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Yet another killer dog

Prints Harry

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17 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Mosques, Gospel churches, community 'yoof' centres, and any other gatherings of 'oppressed minorities' will be ignored in favour of harassing old ladies and retired librarians. 

Such is the mentality of our brave, upstanding police force. The gutless fucking shitcunt enforcers of the ruling elite. I hope they all fucking die.

The Jesus Army should be resurrected (a timely Easter pun for you there.) Those cunts had a bus and everything, and they'd soon put those fucking coppers in their place. Either that, or they'd sexually molest them, but you can't make omelettes without breaking legs.


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17 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

The Jesus Army should be resurrected (a timely Easter pun for you there.) Those cunts had a bus and everything, and they'd soon put those fucking coppers in their place. Either that, or they'd sexually molest them, but you can't make omelettes without breaking legs.


Personally, I'm in favour of resurrecting the Knights Templer, what with it being the Easter. 

Allegedly, they were the equivalent of today's SAS, and were documented slaughtering forces that were far superior in numbers. 

Unfortunately they became far too powerful for the European monarchies who saw them as a threat, and most were rounded up and executed. However, a large contingent managed to reach Scotland where they were afforded protection. 

Edited by Major Cunt
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16 minutes ago, Major Cunt said:

Personally, I'm in favour of resurrecting the Knights Templer, what with it being the Easter. 

Allegedly, they were the equivalent of today's SAS, and were documented slaughtering forces that were far superior in numbers. 

Unfortunately they became far too powerful for the European monarchies who saw them as a threat, and most were rounded up and executed. However, a large contingent managed to reach Scotland where they were afforded protection. 

I believe they still exist, but it's a cunt getting on the number 36 bus with the sword and shield. 

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35 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

The Jesus Army should be resurrected (a timely Easter pun for you there.) Those cunts had a bus and everything, and they'd soon put those fucking coppers in their place. Either that, or they'd sexually molest them, but you can't make omelettes without breaking legs.


Fucking hell, is that outside The Forum in Norwich?

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Guest Weary&Disgusted
1 hour ago, Major Cunt said:

They're just the enforcement arm of the powers that be as you've mentioned. No doubt some of them are enjoying their newly prescribed extra powers, and I watched a video of a charity worker being arrested for feeding the homeless from a mobile soup kitchen due to it being classed as a gathering, or similar bollocks. 

Obviously discretion plays a big part in deciding who to put in the back of a meat wagon, but we've feral fucking animals knifing each other, and the innocent on a daily basis and there more concerned with enforcing the fucking covid laws.

Don't worry about the pensioners who are too scared to walk to the local shop, or are being frog-marched to the Natwest to pay 20 grand for a broken roof tile. 

Do you still have the link to the charity worker video ?  Whichever copper thought  that was a good idea must be mentally ill. 

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23 minutes ago, Weary&Disgusted said:

Do you still have the link to the charity worker video ?  Whichever copper thought  that was a good idea must be mentally ill. 

A lot of these cunts killing each other were good dads who loved their kids more than anything else in the world and never forgot their mums at christmas.

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7 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

What's happening over there Billy? Looks like the loyalist natives are getting restless. 

There was an IRA funeral last week with hundreds of the slags in attendance. The PSNI allowed it to happen against the strict Covid rules and didn’t interfere at all. Bearing in mind that families have been denied permission to attend ordinary family funerals for a year now, there was a lot of outrage about the double standards. It then came out that the police and the organisers had met and that they had been given the all clear to have as many people attending as they wished. The cunts who killed over 1000 RUC during the troubles are now getting preferential treatment. The loyalists are predictably none too pleased and Arlene has called for the Chief Constable to pack his bags and fuck off, which of course he won’t. So the hoods have taken to the streets for the last week for a bit of the national pastime ie rioting. They’ve also got the bollock ache over Bozo being the lying cunt that he’s always been and putting a border down the Irish Sea between Ulster and the mainland, after numerous denials that would happen. I hope they burn the fucking province to the ground and be done with it. The Mick’s can have the smouldering wasteland then. Try growing spuds on that ya bastards.

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2 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Mosques, Gospel churches, community 'yoof' centres, and any other gatherings of 'oppressed minorities' will be ignored in favour of harassing old ladies and retired librarians. 

Such is the mentality of our brave, upstanding police force. The gutless fucking shitcunt enforcers of the ruling elite. I hope they all fucking die.

Good to see you back on form old boy and your summing up of the piss weak pigs is pretty much spot on.

Why try to tackle organised crime, child trafficking, violent gangs and pissed up wankers beating the shit out of each other in the park when some easy wins are out there waiting.

The two coppers in my village are complete fucking self obsessed cunts unable to have a conversation without quickly diverting to their superhero lifestyle

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2 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Mosques, Gospel churches, community 'yoof' centres, and any other gatherings of 'oppressed minorities' will be ignored in favour of harassing old ladies and retired librarians. 

Such is the mentality of our brave, upstanding police force. The gutless fucking shitcunt enforcers of the ruling elite. I hope they all fucking die.

The only thing I can add to that is ‘slowly and painfully while kneeling on Harold’s neck’.

