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The Notting Hill Carnival


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58 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Got to say I'm liking this thread Penelope, what with Notting Hill being near Paddington station, I was wondering if you could bore me to death with a tale about a train pulling in at the wrong platform in 1974 or something?

Pen retired from the railways in 1874, coincidentally on the day the Tavistock Clinic opened.

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4 minutes ago, Frank said:

Jesus Christ don’t ever let me find you. 

If you ever bump into me even Jesus Christ won’t be able to help you Frank, so don’t waste any of your very short future on your knees praying. Those boney knees of yours must be worn out anyway, after a lifetime of interracial fellatio. I doubt there’s much patella left for me to go to work on when I find you, you miserable little has been.
Now fuck off.
You’ve been warned. 

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3 hours ago, King Billy said:

The thing that annoys me most is the middle class white cunts who insist on telling everyone they speak to (who mostly don’t want to fucking know) that they’re so excited to be going to ‘carnival’ at the weekend. Not ‘the carnival’ or the ‘Notting Hill carnival’, but ‘carnival’ as if they just disembarked from the Windrush yesterday, after growing up in the ghettos of Kingston Jamaica.

I read an interesting journal article the other day linking personality disorders to the increasing absence of firm, fixed identity in society. The authors were suggesting that it was an extension of a phenomenon with which we are all familiar; lost souls invoking pseudo pride in something they have only a tenuous connection with, in order to belong. Viz. the Home Counties Scouser who left as a child but has a YNWA doorbell and will weep openly to you over a glass of Veuve about the romance of urchins watching cars at the football or women going out with rollers in their hair. The self made Yorkshire millionaire who brays on to his Surrey mates about how toughness and grit is in his DNA despite needing a certain type of seat in his Porsche to prevent backache. Everyone, everywhere is searching for identity as a form of social display.

I admit as a white middle class guy living then in the East Midlands, I visited the NHC on a few occasions, and managed to avoid getting stabbed, raped and robbed every time. I listened to some good music, ate some great food, got a little drunk, laughed my arse off with friends, and went on with my day. I was never in doubt that this was not my festival though, and would never dream of adopting the lingo, buying a Rasta hat or getting my hair braided. Those tragic cunts, who came in search of some sort of immersive trans-cultural experience to appease the guilt they feel in Waitrose, were usually nursing an obvious identity problem, and ended up bleeding, beaten and thoroughly disillusioned come Bank Holiday Monday. I used to wonder if they would dress up in a Sari to go for an Indian, or a Kilt to go to The Edinburgh Tattoo. Weird Mr Ben-like behaviour. 

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9 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I read an interesting journal article the other day linking personality disorders to the increasing absence of firm, fixed identity in society. The authors were suggesting that it was an extension of a phenomenon with which we are all familiar; lost souls invoking pseudo pride in something they have only a tenuous connection with, in order to belong. Viz. the Home Counties Scouser who left as a child but has a YNWA doorbell and will weep openly to you over a glass of Veuve about the romance of urchins watching cars at the football or women going out with rollers in their hair. The self made Yorkshire millionaire who brays on to his Surrey mates about how toughness and grit is in his DNA despite needing a certain type of seat in his Porsche to prevent backache. Everyone, everywhere is searching for identity as a form of social display.

I admit as a white middle class guy living then in the East Midlands, I visited the NHC on a few occasions, and managed to avoid getting stabbed, raped and robbed every time. I listened to some good music, ate some great food, got a little drunk, laughed my arse off with friends, and went on with my day. I was never in doubt that this was not my festival though, and would never dream of adopting the lingo, buying a Rasta hat or getting my hair braided. Those tragic cunts, who came in search of some sort of immersive trans-cultural experience to appease the guilt they feel in Waitrose, were usually nursing an obvious identity problem, and ended up bleeding, beaten and thoroughly disillusioned come Bank Holiday Monday. I used to wonder if they would dress up in a Sari to go for an Indian, or a Kilt to go to The Edinburgh Tattoo. Weird Mr Ben-like behaviour. 

Aside from creme drain-pipe jeans on bandy legs, what would you say is the most suitable attire for a massive gay cunt? I'm thinking a football club shirt with pleated slacks and loafers.

