to pull him up because some arsehole operating the camera saw his dog allegedly take a shit. Capice?

Because they’re individually scum and filth or because that’s the guidance & rules that they are forced to comply with? Discuss.

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21 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

That is because the police are no longer local . fewer cop shops. Police further away from likely locations of crimes, more time spent in travelling to scene of crimes.

As I’ve illustrated, less of them out there at the ‘coalface’ doing what we’d all like to see them doing, as they did...’historically!’

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57 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

 Basically if you go to one end of the peninsula and smash a jewellers window

And nick the entire stock, the petrol money for the getaway car will make the whole thing a net loss even if anyone can be found to buy a bin bag full of rolled gold and silver plate shite. The jeweller would most likely claim  insurance money for the window and tell them nothing of any value was nicked.

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3 minutes ago, King Billy said:

And nick the entire stock, the petrol money for the getaway car will make the whole thing a net loss even if anyone can be found to buy a bin bag full of rolled gold and silver plate shite. The jeweller would most likely claim  insurance money for the window and tell them nothing of any value was nicked.

Wanna buy a sovereign ring Bill?

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19 hours ago, Dawn Chorus said:

In a lot of cases their London "home" is little more than a pokey flat that they sleep in during the week whilst working at their place of work and their so called "second home" is actually their real home because it is a real house with a garden. I have learned not to have a go at second owners having found that quite a few of them are locals who are actually obliged to earn their living by working in cities such as London.

People who work in towns should fucking well stop in them. Living in London for more than a few months turns anyone into a cunt, it's infectious.Those officy cunts that move out to rural areas to start businesses are just as bad, they never employ anyone other than a spouse and absorb grants and facilities intended to help the genuine local population. The Welsh lads had the right idea about second homes. Londoners are like shit, they get everywhere. Did anyone ever vote to be part of the tourist "industry"?

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9 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

As I’ve illustrated, less of them out there at the ‘coalface’ doing what we’d all like to see them doing, as they did...’historically!’

until 1967 Birkenhead had its own police force (around 350 officers), it was then absorbed by Cheshire Constabulary and then in 1974 transferred to the new Merseyside force the later not really the most sensible thing to do as because parts of The Wirral remain in Cheshire you have two police forces. In practical terms it would have better to have left all of the Wirral under the control of Cheshire Constabulary. The present situation is likely to have a negative effect on policing in The Wirral.

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4 minutes ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

People who work in towns should fucking well stop in them. Living in London for more than a few months turns anyone into a cunt, it's infectious.Those officy cunts that move out to rural areas to start businesses are just as bad, they never employ anyone other than a spouse and absorb grants and facilities intended to help the genuine local population. The Welsh lads had the right idea about second homes. Londoners are like shit, they get everywhere. Did anyone ever vote to be part of the tourist "industry"?

TBH London and the area 25 miles around it is a different country and no longer really a part of the UK.

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17 hours ago, Earl of Punkape said:

What is the problem with owning multiple properties?

Do you have multiple sexual partners?

@Earl of Punkape, I warned you last November about derailing threads so I am less than chuffed that for the past few days you have been resorting to type again. Last time your account was suspended for 4 days, this time it will be for a week. Next time it will be for 4 weeks.

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21 hours ago, Dawn Chorus said:

...The risk of transmission using public transport is also very low. As to second home owners .. I hate them with a passion but is there any real quantifiable risk from them retreating to their second homes for the duration? I doubt it.

London bus drivers may disagree with that assertion! As for second home owners, the rationale is to keep people from moving around not forgetting that some individuals are asymptomatic.

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12 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

I think you will find that the level of proof required in the mugging incident is much higher than that of a dog having a shit.

I'm sure if The Old Bill ever need evidence to push through a prosecution for an offence of dog fouling, they'd find plenty of insight and notes in the detailed dossiers and files of@Joker who never misses an opportunity to intrinsically catalogue a steaming pile of dog shit.

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7 hours ago, Dawn Chorus said:

until 1967 Birkenhead had its own police force (around 350 officers), it was then absorbed by Cheshire Constabulary and then in 1974 transferred to the new Merseyside force the later not really the most sensible thing to do as because parts of The Wirral remain in Cheshire you have two police forces. In practical terms it would have better to have left all of the Wirral under the control of Cheshire Constabulary. The present situation is likely to have a negative effect on policing in The Wirral.

Thanks for the history lesson. The fact remains that there are less cops doing active uniformed policing, on the streets today than in years gone by. They’ve been marginalised, demotivatated and neutered. Your figures above prove my point (Wirral-wise) anyway. 350 cops in Birkenhead alone? I very much doubt that there are 50 there now.

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