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The Plague! The Plague!


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Sound the alarm. Bar up the castle windows, lock the gates, lower the portcullis and raise the drawbridge.  Whisperings from the Orient tell tales of a fearful plague about to be unleashed on a Covid-weakened kingdom.  "King Rollo!" they cry, "how will we keep our groins and armpits fresh and buboe free?"  

"Use a deoderant and wear this!":

Plague mask

Oh, and wash your hands.




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25 minutes ago, KingRollo said:

Sound the alarm. Bar up the castle windows, lock the gates, lower the portcullis and raise the drawbridge.  Whisperings from the Orient tell tales of a fearful plague about to be unleashed on a Covid-weakened kingdom.  "King Rollo!" they cry, "how will we keep our groins and armpits fresh and buboe free?"  

"Use a deoderant and wear this!":

Plague mask

Oh, and wash your hands.




Is that Davina McCall? 

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1 hour ago, ChildeHarold said:

Clearly a refugee from Rose Tremain's Restoration - now Chancellor of East Anglia University (Didn't she do well?) The only decent film Robert Downey Jnr. did before he went all iron and drug free spastic.

He made a passable Sherlock.

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Guest Weary&Disgusted
4 hours ago, KingRollo said:

Sound the alarm. Bar up the castle windows, lock the gates, lower the portcullis and raise the drawbridge.  Whisperings from the Orient tell tales of a fearful plague about to be unleashed on a Covid-weakened kingdom.  "King Rollo!" they cry, "how will we keep our groins and armpits fresh and buboe free?"  

"Use a deoderant and wear this!":

Plague mask

Oh, and wash your hands.




The general consensus seems to be that Covid is a natural phenomenon, but there was a very strange moment when sir Richard Dearlove claimed to have proof that the virus had escaped from a lab.  Has anyone else heard anything more on this topic ?

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4 hours ago, KingRollo said:

Sound the alarm. Bar up the castle windows, lock the gates, lower the portcullis and raise the drawbridge.  Whisperings from the Orient tell tales of a fearful plague about to be unleashed on a Covid-weakened kingdom.  "King Rollo!" they cry, "how will we keep our groins and armpits fresh and buboe free?"  

"Use a deoderant and wear this!":

Plague mask

Oh, and wash your hands.





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24 minutes ago, Weary&Disgusted said:

The general consensus seems to be that Covid is a natural phenomenon, but there was a very strange moment when sir Richard Dearlove claimed to have proof that the virus had escaped from a lab.  Has anyone else heard anything more on this topic ?

As a general rule of thumb I would absolutely not believe anything told to me by someone who claimed his name was Richard Dearlove. Call me old fashioned.

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15 hours ago, KingRollo said:

Sound the alarm. Bar up the castle windows, lock the gates, lower the portcullis and raise the drawbridge.  Whisperings from the Orient tell tales of a fearful plague about to be unleashed on a Covid-weakened kingdom.  "King Rollo!" they cry, "how will we keep our groins and armpits fresh and buboe free?"  

"Use a deoderant and wear this!":

Plague mask

Oh, and wash your hands.




Fucking Jews

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8 minutes ago, KingRollo said:

"Here's one..."


"But I'm not dead!"

The holy grail. Monty Python when they were still funny. 

I remember when The Life of Brian was first released there were hundreds of placard waving loons outside the local cinema protesting about the blasphemy of the film. It was like the Father Ted scene which it was probably based on. Mind you I am talking N. Ireland where they do tend to take religion a bit too seriously. My great great great great Grandad Henry Tudor wouldn’t have stood for such revolt. I miss him terribly. I  have the remains of the leg of lamb he ate at his very last banquet. Still tastes good. I quite often have a sneaky gnaw at it when Queen Billy disappears for her afternoon clearout before Tipping Point comes on the telly. I’m truly blessed to have such a classy queen.

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6 minutes ago, King Billy said:

The holy grail. Monty Python when they were still funny. 

I remember when The Life of Brian was first released there were hundreds of placard waving loons outside the local cinema protesting about the blasphemy of the film. It was like the Father Ted scene which it was probably based on. Mind you I am talking N. Ireland where they do tend to take religion a bit too seriously. My great great great great Grandad Henry Tudor wouldn’t have stood for such revolt. I miss him terribly. I  have the remains of the leg of lamb he ate at his very last banquet. Still tastes good. I quite often have a sneaky gnaw at it when Queen Billy disappears for her afternoon clearout before Tipping Point comes on the telly. I’m truly blessed to have such a classy queen.