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10 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I read an interesting journal article the other day linking personality disorders to the increasing absence of firm, fixed identity in society. The authors were suggesting that it was an extension of a phenomenon with which we are all familiar; lost souls invoking pseudo pride in something they have only a tenuous connection with, in order to belong. Viz. the Home Counties Scouser who left as a child but has a YNWA doorbell and will weep openly to you over a glass of Veuve about the romance of urchins watching cars at the football or women going out with rollers in their hair. The self made Yorkshire millionaire who brays on to his Surrey mates about how toughness and grit is in his DNA despite needing a certain type of seat in his Porsche to prevent backache. Everyone, everywhere is searching for identity as a form of social display.

I admit as a white middle class guy living then in the East Midlands, I visited the NHC on a few occasions, and managed to avoid getting stabbed, raped and robbed every time. I listened to some good music, ate some great food, got a little drunk, laughed my arse off with friends, and went on with my day. I was never in doubt that this was not my festival though, and would never dream of adopting the lingo, buying a Rasta hat or getting my hair braided. Those tragic cunts, who came in search of some sort of immersive trans-cultural experience to appease the guilt they feel in Waitrose, were usually nursing an obvious identity problem, and ended up bleeding, beaten and thoroughly disillusioned come Bank Holiday Monday. I used to wonder if they would dress up in a Sari to go for an Indian, or a Kilt to go to The Edinburgh Tattoo. Weird Mr Ben-like behaviour. 

Its lacking those fixed stable homes with mum and dad rather than mum's boyfriend or ever changing set of "uncles". For all their failings (and they both complete and utter cunts) I at least thought I knew who my parents were.

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On 26/08/2022 at 23:40, Last Cunt Standing said:

I realise the regular, and increasingly dull, Combat 18 meeting won’t want to hear this, but the steel band competition, usually held the night before the NHC was always an enjoyable way to kick off a long weekend, and a joyful way to herald the end of summer. Even as a middle-aged white guy I never felt unsafe, and was always made to feel welcome, though I admit this was a decade or more ago. I remember seeing one band do a terrific version of an Alicia Keys number, which I have managed to find on YouTube for you all to enjoy. It’s a little hard to goose-step to, mind. 

I really don’t get the ceaseless invective directed at the Carnival from people who live in leafy suburbs hundreds of miles away. And yes, I realise an expat who likes to whine on about the UK might be heavy on the irony in such a statement, but seriously, if the black community of West London want an annual piss up and a fight, why should it bother the retired Hufton-Tuftons of Barnstaple or Oakham? Do the same people have the same fit of rage when the City is taken over by frightful braying toffs in Hunter Wellies when the Boat Race is in town? The Daily Mail never seems to have a problem with that. 

So bollocks to yet another thread which would embarrass a 1980’s Millwall Football Crowd. Turn this up and enjoy your bank holiday. Take your mind off those gas bills for a bit. 


Pah. This is absolutely fucking shit - and you can stick it Down Under where the sun doesn't shine. I'm delighted you're slowly revealing yourself to be the cantankerous snowflake cunt I always knew you were.

If you're so respectful about West Indian and African cultures encroaching on the UK, who appear to be given more freedoms and rights than the rest of us Brits, what have you got to say about moving to a country in which a native, Aboriginal people has been virtually overrun by opressive, white governments (those whose rules you abide by), in which tens of thousands of years-old culture and sacred land has been stolen from them, while many can no longer live as they might like because of man-made pollution, bush fires, and corrupt white politicians?

I damn well hope you're doing your bit to prevent it from happenng, nursie, based on your gushing words above.


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24 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Arsenal shirt.

I feel like my team are like an elephant sitting on top of a tree, no-one really knows how the fuck it got there but knows that it won't be there for long.

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16 minutes ago, Neil said:

I feel like my team are like an elephant sitting on top of a tree, no-one really knows how the fuck it got there but knows that it won't be there for long.

You certainly won't be, not unless Roy Keane goes on a bender and runs on the pitch to finish off what he started with Haaland's father. The lad is absolutely fucking phenomenal.

