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Saint Billiam of Gates, multi billionaire philanthropist and absolutely not presently being divorced because of his past close association with Jeffrey Epstein.

King Billy

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36 minutes ago, White Cunt said:

no more rashes. Mrs WC had the same issues.

Some people (not me obviously) would start to think, and say, awful things if  their partner developed a rash shortly before, or shortly after they had.  Both angrily claiming to be the ‘shortly  after’ one in the dispute.

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50 minutes ago, White Cunt said:

After both shots, I spent time in bed with fever (a whole week), and kidney pain for weeks - worse after the second injection. I also had lupus-like face and body rashes, which returned several times, each seemed weaker and shorter. The kidney pain is now fully gone and no more rashes. Mrs WC had the same issues, but also developed kidney infection, which got cleared with antibiotics and she is fine now.

I fully documented both our cases, should our health be permanently damaged and we would need to make any claims with the government before the end of 2022.

On the upside - I had no need for inhaler for months now, my lung function and COPD (which tends to get worse and not better) has improved dramatically and so has my level of energy. I started to work out again and gained muscle mass. Go figure.

Dirty cunt. Try the old ‘service station bog-seat’ excuse. It’s worked for me eleven times.

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24 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

It’s sad really. She’s very talented and I’d want no part of a squabble with her, ordinarily. But, when you’re wrong, you’re wrong and a better person would politely fess-up and move on. Gnashers in yet?

January, providing the multitude of Covid jabs I’ve apparently had haven’t exploded my ticker yet. 

Of it hadn’t been for that pesky Roops I could have got away with it. Lol.  
She can’t ever entertain the possibility that she’s not 100% right 100% of the time, as that would beg the question…..What is the point of her?

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1 minute ago, King Billy said:

January, providing the multitude of Covid jabs I’ve apparently had haven’t exploded my ticker yet. 

Of it hadn’t been for that pesky Roops I could have got away with it. Lol.  
She can’t ever entertain the possibility that she’s not 100% right 100% of the time, as that would beg the question…..What is the point of her?

Aah, that’s right. My brother-in-law is in the same position as you. He’s paying a fortune to have them done here, by an overpaid UK dental gob-doctor. Snag is, two of the screw things have come lose, caused an abscess and he’s in fuckin agony. Unlike Roops, this incompetent has not been struck-off and wants more money to sort this ‘minor issue’ out. He’s triple jabbed as well. I told him that he could’ve travelled with you, business class, still saved a fortune, got a better more professional job done and enjoyed a couple of nights with a Magyar brass licking goulash off his ballbag. Anyway fuck him…he’s a cunt.

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1 minute ago, King Billy said:

January, providing the multitude of Covid jabs I’ve apparently had haven’t exploded my ticker yet. 

Of it hadn’t been for that pesky Roops I could have got away with it. Lol.  
She can’t ever entertain the possibility that she’s not 100% right 100% of the time, as that would beg the question…..What is the point of her?

She's an unfeeling and savage bastard who doesn't hesitate to cooler wayward cunts when they step out of line. @The Beast is too nice and @cuntspotter is too senile, so Roops is the muscle.

You don't go to a drug deal and expect enlightening conversation from the balaclava wearing cunt in the corner holding an AK.

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6 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

. I told him that he could’ve travelled with you, business class, still saved a fortune, got a better more professional job done and enjoyed a couple of nights with a Magyar brass licking goulash off his ballbag.

I hadn’t realised I’d told you the package deal I’d opted for. Stonking value for money and no mistake.

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15 minutes ago, King Billy said:

I hadn’t realised I’d told you the package deal I’d opted for. Stonking value for money and no mistake.

You PM’d me from Hungary whilst in great pain and semi-lucid. As I recall, you were emotional and very grateful of my comradeship and support at such an unpleasant time, mumbling something about ‘copious likes for life.’ It was quite touching I’ll tell you that for nothing. Remember…😉😉😉😉😉?

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2 hours ago, The Beast said:

One of his conclusions was the benefits do not outweigh the risks from his analysis, due to missing data and inconsistences.

