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London celebrates

Guest entitled little cunt

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Guest entitled little cunt

The good ole folks of london are celebrating events occurring in far off places .Its about time the pearly Kings and Queens had a good old knees up around the old Joanna accompanied  with the rattle of Ak47's fired into air .

In these uncertain times  its comforting to know we can still come together as a nation .Our proud mayor of London  , that one constant we can look up to , his  reassuring  and guiding presence of fairness and tolerance  evident from  the humblest terrace street to the richest of suburbs .

This land , this blessed plot  , this septic Isle.

Makes ya fuckin proud.


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4 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

The good ole folks of london are celebrating events occurring in far off places .Its about time the pearly Kings and Queens had a good old knees up around the old Joanna accompanied  with the rattle of Ak47's fired into air .

In these uncertain times  its comforting to know we can still come together as a nation .Our proud mayor of London  , that one constant we can look up to , his  reassuring  and guiding presence of fairness and tolerance  evident from  the humblest terrace street to the richest of suburbs .

This land , this blessed plot  , this septic Isle.

Makes ya fuckin proud.


TBH whichever side you take in this conflict it is worrying .. the origins of the cause of what is happening now in complex and not as simple as it seems. I do think that we need to examine the loyalties of some of our more recent immigrants to this country and either re-educate them or perhaps "help" them to return to those lands to which their real loyalties lie. It akin to black history month etc where well meaning but naive people are stirring a hornets nest and placing chips on the shoulders of people whose parents did integrate themselves into our culture. In truth if we look at the history of the indigenous "white" people of this country most of us are descended from people who were enslaved by incomers who would in turn enslave the previous lot of invaders .. Celts, Belgics, Romans, Saxon, Danes, Normans etc.

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44 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Who gives a fuck. The more the filthy fucking bastards knock shit out of each other, the less we'll have turning up on our shores.

The cunts are here already, problem is that these cunts take their shoulder chips with them and some of the blow themselves to oblivion and any innocent cunt who happen to be nearby. Manchester Arena bombing &th July bombing in Landon to name just a few. London and Birmingham were multiracial 40 years ago but most cunts including the woman were westernised .. go there now and its old and young Asian and African men with burka and hijab clad young and old hags following them around .. go to the outside street markets and you might as be a a wet and cold version of old Bengal.

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Does anyone believe that Israel was caught completely unaware, on the anniversary of the Yom Kippur war of all fucking days?! 

Their security forces and intelligence network is absolutely second to none, something this big that undoubtedly required extensive and long term planning is never going to fly under their radar. It's been allowed to happen and their Jew mates that run the media are making every effort to portray it as barbarously as possible, so when the inevitable retaliation happens criticism against Israel will be muted.

Netanyahu is propped up by ultra Zionists who want more illegal settlements on Palestinian land, and he's now conveniently got his justification to go ahead and grant their wishes. 

The only good thing to come out of this would be if @andgot caught up in the pro-Palestinian celebrations in London and got his enormous kike hooter spread stupid Jew face.

Edited by Mrs Roops
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4 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

TBH whichever side you take in this conflict it is worrying .. the origins of the cause of what is happening now in complex and not as simple as it seems. I do think that we need to examine the loyalties of some of our more recent immigrants to this country and either re-educate them or perhaps "help" them to return to those lands to which their real loyalties lie. It akin to black history month etc where well meaning but naive people are stirring a hornets nest and placing chips on the shoulders of people whose parents did integrate themselves into our culture. In truth if we look at the history of the indigenous "white" people of this country most of us are descended from people who were enslaved by incomers who would in turn enslave the previous lot of invaders .. Celts, Belgics, Romans, Saxon, Danes, Normans etc.

The Washington hawks will see this as a second front after Ukraine opening up against them, assuming you accept American Zionism = Israeli Zionism, after all Golda Meier was from Ukrainian Jewish ancestry... 

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Guest entitled little cunt
5 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

TBH whichever side you take in this conflict it is worrying .. the origins of the cause of what is happening now in complex and not as simple as it seems. I do think that we need to examine the loyalties of some of our more recent immigrants to this country and either re-educate them or perhaps "help" them to return to those lands to which their real loyalties lie. It akin to black history month etc where well meaning but naive people are stirring a hornets nest and placing chips on the shoulders of people whose parents did integrate themselves into our culture. In truth if we look at the history of the indigenous "white" people of this country most of us are descended from people who were enslaved by incomers who would in turn enslave the previous lot of invaders .. Celts, Belgics, Romans, Saxon, Danes, Normans etc.