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2 hours ago, Wolfie said:

Pah. This is absolutely fucking shit - and you can stick it Down Under where the sun doesn't shine. I'm delighted you're slowly revealing yourself to be the cantankerous snowflake cunt I always knew you were.

If you're so respectful about West Indian and African cultures encroaching on the UK, who appear to be given more freedoms and rights than the rest of us Brits, what have you got to say about moving to a country in which a native, Aboriginal people has been virtually overrun

Crap. There are deaf-blind retards in the depths of the Amazonian jungle, with no prior contact with Western civilisation, who could work out you are over-excitedly talking out of your sphincteral opening here. Whatever you think I’m revealing myself to be, you have no such worries. We all know what you are. 

You were wanking on about the annual outrage of the Notting Hill Carnival, while at the same moment telling your enthralled audience you would spend your bank holiday surveying your West Country lawn and it’s zigzags. I merely asked why in such circumstances you were remotely bothered. You didn’t really answer, though through the fog of your pathetic whataboutery-heavy reply, I think you’re making some pissweak analogy casting yourself as an Aboriginal, whose country has been stolen from under him by an invading force. Presumably the invading force you’re pointing to are the few thousand revellers in West London, and you feel so intimidated by their presence that you cower behind your deckchair several hundred miles away, shaking your impotent little fist skywards. They’ll never take The Red Lion, I’ll tell you that, Dorothy!

A cursory glance at the UK census puts black people, regardless of birthplace, at less than 5% of the population. The vast majority of these are concentrated in urban areas. So it’s a fair bet your rural idyll isn’t quite like Mogadishu on Giro day just yet. Calm down, get some Isaac Hayes on your steam-powered wireless and expand your tiny racist mind. On what delusional basis do you make the assertion that West Indian and African cultures are given “more freedoms and rights than the rest of us Brits”? It is, incontrovertibly, bollocks. 

Your typically wriggly and evasive reply makes reference to Australia’s shameful history of racist oppression (two p’s, incidentally). While tempted to suggest you mind your own business, as a surprising new advocate for First Nations people, you'll be pleased to know that the Albanese government plans to enshrine the rights of Traditional owners of the land in the Constitution via a referendum next year. I can only presume that as an oppressed First Nations Briton you’ll be watching events closely, perhaps petitioning your Government of invading Black colonialists to so enshrine your rights to Morris Dance on May Day and do a comedic Nazi salute whenever Jurgen Klopp is on television, thus ensuring the culture of your grandfathers is preserved against a pervasive tide of jerk chicken and the word Bruv. 

I’ll also take issue with your confusing use of the word hypocrite. To be clear, I’m an immigrant. Both nine letters, and I know you regard them both as insults, but they are widely taken to have very different meanings. I know you’ve previously felt fixed word definitions to be rather passé, and language to be no longer constrained by objective meaning, but I think here you have definitely chosen the wrong nine letter word. To reply in similar nine letter terms, I am torn between xenophobe, ignoramus, and fantasist. But I think I’ll settle on sphincter. Fuck off. 

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2 hours ago, Decimus said:

You certainly won't be, not unless Roy Keane goes on a bender and runs on the pitch to finish off what he started with Haaland's father. The lad is absolutely fucking phenomenal.

The defender on the 4th goal literally bounced off the cunt, he'll always be a ugly looking mong though.

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2 hours ago, Decimus said:

You certainly won't be, not unless Roy Keane goes on a bender and runs on the pitch to finish off what he started with Haaland's father. The lad is absolutely fucking phenomenal.

In a world where the fruit of Alf Inge’s loins is worth seventy million quid or something, Jeremy Goss must have insured his testicles with Lloyds of London. That midfield genius would surely have this young lad in his back pocket, on toast, for breakfast, and still have time to be over the moon. 

I note from yesterday’s game on the TV that your Canaries are now sponsored by Lotus. Please tell me the local press broke this news with a reader poll enquiring where on the shirt the sponsors’ logo should feature, just to deploy the headline Canaries Fans Debate Lotus Position.

Oh fuck off then, it’s late.  

