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300,000 druggies

Stubby Pecker

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The governments new plan to sort out the fucked up druggies and it’s associated crime and violence has to be applauded, if they really mean it stick to it until it works.

However, I’ve got a fucking better one; approx 300k druggies in England and Wales (no doubt a higher % of the population in Scotland) are responsible for half the murders and half the crime. Taking every single one out and shooting the cunts between the eyes would half the crime rate, immediately put dealers out of business, save countless millions on rehabilitation, healthcare and benefits scrounges. Add to that 600k alcoholics and we’d save a fucking shed load and have empty hospitals and coppers free to catch illegal abos and paedos.

Its a no brainer 

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2 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

The governments new plan to sort out the fucked up druggies and it’s associated crime and violence has to be applauded, if they really mean it stick to it until it works.

However, I’ve got a fucking better one; approx 300k druggies in England and Wales (no doubt a higher % of the population in Scotland) are responsible for half the murders and half the crime. Taking every single one out and shooting the cunts between the eyes would half the crime rate, immediately put dealers out of business, save countless millions on rehabilitation, healthcare and benefits scrounges. Add to that 600k alcoholics and we’d save a fucking shed load and have empty hospitals and coppers free to catch illegal abos and paedos.

Its a no brainer 

That's one thing the chinks have right. 

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Guest Parabolic Cunting
8 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

The governments new plan to sort out the fucked up druggies and it’s associated crime and violence has to be applauded, if they really mean it stick to it until it works.

However, I’ve got a fucking better one; approx 300k druggies in England and Wales (no doubt a higher % of the population in Scotland) are responsible for half the murders and half the crime. Taking every single one out and shooting the cunts between the eyes would half the crime rate, immediately put dealers out of business, save countless millions on rehabilitation, healthcare and benefits scrounges. Add to that 600k alcoholics and we’d save a fucking shed load and have empty hospitals and coppers free to catch illegal abos and paedos.

Its a no brainer 

I like this plan. I have limited sympathy with any of these collapsed cunts. You would have thought some of them might have heard something bad about heroin by now. Can't shoot them though, waste of good ammunition. I suggest one stadium and we put supervised HMP Wakefield prisoners to good use. 

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Just now, Stubby Pecker said:


The chinks have a massive heroin problem with over 2.5 addicts with the stuff coming over the border from Burma. A growing AIDS and hepatitis problem. Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of cunts.

They've been filthy little druggies ever since we made them our opium whores in the 19th century. Starving them to death and making them all forge steel in their back garden never really stopped them chasing the dragon, just momentarily distracted them.

Saying that, if my entire value and access to society was mandated via a mobile phone app and I had to eat dog seasoned in gutter oil for dinner every day, I'd probably turn to hard drugs too.

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3 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

They've been filthy little druggies ever since we made them our opium whores in the 19th century. Starving them to death and making them all forge steel in their back garden never really stopped them chasing the dragon, just momentarily distracted them.

Saying that, if my entire value and access to society was mandated via a mobile phone app and I had to eat dog seasoned in gutter oil for dinner every day, I'd probably turn to hard drugs too.

The government could auction off 10 druggies at a time to be killed in hilariously funny ways. A GPMG with 1000 rounds and 50 yards would be an ideal ways to rid society of a few of these grotty thieving fucking cunts.

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15 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:


The chinks have a massive heroin problem with over 2.5 addicts with the stuff coming over the border from Burma. A growing AIDS and hepatitis problem. Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of cunts.

The illuminous celestial cunts have been hooked on the brown for years. We thrashed them silly during the opium wars because they had the absolute audacity to turn down our smack, and they've been chasing the dragon like Saint fucking George ever since.

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15 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

They've been filthy little druggies ever since we made them our opium whores in the 19th century. Starving them to death and making them all forge steel in their back garden never really stopped them chasing the dragon, just momentarily distracted them.

Saying that, if my entire value and access to society was mandated via a mobile phone app and I had to eat dog seasoned in gutter oil for dinner every day, I'd probably turn to hard drugs too.

Fuck me, how did your post about dragon chasing and opium wars not appear as a "new reply" whilst I was typing out my response to Stubby?

Proper, you've got some fucking explaining to do, you've made me look a right cunt.

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Just now, Decimus said:

Fuck me, how did your post  about dragon chasing and opium wars not appear as a "new reply" whilst I was typing out my response to Stubby?

Proper, you've got some fucking explaining to do, you've made me look a right cunt.

"Every cunting worthy of note, is a cunting worthy of repeating"

Sun Tzu

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1 minute ago, Decimus said:

Fuck me, how did your post  about dragon chasing and opium wars not appear as a "new reply" whilst I was typing out my response to Stubby?

Proper, you've got some fucking explaining to do, you've made me look a right cunt.

There’s clearly a time warp between the civilized parts of the UK and your hick eastern backwater.

By rights you should be able to out type us with all those extra, albeit webbed, digits 

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6 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

By rights you should be able to out type us with all those extra, albeit webbed, digits 

3 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

... trying to get a stiffy and build be the courage of fuck it. 

There appears to be something sticking your fingers together, and if it's not webbing I've got a sneaking suspicion what it might be.

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39 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Fuck me, how did your post about dragon chasing and opium wars not appear as a "new reply" whilst I was typing out my response to Stubby?

Proper, you've got some fucking explaining to do, you've made me look a right cunt.

My fucking "likes" have been empty all day only to suddenly appear all at once, too. Place is falling apart.

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Guest judgetwi

I don’t get it. All you wankers are always bragging about your drug use and your “edgy lifestyles”, how hard you are etc etc. Suddenly you have all turned into Mary fucking Whitehouse. 

I wonder if the King of Fakes, Mr Roops can take his pretty little dress off and help me out here? 

No. I don’t think so.

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2 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

The government could auction off 10 druggies at a time to be killed in hilariously funny ways. A GPMG with 1000 rounds and 50 yards would be an ideal ways to rid society of a few of these grotty thieving fucking cunts.

Just send them all back on the train to their natural habitat. Scotland.

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