He had difficulty explaining the large spikes of death in the unvaccinated at the roll out of the vaccine in the two older age cohorts. 

A video with a relatively small number of views,20,000, will generate how much interest in the product advertised? I doubt for one second his email inbox is full with enquires and he has installed new phone lines for this multi national business. I am sure his presumed cut from all this (implied by you) will put him in the big league of multi national, multi year government contracts.

A half percent penetration on YouTube will gross £105,000 p.a on the basic package alone but most of his sales will be from a more targeted approach to end-users, actuaries, insurance companies and risk management consultants who will be in the market for the Developers Package (£3100) when writing client specific solutions.

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2 hours ago, King Billy said:

Daily Telegraph…. Basingstoke man arrested in £750 counterfeit vaccine passport investigation.

The Irish Times….Fake vaccine passports on sale for 350€ on dark web.

Reuters…..Werder Bremen coach denies using fake vaccine passport.

The Sun….Fraudsters produce fake vaccine passport scam that lets users produce NHS documents

The Guardian…..Australian GPs offered bribes to fake vaccine passports.

The Straits Times…. Aussies skirt entry rules with fake vaccine passports.

Global News….. Thunder Bay Police investigating fake vaccine passports.

And on and on and on I could go. I won’t bother with any emojis this time as I keep them as a last resort when I have no answer to you apparently.

Well, you have to admire the business model. Appeal to gullible saps to hand over debit and credit card details to criminal enterprises in return for an iffy QR code. After rinsing the saps won't complain as they will have to admit to their own criminality. Incidentally, how much money will you be sending to Alex Jones to help with his being financially whacked for his tin-foil tomfoolery?

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3 hours ago, King Billy said:

Daily Telegraph…. Basingstoke man arrested in £750 counterfeit vaccine passport investigation.

The Irish Times….Fake vaccine passports on sale for 350€ on dark web.

Reuters…..Werder Bremen coach denies using fake vaccine passport.

The Sun….Fraudsters produce fake vaccine passport scam that lets users produce NHS documents

The Guardian…..Australian GPs offered bribes to fake vaccine passports.

The Straits Times…. Aussies skirt entry rules with fake vaccine passports.

Global News….. Thunder Bay Police investigating fake vaccine passports.

And on and on and on I could go. I won’t bother with any emojis this time as I keep them as a last resort when I have no answer to you apparently.



Sunday Sport…”Woman born with no fanny, but couldn’t give a fuck”

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3 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

As close to a retraction and apology that most of us would expect from an arrogant, opinionated, never-wrong bint like your good self. Also completely loose and free with the truth, as is your want. Perhaps I walked down the Rhine, swam around the Balearics and the Greek Islands with my own wifi dongle up my my arse? I’m pretty sure that you are able to see that the IP addresses are varied enough to suggest that I am telling the truth…Ibiza, Menorca, Majorca, Barcelona, Corfu, Mykonos, Rhodes, Greece, Crete, Santorini, Kos, a tragic visit to Kleftiko, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Cologne, Boppard, Koblenz, Dortmund, Bonn, Basel…all on three ‘fixed’ mainland signals? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…you’re a liar.

You’ll get two options on your 30 day expiring NHS App. One ‘Domestic’ the other for ‘Travel.’ A quick photo of the ‘Travel’ certificate, which has two QR codes for Jab1&2 (3 for me now) is all you’ll need to travel throughout Europe and you can, and people do, stump up £400 for a snide one, and then you can travel. Furthermore you’ll not see any Spaniard or any other cunt, toting a QR scanner, a cursory glance and nod is all you’ll get. In any case, there is a very good chance that even a jarg one would pass a QR scan…there are clearly some NHS workers who are bent, I mean, how hard is it to defraud?

So, madam, clouding the issue with ‘I don’t buy’ and ‘it just seemed strange’ and the hilarious, ‘I knew all along and wanted you to self-dox’ makes you look a bigger cunt than, perhaps you are. The ‘extensive’ travel you questioned actually happened, snide Travel certificates exist and work, Billy definitely  could have travelled with an ‘expired’ fake QR code (mine was issued in early May ffs!) and, to the members here,  you’ve been exposed as the intolerable, insufferable and graceless tart that you are. Now fuck off, them stairs aren’t going to Hoover themselves.