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3 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Crap. There are deaf-blind retards in the depths of the Amazonian jungle, with no prior contact with Western civilisation, who could work out you are over-excitedly talking out of your sphincteral opening here. Whatever you think I’m revealing myself to be, you have no such worries. We all know what you are. 

You were wanking on about the annual outrage of the Notting Hill Carnival, while at the same moment telling your enthralled audience you would spend your bank holiday surveying your West Country lawn and it’s zigzags. I merely asked why in such circumstances you were remotely bothered. You didn’t really answer, though through the fog of your pathetic whataboutery-heavy reply, I think you’re making some pissweak analogy casting yourself as an Aboriginal, whose country has been stolen from under him by an invading force. Presumably the invading force you’re pointing to are the few thousand revellers in West London, and you feel so intimidated by their presence that you cower behind your deckchair several hundred miles away, shaking your impotent little fist skywards. They’ll never take The Red Lion, I’ll tell you that, Dorothy!

A cursory glance at the UK census puts black people, regardless of birthplace, at less than 5% of the population. The vast majority of these are concentrated in urban areas. So it’s a fair bet your rural idyll isn’t quite like Mogadishu on Giro day just yet. Calm down, get some Isaac Hayes on your steam-powered wireless and expand your tiny racist mind. On what delusional basis do you make the assertion that West Indian and African cultures are given “more freedoms and rights than the rest of us Brits”? It is, incontrovertibly, bollocks. 

Your typically wriggly and evasive reply makes reference to Australia’s shameful history of racist oppression (two p’s, incidentally). While tempted to suggest you mind your own business, as a surprising new advocate for First Nations people, you'll be pleased to know that the Albanese government plans to enshrine the rights of Traditional owners of the land in the Constitution via a referendum next year. I can only presume that as an oppressed First Nations Briton you’ll be watching events closely, perhaps petitioning your Government of invading Black colonialists to so enshrine your rights to Morris Dance on May Day and do a comedic Nazi salute whenever Jurgen Klopp is on television, thus ensuring the culture of your grandfathers is preserved against a pervasive tide of jerk chicken and the word Bruv. 

I’ll also take issue with your confusing use of the word hypocrite. To be clear, I’m an immigrant. Both nine letters, and I know you regard them both as insults, but they are widely taken to have very different meanings. I know you’ve previously felt fixed word definitions to be rather passé, and language to be no longer constrained by objective meaning, but I think here you have definitely chosen the wrong nine letter word. To reply in similar nine letter terms, I am torn between xenophobe, ignoramus, and fantasist. But I think I’ll settle on sphincter. Fuck off. 

Good God. Dr Boring wanks himself into a frenzy again. Keep going and hopefully it'll be a coma.

You clearly didn't read the detail in my nom intro, you self-important dickhead, which is why you can't realise I'm in a much better position to judge the failures or attributes of such an event than, for instance, you. I worked in London for almost 13 years, near to where the NHC takes place. What about you, before you escaped to the other side of the world?

If you look back on the boxing thread, it's very clear I offered you an olive branch, in spite of your efforts to twist this fact around. I don't for one second believe you to be vapid, but even the most stupid of cunts can see its convivial intentions. Being the easily-riled wanker you're proving to be, you either missed the irreverence in my final post or decided not to take it. It's not a shame from my perspective.

And here you go again with the grammar corrections like a hissyfitting old woman; I must have seen half a dozen sub-GCSE errors from you since your last tirade, all of which I've overlooked. Continue and I'll meet fire with fire. It's up to you.

If people, including myself (a howwible 'racist' as you put it) offend you so, then why not fuck off to another site in which easily-irritated woke wankers aren't so effortlessly offended? Between 2000 and 2020, according to offical figures, the UK's population grew by around 9m. To even someone who's a self-claimed GP (a claim you have yet to verify), all of the newcoming immigrants – many of whom do not respect our laws, culture or history – need somewhere to lay their heads at night, roads on which to drive, a national health service to rely on etc... and so it seems no less than common sense to say many of the UK's major problems are directly linked to immigration. As someone who is British who has lived here for the vast majority of my life, and with our corrupt BBC-led media attempting to manipulate with every opportunity, I'll happily use a rare free-speech website to put my point across, to protect my country - whether a wannabe Aussie expat approves or not.

