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The RNLI - water taxis

Dave Umbongo

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This bunch of volunteer cunts whose existence relies on charitable donations from Johnny English has 'invested' some of its funds in a product called SeaSteps which allow it to rescue multiple casualties* from the sea. The RNLI was called out over 900 times to provide assistance to these casualties* which resulted in saving the lives of 108 of these casualties*

(* Illegal migrants - one of which may have been busy in Nottingham recently, you never know)

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13 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

This bunch of volunteer cunts whose existence relies on charitable donations from Johnny English has 'invested' some of its funds in a product called SeaSteps

They better have made sure that they ordered the halal version of ‘SeaSteps’ or they’ll be facing a massive lawsuit once all the new ‘doctors, teachers, lawyers and scientists’ get settled in to their 5 star hotel suites, decide what to have for dinner from the a la carte menu,  unpack their Armani suits and laptops, then type in the password for the hotels free Wi-Fi and email their list of complaints to Sir Kier Starmers lawyer mates demanding tens of thousands of pounds compensation ASAP.

Welcome to Britain 2023. Would the last person to be raped, stabbed or blown up please switch the lights off.

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On 14/06/2023 at 08:02, Cunty BigBollox said:

This bunch of volunteer cunts whose existence relies on charitable donations from Johnny English has 'invested' some of its funds in a product called SeaSteps which allow it to rescue multiple casualties* from the sea. The RNLI was called out over 900 times to provide assistance to these casualties* which resulted in saving the lives of 108 of these casualties*

(* Illegal migrants - one of which may have been busy in Nottingham recently, you never know)

Arrogant, self-important, have-a-go-heroes who are about as relevant to the modern day nautical world as a milkman is to dairy distribution.

We've got a crew in Caister who are independent because the RNLI quite rightly decided you didn't need one here. The only reason they wanted to carry on was because they get free pints and hero worshipping from the indigenous fucking inbreds who don't realise that they haven't done so much as even rescue a dog choking on a washed up condom since 1972.

Glorified, self-deluded cunts with a God complex.

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33 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Arrogant, self-important, have-a-go-heroes who are about as relevant to the modern day nautical world as a milkman is to dairy distribution.

We've got a crew in Caister who are independent because the RNLI quite rightly decided you didn't need one here. The only reason they wanted to carry on was because they get free pints and hero worshipping from the indigenous fucking inbreds who don't realise that they haven't done so much as even rescue a dog choking on a washed up condom since 1972.

Glorified, self-deluded cunts with a God complex.

Yes, and what they appear to be delivering certainly isn't milky white.

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

Arrogant, self-important


1 hour ago, Decimus said:

Glorified, self-deluded cunts with a God complex.

Kettle, pan, black...

What was somebody preaching about the other day?

Ah yes, that's it, a lack of self-awareness.


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3 hours ago, and said:


Kettle, pan, black...

What was somebody preaching about the other day?

Ah yes, that's it, a lack of self-awareness.


Sorry R-Soles, what the fuck was I thinking? I completely forgot the alternative rules that you've set down for The Corner going forward.

How could I possibly comment on the RNLI when I've never spent 12 hours in the middle of the North Sea during a force nine gale with nothing between me and Davey Jones's locker but half a dozen absolute wankers and an orange boat?

You total fucking dickhead.

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4 hours ago, Neil said:

500 of the cunts still missing off of Greece, its been a good week. Must be like looking for a bumpy oil slick.

I would genuinely feel slightly sad for 499 of the cunts if it was announced that the other one was Frank. But it’s very unlikely the greaseball arse bandit would be substantial enough to even sink. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 18/06/2023 at 16:24, Neil said:

500 of the cunts still missing off of Greece, its been a good week. Must be like looking for a bumpy oil slick.

Nice to see all the brave men went up on deck where is was safer and with a nice breeze and the women and children were locked below decks....

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On 18/06/2023 at 19:08, Decimus said:

How could I possibly comment on the RNLI when I've never spent 12 hours in the middle of the North Sea during a force nine gale


‘aah, you have a woman’s buttocks! I’ll wager those buttocks have never been used to plug the splintered hull of a stricken schooner..’

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I’ve said it before, Killer Whales. Train them by floating dinghies full of brown mannequins near them, and give them loads of fish as a reward when they shred the dinghies and rip the dummies in half. 
 Then let them patrol the channel in pairs. We could put cameras on them too and televise ‘Asylum Seeker Kill Of The Week’ on Discovery. 

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2 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I’ve said it before, Killer Whales. Train them by floating dinghies full of brown mannequins near them, and give them loads of fish as a reward when they shred the dinghies and rip the dummies in half. 
 Then let them patrol the channel in pairs. We could put cameras on them too and televise ‘Asylum Seeker Kill Of The Week’ on Discovery. 

6m quid a day to keep the cunts in luxury hotels?

200 quid (approx) one off cost  to erect a huge banner on the cliffs above Dover……

Politics, fucking easy.

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23 minutes ago, King Billy said:

6m quid a day to keep the cunts in luxury hotels?

200 quid (approx) one off cost  to erect a huge banner on the cliffs above Dover……

Politics, fucking easy.

 They can’t read.

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12 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

 They can’t read.

They seem to be able to follow all the road signs from Shithole Central in subsaharan Africa all the way to the beach at Calais Eric without too much difficulty. 
Fucking swarm of greasy oversized cockroaches, disguised as doctors, teachers,  scientists, 7ft children and every one an asset to our country apparently.

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1 minute ago, King Billy said:

They seem to be able to follow all the road signs from Shithole Central in subsaharan Africa all the way to the beach at Calais Eric without too much difficulty. 
Fucking swarm of greasy oversized cockroaches, disguised as doctors, teachers,  scientists, 7ft children and every one an asset to our country apparently.

I just think that there’s better things we could put on the cliff tops than big signs. Like Velociraptors.

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17 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

 They can’t read.

Fair point Eric. Even their most sacred prophet Mohammed seems to have struggled with the written word too, as he obviously didn’t understand the words ‘AGE…..6 YEARS’ when his wife to be and him were filling out their marriage licence application.

Filthy paedo cockroaches, every one of them.

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A report out today has raised concerns over sexist and bigoted behaviour by some RNLI staff. 

an unnamed source quoted 

"I have not once felt like the RNLI supports women or minorities," she said, adding that she would not recommend it "as an employer to anybody".

They seem to pick up enough ‘minorities’ when they have their fun days out in the Channel, and employer? I thought the majority were hero volunteers, only fireman are above these wankers on the fake hero front…

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11 minutes ago, Eddie said:

A report out today has raised concerns over sexist and bigoted behaviour by some RNLI staff. 

an unnamed source quoted 

"I have not once felt like the RNLI supports women or minorities," she said, adding that she would not recommend it "as an employer to anybody".

They seem to pick up enough ‘minorities’ when they have their fun days out in the Channel, and employer? I thought the majority were hero volunteers, only fireman are above these wankers on the fake hero front…

Shut up, you know fuck all about it.

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