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Misti Leitz

Uncle Meatus

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5 hours ago, Dead Penelope said:

How anyone can lower temselves to having a laugh with a total fuckwit like Billy is beyond me.

Who rattled your bellend?

Poking your huge appendage into other members discourse as usual. 
I suggest you pay more attention to your spelling and less to other peoples conversations, you weird old freak.

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25 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Who rattled your bellend?

Poking your huge appendage into other members discourse as usual. 
I suggest you pay more attention to your spelling and less to other peoples conversations, you weird old freak.

👍 You tell the old bag of recycled womble's piss.

Hiya King Billy, Love ProfB xxx

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2 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

A few weeks ago I walked into a local pharmacy to find a fortyish unmasked man haranguing a 19 year old shop assistant who had the temerity to ask him to leave the premises.

A few weeks ago? When no one in England was mandated to wear a face nappy in a pharmacy or anywhere else? Either your local pharmacy is in Wales, you’ve made this story up,  (something you’ve accused me of) in an unsuccessful  attempt to make your finger wagging lecture a bit less boring, or the customer was entirely within his rights to expect to enter the pharmacy without some purple haired, virtue signalling, teenage idiot throwing her shit covered love eggs out of her rainbow coloured pram, and no doubt taking a month off work afterwards due to the trauma and damage caused to her mental health.

Poor little snowflake. I do hope she’ll recover from such a horrific ordeal in time for Christmas (if it ever happened).

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10 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Being jabbed to the hilt may be an explanation as to why you aren't "the slightest bit bothered about the latest variant",

If you could just pull your head out of your arse for a minute or two and try to keep up, I’ll repeat it again. I have not and will not be partaking of any of the experimental mRNA vaccinations, which are still approved  for ‘emergency use only’. Describing me as ‘jabbed to the hilt’ when it’s patently obvious that I believe they aren’t proven to be safe and also totally unnecessary for healthy people under a certain age, simply because I’ve been  abroad twice in the last few months and therefore 2+2 = jabbed to the hilt, according to the quantum computer you actually appear to believe resides inside your head. 
I know it’s a bit of a crazy thing to ask you but here goes anyway.

Have you ever seriously considered the possibility that you don’t know everything?



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7 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Gosh, someone using satire to further a false narrative - who'd a thought it. The Fringe and Footlights beckon. :rolleyes:

Sorry Ginge, RK has you bang to rights. Leave KB to his tin foil rants and spare us your pointless essays trying to put him right. Your idea of right of course. He’s incapable of listening to reason especially from someone who thinks it’s ok to flash their growler on the internet. 

Besides, @Eddieis waiting for his jerk breadfruit and can of Red Stripe- get to it.

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5 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

. Leave KB to his tin foil rants

Normally, upon reading such a blatant defamation of my character I would immediately instruct my team of crack lawyers to start litigation proceedings against you.

But as there seems to be a general consensus that I’m far from normal, I’ll let it go this time Stubbers, as you’re on my list of ‘non lizard people’ which I’ve been compiling for a few years now, in case I don’t make it through to the other side when the apocalypse rolls into town.

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3 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Normally, upon reading such a blatant defamation of my character I would immediately instruct my team of crack lawyers to start litigation proceedings against you.

But as there seems to be a general consensus that I’m far from normal, I’ll let it go this time Stubbers, as you’re on my list of ‘non lizard people’ which I’ve been compiling for a few years now, in case I don’t make it through to the other side when the apocalypse rolls into town.

Fear not billiam, we all know you’re fucking mental. However, I for one would be willing to look past this in the event to global catastrophe and hunker in your bunker.

Only for @Ape™️s supply of beans of course.

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2 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Fear not billiam, we all know you’re fucking mental. However, I for one would be willing to look past this in the event to global catastrophe and hunker in your bunker.

Only for @Ape™️s supply of beans of course.

You’re always welcome Stubbs, but if you roll up and you’ve got a mask on, you can fuck right off. Eric won’t stand for any of that shit mate, unless he finds a bag of pills when he’s frisking you. In which case hell confiscate them and let you in, but he’ll be keeping an eye on you mate. 