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34 minutes ago, King Billy said:

There was an IRA funeral last week with hundreds of the slags in attendance. The PSNI allowed it to happen against the strict Covid rules and didn’t interfere at all. Bearing in mind that families have been denied permission to attend ordinary family funerals for a year now, there was a lot of outrage about the double standards. It then came out that the police and the organisers had met and that they had been given the all clear to have as many people attending as they wished. The cunts who killed over 1000 RUC during the troubles are now getting preferential treatment. The loyalists are predictably none too pleased and Arlene has called for the Chief Constable to pack his bags and fuck off, which of course he won’t. So the hoods have taken to the streets for the last week for a bit of the national pastime ie rioting. They’ve also got the bollock ache over Bozo being the lying cunt that he’s always been and putting a border down the Irish Sea between Ulster and the mainland, after numerous denials that would happen. I hope they burn the fucking province to the ground and be done with it. The Mick’s can have the smouldering wasteland then. Try growing spuds on that ya bastards.

Plus ca change!

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2 hours ago, Major Cunt said:

Personally, I'm in favour of resurrecting the Knights Templer, what with it being the Easter. 

Allegedly, they were the equivalent of today's SAS, and were documented slaughtering forces that were far superior in numbers. 

Unfortunately they became far too powerful for the European monarchies who saw them as a threat, and most were rounded up and executed. However, a large contingent managed to reach Scotland where they were afforded protection. 

...... and the Baltic and Portugal..

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1 hour ago, Weary&Disgusted said:

Do you still have the link to the charity worker video ?  Whichever copper thought  that was a good idea must be mentally ill. 

I'll have a look on YouTube and post it, Weary. I'm sure the plod who made the arrest has seriously fucked up his future promotion chances, and obviously didn't bank on the video going viral... 

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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

There was an IRA funeral last week with hundreds of the slags in attendance. The PSNI allowed it to happen against the strict Covid rules and didn’t interfere at all. Bearing in mind that families have been denied permission to attend ordinary family funerals for a year now, there was a lot of outrage about the double standards. It then came out that the police and the organisers had met and that they had been given the all clear to have as many people attending as they wished. The cunts who killed over 1000 RUC during the troubles are now getting preferential treatment. The loyalists are predictably none too pleased and Arlene has called for the Chief Constable to pack his bags and fuck off, which of course he won’t. So the hoods have taken to the streets for the last week for a bit of the national pastime ie rioting. They’ve also got the bollock ache over Bozo being the lying cunt that he’s always been and putting a border down the Irish Sea between Ulster and the mainland, after numerous denials that would happen. I hope they burn the fucking province to the ground and be done with it. The Mick’s can have the smouldering wasteland then. Try growing spuds on that ya bastards.

If it was the old days you'd have some moustachioed cunt in a flat cap, lobbing a few grenades and popping off a few caps. 

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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

There was an IRA funeral last week with hundreds of the slags in attendance. The PSNI allowed it to happen against the strict Covid rules and didn’t interfere at all. Bearing in mind that families have been denied permission to attend ordinary family funerals for a year now, there was a lot of outrage about the double standards. It then came out that the police and the organisers had met and that they had been given the all clear to have as many people attending as they wished. The cunts who killed over 1000 RUC during the troubles are now getting preferential treatment. The loyalists are predictably none too pleased and Arlene has called for the Chief Constable to pack his bags and fuck off, which of course he won’t. So the hoods have taken to the streets for the last week for a bit of the national pastime ie rioting. They’ve also got the bollock ache over Bozo being the lying cunt that he’s always been and putting a border down the Irish Sea between Ulster and the mainland, after numerous denials that would happen. I hope they burn the fucking province to the ground and be done with it. The Mick’s can have the smouldering wasteland then. Try growing spuds on that ya bastards.

Where's Micky Stone when you need him, Bill? Armed to the teeth with a few British acquired grenades would have pissed on their bonfire. 

Edited by Major Cunt
Fuck it. Drop one of those thermobaric bombs that suck the air out of anything in the surrounding radius.
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On 03/04/2021 at 21:59, camberwell gypsy said:

The police are cunts, Billy.  The way some of them have been acting during this chinky plague has been fucking disgusting. I'm just hoping they try some of that shit in Pecham, Brixton or Toxteth and see what fucking happens then. But they won't because they don't have the arsehole. Dragging women out of protests is more their level. 

The police have really gone over the top with this



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Guest Weary&Disgusted
58 minutes ago, Major Cunt said:


@Weary&Disgusted here you go mate. 

Well fuck me sideways, what an obnoxious evil little jobsworth.  As Stubby says, I guess they don't fancy going after the hard targets like crack dealers or burglars or rapists.  Absolutely terrifying what these pathetic contemptible little wankers get up to when they have the power the uniform gives them.  I hope he is sacked and then faces charges himself for abuse of his position.  A fucking disgrace to his profession. Scary stuff Major !

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12 minutes ago, Weary&Disgusted said:

Well fuck me sideways, what an obnoxious evil little jobsworth.  As Stubby says, I guess they don't fancy going after the hard targets like crack dealers or burglars or rapists.  Absolutely terrifying what these pathetic contemptible little wankers get up to when they have the power the uniform gives them.  I hope he is sacked and then faces charges himself for abuse of his role.  Scary stuff Major !

There are many like them and not just in the police. Using their discretion, commonsense and doing what is reasonable no longer applies.

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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

There was an IRA funeral last week with hundreds of the slags in attendance.

Bobby Storey died last June following a failed lung transplant. I can only hope that the operation was carried out without anaesthetic, and was preceded by several years of agony that even the strongest diamorphines couldn't touch. When Gerry Adams' turn comes I further hope it's a prolonged case of pancreatic cancer, and that they cremate him alive for good measure.

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