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1 hour ago, Roadkill said:

The EU will be a very different beast the moment we leave. We'll be expected to surrender even more control over to them on the off chance they even want us back. Macron's reforms are absolute, undemocratic lunacy that will change the entire concept of membership if even part of them gets through.

It’s in their interests to let us go , and provides a convenient scapegoat for the failings of the eurozone.  They are all about protecting their own jobs , pensions and status - not the people they serve. Just like here.

But yeah. God help us if Corbyn or Swinson ever go crawling back begging.

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On 06/10/2019 at 19:26, Mrs Roops said:

For a start it was made very clear by both camps of the EU Referendum debate that leaving the EU meant leaving the Customs Union and the Single Market, in fact it was a core tenet of the Remainer's "Project Fear". After the referendum, elements of the losing side would talk about "respecting the voters wishes" then adding, "but they didn't vote for a hard Brexit". It is just another variation of weasel-worded justification for not respecting a clearly given mandate. I would say its very black and white. I would also say that Remainers undermined the UK's negotiating position with the EU and that MP's and civil servants who have been subverting the democratic wishes of the electorate are not fit for office.

Id say what undermined the UK's negotiating position was her disastrous snap election and subsequent paintin of red lines all over the shop to try n please her new allies the DUP..i suppose its not called the conservative and unionist partay for nothin..anyway 21 more days before ya tell the EU to fuk right off and then sit down n try n negotiate a trade deal with the EU (that you've just told to go fuk themselves) ..better than the one ya have now..Brexit..the gift that keeps on givin


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7 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Id say what undermined the UK's negotiating position was her disastrous snap election and subsequent paintin of red lines all over the shop to try n please her new allies the DUP..i suppose its not called the conservative and unionist partay for nothin..anyway 21 more days before ya tell the EU to fuk right off and then sit down n try n negotiate a trade deal with the EU (that you've just told to go fuk themselves) ..better than the one ya have now..Brexit..the gift that keeps on givin


May's election campaign was a disaster as was the negotiating strategy with the EU. The moment the UK caved into Merkel's demand to compartmentalise the divorce bill from the trade deal we were up the proverbial creek. However as we have seen, elements of the Remain camp are still arguing a debate that was put to bed on the day of the referendum result. Their stance and actions only emboldened the EU negotiators.

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11 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Id say what undermined the UK's negotiating position was her disastrous snap election and subsequent paintin of red lines all over the shop to try n please her new allies the DUP..i suppose its not called the conservative and unionist partay for nothin..anyway 21 more days before ya tell the EU to fuk right off and then sit down n try n negotiate a trade deal with the EU (that you've just told to go fuk themselves) ..better than the one ya have now..Brexit..the gift that keeps on givin


I fear you're correct my spud chomping friend. All the other pit falls of leaving the EU not withstanding, the real biggie was the border over the water and the end to seamless movement and trade. The only option I can see is fast tracked reunification of all Ireland so as we can deal with the micks simply as another country in the EU. As for the hate filled ultra right wing Unionists, I say send them back to Scotland were most of the cunts can from in the first place, or perhaps the Isle of Man. Unless of course the famous Irish hospitality will be extended to Arlene and her lot and you can accommodate them some place in the glorious republic?

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Arlene n her party of the 17th century would be more than welcome in the Dail her particular brand of brimstone n damnation would entertain us for hours..we'd need a sizable dowry though..seein as we're willin to take this ugly daughter off yer hands though..39 billion oughta do it 


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1 minute ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Arlene n her party of the 17th century would be more than welcome in the Dail her particular brand of brimstone n damnation would entertain us for hours..we'd need a sizable dowry though..seein as we're willin to take this ugly daughter off yer hands though..39 billion oughta do it 


39 billion to get shot of those backward zealots is a bargain and I'm sure UK PLC would have your arm off

Irish Punts OK?

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21 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

I fear you're correct my spud chomping friend. All the other pit falls of leaving the EU not withstanding, the real biggie was the border over the water and the end to seamless movement and trade. The only option I can see is fast tracked reunification of all Ireland so as we can deal with the micks simply as another country in the EU. As for the hate filled ultra right wing Unionists, I say send them back to Scotland were most of the cunts can from in the first place, or perhaps the Isle of Man. Unless of course the famous Irish hospitality will be extended to Arlene and her lot and you can accommodate them some place in the glorious republic?