I'm in agreement with you in regards to the fact all Britishers are a Heinz 57 .

The  problem I believe  is that for decades the educating and supposedly  educated classes have been busy grandiosing other faiths and cultures and in turn belittling British culture .The British have over the  centuries given more to this world than any other Race .The  advantages in the modern world we live in now is in a great part thanks to  British invention and thinking .I am not for one moment stating we as a race  are not guilty of wrongs , of course we are but we seem to instructed to judge ourselves purely on those wrong doings .I believe that in turn entices  immigrants to this country to believe they are victims. The  systems and problems they have fled from are forgotten and the host country becomes the new enemy .

I am the son of an immigrant .Our name was changed to a British name and it was  made clear Britain put the  flesh on our bones and that is where our loyalties lie.No homelands bollox , no "this is your culture " although it was shit so we had to leave .Belonging and culture is a state of mind , colour or place of birth is inconsequential. 

This country has given so much to the world its time academics  and politicians begin to state that narrative. 



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Guest entitled little cunt
4 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

You won't need your heating on with the amount of amps you're pulling through your domestic consumer unit. With any luck it'll generate enough heat to burn your house down with you in it.

No offence.


2 hours ago, Decimus said:

Does anyone believe that Israel was caught completely unaware, on the anniversary of the Yom Kippur war of all fucking days?! 

Their security forces and intelligence network is absolutely second to none, something this big that undoubtedly required extensive and long term planning is never going to fly under their radar. It's been allowed to happen and their Jew mates that run the media are making every effort to portray it as barbarously as possible, so when the inevitable retaliation happens criticism against Israel will be muted.

Netanyahu is propped up by ultra Zionists who want more illegal settlements on Palestinian land, and he's now conveniently got his justification to go ahead and grant their wishes. 

The only good thing to come out of this would be if @andgot caught up in the pro-Palestinian celebrations in London and got his enormous kike hooter spread all over his leering, baby-blood drinking, stupid Jew face.

To be fair Hamas did start lobbing a load of missles over and armed fighters attacked women and children . It didnt end well the last time the Jews turned the other cheek so quite possibly their train of thought is influenced by that .

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1 hour ago, entitled little cunt said:

I'm in agreement with you in regards to the fact all Britishers are a Heinz 57 .

The  problem I believe  is that for decades the educating and supposedly  educated classes have been busy grandiosing other faiths and cultures and in turn belittling British culture .The British have over the  centuries given more to this world than any other Race .The  advantages in the modern world we live in now is in a great part thanks to  British invention and thinking .I am not for one moment stating we as a race  are not guilty of wrongs , of course we are but we seem to instructed to judge ourselves purely on those wrong doings .I believe that in turn entices  immigrants to this country to believe they are victims. The  systems and problems they have fled from are forgotten and the host country becomes the new enemy .

I am the son of an immigrant .Our name was changed to a British name and it was  made clear Britain put the  flesh on our bones and that is where our loyalties lie.No homelands bollox , no "this is your culture " although it was shit so we had to leave .Belonging and culture is a state of mind , colour or place of birth is inconsequential. 

This country has given so much to the world its time academics  and politicians begin to state that narrative. 



I bet you did one of those DNA things that tell you your ethnicity only to find you're related to Sammy Davis Jnr. 😉

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Guest entitled little cunt
38 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I bet you did one of those DNA things that tell you your ethnicity only to find you're related to Sammy Davis Jnr. 😉

Fuck , I wish .Unfortunately it was just some fucking goat herder .Probably explains my penchant for a bit of cloven hoof.

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16 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

The good ole folks of london are celebrating events occurring in far off places .Its about time the pearly Kings and Queens had a good old knees up around the old Joanna accompanied  with the rattle of Ak47's fired into air .

In these uncertain times  its comforting to know we can still come together as a nation .Our proud mayor of London  , that one constant we can look up to , his  reassuring  and guiding presence of fairness and tolerance  evident from  the humblest terrace street to the richest of suburbs .

This land , this blessed plot  , this septic Isle.

Makes ya fuckin proud.