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2 minutes ago, King Billy said:

You’re always welcome Stubbs, but if you roll up and you’ve got a mask on, you can fuck right off. Eric won’t stand for any of that shit mate, unless he finds a bag of pills when he’s frisking you. In which case hell confiscate them and let you in, but he’ll be keeping an eye on you mate. 

Well, if that cunts going to be there I’ll take me chances with the lizard people, Covid zombies and alien anal probing.

He never stands his round.

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12 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

however mask-wearing is mandated not for your protection but for fellow citizens you come in contact with

Fair enough. What a fool I’ve been, not listening to the smart people who’ve been telling us all to wear masks to protect everyone else for nearly two years now.

Smart people, such as the motley collection of so called world leaders at the G7 circle jerk in Cornwall this summer, virtuously posing for the photo op with their lifesaving masks on, and then all hugging in large groups and shaking hands an hour later, without a mask in sight (apart from the little people waiting on them,  and the security personnel protecting their sorry arses), when they thought their charade was out of public view and not necessary any more?
Or the entire Labour Party front bench partying away at their conference,  days after faking outrage in the commons, pointing at the maskless Tories on the opposite benches?

Or the MOBO awards last night where masks were nowhere to be observed, and the same virtue signallers who daily pontificate on Twitter to the idiots who don’t do as they’re told?

Or Dr. Hillary preaching to the gullible twats who tune in to GMB and then being snapped shopping without  a you know what on?

I could go on but I think you get the point I’m making, even though I’m certain you’ll just point out that I’m a thicko and that’s that.


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12 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Fair enough. What a fool I’ve been, not listening to the smart people who’ve been telling us all to wear masks to protect everyone else for nearly two years now.

Smart people, such as the motley collection of so called world leaders at the G7 circle jerk in Cornwall this summer, virtuously posing for the photo op with their lifesaving masks on, and then all hugging in large groups and shaking hands an hour later, without a mask in sight (apart from the little people waiting on them,  and the security personnel protecting their sorry arses), when they thought their charade was out of public view and not necessary any more?
Or the entire Labour Party front bench partying away at their conference,  days after faking outrage in the commons, pointing at the maskless Tories on the opposite benches?

Or the MOBO awards last night where masks were nowhere to be observed, and the same virtue signallers who daily pontificate on Twitter to the idiots who don’t do as they’re told?

Or Dr. Hillary preaching to the gullible twats who tune in to GMB and then being snapped shopping without  a you know what on?

I could go on but I think you get the point I’m making, even though I’m certain you’ll just point out that I’m a thicko and that’s that.



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Guest Parabolic Cunting
15 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Being jabbed to the hilt may be an explanation as to why you aren't "the slightest bit bothered about the latest variant", however mask-wearing is mandated not for your protection but for fellow citizens you come in contact with. The fact that you still do not understand this is a testament to your stupidity and selfishness. I suspect that behind the blarney and bluster you are actually an unpleasant piece of work in the RW.

They offer some protection for short periods of time in crowded spaces, longer term they offer very little protection. Wearing these masks all day was considered dangerous to health and a known cause of bacterial pneumonia prior to worldwide lockdowns. Now the employees of the Coop wear them for 8 hour shifts. People working in areas of viral contamination traditionally were ordered to work 2 hour shifts with 30 minute breaks whilst wearing masks for this very reason. Lower oxygen intake makes you vulnerable to the presence of bacteria and trace virus. Bacteria in your mouth, if oxygen intake is lowered, can lead to serious bodily infections, the swelling of heart muscles being a serious threat, especially if there is any tooth decay. Lower oxygen intake is also linked to anxiety / panic based disorders.

I can't say why these measures are are now being recommended, but I can say with absolute certainty that wearing masks for longer than a couple of hours should be considered a very risky proposition and the potential implications far outweigh the risks posed by a coronavirus.


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15 hours ago, Roadkill said:

But how does that effect anyone on here? This isn't a physical space. Billy can't give me covid by saying silly shit.