So now Britain is being forced to stay in the EU for ever as hostages of the murdering cunts formerly known as the IRA, due to the implied threat of their return to violence if we dare to drop the fake  ‘no border’ illusion. Has everyone forgotten that the IRA surrendered basically, because they realised they could never defeat the British Army and all the security services of the British government militarily. The so-called ‘hate filled ultra right wing Unionists’ have been very quiet up till now, but as someone who comes from that side of the divide and grew up in Ulster all through the entirety of the troubles I can be 100% certain that the only way Ireland will be united against the will of the loyalists would be after every last one of them had been killed resisting that betrayal. In my opinion the violence in Ulster  will return sooner or later as the united Ireland problem will inevitably be on the agenda again  one day, and when the day comes that the British Government decides to sell out the loyalists, they will unleash a sleeping tiger. The UDA and the UVF are still sitting on a huge cache of weapons and have lots of members in the security forces over there, with long memories of the atrocities committed by the IRA and who will never countenance a united Ireland. As Gerry Adams famously said once about the IRA “They haven’t gone away”, the same can be said, more realistically actually about the Loyalist paramilitaries. 

If Corbyn and his IRA loving traitor party ever get into government then they’d better get ready for the loyalist terror campaign because the policies they would no doubt introduce will push the loyalists into that course of action. So for all Panzys laffin paddy act about Arlene he should know that in Ulster the DUP hold the power and won’t just roll over and surrender like the chicken provos did.

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3 hours ago, King Billy said:

So now Britain is being forced to stay in the EU for ever as hostages of the murdering cunts formerly known as the IRA, due to the implied threat of their return to violence if we dare to drop the fake  ‘no border’ illusion. Has everyone forgotten that the IRA surrendered basically, because they realised they could never defeat the British Army and all the security services of the British government militarily. The so-called ‘hate filled ultra right wing Unionists’ have been very quiet up till now, but as someone who comes from that side of the divide and grew up in Ulster all through the entirety of the troubles I can be 100% certain that the only way Ireland will be united against the will of the loyalists would be after every last one of them had been killed resisting that betrayal. In my opinion the violence in Ulster  will return sooner or later as the united Ireland problem will inevitably be on the agenda again  one day, and when the day comes that the British Government decides to sell out the loyalists, they will unleash a sleeping tiger. The UDA and the UVF are still sitting on a huge cache of weapons and have lots of members in the security forces over there, with long memories of the atrocities committed by the IRA and who will never countenance a united Ireland. As Gerry Adams famously said once about the IRA “They haven’t gone away”, the same can be said, more realistically actually about the Loyalist paramilitaries. 

If Corbyn and his IRA loving traitor party ever get into government then they’d better get ready for the loyalist terror campaign because the policies they would no doubt introduce will push the loyalists into that course of action. So for all Panzys laffin paddy act about Arlene he should know that in Ulster the DUP hold the power and won’t just roll over and surrender like the chicken provos did.

Possibly, and of course who am I to argue with your unique insight into the situation. However, unless the UDD/UFF and similar factions have been continuing to recruit new blood over the last 20 years, I'm guessing most of the players will be getting on a bit. I'm not entirely sure the youth over there have the stomach or the will go go back to lobbing grenades at each other, but of course I think we're soon going to find out.

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Just now, Stubby Pecker said:

Possibly, and of course who am I to argue with your unique insight into the situation. However, unless the UDD/UFF and similar factions have been continuing to recruit new blood over the last 20 years, I'm guessing most of the players will be getting on a bit. I'm not entirely sure the youth over there have the stomach or the will go go back to lobbing grenades at each other, but of course I think we're soon going to find out.