Well, no apology has been proffered as none is due. I won't go into too much detail but as an example, for the Rhone trip the IP shows a hit in the Netherlands and nowhere else. I must say if you've been cavorting around in a posh Beneteau 55 (nice boat BTW, I'm slightly jealous) then I'm surprised I haven't picked up a Rogue Wave connection or a VSAT connection.

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9 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Well, no apology has been proffered as none is due. I won't go into too much detail but as an example, for the Rhone trip the IP shows a hit in the Netherlands and nowhere else. I must say if you've been cavorting around in a posh Beneteau 55 (nice boat BTW, I'm slightly jealous) then I'm surprised I haven't picked up a Rogue Wave connection or a VSAT connection.

Stop digging love, you’re in the shit up to your geographically challenged neck. Two questions on this post alone…(1) How the fuck do you get an IP hit in the Netherlands when you are on the Rhône which, as any idiot knows flows from the Alps, through Lake Geneva and into the French Med? (2) A Beneteau 55 down the length of the Rhine? There’d be no fucking mast on it after thirty miles.

You can be as surprised as you like, you’re clearly not as bright as I thought you were but clearly as graceless as I knew you would be. It’s high time hubby showed you the hairy-side of his hand because, metaphorically, I most definitely have. Be gone now.

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28 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

A Beneteau 55 down the length of the Rhine? There’d be no fucking mast on it after thirty miles.


She just doesn't understand the value of a good bathtub boat, DC. No mast to break, shallow draught, and easy to scuttle if river pirates try to nick your 6 pack of Stella. They say if the HMS Hood looked like this the Bismark wouldn't have stood a chance:


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48 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Stop digging love, you’re in the shit up to your geographically challenged neck. Two questions on this post alone…(1) How the fuck do you get an IP hit in the Netherlands when you are on the Rhône which, as any idiot knows flows from the Alps, through Lake Geneva and into the French Med? (2) A Beneteau 55 down the length of the Rhine? There’d be no fucking mast on it after thirty miles.

You can be as surprised as you like, you’re clearly not as bright as I thought you were but clearly as graceless as I knew you would be. It’s high time hubby showed you the hairy-side of his hand because, metaphorically, I most definitely have. Be gone now.

Give it rest and stop the bawling, you little pratt. Rhine, Rhone - obvs a typo so get over yourself especially as three times you misspelt your Aegean boat as a Benetau

On 05/09/2021 at 07:55, Dyslexic cnut said:

Francis, as you know, I’m sailing the Benetau through the Aegean this month…


On 07/09/2021 at 22:06, Dyslexic cnut said:

I’m due to dock the Benetau tomorrow, in Chania. I’ll deal with you then.


On 07/09/2021 at 23:05, Dyslexic cnut said:

55’ Benetau, Gypps. It’s beautiful...


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30 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

She just doesn't understand the value of a good bathtub boat, DC. No mast to break, shallow draught, and easy to scuttle if river pirates try to nick your 6 pack of Stella. They say if the HMS Hood looked like this the Bismark wouldn't have stood a chance:


That's Frank in his 'Yacht' isn't it? I knew that Walter Mitty cunt was bullshitting us about his yacht. 

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4 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Give it rest and stop the bawling, you little pratt. Rhine, Rhone - obvs a typo so get over yourself especially as three times you misspelt your Aegean boat as a Benetau




I'm struggling to understand all of this... Are you arguing with @King Billy about the validity of dodgy vaccine passes or @Dyslexic cnut about where specifically he sailed? Can you break it all down into bullet points, please?

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6 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Really? I think we can both agree that the scientific community understands how vaccines work. Best leave it at that.

Best leave it at that because you're out of your depth. So come on smartarse, why do they normally trial new vaccines for 3-5 years if they already know everything at the start?

You're obviously earning out of this, that's why you're recommending it for the hoi polloi, but I'd be willing to bet you haven't been jabbed and you'd physically assault anyone who tried to jab one of your kids.

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