The four by twos will probably  reduce every single one of the filthy medieval camel jockey cunts into even smaller particles than the sand that they live on. It’s quite a convenient situation for Piss Pants Biden and the corrupt warmongers who infest the Washington DC swamp. What with the election coming next year, the Ukraine money laundering scheme losing its appeal and the devil Trump ahead in even the polls that usually lie in the Democrats favour, despite their efforts to paint him as worse than Al Capone. The worst is yet to come. This is just the opening move in the latest distraction.

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Guest entitled little cunt
12 hours ago, Dick Fiddler said:

Likely found all three ratpacker's DNA up his arsehole.

Thankyou for your intelligent insightful  comment. Have you ever thought of seeking a career in teaching /lecturing or even the diplomatic corps.

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  • 7 months later...
On 08/10/2023 at 15:07, entitled little cunt said:

I am the son of an immigrant .Our name was changed to a British name and it was  made clear Britain put the  flesh on our bones and that is where our loyalties lie.No homelands bollox , no "this is your culture " although it was shit so we had to leave .Belonging and culture is a state of mind , colour or place of birth is inconsequential. 


On 08/10/2023 at 17:33, entitled little cunt said:

Fuck , I wish .Unfortunately it was just some fucking goat herder .Probably explains my penchant for a bit of cloven hoof.

Are you Jewish, elc?

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Guest entitled little cunt
6 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:


Are you Jewish, elc?

Just what exactly are you trying to prove?.What point are you trying to make ?.You've spent  ypur time searching that  post out .Are you the  deep throat  Water gate shadowy type ?.I assume that's lost on you along with a  good few other world  events that occurred before Facebook.You're getting a bit too serious about things .Find your  own life , if you have one and relent from being so bothered about mine .I  do think you need help  of some sort .

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2 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

Just what exactly are you trying to prove?.What point are you trying to make ?.You've spent  ypur time searching that  post out .Are you the  deep throat  Water gate shadowy type ?.I assume that's lost on you along with a  good few other world  events that occurred before Facebook.You're getting a bit too serious about things .Find your  own life , if you have one and relent from being so bothered about mine .I  do think you need help  of some sort .

The search function is easy to use and it took me a couple of minutes, now, answer the fucking question. Cunt. 

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On 08/10/2023 at 10:04, Cunty BigBollox said:

Who gives a fuck. The more the filthy fucking bastards knock shit out of each other, the less we'll have turning up on our shores.

I agree, the more Londoners that die painfully, the better. I don't understand what it's got to do with Middle-Eastern god-botherers.

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4 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

Just what exactly are you trying to prove?.What point are you trying to make ?.You've spent  ypur time searching that  post out .Are you the  deep throat  Water gate shadowy type ?.I assume that's lost on you along with a  good few other world  events that occurred before Facebook.You're getting a bit too serious about things .Find your  own life , if you have one and relent from being so bothered about mine .I  do think you need help  of some sort .

Avoiding the question. Deeply suspicious behaviour…what a swivel-eyed little gimp.

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On 08/10/2023 at 04:47, entitled little cunt said:

The good ole folks of london are celebrating events occurring in far off places .Its about time the pearly Kings and Queens had a good old knees up around the old Joanna accompanied  with the rattle of Ak47's fired into air .

In these uncertain times  its comforting to know we can still come together as a nation .Our proud mayor of London  , that one constant we can look up to , his  reassuring  and guiding presence of fairness and tolerance  evident from  the humblest terrace street to the richest of suburbs .

This land , this blessed plot  , this septic Isle.

Makes ya fuckin proud.



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On 08/10/2023 at 04:47, entitled little cunt said:

The good ole folks of london are celebrating events occurring in far off places .Its about time the pearly Kings and Queens had a good old knees up around the old Joanna accompanied  with the rattle of Ak47's fired into air .

In these uncertain times  its comforting to know we can still come together as a nation .Our proud mayor of London  , that one constant we can look up to , his  reassuring  and guiding presence of fairness and tolerance  evident from  the humblest terrace street to the richest of suburbs .

This land , this blessed plot  , this septic Isle.

Makes ya fuckin proud.


The Shakespeare anniversary went down like a dose of salts... partly due to the patronising tone of the BBC which is totally out of step with today.   Instead of searching for the relevance which lives in abundance in his plays we were treated to the snotty nosed Oxbridge documentary and a re-run of the "good in their day" BBC Shakespeare plays but which now seem incredibly dated with some great actors who for todays kids are completely unknown and never will be known.  

(Letter From Stratford - Alistair Chef) 

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