Although I’ve lived in London for many years Stubbs I still go over there at least a couple of times a year. Family shit, Christmas etc, The ordinary people on both sides still have a deep mistrust of each other’s communities. The fact is that the catholic and Protestant populations live in completely separate areas in the Cities, and the towns and villages are almost exclusively one religion. The children are educated mostly in schools which are solely for one or the other religion. The irony is that for such a divided community on religious grounds that few of the people actually practice either religion. But they still class themselves as a ‘Prod’’ or a ‘Teague’.  The fact that the Stormont Parliament has been collapsed for nearly 3 years now says it all really. The two sides are still as much on conflict as ever, just not openly and violently hostile. (At the moment).

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32 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Possibly, and of course who am I to argue with your unique insight into the situation. However, unless the UDD/UFF and similar factions have been continuing to recruit new blood over the last 20 years, I'm guessing most of the players will be getting on a bit. I'm not entirely sure the youth over there have the stomach or the will go go back to lobbing grenades at each other, but of course I think we're soon going to find out.

Regardless of Brexit, these next few decades were always going to be contentious. The catholics are expected to represent a majority of the population by the next census, and The Good Friday Agreement has provisions, if somewhat wooly, for a border poll about unification with the republic:

"if at any time it appears likely that a majority of those voting would express a wish that Northern Ireland should cease to be part of the United Kingdom and form part of a united Ireland." 

Whether a voting age catholic majority, however slim, would be enough to trigger this, is anyone's guess, and I suspect it was left deliberately vague to keep the peace for as long as possible. Who is to say that every catholic would automatically vote for unification?

Regardless of Brexit, we are coming to a point within the next fifteen to twenty years where NI has the potential to descend back into open violence.

Personally, my opinion on it has changed. I was brought up with a nationalist viewpoint, but to be honest, I now think the status quo is preferable if it means there isn't more loss of life and violence. Of course, I say this from the comfort of Norfolk, and I'm sure many over there would disagree entirely with me.




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11 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Although I’ve lived in London for many years Stubbs I still go over there at least a couple of times a year. Family shit, Christmas etc, The ordinary people on both sides still have a deep mistrust of each other’s communities. The fact is that the catholic and Protestant populations live in completely separate areas in the Cities, and the towns and villages are almost exclusively one religion. The children are educated mostly in schools which are solely for one or the other religion. The irony is that for such a divided community on religious grounds that few of the people actually practice either religion. But they still class themselves as a ‘Prod’’ or a ‘Teague’.  The fact that the Stormont Parliament has been collapsed for nearly 3 years now says it all really. The two sides are still as much on conflict as ever, just not openly and violently hostile. (At the moment).

I know this shite still goes on in Glasgow as well, but the fact that the rest of the UK is basically atheist means very few people not from over the water can understand the situation, albeit the religious divisions being born out of historic injustice. So with all the millions thrown at NI over the decades why the fuck hasn't there been anything concrete done to break up this segregation especially amongst the youth?

With an roughly equal split between the two side its almost like an analogue of this Brexit bollocks which of course we'll all still be talking about in 20 years time. 

Maybe they should divide NI even further, one side for the Fenian bastards and the other for Arlene's lot separated by 500 yard of no mans land 


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23 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Regardless of Brexit, these next few decades were always going to be contentious. The catholics are expected to represent a majority of the population by the next census, and The Good Friday Agreement has provisions, if somewhat wooly, for a border poll about unification with the republic:

"if at any time it appears likely that a majority of those voting would express a wish that Northern Ireland should cease to be part of the United Kingdom and form part of a united Ireland." 

Whether a voting age catholic majority, however slim, would be enough to trigger this, is anyone's guess, and I suspect it was left deliberately vague to keep the peace for as long as possible. Who is to say that every catholic would automatically vote for unification?

Regardless of Brexit, we are coming to a point within the next fifteen to twenty years where NI has the potential to descend back into open violence.

Personally, my opinion on it has changed. I was brought up with a nationalist viewpoint, but to be honest, I now think the status quo is preferable if it means there isn't more loss of life and violence. Of course, I say this from the comfort of Norfolk, and I'm sure many over there would disagree entirely with me.




