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Azeem Rafiq


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This cunt deserves a nom of his own despite being cunted in other threads recently. Now the needy cunt has accused a team mate of naming his dog with a racist moniker.......wait for it......Kevin......??.

He's claiming that 'kevin' was a name that was given to him and his dusky,tea towel wearing kind and that by naming his dog Kevin he's yet another racist.

This cunt needs deporting,exterminating,sent on his way to 70 virgins and generally just silencing but you and I know he'll probably end up a hero for being so brave for standing up to the nasty racists that are obviously all white cricketers. Cunt 

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1 hour ago, Neil said:

This cunt deserves a nom of his own despite being cunted in other threads recently. Now the needy cunt has accused a team mate of naming his dog with a racist moniker.......wait for it......Kevin......??.

He's claiming that 'kevin' was a name that was given to him and his dusky,tea towel wearing kind and that by naming his dog Kevin he's yet another racist.

This cunt needs deporting,exterminating,sent on his way to 70 virgins and generally just silencing but you and I know he'll probably end up a hero for being so brave for standing up to the nasty racists that are obviously all white cricketers. Cunt 

Neil, you heartless twat. The man cried on telly ffs…it must be true. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?

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He should have spent some time at my house in the early 90s. My old man and dear had two black dogs, Sambo and Dixie, the implications of which I didn't understand until I was in college. I still wonder what people must have thought whenever I screamed Sambo at the little black cunt during the times it ran into the sea on Holkham beach.

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2 hours ago, Decimus said:

He should have spent some time at my house in the early 90s. My old man and dear had two black dogs, Sambo and Dixie, the implications of which I didn't understand until I was in college. I still wonder what people must have thought whenever I screamed Sambo at the little black cunt during the times it ran into the sea on Holkham beach.

My nan had a black cat called Sambo. She had another one she called "Chinky" because it had narrow eyes. 

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I don't know what it is, Neil, but this isn't working for me. If it was @Eric Cuntman or @Eddie who had made this nomination, they would have had me frothing at the arsehole and demanding public executions within minutes.

You need to work on your race baiting and expand your list of xenophobic pejoratives, because at the moment I'm not feeling even a twinge of The Garnetts.


Edited by Mrs Roops
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8 hours ago, Neil said:

This cunt deserves a nom of his own despite being cunted in other threads recently. Now the needy cunt has accused a team mate of naming his dog with a racist moniker.......wait for it......Kevin......??.

He's claiming that 'kevin' was a name that was given to him and his dusky,tea towel wearing kind and that by naming his dog Kevin he's yet another racist.

This cunt needs deporting,exterminating,sent on his way to 70 virgins and generally just silencing but you and I know he'll probably end up a hero for being so brave for standing up to the nasty racists that are obviously all white cricketers. Cunt 

Bang on cue…this utterly unknown-until-today, musty-quimmed slag jumps on the bandwagon and carves a new career out for herself. Courtesy of course, of this being the number 1 BBC Sport story today. Unfuckinbelievable…almost.


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7 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Neil, you heartless twat. The man cried on telly ffs…it must be true. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?

I take it all back…it would appear that the field-shitter is himself, less than racially tolerant after all. Oh the delicious irony. 


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21 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

I take it all back…it would appear that the field-shitter is himself, less than racially tolerant after all. Oh the delicious irony. 


You would think that this would result in a media backlash of biblical proportions, with Rafiq dragged through the mud for his disgusting hypocrisy. If the fucking BBC are anything to go by, he'll probably still get a knighthood and a multi-pillion pound book deal, though.

Just read the article, there's barely a paragraph on his streams of racist invective before it deviates back to how racist and bad the naughty white, English cricketers are.

Send this cunt fucking packing and immediately defund the quisling BBC, which continues on an almost daily basis to betray the majority native population that pays for it.

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Now I don;t know much about cricket, but my initial thoughts were that this Rafiq character must be a despicable, thin-skinned, chancer who deserved every iota of opprobrium thrown at him, but I'd have been wrong.

Based on the breaking news on the BBC website, he is apparently actually a wonderful chap, albeit a bit of a hypocrite, and has actually been posting on the Corner as @ratcum for many years now.

Azeem Rafiq apologises for historical anti-Semitic messages


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20 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

I take it all back…it would appear that the field-shitter is himself, less than racially tolerant after all. Oh the delicious irony. 


So he apologises, he was young, he is ashamed, he has changed. Oh that's all right then. Well done for apologising. Good show. We"ll forget about it. Now, back to ruining that cunt's career who said something vaguely racist 12 years ago. 

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33 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

I take it all back…it would appear that the field-shitter is himself, less than racially tolerant after all. Oh the delicious irony. 


Sorry DC, didn't see you'd sneaked that in before I posted.

8 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

So he apologises, he was young, he is ashamed, he has changed. Oh that's all right then. Well done for apologising. Good show. We"ll forget about it. Now, back to ruining that cunt's career who said something vaguely racist 12 years ago. 

You couldn't make it up, could you?


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4 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I'm sorry; I only read English. 

I only understood "Jew shit". 

Hopefully the "Jew shit" is on the phone to his lawyers even as I type, and Rafiq's ill-gotten £100k won't be resting in his account for very long. 

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2 hours ago, Decimus said:

I don't know what it is, Neil, but this isn't working for me. If it was @Eric Cuntman or @Eddie who had made this nomination, they would have had me frothing at the arsehole and demanding public paki executions within minutes.

You need to work on your race baiting and expand your list of xenophobic pejoratives, because at the moment I'm not feeling even a twinge of The Garnetts.

29 minutes ago, Neil said:

You know what they say "Whats good for the goose is good for the ghandi"

Fucking shit skin

That's better, Neil, good lad!

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This fiasco is wholly self inflicted by Yorkshire County cricket club.

The President should have made a public statement saying if people don't like it they should get their jacket, pack their bag and fuck off to another cricket club.

Once you let the loony left all over you, you will never get rid of them.

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58 minutes ago, The Beast said:

This fiasco is wholly self inflicted by Yorkshire County cricket club.

The President should have made a public statement saying if people don't like it they should get their jacket, pack their bag and fuck off to another cricket club.

Once you let the loony left all over you, you will never get rid of them.

Our old family GP had the same surname as the subject of this nom. As a child, I was apt to call him Dr Rafiki like the character from The Lion King.

Which is ironic, because after misdiagnosing my grandmother's breast cancer, I'd have much rather been submitted to the tender mercies of a baboon who shoves his fingers up his arse and draws pictures of lion cubs in shit.

He'd certainly have smelled better.

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