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The Conspiracy The Bacofoil Brigade Don't Like To Talk About

Mrs Roops

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8 hours ago, King Billy said:

Lots of everyday essentials are in short supply recently, not just eggs. Oh yes here’s one that springs to mind.

Astra Zeneca… the best experimental ‘unsafe and ineffective’ so called vaccine in the world (if you can still find it anywhere). Probably. 🤣💉👋

The AZ vaccine is still administered in countries which have a less robust health delivery system where storage and distribution is more problematic. Never mind Muggsy, one day you'll get something right even if only on the broken clock principle.

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15 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

The AZ vaccine is still administered in countries which have a less robust health delivery system where storage and distribution is more problematic.

Do you mean impoverished ‘third world’ countries such as Switzerland perhaps?

That would certainly explain Switzerlands previously unreported lack of a ‘robust health delivery system’, and as if that wasn’t enough of a surprise for the broken clock brigade, the revelation that they apparently also have problems with ‘storage and distribution’.

That explains perfectly then why Switzerland is now only authorising any ‘totally safe and totally effective’ Covid19 vaccine if the doctor deems it necessary in individual cases 🤔 and then with the caveat that the doctor then bears liability for any damage that the vaccine causes to the patient

But what do I know Mrs Big Brain? I should have realised all along that storage and distribution were the real problem. 
You really should have stayed dead because it’s not going to be as much fun killing you again.

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14 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

The AZ vaccine is still administered in countries which have a less robust health delivery system where storage and distribution is more problematic. Never mind Muggsy, one day you'll get something right even if only on the broken clock principle.

Most likely stock that has had its expiry date extended after stability tests. Not uncommon for pharmaceutical products to have an extended expiry date. If it is stable, it will still have its desired effectiveness. If it has degraded it is unlikely to be toxic, just ineffective.

My advice to all remains unchanged. Stay away from these poisons. No good will come from taking them, only harms.

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1 hour ago, The Beast said:

Most likely stock that has had its expiry date extended after stability tests. Not uncommon for pharmaceutical products to have an extended expiry date. If it is stable, it will still have its desired effectiveness. If it has degraded it is unlikely to be toxic, just ineffective.

My advice to all remains unchanged. Stay away from these poisons. No good will come from taking them, only harms.

As the AZ poison has proved to be not only ineffective but also highly toxic on a scale far exceeding any actual vaccines in history, it’s hardly surprising that it’s been consigned to history by the two bob crooks and their paid puppets, who not so long ago were gleefully promoting it and demonizing anyone who questioned it.

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23 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

The AZ vaccine is still administered in countries which have a less robust health delivery system where storage and distribution is more problematic. Never mind Muggsy, one day you'll get something right even if only on the broken clock principle.

I was seeing this older bird a year or so ago and she said the Astra Zeneca 'vaccine' made her periods severe. When you factor in the heart attacks and other injuries caused by these 'vaccines' (for a virus with flu like symptoms) why the hell do you defend them so much? Why are there so many adverse side effects to these 'vaccines' that have had no long term testing? It was clear that if you scare the sheep enough they'll accept any old shit via a needle, and as for the 'I got 'vaccinated' because I wanted to go on holiday' cunts, I want them all dead. We all know you have shares in Pfizer, but why are you still promoting these 'vaccines' when the whole embarrassing 'pandemic' is over? I suspect you loved the excitement of it all, and miss talking about your vaccine plans over your Prosecco lunches with Saskia and Gertrude. Lol.

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12 hours ago, King Billy said:

Do you mean impoverished ‘third world’ countries such as Switzerland perhaps?

That would certainly explain Switzerlands previously unreported lack of a ‘robust health delivery system’, and as if that wasn’t enough of a surprise for the broken clock brigade, the revelation that they apparently also have problems with ‘storage and distribution’.

That explains perfectly then why Switzerland is now only authorising any ‘totally safe and totally effective’ Covid19 vaccine if the doctor deems it necessary in individual cases 🤔 and then with the caveat that the doctor then bears liability for any damage that the vaccine causes to the patient

But what do I know Mrs Big Brain? I should have realised all along that storage and distribution were the real problem. 
You really should have stayed dead because it’s not going to be as much fun killing you again.

No need to become hysterical, Muggsy. Your facetious and disingenuous rant is making you look unhinged.

In fact the Swiss govt have halted national vaccination roll-outs on the basis that "nearly everyone" in Switzerland has been vaccinated and/or contracted and recovered from Covid-19. The Swiss are assuming there is now herd immunity, the virus will likely circulate less and in any case, recent variants have produced milder outcomes.

Swiss Govt Document

As I intimated previously, one day you'll eventually get something right, just not this time...