I am not sure people in the Republic would want to take on another 6 counties where nearly 50% of the inhabitants are frothing at the mouth, jack waving, ultra religious conservatives. Ireland has gone down the route of neo liberalism, mass immigration, cock chopping, rainbow flag waving and EU cuckoldry. They will want fuck all to do with these loonies in the North.

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11 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

I know this shite still goes on in Glasgow as well, but the fact that the rest of the UK is basically atheist means very few people not from over the water can understand the situation, albeit the religious divisions being born out of historic injustice. So with all the millions thrown at NI over the decades why the fuck hasn't there been anything concrete done to break up this segregation especially amongst the youth?

With an roughly equal split between the two side its almost like an analogue of this Brexit bollocks which of course we'll all still be talking about in 20 years time. 

Maybe they should divide NI even further, one side for the Fenian bastards and the other for Arlene's lot separated by 500 yard of no mans land 


If all people who lived in the British Isles became Catholics united under one flag and a Catholic convert monarch, the problem would be solved.

I find your atheism repulsive.You erroneously label most Brits with your perverse doctrines which is horseshit.

Fuck off.


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5 hours ago, King Billy said:

So now Britain is being forced to stay in the EU for ever as hostages of the murdering cunts formerly known as the IRA, due to the implied threat of their return to violence if we dare to drop the fake  ‘no border’ illusion. Has everyone forgotten that the IRA surrendered basically, because they realised they could never defeat the British Army and all the security services of the British government militarily. The so-called ‘hate filled ultra right wing Unionists’ have been very quiet up till now, but as someone who comes from that side of the divide and grew up in Ulster all through the entirety of the troubles I can be 100% certain that the only way Ireland will be united against the will of the loyalists would be after every last one of them had been killed resisting that betrayal. In my opinion the violence in Ulster  will return sooner or later as the united Ireland problem will inevitably be on the agenda again  one day, and when the day comes that the British Government decides to sell out the loyalists, they will unleash a sleeping tiger. The UDA and the UVF are still sitting on a huge cache of weapons and have lots of members in the security forces over there, with long memories of the atrocities committed by the IRA and who will never countenance a united Ireland. As Gerry Adams famously said once about the IRA “They haven’t gone away”, the same can be said, more realistically actually about the Loyalist paramilitaries. 

If Corbyn and his IRA loving traitor party ever get into government then they’d better get ready for the loyalist terror campaign because the policies they would no doubt introduce will push the loyalists into that course of action. So for all Panzys laffin paddy act about Arlene he should know that in Ulster the DUP hold the power and won’t just roll over and surrender like the chicken provos did.

Billy baby..should the day come id happily help ya paint yer mural o  the dutch king billy on his steed crossing the boyne in 1690 somthin n then go to yer local maybe its the kneebreakers on the shankill road  we'll have a jar n sing a song..i suggest the we're on the one road song ...but maybe youd like somtin a bit more lively like we gotta get outa this place by the animals


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37 minutes ago, Earl of Punkape said:

If all people who lived in the British Isles became Catholics united under one flag and a Catholic convert monarch, the problem would be solved.

I find your atheism repulsive.You erroneously label most Brits with your perverse doctrines which is horseshit.

Fuck off.


I find your spunk gargling antics utterly repulsive. Get back to being bent over some shit stained mattress with some AIDS riddled Congoite about to fire his filthy grot up your back passage, giblets deep shortly followed by his dozen or so bruthas

lol lol!

fuck off

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13 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

I find your spunk gargling antics utterly repulsive. Get back to being bent over some shit stained mattress with some AIDS riddled Congoite about to fire his filthy grot up your back passage, giblets deep shortly followed by his dozen or so bruthas

lol lol!

fuck off

By regurgitating such filth ad nauseam you demonstrate your depravity and existence in a moral vacuum.

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1 hour ago, Earl of Punkape said:

If all people who lived in the British Isles became Catholics united under one flag and a Catholic convert monarch, the problem would be solved.

I find your atheism repulsive.You erroneously label most Brits with your perverse doctrines which is horseshit.

Fuck off.


Stand firm Punkers. Remember Luke 23:34   Forgive them Lord, they know not what they do........ '

Luke 23:37 The soldier said  'I do, I have relatives in Norfolk, and we know everything'


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