While all racists are xenophobes, not all xenophobes are racist – which by and large is fairly typical of this place. Xenophobia is often bracketed with racism; but the two are quite distinct. For someone continually more familiar with the failings of the UK, you of all people should know the pressure immigration is putting on the realities I mention above.

And no, you're still a whopping hypocrite – all nine letters of it. It was intended to be insulting, and clearly it worked very well. The only difference between you and a sphincter is the latter is far more effective and succinct with its communication.

My God, what a weak snowflake pussy you're gorgeously unravelling to be – much better than I had ever anticipated.

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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

Good God. Dr Boring wanks himself into a frenzy again. Keep going and hopefully it'll be a coma.

You clearly didn't read the detail in my nom intro, you self-important dickhead, which is why you can't realise I'm in a much better position to judge the failures or attributes of such an event than, for instance, you. I worked in London for almost 13 years, near to where the NHC takes place. What about you, before you escaped to the other side of the world?

If you look back on the boxing thread, it's very clear I offered you an olive branch, in spite of your efforts to twist this fact around. I don't for one second believe you to be vapid, but even the most stupid of cunts can see its convivial intentions. Being the easily-riled wanker you're proving to be, you either missed the irreverence in my final post or decided not to take it. It's not a shame from my perspective.

And here you go again with the grammar corrections like a hissyfitting old woman; I must have seen half a dozen sub-GCSE errors from you since your last tirade, all of which I've overlooked. Continue and I'll meet fire with fire. It's up to you.

If people, including myself (a howwible 'racist' as you put it) offend you so, then why not fuck off to another site in which easily-irritated woke wankers aren't so effortlessly offended? Between 2000 and 2020, according to offical figures, the UK's population grew by around 9m. To even someone who's a self-claimed GP (a claim you have yet to verify), all of the newcoming immigrants – many of whom do not respect our laws, culture or history – need somewhere to lay their heads at night, roads on which to drive, a national health service to rely on etc... and so it seems no less than common sense to say many of the UK's major problems are directly linked to immigration. As someone who is British who has lived here for the vast majority of my life, and with our corrupt BBC-led media attempting to manipulate with every opportunity, I'll happily use a rare free-speech website to put my point across, to protect my country - whether a wannabe Aussie expat approves or not.

While all racists are xenophobes, not all xenophobes are racist – which by and large is fairly typical of this place. Xenophobia is often bracketed with racism; but the two are quite distinct. For someone continually more familiar with the failings of the UK, you of all people should know the pressure immigration is putting on the realities I mention above.

And no, you're still a whopping hypocrite – all nine letters of it. It was intended to be insulting, and clearly it worked very well. The only difference between you and a sphincter is the latter is far more effective and succinct with its communication.

My God, what a weak snowflake pussy you're gorgeously unravelling to be – much better than I had ever anticipated.

Wolfie, I've just spent 15 minutes checking this boring shit, and it came as no surprise to me that it is 100% grammatically correct.  What an old cunt I am.


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3 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

In a world where the fruit of Alf Inge’s loins is worth seventy million quid or something, Jeremy Goss must have insured his testicles with Lloyds of London. That midfield genius would surely have this young lad in his back pocket, on toast, for breakfast

Ah Gossy, still dining out on the brace of goals he scored almost 30 years ago against the worst Bayern Munich team in history.

Faux Welsh cunt.

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13 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Ah Gossy, still dining out on the brace of goals he scored almost 30 years ago against the worst Bayern Munich team in history.

Faux Welsh cunt.

His brother was a shit singer too

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31 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

Wolfie, I've just spent 15 minutes checking this boring shit, and it came as no surprise to me that it is 100% grammatically correct.  What an old cunt I am.


15 minutes? It took less time for one of the holy trinity of sycophantic spastics to award you a like.

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19 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

15 minutes? It took less time for one of the holy trinity of sycophantic spastics to award you a like.

Brilliant, isn't it? The lack of self-awareness this cancerous mongrel has is absolutely fucking breathtaking.

Imagine being accused of toadyism by the site's most unashamed sycophant and all round boot licker, it's akin to Frank mocking you for the cut of your sartorial jib.