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50 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I was seeing this older bird a year or so ago and she said the Astra Zeneca 'vaccine' made her periods severe. When you factor in the heart attacks and other injuries caused by these 'vaccines' (for a virus with flu like symptoms) why the hell do you defend them so much? Why are there so many adverse side effects to these 'vaccines' that have had no long term testing? It was clear that if you scare the sheep enough they'll accept any old shit via a needle, and as for the 'I got 'vaccinated' because I wanted to go on holiday' cunts, I want them all dead. We all know you have shares in Pfizer, but why are you still promoting these 'vaccines' when the whole embarrassing 'pandemic' is over? I suspect you loved the excitement of it all, and miss talking about your vaccine plans over your Prosecco lunches with Saskia and Gertrude. Lol.

We've covered the non-story about periods before...

On 03/08/2022 at 10:28, Mrs Roops said:

Unsurprisingly you provide neither a corroborative link nor context. The lack of link may have something to do with you gleaning the story from the New York Times which two hours previously you denounced as a comic. So which is it, Billy - a factually based daily newspaper of repute or a comic? You seem to change the narrative by the minute depending on what ever risible rubbish you wish to promulgate.

As for the context you omit to mention that the university researchers had invited anyone between 18-80 (yes, up to 80 years old, women who were beyond the menopause as well as people who identified as women) who had a covid/menses story to tell and therefore were more likely to participate. This means that there was no control group for the researchers to draw any meaningful and certainly not any scientific conclusions. They did conclude that any effects dissipated within a couple months.

As an aside I believe this is the report the news article refers to though I am not 100% sure. I mention this as the survey included Novavax which as I recall is the official King Billy recommended vaccine for reasons that include "not funded by Bill Gates" (incorrect by $473 million) and that the technology uses a more "traditional" method of delivery. Jeeze, one couldn't make this up...oh wait, you just did.

Covid-19 Vaccines Temporarily Affected Periods, Study Shows - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

Define "so many".

Why are you revisiting baseless anti-vax stories? You need to step out of your lonely echo chamber. Seeing an older bird indeed...:rolleyes:

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1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

Seeing an older bird indeed...

I thought older birds like yourself would be grateful young stallions like myself take an interest. 


1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

Why are you revisiting baseless anti-vax stories?

Well that's rich coming from an 'I'm never wrong, won't admit when I'm wrong' woman who has written a recent nomination stoking up all the anti/pro vaccination debate we all thought was thankfully over. You really are fucking unbearable. Lol

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4 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I thought older birds like yourself would be grateful young stallions like myself take an interest. 

Young stallion? Get away, you write like any other middle-aged Corner fart with an expired yet unopened blister pack of blue pills in his back pocket.

4 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Well that's rich coming from an 'I'm never wrong, won't admit when I'm wrong' woman who has written a recent nomination stoking up all the anti/pro vaccination debate we all thought was thankfully over. You really are fucking unbearable. Lol

Colour me incredulous but isn't your own POV equally intractable? Sounds like double standards to me.

Anyway what "anti/pro vaccination debate" nomination are you referring to? Blithering idiot.

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2 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Young stallion? Get away, you write like any other middle-aged Corner fart with an expired yet unopened blister pack of blue pills in his back pocket.

Colour me incredulous but isn't your own POV equally intractable? Sounds like double standards to me.

Anyway what "anti/pro vaccination debate" nomination are you referring to? Blithering idiot.


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23 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Was her submission move the "Toxic Shock"?


I'll tell you what Cuntybaws, she was a  tasty older woman but what made me walk away happened on the last night I spent with her. I had my finger down there @Dyslexic cnut style and was getting ready to go down and have a taste... Only to bring said finger up to smell for fishiness before committing (a good old trick, that potentially saves a lot of disgust) and it smelt of yeasty weird shite. Thank God I checked the old digit... I pretended to be ill and busy with work for two or so weeks afterwards and dumped her. She was quadruple vaccinated (worked in the NHS) Fucking hell, those vaccines have a lot to answer for. 

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2 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Young stallion? Get away, you write like any other middle-aged Corner fart with an expired yet unopened blister pack of blue pills in his back pocket.

Colour me incredulous but isn't your own POV equally intractable? Sounds like double standards to me.

Anyway what "anti/pro vaccination debate" nomination are you referring to? Blithering idiot.

There's no need for personal attacks Mrs Roops, I'm in my prime and I bet you'd give me a second look if passing me on the street. I've always been courteous and respectful to you (even admired your pictures etc) yet you've clearly taken my kindness for weakness... well, no more Mr nice Raas. I won't bother responding to your question either, everybody has had to put up with your stubbornness and last word requirements for the last two years. If you can't work it out what I'm saying then try again. I remember someone saying the Welsh have to have the last word, so go on then, have it.  

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9 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

We've covered the non-story about periods before...

Define "so many".

Why are you revisiting baseless anti-vax stories? You need to step out of your lonely echo chamber. Seeing an older bird indeed...:rolleyes:

The data doesn’t say , so it ain’t happening… keep sticking to the safe and effective narrative, we must because we put the entire farm on it.

Meanwhile, in the real World, away from the black and white spreadsheet, people are experiencing different outcomes.

