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Guest luke swarm

House of commons aint worth shit mate....Cameron has been getting round Parliament by lending RAF pilots to USAF so they can bomb over there without such things as due legal process.

Anyway back to the Nom...only regret is that the Reaper did not take out more of these misguided inhuman bastards. I would reiterate my view that anyone who wants to go is allowed to go.....it may also be worth charging a departure tax which should be in the form of mandatory chemical castration before boarding the aircraft, this would ensure that there are enough Virgins to go around for all the martyrs.  

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Guest DingTheRioja

House of commons aint worth shit mate....Cameron has been getting round Parliament by lending RAF pilots to USAF so they can bomb over there without such things as due legal process.

Anyway back to the Nom...only regret is that the Reaper did not take out more of these misguided inhuman bastards. I would reiterate my view that anyone who wants to go is allowed to go.....it may also be worth charging a departure tax which should be in the form of mandatory chemical castration before boarding the aircraft, this would ensure that there are enough Virgins to go around for all the martyrs.  

HoC is a fucking expensive shit though....

Reaper Drone , brilliant username for a new cunt.



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Guest Wizardsleeve

House of commons aint worth shit mate....Cameron has been getting round Parliament by lending RAF pilots to USAF so they can bomb over there without such things as due legal process.

Anyway back to the Nom...only regret is that the Reaper did not take out more of these misguided inhuman bastards. I would reiterate my view that anyone who wants to go is allowed to go.....it may also be worth charging a departure tax which should be in the form of mandatory chemical castration before boarding the aircraft, this would ensure that there are enough Virgins to go around for all the martyrs.  

Why chemical?  I say if they really want to prove their meddle, let them get the snip without any sedatives or anesthesia.  Guaran-fucking-tee their sprog won't be popping up back in our beloved country with a fucking explosive vest on heading for a school or a finer brothel.  

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Guest luke swarm

BBC Headline: Cameron to face questions in Parliament about deployment of Drones in Syria without parliaments approval after the reported death of British Jihadists.


Headline in right wing newspapers: Drone Strikes against British Jihadists foils plot to kill the Queen.   

The free press in action to lend a helping hand to mitigate what was  an illegal and unsanctioned action by our government. Whether you are agreed with the outcome or not...this is a terrible abuse of democracy. What else are they doing without us knowing or parliament knowing for that matter. Out of fucking control and reminiscent of the Blair years. 

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Guest Wizardsleeve

BBC Headline: Cameron to face questions in Parliament about deployment of Drones in Syria without parliaments approval after the reported death of British Jihadists.


Headline in right wing newspapers: Drone Strikes against British Jihadists foils plot to kill the Queen.   

The free press in action to lend a helping hand to mitigate what was  an illegal and unsanctioned action by our government. Whether you are agreed with the outcome or not...this is a terrible abuse of democracy. What else are they doing without us knowing or parliament knowing for that matter. Out of fucking control and reminiscent of the Blair years. 

If only Manila were here.  The yank could probably shed some light on the official book of dirty tricks to get rich by crooked cunts in power.  

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The cunts are dead. Nuff said. Plenty more where these twats came from. Ramp up the Hellfire production lines and let a few more join the queue for their 72 virgins or whatever. Start on the Human Rights industry when we start running short of really  bad fuckers to zap. Even better, drop a big bucket of sunshine on the twisted fuckwits. Cunts the lot of them.

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Do we have proof they are dead? Dental records or just believing what you read?

Will ISIS blow up Waddington? I hope not on the day me Audi is going by.

I am starting to think it's a load of shite, though this remote control thing is the future. DPD will turn up driverless, toss your parcel into your garden & bugger off.:lol:

would you mind popping over to Syria to confirm,  

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Let's not worry if they might be dead or not, just hope the cunts are. The way forward is to put so many drones and Hellfire missiles in the air it blocks out the sun. With total cunts like these its a case of kill them all and let Allah sort the shit out. I don't trust Muslims with beards and some of the blokes can be cunts as well.

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Guest luke swarm

Fucking hell, this really is turning into a proper Cunts Corner......right well lets keeping more sending Drones over without any kind of mandate from our parliament who are supposed to represent all our views. Lets up the ante and send the carpet bombers to really make sure the job is done properly. again against the wishes of the majority of people here.....after all this has been a successful policy so far..right.

I am no fan of these fuckwits who wish to return us to the darks ages but FFS its just going to mean more of the affected population who also don't wish this to flee to somewhere safer.....any ideas where that sanctuary might be?

 I have no problem with the deaths of these cunts and only wish they had suffered more like their victims, but starting wars in other countries is a sterile policy.  


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Guest Bill Stickers

Fucking hell, this really is turning into a proper Cunts Corner.

Hopefully a few of the new posters on this site will find it too tiring to use their right hand to wank, Sieg Heil AND post on this forum, and will stop the latter altogether.

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Hopefully a few of the new posters on this site will find it too tiring to use their right hand to wank, Sieg Heil AND post on this forum, and will stop the latter altogether.

If that is a dig at me (amongst others), I do not consider it a prerequisite to be a Nazi to see bad things happen to bad people. I think an affection for the English way of life in a Christian country is enough. Isn't there an old saying about evil will thrive when good men do nothing. If you want this as your private little empire and to avoid the inconvenience of new people rocking your comfortable little boat then you are obviously a cunt of Vanessa Feltz proportions.

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If that is a dig at me (amongst others), I do not consider it a prerequisite to be a Nazi to see bad things happen to bad people. I think an affection for the English way of life in a Christian country is enough. Isn't there an old saying about evil will thrive when good men do nothing. If you want this as your private little empire and to avoid the inconvenience of new people rocking your comfortable little boat then you are obviously a cunt of Vanessa Feltz proportions.

Welcome to the club.

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Guest Bill Stickers

If that is a dig at me (amongst others), I do not consider it a prerequisite to be a Nazi to see bad things happen to bad people. I think an affection for the English way of life in a Christian country is enough. Isn't there an old saying about evil will thrive when good men do nothing. If you want this as your private little empire and to avoid the inconvenience of new people rocking your comfortable little boat then you are obviously a cunt of Vanessa Feltz proportions.

Sorry, I lost interest at the word 'If'.

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So who are these Englanders then? As far as I can see, Syria is a devastated shithole, with barely any buildings or people left, let alone any kind of infrastructure, so how the fuck do we know who is up to what out there? Are these cunts posting Facebook statuses? Maybe they are informing the world of their nefarious activities via Twitter? Perhaps Mi5 hacked their Tinder accounts? 

Just because the scumbag media and their scumbag political mates say so, doesn't fucking mean it's so.

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I believe the fuckers are dead. The risk to Cameron's credibility is too great if one on the cunts turn up on The  X Factor next week. ( Classic sob story, " I was minding my own business picking fluff off my suicide vest and carving my initials into the stock of my AK47 when some fucker twatted me with a Hellfire Missile.)

I don't trust Politicians but think this one is pukka.

At least they will be happy having achieved martyrdom, the terrorist cunts.

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