This was a simple case of making light of the situation despite our vastly different opinions on the subject matter. Then you swoop in and declare Billy a horrible person "in the RW" because of something he wrote in jest in response to me?

You're being a busybody. Certainly not the cut-throat Roops that I used to draw... a knitted cardigan wearing, finger wagging busybody. I mean, what would you have us do? Continue to drag out a dead argument that we've already agreed to disagree on? As you've mentioned, I have to consider this fucking virus every single day - I'd rather make fun out of it in my free time, rather than fret about it some more on here as well.

Neither of you are going to change your minds, especially due to anything said on here of all places, so why continue to snipe at each other? Especially when the arguments used have already been repeated so many times? People aren't going to back down on here like the man in the pharmacy and they're hardly as harmful anyway, so why prolong the misery?

Well, now we are going in circles yet your premise remains the same - KB can continue to rant but you tut-tut when I respond. Witness his next four posts to me without a pearl-clutching censure from you. Looks like selective busy bodying  to me...

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If I didn't know any better I'd say I have been squatting rent-free in someone's head last night...

15 hours ago, King Billy said:



14 hours ago, King Billy said:

A few weeks ago? When no one in England was mandated to wear a face nappy in a pharmacy or anywhere else? Either your local pharmacy is in Wales, you’ve made this story up,  (something you’ve accused me of) in an unsuccessful  attempt to make your finger wagging lecture a bit less boring, or the customer was entirely within his rights to expect to enter the pharmacy without some purple haired, virtue signalling, teenage idiot throwing her shit covered love eggs out of her rainbow coloured pram, and no doubt taking a month off work afterwards due to the trauma and damage caused to her mental health.

Poor little snowflake. I do hope she’ll recover from such a horrific ordeal in time for Christmas (if it ever happened).

Constituent countries that make up the British Union have different rules and regs. The personal anecdote is true but its rather telling your post is riddled with the usual misogynistic tropes as befitting your unpleasant nature. The pharmacy in question had three posters fixed to the shop front, one centrally placed on the door entrance window pane set at eye level and two larger posters in window displays at either side. All posters explicitly stated that customers entering the premises be suitably masked. The teenager (no purple hair, no virtue signalling, no shit-covered love eggs, no rainbow pram, no idea as to her monthly cycles - I didn't ask, sorry) was simply doing her job and was placed in an invidious position by her employer who was hiding in the dispensary. As an alleged business owner you will know that businesses can decide on who may enter and who may not. In all likelihood the dance hall that you allegedly once owned would have enforced a dress code.

14 hours ago, King Billy said:

If you could just pull your head out of your arse for a minute or two and try to keep up, I’ll repeat it again. I have not and will not be partaking of any of the experimental mRNA vaccinations, which are still approved  for ‘emergency use only’. Describing me as ‘jabbed to the hilt’ when it’s patently obvious that I believe they aren’t proven to be safe and also totally unnecessary for healthy people under a certain age, simply because I’ve been  abroad twice in the last few months and therefore 2+2 = jabbed to the hilt, according to the quantum computer you actually appear to believe resides inside your head. 
I know it’s a bit of a crazy thing to ask you but here goes anyway.

Have you ever seriously considered the possibility that you don’t know everything?



The AZ jab, whilst a mRNA vaccine, uses ChAdOx1 technology which was developed more than a decade ago. It has been successfully employed in treating influenza and MERS which is another type of coronavirus. Its newish but hardly "experimental". Back to you professor.

11 hours ago, King Billy said:

Fair enough. What a fool I’ve been, not listening to the smart people who’ve been telling us all to wear masks to protect everyone else for nearly two years now.

Smart people, such as the motley collection of so called world leaders at the G7 circle jerk in Cornwall this summer, virtuously posing for the photo op with their lifesaving masks on, and then all hugging in large groups and shaking hands an hour later, without a mask in sight (apart from the little people waiting on them,  and the security personnel protecting their sorry arses), when they thought their charade was out of public view and not necessary any more?
Or the entire Labour Party front bench partying away at their conference,  days after faking outrage in the commons, pointing at the maskless Tories on the opposite benches?