Freak'Frog'n'Frank- The Corner Society of Mutual Fawning Flunkeys.

Servile fucking worms.

N.B. I haven't forgotten you @cunt it goes without saying you're just as much as a kowtowing tosser as any of The Holy Trinity of Spastics.


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6 hours ago, Wolfie said:

If people, including myself (a howwible 'racist' as you put it) offend you so, then why not fuck off to another site in which easily-irritated woke wankers aren't so effortlessly offended? Between 2000 and 2020, according to offical figures, the UK's population grew by around 9m. To even someone who's a self-claimed GP (a claim you have yet to verify), all of the newcoming immigrants – many of whom do not respect our laws, culture or history – need somewhere to lay their heads at night, roads on which to drive, a national health service to rely on etc... and so it seems no less than common sense to say many of the UK's major problems are directly linked to immigration. As someone who is British who has lived here for the vast majority of my life, and with our corrupt BBC-led media attempting to manipulate with every opportunity, I'll happily use a rare free-speech website to put my point across, to protect my country - whether a wannabe Aussie expat approves or not. 

Pile. Of. Shite. 

Too much wrong here to be remotely arsed with. Besides, you’ll obviously be busy filling sandbags in case that house at number twelve falls to the immigrant hoardes. It must keep you awake at night.


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6 hours ago, Wolfie said:

Good God. Dr Boring wanks himself into a frenzy again. Keep going and hopefully it'll be a coma.

You clearly didn't read the detail in my nom intro, you self-important dickhead, which is why you can't realise I'm in a much better position to judge the failures or attributes of such an event than, for instance, you. I worked in London for almost 13 years, near to where the NHC takes place. What about you, before you escaped to the other side of the world?

If you look back on the boxing thread, it's very clear I offered you an olive branch, in spite of your efforts to twist this fact around. I don't for one second believe you to be vapid, but even the most stupid of cunts can see its convivial intentions. Being the easily-riled wanker you're proving to be, you either missed the irreverence in my final post or decided not to take it. It's not a shame from my perspective.

And here you go again with the grammar corrections like a hissyfitting old woman; I must have seen half a dozen sub-GCSE errors from you since your last tirade, all of which I've overlooked. Continue and I'll meet fire with fire. It's up to you.

If people, including myself (a howwible 'racist' as you put it) offend you so, then why not fuck off to another site in which easily-irritated woke wankers aren't so effortlessly offended? Between 2000 and 2020, according to offical figures, the UK's population grew by around 9m. To even someone who's a self-claimed GP (a claim you have yet to verify), all of the newcoming immigrants – many of whom do not respect our laws, culture or history – need somewhere to lay their heads at night, roads on which to drive, a national health service to rely on etc... and so it seems no less than common sense to say many of the UK's major problems are directly linked to immigration. As someone who is British who has lived here for the vast majority of my life, and with our corrupt BBC-led media attempting to manipulate with every opportunity, I'll happily use a rare free-speech website to put my point across, to protect my country - whether a wannabe Aussie expat approves or not.

While all racists are xenophobes, not all xenophobes are racist – which by and large is fairly typical of this place. Xenophobia is often bracketed with racism; but the two are quite distinct. For someone continually more familiar with the failings of the UK, you of all people should know the pressure immigration is putting on the realities I mention above.

And no, you're still a whopping hypocrite – all nine letters of it. It was intended to be insulting, and clearly it worked very well. The only difference between you and a sphincter is the latter is far more effective and succinct with its communication.

My God, what a weak snowflake pussy you're gorgeously unravelling to be – much better than I had ever anticipated.

Fuck me Wolfie, I've got a 3 hour flight to Tunisia in the morning (the stolen lead's been selling well) I'll try and read this on the plane, although 3 hours might not be enough. 

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5 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Fuck me Wolfie, I've got a 3 hour flight to Tunisia in the morning (the stolen lead's been selling well) I'll try and read this on the plane, although 3 hours might not be enough. 

Save yourself the bother. Cut yesterday’s Mail on Sunday up into pieces, then pull fragments out of a bag at random. Same incoherent word-salad effect. 

Enjoy your trip. Great coffee over there. 

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