Not just NI. The Swan in High Wycombe was showing the Rocky Horror last year - there was some nutter from the local church handing out leaflets telling all and sundry they were going to hell.  My personal favourite though were the Mormons outside the Prince of Wales Theatre after performances of "The Book of Mormon" ... I actually thought they were cast members...

Your queen is all class, and you are indeed fortunate to have her.  Surely the lamb's a bit ripe by now though? Though, of course, if the rumours about her Maj's personal hygiene are to be believed, perhaps you don't mind that sort of thing?  


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4 minutes ago, KingRollo said:

Not just NI. The Swan in High Wycombe was showing the Rocky Horror last year - there was some nutter from the local church handing out leaflets telling all and sundry they were going to hell.  My personal favourite though were the Mormons outside the Prince of Wales Theatre after performances of "The Book of Mormon" ... I actually thought they were cast members...

Your queen is all class, and you are indeed fortunate to have her.  Surely the lamb's a bit ripe by now though? Though, of course, if the rumours about her Maj's personal hygiene are to be believed, perhaps you don't mind that sort of thing?  


Don’t mind? If truth be told, I thoroughly embrace the admittedly unusual aroma of the fragrant one who must be obeyed. Mere mortals couldn’t possibly be expected to understand that, but as a fellow toff you know that us Royals do have much more finely honed tastes than the peasant classes, filthy uncultured beasts that they are.


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9 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Don’t mind? If truth be told, I thoroughly embrace the admittedly unusual aroma of the fragrant one who must be obeyed. Mere mortals couldn’t possibly be expected to understand that, but as a fellow toff you know that us Royals do have much more finely honed tastes than the peasant classes, filthy uncultured beasts that they are.


The piquancy is certainly a refined taste, only for the more sophisticated olfactory pallet.  I am sure the Queen's pungency is the envy of your realm among the higher ranking classes.


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16 minutes ago, KingRollo said:

The piquancy is certainly a refined taste, only for the more sophisticated olfactory pallet.  I am sure the Queen's pungency is the envy of your realm among the higher ranking classes.


Ah yes. Tis true Your Majesty. I predict that the legend of her magnificent royal blurter will for all eternity be spoken about with greater reverence than the Arthur and Guinevere tales which I myself believe to be somewhat fanciful to say the least. 


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19 hours ago, KingRollo said:

Sound the alarm. Bar up the castle windows, lock the gates, lower the portcullis and raise the drawbridge.  Whisperings from the Orient tell tales of a fearful plague about to be unleashed on a Covid-weakened kingdom.  "King Rollo!" they cry, "how will we keep our groins and armpits fresh and buboe free?"  

"Use a deoderant and wear this!":


Oh, and wash your hands.




Thanks for the bubonic plague heads-up, KR. The nom however would've carried more credit had you not decided to authenticate it with a link from The fucking Sun.

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17 hours ago, Weary&Disgusted said:

The general consensus seems to be that Covid is a natural phenomenon, but there was a very strange moment when sir Richard Dearlove claimed to have proof that the virus had escaped from a lab.  Has anyone else heard anything more on this topic ?

Similarly to millions, we've spent the past 4-5 months discussing such synopses – something you'd know had you bothered using the site's search feature. Keep up, you slow, backwards, remedial cunt.

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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

Thanks for the bubonic plague heads-up, KR. The nom however would've carried more credit had you not decided to authenticate it with a link from The fucking Sun.

Yes, I must admit, that wasn't my finest moment. Constructive criticism always welcome, thank you Wolfie.

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4 hours ago, KingRollo said:

The piquancy is certainly a refined taste, only for the more sophisticated olfactory pallet.  I am sure the Queen's pungency is the envy of your realm among the higher ranking classes.



3 hours ago, King Billy said:

Ah yes. Tis true Your Majesty. I predict that the legend of her magnificent royal blurter will for all eternity be spoken about with greater reverence than the Arthur and Guinevere tales which I myself believe to be somewhat fanciful to say the least. 


It's no wonder that this sort of thing is prevalent with royal wenches. You lot bugger off for months at a time, conquering, crusading and the like. Before you go, you fit a chastity belt to your wives/concubines etc', and render them incapable of attending to the area with soap and water. After months of sweat and piss it's hardly surprising that their haddock sluices take on a bouquet that would make a herring gull puke.


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