Or the MOBO awards last night where masks were nowhere to be observed, and the same virtue signallers who daily pontificate on Twitter to the idiots who don’t do as they’re told?

Or Dr. Hillary preaching to the gullible twats who tune in to GMB and then being snapped shopping without  a you know what on?

I could go on but I think you get the point I’m making, even though I’m certain you’ll just point out that I’m a thicko and that’s that.


For once I sorta agree with you, the optics look terrible though I'd imagine the G7 had some sort of world leader bubble going on. Of course that only works if a world leader doesn't cover up a positive covid test prior to a televised event...

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50 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Well, now we are going in circles yet your premise remains the same - KB can continue to rant but you tut-tut when I respond. Witness his next four posts to me without a pearl-clutching censure from you. Looks like selective busy bodying  to me...

Why would I try and stop him at this point?

I'm not a moderator and you're the one who set him off on this thread.

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9 hours ago, Parabolic Cunting said:

They offer some protection for short periods of time in crowded spaces, longer term they offer very little protection. Wearing these masks all day was considered dangerous to health and a known cause of bacterial pneumonia prior to worldwide lockdowns. Now the employees of the Coop wear them for 8 hour shifts. People working in areas of viral contamination traditionally were ordered to work 2 hour shifts with 30 minute breaks whilst wearing masks for this very reason. Lower oxygen intake makes you vulnerable to the presence of bacteria and trace virus. Bacteria in your mouth, if oxygen intake is lowered, can lead to serious bodily infections, the swelling of heart muscles being a serious threat, especially if there is any tooth decay. Lower oxygen intake is also linked to anxiety / panic based disorders.

I can't say why these measures are are now being recommended, but I can say with absolute certainty that wearing masks for longer than a couple of hours should be considered a very risky proposition and the potential implications far outweigh the risks posed by a coronavirus.

There's no doubting you write well but this mish-mash of risible pseudo-science was doing the social media rounds early last year and has since been debunked to death. The words 'dead meat' and 'flapping in the wind' spring to mind.

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30 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Quite, Mavis. You'd be best reorganising your doily drawer...

Ooh. I see what's happening here. 

Smarting about the "knitted cardigan wearing busybody" comment, aren't you?


1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

Well, now we are going in circles yet your premise remains the same - KB can continue to rant but you tut-tut when I respond. Witness his next four posts to me without a pearl-clutching censure from you. Looks like selective busy bodying  to me...

How come "busybody", of all the horrible things you get called on here almost daily, seems to be a focusing point for you?


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1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

The AZ jab, whilst a mRNA vaccine, uses ChAdOx1 technology which was developed more than a decade ago. It has been successfully employed in treating influenza and MERS which is another type of coronavirus. Its newish but hardly "experimental". Back to you professor.


Correct, the delivery systems are not new, the mRNA technology dates back to late 80's. 

These current injections are erroneously given the nomenclature of vaccine, when it reality they are cytotoxic short term prophylactics.

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5 minutes ago, The Beast said:

Correct, the delivery systems are not new, the mRNA technology dates back to late 80's. 

These current injections are erroneously given the nomenclature of vaccine, when it reality they are cytotoxic short term prophylactics.

Why do you think they called them "vaccines" in the fist place? Knee-jerk response for damage control on a virus that the media was happy pushing as the end times in the early days, maybe? Or simply no confidence in the public to understand the difference?

Either way it seems quite counter productive to lessening the spread - still tons of people who seem to think they simply can't catch or transmit the virus after they're jabbed and there's never really been that much of an effort to tell them otherwise.

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I wonder if during the Black Death similar debates were going on amongst the learned and the wise.




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Just now, Decimus said:

I wonder if during the Black Death similar debates were going on amongst the learned and the wise.




Apparently some areas thought tobacco smoke worked as a filter for the "miasma" (bad air). Any child not smoking a pipe got a smack, so if anything Big Tobacco got the biggest slice of the cake.

Same shit, different century:


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