I know death happens, I have seen many tragedies in my 30 years of clinical practice. As well, as my Son’s injury from these injections, my 50 year old neighbour’s fatal collapse whilst jogging due to pulmonary embolism last August, he was not on regular medications, fit and well, running two to three times a week for years, I can now add my 51 year old brother-in-law, no regular medications normotensive and a regular runner who collapsed and died today. 

You make me want to vomit.


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24 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

I'm sure she would, but there again, she would probably look twice at a pile of dogshit, to make sure she didn't step in it.

A second look is a look all the same. I've got to say Withers, you really are a miserable old fucker aren't you. Lol. Cheer the fuck up man, it's good to be alive. 

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2 minutes ago, The Beast said:

The data doesn’t say , so it ain’t happening… keep sticking to the safe and effective narrative, we must because we put the entire farm on it.

Meanwhile, in the real World, away from the black and white spreadsheet, people are experiencing different outcomes.

I know death happens, I have seen many tragedies in my 30 years of clinical practice. As well, as my Son’s injury from these injections, my 50 year old neighbour’s fatal collapse whilst jogging due to pulmonary embolism last August, he was not on regular medications, fit and well, running two to three times a week for years, I can now add my 51 year old brother-in-law, no regular medications normotensive and a regular runner who collapsed and died today. 

You make me want to vomit.


I never did end up putting that filthy shit in my veins, Proper, and I'm still as fit as a fiddle despite catching "The World's Worst Case of The Sniffles" twice.

All joking aside, the empirical evidence would seem to suggest that a strict regimen of coke, MDMA, cigs and wine should have been prescribed to the masses. Some of those with weaker constitutions may have whitied within an hour, but it certainly would have livened the fucking country up when it was time to clap for the murdering and useless cunts in white coats for a minute every Wednesday.

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19 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I never did end up putting that filthy shit in my veins, Proper, and I'm still as fit as a fiddle despite catching "The World's Worst Case of The Sniffles" twice.

All joking aside, the empirical evidence would seem to suggest that a strict regimen of coke, MDMA, cigs and wine should have been prescribed to the masses. Some of those with weaker constitutions may have whitied within an hour, but it certainly would have livened the fucking country up when it was time to clap for the murdering and useless cunts in white coats for a minute every Wednesday.

It seems that way. I’ve been chugging ‘Cheech & Chong’ sized doobies for the last 3 years and my lungs are healthier than the bellows on a cathedral pipe organ.

although I weigh 42 stone, never bathe and haven’t left the house for 2 and a half years.

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1 hour ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

...getting ready to go down and have a taste... 

I don't know if anyone has ever conducted a survey of male gynaecologists to find out what percentage would consider cunnilingus on an unvetted clam, but I suspect the answer would be very close to zero. Lucky for women that most blokes are not so well informed, less fussy, and usually a lot drunker.

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23 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

...You really are fucking unbearable. Lol


15 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

There's no need for personal attacks Mrs Roops,...I've always been courteous and respectful to you...

More double standards...and you can whistle Dixie on the last word accusation, usually espoused by last word merchants who can't provide a valid argument. 

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9 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:


More double standards...and you can whistle Dixie on the last word accusation, usually espoused by last word merchants who can't provide a valid argument. 

Good morning Mrs Roops, thanks for proving my point. Lol. 

Anyways, I'm decorating my flat today, got the Tele on in the background and I've got to say that older bird Gaby Roslin is a bit tasty. 58 years old, great body and would appreciate a young stallion like me. Are you of a similar age to her? 

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1 minute ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Good morning Mrs Roops, thanks for proving my point. Lol. 

Anyways, I'm decorating my flat today, got the Tele on in the background and I've got to say that older bird Gaby Roslin is a bit tasty. 58 years old, great body and would appreciate a young stallion like me. 

Don’t bother Raaso. Fingered it, late 80’s. Stale pungent clout and I lost two sovereign rings, a wristwatch and a set of cuff links.

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14 hours ago, The Beast said:

The data doesn’t say , so it ain’t happening… keep sticking to the safe and effective narrative, we must because we put the entire farm on it.

Meanwhile, in the real World, away from the black and white spreadsheet, people are experiencing different outcomes.

I know death happens, I have seen many tragedies in my 30 years of clinical practice. As well, as my Son’s injury from these injections, my 50 year old neighbour’s fatal collapse whilst jogging due to pulmonary embolism last August, he was not on regular medications, fit and well, running two to three times a week for years, I can now add my 51 year old brother-in-law, no regular medications normotensive and a regular runner who collapsed and died today. 

You make me want to vomit.


Whilst I'm sorry to read of your son's injuries and the passing away of the next door neighbour and your brother-in-law I would contend that in the real world public health decisions are made on the findings of assimilated data and not by personal anecdotes and guesswork. You're gonna need a larger sick bag.

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4 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Good morning Mrs Roops, thanks for proving my point. Lol. 

Anyways, I'm decorating my flat today, got the Tele on in the background and I've got to say that older bird Gaby Roslin is a bit tasty. 58 years old, great body and would appreciate a young stallion like me. 

Yeah, a straw-man assertion followed by deflections doesn't really help you :rolleyes:

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