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Miles from Dublin

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Fat useless cunts who spend their days and nights on computers, Xboxes or other similar devices playing silly computer games .. they usually still live with their mum even when they are in their 40s and are often so obese that they nead to be removed from their rooms by the fire and rescue services. They often prestnd to have real jobs when they post on internet forums.

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7 minutes ago, Penny Farthing said:

Fat useless cunts who spend their days and nights on computers, Xboxes or other similar devices playing silly computer games

I agree Pen, what sad bastards eh, wasting the precious time they have alive on some fake gaming shite. 


7 minutes ago, Penny Farthing said:

They often prestnd to have real jobs when they post on internet forums.

However, considering you're a thick, repetitive cunt, who spends most of their life on here, spouting the usual boring shite, I'm wondering what makes you think you can criticise anyone else?



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1 hour ago, Penny Farthing said:

Fat useless cunts who spend their days and nights on computers, Xboxes or other similar devices playing silly computer games .. they usually still live with their mum even when they are in their 40s and are often so obese that they nead to be removed from their rooms by the fire and rescue services. They often prestnd to have real jobs when they post on internet forums.

Really, who gives a satanic shit what some fat virgins do with their abundance of wasteful time, come to think of it who gives another satanic shit what some moronic trans train spotting simpleton thinks about it.

Fuck off.

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2 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

Fat useless cunts who spend their days and nights on computers, Xboxes or other similar devices playing silly computer games .. they usually still live with their mum even when they are in their 40s and are often so obese that they nead to be removed from their rooms by the fire and rescue services. They often prestnd to have real jobs when they post on internet forums.

I’ll give you this, Pen…at least you make an effort, fella. Snag is…it’s dreadful. I genuinely hope that last year’s eye operation, that you PM’d me about, has failed and you get stage 5 soon. Fuck off.

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3 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

Fat useless cunts who spend their days and nights on computers, Xboxes or other similar devices playing silly computer games .. they usually still live with their mum even when they are in their 40s and are often so obese that they nead to be removed from their rooms by the fire and rescue services. They often prestnd to have real jobs when they post on internet forums.

Sixty fukkin six quid...lol


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12 minutes ago, Lucy said:

So, let me get this straight, stupid fat cunts, pay stupid fat cunts, to let them watch stupid fat cunts play games?

They must be stupid, and, fat cunts.

Your friendship with Pervy Pete has been well documented, but let's not also forget that you were bosom buddies with that other depraved monster Erroreptyle as well.

He's not going to be very happy when he reads your above diatribe, the little GamesMaster cunt. In fact, I strongly suspect that from this moment forth you'll be the only mother's basement dwelling gremlin in your immediate friendship group.

Begone, you vile fucking worm.

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3 hours ago, Decimus said:

Your friendship with Pervy Pete has been well documented, but let's not also forget that you were bosom buddies with that other depraved monster Erroreptyle as well.

He's not going to be very happy when he reads your above diatribe, the little GamesMaster cunt. In fact, I strongly suspect that from this moment forth you'll be the only mother's basement dwelling gremlin in your immediate friendship group.

Begone, you vile fucking worm.

He'll be waking up to Reptyle and his games industry heavies on his doorstep soon enough, the morning sun glinting dully through the layer of Wotsit dust and finger grease covering the blades of their finest replica cosplay katanas, dramatically framed by a cloud of blueberry flavoured vape pen vapour.

It'll be like watching a pack of walrus turn on the alpha.

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20 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

He'll be waking up to Reptyle and his games industry heavies on his doorstep soon enough, the morning sun glinting dully through the layer of Wotsit dust and finger grease covering the blades of their finest replica cosplay katanas, dramatically framed by a cloud of blueberry flavoured vape pen vapour.

It'll be like watching a pack of walrus turn on the alpha.

I never saw the need for video games to go beyond the level of ‘Lemmings’ on the Sega Master System. 
Actually.. fuck that too. Space Invaders was fine.

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On 03/04/2023 at 22:36, Penny Farthing said:

Fat useless cunts who spend their days and nights on computers, Xboxes or other similar devices playing silly computer games .. they usually still live with their mum even when they are in their 40s and are often so obese that they nead to be removed from their rooms by the fire and rescue services. They often prestnd to have real jobs when they post on internet forums.

Fuck off Spackman.

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On 03/04/2023 at 22:36, Penny Farthing said:

Fat useless cunts who spend their days and nights on computers, Xboxes or other similar devices playing silly computer games .. they usually still live with their mum even when they are in their 40s and are often so obese that they nead to be removed from their rooms by the fire and rescue services. They often prestnd to have real jobs when they post on internet forums.

I blame the parents. This issue can be easily solved with a new lock and a suitcase.

The cunt has to come out at some point.

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